Please stop trying tell black people about MLK

Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

Rightwing racists need to tell you about MLK so you'll think they're not racists.

Thé funny part is where they claim they always supported him and that MLK opposes affirmative action
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

Rightwing racists need to tell you about MLK so you'll think they're not racists.

Thé funny part is where they claim they always supported him and that MLK opposes affirmative action

Speaking of affirmative action, we have had three generations of blacks gaining an advantage over others and STIILL these black racists whine.

The reason they whine like they do is that they know they have every opportunity to succeed because of a.a., they know they are worthless failures in life and so invent a reason to avoid coming face to face with the fact that it is their own shitty attudes that provide the reason for why they are so utterly worthless.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

Rightwing racists need to tell you about MLK so you'll think they're not racists.

Thé funny part is where they claim they always supported him and that MLK opposes affirmative action

Speaking of affirmative action, we have had three generations of blacks gaining an advantage over others and STIILL these black racists whine.

The reason they whine like they do is that they know they have every opportunity to succeed because of a.a., they know they are worthless failures in life and so invent a reason to avoid coming face to face with the fact that it is their own shitty attudes that provide the reason for why they are so utterly worthless.

Affirmative Action was enacted in my lifetime
I saw it’s impact in the 70s where it often was awkwardly applied.

But I have seen an astounding transfirmation of the workforce in the last 40 years. Blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, the handicapped have all assumed positions of responsibility.
Some did not do well at first, but gradually it has reached a point where nobody notices any more

Affirmative Action has been a tremendous success in my lifetime
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

Rightwing racists need to tell you about MLK so you'll think they're not racists.

Thé funny part is where they claim they always supported him and that MLK opposes affirmative action

Speaking of affirmative action, we have had three generations of blacks gaining an advantage over others and STIILL these black racists whine.

The reason they whine like they do is that they know they have every opportunity to succeed because of a.a., they know they are worthless failures in life and so invent a reason to avoid coming face to face with the fact that it is their own shitty attudes that provide the reason for why they are so utterly worthless.

Affirmative Action was enacted in my lifetime
I saw it’s impact in the 70s where it often was awkwardly applied.

But I have seen an astounding transfirmation of the workforce in the last 40 years. Blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, the handicapped have all assumed positions of responsibility.
Some did not do well at first, but gradually it has reached a point where nobody notices any more

Affirmative Action has been a tremendous success in my lifetime

Ya we covered a few business ethics cases or te highlights about this. You know the sort of stereotypes that could be harmful to people when you are an employer specifically looking for black maids, cleaners. I don't think life can be summed up in employments and jobs, however MLK did visit the garbage collector's union?
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

He was a registered republican.. you have RDS

Prove it.

Yeah, I think Dr. King was just like me.

Was Martin Luther King, Jr., a Republican or a Democrat?

“I don’t think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God, nor is the Democratic Party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

Amen, Dr. King. Preach!


King was fighting for civil rights ......he had nothing to gain in alienating either party

Do you even know what civil rights are ? Free speech? (Democrats try to shut down)
Spying on a prez candidate ? Physically assaulting people for speaking ?
Democrats have always been against civil rights always .

So why do republicans try to gag people who talk about, even mention, abortion? Lots of gag rules. In how many programs have republicans prohibited speech on the issue, even between doctor and patient? How about republicans making laws that force women who chose abortion to undergo "counseling" from anti-abortion types, which actually is indoctrination forced by Big Government. Laws passed that require physicians to say specific things to patients that are dictated by government. After this, what is sacred about "free speech"? This is a record of censorship, forced speech, and forced religion.

Abortion is not the only issue, but it surely is one that demonstrates the hypocrisy of the right-wing in the areas of free speech and freedom of religion.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

Rightwing racists need to tell you about MLK so you'll think they're not racists.

Thé funny part is where they claim they always supported him and that MLK opposes affirmative action

Speaking of affirmative action, we have had three generations of blacks gaining an advantage over others and STIILL these black racists whine.

The reason they whine like they do is that they know they have every opportunity to succeed because of a.a., they know they are worthless failures in life and so invent a reason to avoid coming face to face with the fact that it is their own shitty attudes that provide the reason for why they are so utterly worthless.

Affirmative Action was enacted in my lifetime
I saw it’s impact in the 70s where it often was awkwardly applied.

But I have seen an astounding transfirmation of the workforce in the last 40 years. Blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, the handicapped have all assumed positions of responsibility.
Some did not do well at first, but gradually it has reached a point where nobody notices any more

Affirmative Action has been a tremendous success in my lifetime

Yet here you are feeding all the dysfunctional black victimhood.

You certainly are one thoroughly illogical little felow aren't you? Instead of using what you just pointed out to tell off the whiny assed boys who refuse to become men, you just continue supporting the very attitudes that keep them boys.
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Lysistra you realize you posted your abortion civil rights spiel on "Please stop trying tell black people about MLK "? Good luck. Civil Rights is some cute term to piggy back on the Unionist's "Civil War" isn't it? I mean, Eisenhower Was Great At it! So, this is all for the Citizens, at home and abroad, and never even *cough* race anything, Citizens of Valor and crap. Eisenhower is allowed to call this Civil Rights.
how do you get i hate them out of that?....or could it be you are one of those i described?....
How do you feel about christians ?
outside of the ones who are not hypocrites i have no problems with do you feel about them?...
Lol who would they be??
so you are agreeing with me that so many are hypocrites that you want to know who isnt? that what you are asking?...
Let’s start who do you agree with?
you would not know who they why ask?....
He was a registered republican.. you have RDS

Prove it.
Yeah, I think Dr. King was just like me.

Was Martin Luther King, Jr., a Republican or a Democrat?

