Please Pray For The Truckers

I pray for people to open their eyes...........Urkraine was turned into nothing but a puppet by the covert agencies of the United States. I suppose Putin finally got feed up. What would you do if the Russian secret services began using Cuba (90 miles US soil) as a special training ground to interfere in the business of the United States?

You don't have to answer that simply look toward Cuba in the early 60s. Pay of Pigs sound familiar? This has been building up for years. This information has been removed from their site, I wonder why?
Lord have Mercy...Putin is only going in to save them while running over civilians in tanks?

WAR CRIMES---and putin needs to be taken out for it. Send in the Drones.
The principle of the matter that it's supposed to be a free country and the Bidedumb hairy ass Harris administration is trying to change that and please don't be a smartass if you're trying to make fun of my grammar when none of us are perfect.
I can’t belive you even bother talking to all these paid trolls.i put all these America haters on ignore in a second when I see thsts who they are.

It's because I'm attempting to get along with her. Sure I hate everything she's saying right now, but when she's not talking about politics and race and talking all of this what I find to be a whole bunch of bullshit, (in my opinion and probably yours as well) she's actually gotten a bit better and she's actually making an attempt to discuss the subject with me instead of me personally so I'm trying to do the same with her. She's nice in topics I have about animals and cooking and stuff so I keep trying to remember that as that's the ONLY thing of keeping me civil towards her right now and on good terms.
It's because I'm attempting to get along with her. Sure I hate everything she's saying right now, but when she's not talking about politics and race and talking all of this what I find to be a whole bunch of bullshit, (in my opinion and probably yours as well) she's actually gotten a bit better and she's actually making an attempt to discuss the subject with me instead of me personally so I'm trying to do the same with her. She's nice in topics I have about animals and cooking and stuff so I keep trying to remember that as that's the ONLY thing of keeping me civil towards her right now and on good terms.
We should be nice to each other no matter party. On the human side, we are all dealing with this together. Those Pharaohs...Politicians do whatever they want regardless of our (all the working citizens) tax money they collect from us. They do whatever they want and try to make us enemies and we have to live with each other, they live in the ivory towers.
We should be nice to each other no matter party.

It's also the Christian thing to do,.. but I'm not going to lie to either you or Coyote,.. I've had to hold my tongue quite a few times with her over the past couple of days,.. but that's better than exploding at her so I'm actually a work in progress as are we all. :)
FJB If both sides tried to be cordial toward a discussion they might find a middle ground. God forbid that people try to cooperate. Political parties can't have that.

Yeah,.. well when people are threatening to take certain freedoms away from me, I don't really want to send them flowers either and you can bet that even Jesus understands that. Starting Tuesday on here we are going to start having these kinds of discussions in my springtime class "Growing In Christ" so you might want to go ahead and check it out. :) (It'll be in the debate area since it'll be structured and have all different kinds of beliefs and religions responding to it.)
FJB it starts with discussion once communication breaks down or is censored it is much harder to get cooperation.

We can't even be nice to each other or kindly disagree on a messageboard.

This is how far gone the human condition is.
FJB it starts with discussion once communication breaks down or is censored it is much harder to get cooperation.

We can't even be nice to each other or kindly disagree on a messageboard.

This is how far gone the human condition is.

Yeah, but at least I can make rules in the debate forum and report anybody not following them and disturbing the class/discussion.
Sad for you if you really believe that.

Its sad that you are that blind and continue to drink the communist Kool Aid from China.

Indeed I believe that, as a US Army veteran that served 22 years.........I took an oath to protect the United States Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic. Biden is nothing but a Puppet on a string for the CIA...with backing from the Chicoms who owns the voting machines "Dominion" that was used in the 2020 election.

As was documented........the Ukraine is nothing but a puppet nation of the US CIA. One cannnot blame Russia for protecting its own national interests no more than the US would respond if such a threat was on the doorstep of the United States. This has been coming since the early 2010s. The CIA replaced the democratically elected government of Ukraine in 2013.

Note: Who was the first nation that Biden approached to help with the supposed Russian threat? The Chinese Government. The question you to ask yourself, "Why is Biden in bed with the Chinese Government?"
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Its sad that you are that blind and continue to drink the communist Kool Aid from China.

