Please Pray For The Truckers

I have been divided on the convoy. Part of me says, great outward sign of solidarity and resolve. Part of me says staying at home with your supply chain vehicle until they beg you to get on the road could work better.
Convoy followed by general strike would be very effective.
Convoy followed by general strike would be very effective.
What about the all the "environmental damage" caused by these smog producing machines? It only counts when you don't have a left wing cause? :dunno: Its very amusing how left wingers lose their supposed convictions for just a little accolade. You know there is such a thing as RAIL TRANSPORTATION that costs a fraction of the cost associated with the trucking industry. Its proven that rail can transport goods at .24 cents per ton mile.......while trucks cost about 1.10 dollars per ton mile. The problem lies in the fact of how the rail industry and its private costs are far greater than trucking costs. All it would take is Big Brother stepping in to offset these costs which is largely due to government oversight regulaions.
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My prayers are going out to the people of The Ukraine

But folks like you are the reason why Ukrainians have something to fear now!

Your statement is like aiming to hit someone with your car then hoping they don't suffer too long.
What about the all the "environmental damage" caused by these smog producing machines? It only counts when you don't have a left wing cause? :dunno: Its very amusing how left wingers lose their supposed convictions for just a little accolade. You know there is such a thing as RAIL TRANSPORTATION that costs a fraction of the cost associated with the trucking industry. Its proven that rail can transport goods at .24 cents per ton mile.......while trucks cost about 1.10 dollars per ton mile. The problem lies in the fact of how the rail industry and its private costs are far greater than trucking costs. All it would take is Big Brother stepping in to offset these costs which is largely due to government oversight regulaions.
Rail is great for transporting goods cross country, not so good getting goods to the warehouses, and in today's delivery world, to the homes. We need trucks for that.
General strike by who? For what?
By truckers refusing to drive. If you think prices are high and shelves are empty now, wait until no trucks are moving anything. And they would be doing it in sympathy for fellow truckers in Canada protesting heavy-handed regulations. I predicted that if the Canadian government tried to stomp out the protests through force that they would spread, and they are.

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