Playing politics during COVID 2020: USS Comfort

I’m just pointing out the discrepancy between both parties during the pandemic. Between the the two,,why would one trust Democrats in the next pandemic over the Republicans?

Why would anyone trust the Republicans over the Democrats either?
Discrepancies there might be, but probably mostly due to luck, both parties are into politics, rather than effective running of the country.
In my opinion as an unbiased Canadian, there's little doubt that the Demonrats played politics on Covid, nearly as much as the reubs did.

Let's not let this topic go batshit crazy with wild theories that the Dems purposely spread Covid!
Damn, you're dumb as dog shit.
Why would anyone trust the Republicans over the Democrats either?
Discrepancies there might be, but probably mostly due to luck, both parties are into politics, rather than effective running of the country.
During the pandemic, Republicans were consistent and not hypocritical. Republicans did not shut down hair stylists yet schedule private appointments for themselves. Republicans didn’t tell people no funerals, weddings,,and church services while encouraging mass protests with people standing side by side.
During the pandemic, Republicans were consistent and not hypocritical. Republicans did not shut down hair stylists yet schedule private appointments for themselves. Republicans didn’t tell people no funerals, weddings,,and church services while encouraging mass protests with people standing side by side.

Oh, they were "consistent" and "not hypocritical" were they?
They also got people killed.
A who's who of Republicans states is a list of the states with the most deaths.

But they were "consistent", apparently. I doubt they were, I doubt you've put enough energy into even seeing if this is the case or not.
Oh, they were "consistent" and "not hypocritical" were they?
They also got people killed.
A who's who of Republicans states is a list of the states with the most deaths.

But they were "consistent", apparently. I doubt they were, I doubt you've put enough energy into even seeing if this is the case or not.
60+ years olds with pre-existing conditions.
Oh, they were "consistent" and "not hypocritical" were they?
They also got people killed.
A who's who of Republicans states is a list of the states with the most deaths.

But they were "consistent", apparently. I doubt they were, I doubt you've put enough energy into even seeing if this is the case or not.
You believe Republicans are to blame for COVID? You believe it was their COVID policies solely that got people killed? You are shifting the argument. Democrats put politics above people….. you don’t think that got people killed? Turning down the USS Comfort out of spite for the President helped people, how?
You believe Republicans are to blame for COVID? You believe it was their COVID policies solely that got people killed? You are shifting the argument. Democrats put politics above people….. you don’t think that got people killed? Turning down the USS Comfort out of spite for the President helped people, how?

No, Republicans aren't to blame for Covid. It came from China, not many Republicans in China.
Yes, I KNOW Republican policies got more people killed, because the statistics SAY that this is the case.
There might be a multitude of issues around why more people died in die hard Republican areas, because people have been taught to have an attitude that mistrusts everything, because they're less healthy, because they're less likely to care.

Democrats put politics above people, and Republicans put politics above people.
With the coronavirus people were going to die.

But in Vermont people were 3.5 times less likely to die of the coronavirus than people in Arizona. Perhaps there are more old people in Arizona. But then Oklahoma, Mississippi, West Virginia also had a 3.5 times higher rate of dying. They're not typical retirement states.

The first problem I think you have when discussing this, is that you're thinking of things in black and white. Either Reps or Dems must have got it wrong, and the other must have got it right.

It depends on how you look at it. If you think freedom is the most important, then you can look at Republicans and say "hey, they tried to keep everything free". If you think protecting people's lives is the most important then you can look at Democrats and say "hey, they tried to keep people alive".

Either way, it's a matter of OPINION.
However what isn't a matter of opinion is that both the Reps and Dems are corrupt, they both play a ridiculous game of politics that often ignores reality. Sure, there are some who are more into reality than others. You can paint them all the same, there will be sensible Rep and Dem politicians and absolute game players who look at everything through the eye of "if I do this, how will I look?"
But in general, the US is a place of two parties and no more (which is fucking retarded) and both parties attract people who play the game.
No, Republicans aren't to blame for Covid. It came from China, not many Republicans in China.
Yes, I KNOW Republican policies got more people killed, because the statistics SAY that this is the case.
There might be a multitude of issues around why more people died in die hard Republican areas, because people have been taught to have an attitude that mistrusts everything, because they're less healthy, because they're less likely to care.

Democrats put politics above people, and Republicans put politics above people.
With the coronavirus people were going to die.

But in Vermont people were 3.5 times less likely to die of the coronavirus than people in Arizona. Perhaps there are more old people in Arizona. But then Oklahoma, Mississippi, West Virginia also had a 3.5 times higher rate of dying. They're not typical retirement states.

The first problem I think you have when discussing this, is that you're thinking of things in black and white. Either Reps or Dems must have got it wrong, and the other must have got it right.

It depends on how you look at it. If you think freedom is the most important, then you can look at Republicans and say "hey, they tried to keep everything free". If you think protecting people's lives is the most important then you can look at Democrats and say "hey, they tried to keep people alive".

