Please Sir, I'd like some more

Well liberals want the gov to act like a parent, school is where libs like to act most like parents, so clearly teaching the children the work ethic of taking care of themselves is wrong, since libs need poor people to stay eternally dependent on them for their daily needs.
Something that just occured to me is conservatives seem to have a big problem with children getting a free meal at school. They should work for their food. Ok fine. Then why if conservatives are also big into Christmas they don't have any problems with that? Santa is the very definition of getting stuff for nothing. Don't hear any conservative (interested in getting more than 1 vote) whining about Santa being socialist now dya.

Okay, I am one that has a problem with the free lunch. That is because they are also probably getting food stamps. So they can't pack a sandwich and throw in an apple and a bag of chips? We already paid for that. A loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter goes a long way. Let's stop doubling down on benefits. We also give free breakfasts. For the kid's sake, can't the parents be responsible for anything? We have to stop enabling!
Well liberals want the gov to act like a parent, school is where libs like to act most like parents, so clearly teaching the children the work ethic of taking care of themselves is wrong, since libs need poor people to stay eternally dependent on them for their daily needs.

Works for me

Pay them $12 an hour
I sent my kids to a private school for a number of years.

There was one girl from a poor family who got free tuition because she worked as a janitor and cleaned the school after hours.

The girl once told me she was very thankful for the opportunity attend that school and allowed to work off her tuition.

Upon graduation she was able to get a full university scholarship because of her grades.

I always admired her for overcoming her situation and defying the odds stacked against her. .... :cool:
Will work for food?

With all due respect, sir, I have done that all my life, starting when I was 12 years old. That was 62 years ago.

We are all so proud of you

and everyone else who takes the responsibility to pack their own child's lunch and feed their child in the morning before school. Tell me Rightwinger, is that too much to ask?

We give them food stamps and the cost of feeding their kids at school is astonishing! We supply the parents with a nurse, so they don't have to take their kids to the Dr. We bring in Mr. Tooth to teach the kids how to brush their teeth. J

Just when did we decide poor parents were basically imbeciles? Well, I'm here to tell you they aren't, matter of fact the parents are pretty good learners. They are quick to figure out how to scam to government since the gov't is such a willing dupe.

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