Indeed I believe that, as a US Army veteran that served 22 years.........I took an oath to protect the United States Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic. Biden is nothing but a Puppet on a string for the CIA...with backing from the Chicoms who owns the voting machines "Dominion" that was used in the 2020 election.

As was documented........the Ukraine is nothing but a puppet nation of the US CIA. One cannnot blame Russia for protecting its own national interests no more than the US would respond if such a threat was on the doorstep of the United States. This has been coming since the early 2010s. The CIA replaced the democratically elected government of Ukraine in 2013.

Note: Who was the first nation that Biden approached to help with the supposed Russian threat? The Chinese Government. The question you to ask yourself, "Why is Biden in bed with the Chinese Government?"

if you believe the cia wanted to exit afghanistan ... you're an idiot.

military people that backed jan 6 are a disgrace ...
if you believe the cia wanted to exit afghanistan ... you're an idiot.

military people that backed jan 6 are a disgrace ...

And here comes all hat and no cowboy. :abgg2q.jpg:
Deceit and Deflection? Really? Ukraine is not Afghanistan and Jan. 6 has nothing to do with the CIA being embedded in Ukraine. LMAO Just sling anything against the wall its typical of your guild. You back nothing up with facts its all AD HOMINEM BULLSHIT like some 7th grader would use.

Real Slow, even a 7th grader can read: U K R A I N E
And here comes all hat and no cowboy. :abgg2q.jpg:
Deceit and Deflection? Really? Ukraine is not Afghanistan and Jan. 6 has nothing to do with the CIA being embedded in Ukraine. LMAO Just sling anything against the wall its typical of your guild. You back nothing up with facts its all AD HOMINEM BULLSHIT like some 7th grader would use.

Real Slow, even a 7th grader can read: U K R A I N E

military flunky's - iraq iran afganistan ukrane syria - on and on - haven't earned a dollar for what they have been paid ... still looking for weapons of mass destruction - clyde.

biden doesn't know a thing about the cia - is the problem - and listening to someone like you, a political, military zealot - isn't a solution.
military flunky's - iraq iran afganistan ukrane syria - on and on - haven't earned a dollar for what they have been paid ... still looking for weapons of mass destruction - clyde.

biden doesn't know a thing about the cia - is the problem - and listening to someone like you, a political, military zealot - isn't a solution.
UKRAINE: A Republic in Southeastern Europe; Formerly a European Soviet, The former center of the USSR.

Again with the subjective ad hominem bullshit that has squat to do with the fact that the CIA is embedded in the Ukrainian Government in the very center of the former USSR. Do you think Putin has a right to be pissed? Ukraine is no longer a democracy its nothing but a puppet for Biden and his CIA cronies. Trump attempted to clean house of the covert agents in Ukraine and they called it a conspiracy, when he fired and dismissed the top agents. Memory not that great? I would not blame Putin if he nuked Ukraine into ashes.

FYI: I am a "democrat" not a republican, I have been a Blue Dog Democrat since I first registered to vote when I was 18. Truth is Truth and your partisan attacks have no effect whatsoever. You charge others of playing politics, but simply look at your post.....nothing but bigotry and hate toward your targeted politicians. Priceless. :abgg2q.jpg: But if you wish to place blame on the politicians for the US military involvement in the middle east and eastern Europe......simply look at the voter roll call of the politicians who voted to allow Military Use after 9/11. Notice the "sponsor" of the bill that allowed US military action, and those who ratified the vote with a "YES". It was a "democrat" sponsored bill. The real warmongers have always been the supposed "progressives" of the democrat party. World War 1 (Woodrow Wilson) World War 2 (King Roosevelt) Korean War (Turman), Viet Nam (Kennedy/Johnson), War on Terror (began under Mr.Peanut/Carter who called the terrorists Holy Men and did nothing but appease the kidnapping of innocent US Citizens)...........Eastern European Bombing? (Mr Slick Willy blow job Clinton)..........9/11 military response (Democrat Bill with Hillary voting a solid yes). Now Ukraine (Mr. unisex Barry Soetoro) who allowed the CIA to take over the Ukrainian democratic Government in 2013.

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And everyone involved in the people's convoy. :hands:
thanks f or the reminder



for the truckers also

Jesus said that certain kinds of demons (in this case: the ones inhabiting the elitist pigs in DC) are only removed through fasting and prayer


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