Either way, it's a matter of OPINION.
However what isn't a matter of opinion is that both the Reps and Dems are corrupt, they both play a ridiculous game of politics that often ignores reality. Sure, there are some who are more into reality than others. You can paint them all the same, there will be sensible Rep and Dem politicians and absolute game players who look at everything through the eye of "if I do this, how will I look?"
But in general, the US is a place of two parties and no more (which is fucking retarded) and both parties attract people who play the game.
How did Democrats try to protect people if they let the largest medical military ship sit empty? How do small businesses and church services and family gatherings cause COVID spread but protests for George Floyd do not? This was the line of thinking of Democrats. I stand by my statement that I trust them less for the next pandemic.
How did Democrats try to protect people if they let the largest medical military ship sit empty? How do small businesses and church services and family gatherings cause COVID spread but protests for George Floyd do not? This was the line of thinking of Democrats. I stand by my statement that I trust them less for the next pandemic.

You think one medical military ship is the whole of this debate?
Sure, the Democrats attempted to stifle the coronavirus and I'm sure they'd have tried to stop protests, but couldn't. Politics sometimes forces people to take a different course of action.
However, again, Democratic states had far less deaths than Republican states.
The whole thing could have been done better on both sides.

I doubt you trust the Democrats for anything. You're coming here pretending you've thought about this a lot, but even if you knew nothing about what had happened with covid, you'd still say you trust the Reps more than the Dems because.... because it's what you say. Partisans will always support their team.
The second Nancy and her merry band of leftists discovered they could use Covid to destroy Trump and rig the election every decision they made was about winning regardless of what was best for America and the American people.
Every single one of them should be rotting in federal prison including their complicit media allies.
You think one medical military ship is the whole of this debate?
Sure, the Democrats attempted to stifle the coronavirus and I'm sure they'd have tried to stop protests, but couldn't. Politics sometimes forces people to take a different course of action.
However, again, Democratic states had far less deaths than Republican states.
The whole thing could have been done better on both sides.

I doubt you trust the Democrats for anything. You're coming here pretending you've thought about this a lot, but even if you knew nothing about what had happened with covid, you'd still say you trust the Reps more than the Dems because.... because it's what you say. Partisans will always support their team.
How are you defining “Republican” states? Just because they have a Republican Governor? That doesn’t fly. In Maryland, we had a Republican governor during COVID but some of the more stringent lockdown policies and mask mandates and still had high rates of COVID. Also, Go back and look at the model you sited. It states deaths per 100,000 people.
How are you defining “Republican” states? Just because they have a Republican Governor? That doesn’t fly. In Maryland, we had a Republican governor during COVID but some of the more stringent lockdown policies and mask mandates and still had high rates of COVID. Also, Go back and look at the model you sited. It states deaths per 100,000 people.
Let's check it out:
1) Arizona. Democratic Governor. Both Senate and House Republican (by two seats each)
2) Oklahoma. All three Republican
3) Mississippi. All three Republican
4) West Virginia. All three Republican
5) New Mexico. All three Democrat
6) Alabama. All three Republican
7) Arkansas. All three Republican
8) Tennessee. All three Republican
Do you see a pattern there. Of the top 8 states for deaths due to the coronavirus, six of them are hard core Republican, one if 50/50 and the other is democrat.
There might be a multitude of issues around why more people died in die hard Republican areas,
Linkie, and don't try to play the old tired democrat "per capita" game. The fact of the matter is more people died due to missteps in WA, CA and NYC than most red states combined.
Let's check it out:
1) Arizona. Democratic Governor. Both Senate and House Republican (by two seats each)
2) Oklahoma. All three Republican
3) Mississippi. All three Republican
4) West Virginia. All three Republican
5) New Mexico. All three Democrat
6) Alabama. All three Republican
7) Arkansas. All three Republican
8) Tennessee. All three Republican
Do you see a pattern there. Of the top 8 states for deaths due to the coronavirus, six of them are hard core Republican, one if 50/50 and the other is democrat.
Coronavirus deaths in NYC alone--45.021.
Coronavirus in New York City
Let's check it out:
1) Arizona. Democratic Governor. Both Senate and House Republican (by two seats each)
2) Oklahoma. All three Republican
3) Mississippi. All three Republican
4) West Virginia. All three Republican
5) New Mexico. All three Democrat
6) Alabama. All three Republican
7) Arkansas. All three Republican
8) Tennessee. All three Republican
Do you see a pattern there. Of the top 8 states for deaths due to the coronavirus, six of them are hard core Republican, one if 50/50 and the other is democrat.
Let's check it out:
1) Arizona. Democratic Governor. Both Senate and House Republican (by two seats each)
2) Oklahoma. All three Republican
3) Mississippi. All three Republican
4) West Virginia. All three Republican
5) New Mexico. All three Democrat
6) Alabama. All three Republican
7) Arkansas. All three Republican
8) Tennessee. All three Republican
Do you see a pattern there. Of the top 8 states for deaths due to the coronavirus, six of them are hard core Republican, one if 50/50 and the other is democrat.
Now try making an argument about.

First, go look at what I posted, and see why I posted what I posted, and what the difference is between what I posted and what you've posted.

Really I shouldn't have to tell you, it's obvious why I posted what I posted.
What is obvious is most of the states with COVID cases were Democrat

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