Please don't embarrass our country Alabama.

Those daughters are probably already well used.
And some outsiders, wonder why Alabamians don't connect with their message...
If they want the rest of the country to respect them they won’t vote for Roy Moore.

But we know what these goobers will do. To defy us they’ll vote for him. They get what they deserve. Makes no difference to us. They’re all the same.

Maybe they want him to leave so sending him to Washington?
They neither crave, nor require the respect of outsiders.
In fact they’ll do the opposite just to show us how much they don’t care.

They deserve roy Moore. Hopefully this turns off voters outside Alabama
Those daughters are probably already well used.
And some outsiders, wonder why Alabamians don't connect with their message...
If they want the rest of the country to respect them they won’t vote for Roy Moore.

But we know what these goobers will do. To defy us they’ll vote for him. They get what they deserve. Makes no difference to us. They’re all the same.

Maybe they want him to leave so sending him to Washington?
They neither crave, nor require the respect of outsiders.
In fact they’ll do the opposite just to show us how much they don’t care.

They deserve roy Moore. Hopefully this turns off voters outside Alabama
Hope, is about all the Democrats are running on these days. And the tank is holding little more than fumes...
He is a lying pervert he knew none of those girls

There's no proof he did. It's a complete fabrication from the left. That's why no one believes you people on anything anymore
There is no proof on either Bill or Hillary but that has not stopped mouth breathing Jack wagons like you from screaming fairy Right wing bitch

Yeah there's DNA proof, you ignorant and irrelevant moron.

You gonna lock up either on that l you little bitch .... you are just a Trump suck up with no self worth ...there is proof of how Trump feels about women ...he says "you have to treat them like shit" ...,direct quote

Did I say I was going to lock them up moron? YOU brought them up and made a false claim. Now you are just making shit up to save face.
I don't need to save face with you... I have contempt for you and your hysterical Right wing Pussy are a Trump grabbed piece of pussy

There are people who argue that their religion calls on them to not bake a cake but to vote for child molester. To those people I say, cakes don't fuck kids.
No more media talking heads telling the voters of Alabama what they should do. It's the voters of Alabama's turn to do what they want to do.
the white voters in Alabama want to bring back slavery ...we want to bring back General Sherman for a Second March to the Sea through the South Land
Electing a bigot & accused child molester will just worsen the world
s opinion of the United States already suffering because Trump was elected President.

Like the world is not laughing enough after we elected Trump
Alabama Supreme Court Blocks Digital Ballot Preservation Requirement to Verify the Vote in Tuesday's Senate Election
Roy Moore's former colleagues stopped a lower court order demanding images of every ballot be saved.
Electing a bigot & accused child molester will just worsen the world
s opinion of the United States already suffering because Trump was elected President.

So what ticks you off more ...

The idea people may elect Roy Moore with all his baggage,
Or the idea people may prefer Roy Moore with all his baggage over a Democrat ... :dunno:

"The majority of the people in Alabama say it is time to put our decency and our state before political parties," Jones said. "It's time that we say, 'No more.' "
Electing a bigot & accused child molester will just worsen the world
s opinion of the United States already suffering because Trump was elected President.

So what ticks you off more ...

The idea people may elect Roy Moore with all his baggage,
Or the idea people may prefer Roy Moore with all his baggage over a Democrat ... :dunno:


Either way. Both would show just how ignorant most Republicans in Alabama really are.
Electing a bigot & accused child molester will just worsen the world
s opinion of the United States already suffering because Trump was elected President.
Liberals already embarrassed us worldwide. Bill Clinton and letting men in girls locker rooms. Oh and also elected a transgendered president, Obama.
There's no proof he did. It's a complete fabrication from the left. That's why no one believes you people on anything anymore
Nine women. The mall workers. The police officers. You are a lying piece of shit that would support a serial murderer if he was a bigoted asshole like you.

Yet, no proof he did anything. Got it.
We all know he’s a wolf. We had proof trump does it and u didn’t care so of course you don’t care now

Irrelevant. You have no proof against Roy Moore. None.
Same thing you said about bush lying us into Iraq and same thing you said about collusion with Russia. You’re pathetic

Irrelevant and Bush didn't lie. there is no evidence that Moore did anything and there isn't any evidence of collusion. How ironic is it that YOU call me pathetic. You are a liar.
Electing a bigot & accused child molester will just worsen the world
s opinion of the United States already suffering because Trump was elected President.
Dave, Dave, dear Dave.....every single time the GOP backs a candiates, its an embarrassment.....remember the whitch? Christine Odonnell? Rick Perry, wanting to shut down 3 agencies, he couldn't name? George Bush jr waving at Stevie Wonder? Mark the lonely guy Sanford? And we will never ever ever forget Trump who get people to lie for him, only to tweet the truth, 2 hours later??? A old white dirty ol man from Bama, a piece of cake
I doubt Alabama could embarrass us any more than they already do.
LOLOL...the poorest motherfuckers in the country, all government dependent, are GOP supporters...who hate the very gov. they all fuckin live off o!!

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