Please Pray For The Truckers

Better Russia than Biden ;) I call's em as I sees em. I hope Putin kicks Ukrainian Ass all the way back to Washington DC. were it belongs. Again.......its all about the oil industry and who controls the market. There is nothing patriotic going on here. I predicted exactly what is taking place the moment Biden and His CIA cronies were sworn in. Without WAR there are no US TAXPAYER kickbacks. You are attempting to go to war with the Best Ally the US has ever had in a world engagement and overlook the real villain ..............the CHICOMS.
And everyone involved in the people's convoy. :hands:

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I pray for all working-class people around the world, Ukraine and Russian, Canadian and American.

I pray for the good people in high places to protect us ALL.

I Pray the innocent class in our Global Caste System that never starts this bullshit that just wants to earn enough money to enjoy life with friends and family and nothing more are protected.

Warmongers Prey a different way. Judas Goats.
:thankusmile: :thankusmile::yes_text12: Your a trump supporter right
bodecea There's nothing wrong with that I pray for them and the protesting truckers Both.

I pray God to intervene and guide each side to unite in supporting each other's rights and not support persecuting each other.
Don’t bother with this troll,he is a shill from Langley that hates America,proof he kisses Obama and Biden’s ass but hates trump.
I pray for people to open their eyes...........Urkraine was turned into nothing but a puppet by the covert agencies of the United States. I suppose Putin finally got feed up. What would you do if the Russian secret services began using Cuba (90 miles US soil) as a special training ground to interfere in the business of the United States?

You don't have to answer that simply look toward Cuba in the early 60s. Pay of Pigs sound familiar? This has been building up for years. This information has been removed from their site, I wonder why?
:thankusmile: There are a lot of brainwashed sheep here Clyde thst don’t understand any of that,they won’t turn off the idiot box in the living room.they belive everything the CIA controlled media tells them and trolls like bodecca love that.

I would rather pray for tbe people of Ukraine right now.

1. I already mentioned that the people in Ukraine need your prayers as well.
2. Has what been going on in Canada recently mean anything to you? Innocent people have gotten hurt and arrested.
1. I already mentioned that the people in Ukraine need your prayers as well.
2. Has what been going on in Canada recently mean anything to you? Innocent people have gotten hurt and arrested.
Innocent people got hurt and arrested in protesting racial justice too.

At some point, there has to be an end. You can’t endlessly disrupt other peoples lives with protests of that magnitude. Local businesses, just recovering from Covid closures are unable to operate. People can’t get to work. People can’t sleep or function with the blaring of truck horns day and night. At what point does it end?

Rightists were hung ho on passing strict laws on protesters blocking streets.

But now…suddenly, it is for a rightist cause and we should be more supportive?

In Canada, Ontario actually relaxed some of the Covid restrictions. Good news, right? And a win for tbe protesters,

So why did they keep on blocking the streets, blaring their horns, and preventing people from traveling?
Innocent people got hurt and arrested in protesting racial justice too.

When did this happen and define racial justice? And for what race? Because I'm sorry but right now a lot of black people think that they are better than us (being white people) and treating us like shit so if anybody has the right to protest racial justice it's white Americans. I'm not even going to explain the second part to you though because it's the principal of the matter that they're protesting. It's going far beyond mandates right now.
When did this happen and define racial justice? And for what race? Because I'm sorry but right now a lot of black people think that they are better than us (being white people) and treating us like shit so if anybody has the right to protest racial justice it's white Americans. I'm not even going to explain the second part to you though because it's the principal of the matter that they're protesting. It's going far beyond mandates right now.
What “principle of the matter” are you talking about? And if they are protesting merely on “principle” and not on any ACTUAL wrong, then don’t you think the people they are harming need our “prayers” (or more to the point, a stop to the protests)?
What “principle of the matter” are you talking about? And if they are protesting merely on “principle” and not on any ACTUAL wrong, then don’t you think the peop,e they are harming need our “prayers” (or more to the point, a stop to the protests)?

The principle of the matter that it's supposed to be a free country and the Bidedumb hairy ass Harris administration is trying to change that and please don't be a smartass if you're trying to make fun of my grammar when none of us are perfect.
The principle of the matter that it's supposed to be a free country and the Bidedumb hairy ass Harris administration is trying to change that and please don't be a smartass if you're trying to make fun of my grammar when none of us are perfect.
I’m not trying to make fun of your grammar (god knows I’m the queen of misspelling! :lol:)…anyway, nothing wrong with your grammar.

How specifically are they making it less free? From what I can see, it is the Republicans passing laws restricting free speech and criminalizing aspects of protesting.
I’m not trying to make fun of your grammar (god knows I’m the queen of misspelling! :lol:)…anyway, nothing wrong with your grammar.

How specifically are they making it less free? From what I can see, it is the Republicans passing laws restricting free speech and criminalizing aspects of protesting.

First of all my apologies then and second of all are you listening to the lying leftist media by any chance then?
First of all my apologies then and second of all are you listening to the lying leftist media by any chance then?
I’d say no more than you are listening to the lying rightist media, so for the sake of discussion let’s move past that.
The usmb resident troll thst laughed at you is also a shill from Langley,he loves globalist presidents bush and Obama and Biden.Trump is the first president sense kennedy not a puppet for the deep state,that is why him and bodecca hate him and consider him hitlers twin brother and never had one bad peep to say about bush or obama and are kissing Biden’s ass.
First of all my apologies then and second of all are you listening to the lying leftist media by any chance then?
The principle of the matter that it's supposed to be a free country and the Bidedumb hairy ass Harris administration is trying to change that and please don't be a smartass if you're trying to make fun of my grammar when none of us are perfect.
I can’t belive you even bother talking to all these paid trolls.i put all these America haters on ignore in a second when I see thsts who they are.

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