“I don’t think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God, nor is the Democratic Party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

Amen, Dr. King. Preach!

King was fighting for civil rights ......he had nothing to gain in alienating either party
Do you even know what civil rights are ? Free speech? (Democrats try to shut down)
Spying on a prez candidate ? Physically assaulting people for speaking ?
Democrats have always been against civil rights always .

So why do republicans try to gag people who talk about, even mention, abortion? Lots of gag rules. In how many programs have republicans prohibited speech on the issue, even between doctor and patient? How about republicans making laws that force women who chose abortion to undergo "counseling" from anti-abortion types, which actually is indoctrination forced by Big Government. Laws passed that require physicians to say specific things to patients that are dictated by government. After this, what is sacred about "free speech"? This is a record of censorship, forced speech, and forced religion.

Abortion is not the only issue, but it surely is one that demonstrates the hypocrisy of the right-wing in the areas of free speech and freedom of religion.
Who got gagged lol WHAT!? Do you have name of this person hahahahha
How do you feel about christians ?
outside of the ones who are not hypocrites i have no problems with do you feel about them?...
Lol who would they be??
so you are agreeing with me that so many are hypocrites that you want to know who isnt? that what you are asking?...
Let’s start who do you agree with?
you would not know who they why ask?....
I know everything
outside of the ones who are not hypocrites i have no problems with do you feel about them?...
Lol who would they be??
so you are agreeing with me that so many are hypocrites that you want to know who isnt? that what you are asking?...
Let’s start who do you agree with?
you would not know who they why ask?....
I know everything
well then you should have no problems naming them right? why did you ask me?....
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

Rightwing racists need to tell you about MLK so you'll think they're not racists.

Thé funny part is where they claim they always supported him and that MLK opposes affirmative action

Speaking of affirmative action, we have had three generations of blacks gaining an advantage over others and STIILL these black racists whine.

The reason they whine like they do is that they know they have every opportunity to succeed because of a.a., they know they are worthless failures in life and so invent a reason to avoid coming face to face with the fact that it is their own shitty attudes that provide the reason for why they are so utterly worthless.

Affirmative Action was enacted in my lifetime
I saw it’s impact in the 70s where it often was awkwardly applied.

But I have seen an astounding transfirmation of the workforce in the last 40 years. Blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, the handicapped have all assumed positions of responsibility.
Some did not do well at first, but gradually it has reached a point where nobody notices any more

Affirmative Action has been a tremendous success in my lifetime

Yet here you are feeding all the dysfunctional black victimhood.

You certainly are one thoroughly illogical little felow aren't you? Instead of using what you just pointed out to tell off the whiny assed boys who refuse to become men, you just continue supporting the very attitudes that keep them boys.

Guess what?
Affirmative Action worked

Blacks are now executives, policemen, firemen
Women are no longer secretaries, nurses and teachers. They are executives, doctors and principals

It all started with giving them a chance
Guess what?
Affirmative Action worked

Blacks are now executives, policemen, firemen
Women are no longer secretaries, nurses and teachers. They are executives, doctors and principals

It all started with giving them a chance
Brother rightwinger, might I suggest the book 'When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth Century America' it will enlighten you to a lot of things.

Affirmative action worked incredibly well for whites in this country, historically.

It kinda worked for blacks, barely really, because the racist culture and practices prevented it from fully working.

Yet and still, a large sect of society, claim they hate it, and want to get rid of it, that would be the Republicans.

So the more things change, the more they stay the same.

I highly suggest you read that book. I just read it for the second time this past week, so in total, I read it twice in a month's time.

Very enlightening.
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Guess what?
Affirmative Action worked

Blacks are now executives, policemen, firemen
Women are no longer secretaries, nurses and teachers. They are executives, doctors and principals

It all started with giving them a chance
Brother rightwinger, might I suggest the book 'When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth Century America' it will enlighten you to a lot of things.

Affirmative action worked incredibly well for whites in this country, historically.

It kinda worked for blacks, barely really, because the racist culture and practices prevented it from fully working.

Yet and still, a large sect of society, claim they hate it, read Republicans.

So the more things change, the more they stay the same.

I highly suggest you read that book.

Just read it for the second time this past week, so read it twice in a month's time.

Very enlightening.
Don’t need to read it, I lived it

I saw the workforce of the 70 s
Exclusively white male management

Blacks and women just didn’t have the essentials and were not given a chance

Many struggled at first and affirmative action was mocked. But eventually, candidates got better

Nobody notices today
  • Thanks
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Many white males claim affirmative action hurt me
But if you had a mother, wife. a sister or a helped

Women were secretaries, nurses, teachers, hair dressers, cashiers.
If your wife or daughter is in any other occupation

Thank affirmative action
Lysistra you realize you posted your abortion civil rights spiel on "Please stop trying tell black people about MLK "? Good luck. Civil Rights is some cute term to piggy back on the Unionist's "Civil War" isn't it? I mean, Eisenhower Was Great At it! So, this is all for the Citizens, at home and abroad, and never even *cough* race anything, Citizens of Valor and crap. Eisenhower is allowed to call this Civil Rights.
You are incoherent. Do you want to try again concerning free speech and censorship? I merely pointed out areas in which people attempt to abridge free speech, attempt to censor speech, and attempt to force speech on others to further their own viewpoint. Do you want to forced to sit through an indoctrination speech? Do you want to have your viewpoint silenced? Do you want to have government interfere in your relationship with you doctor? All by the government?
  • Thanks
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Don’t need to read it, I lived it

I saw the workforce of the 70 s
Exclusively white male management

Blacks and women just didn’t have the essentials and were not given a chance

Many struggled at first and affirmative action was mocked. But eventually, candidates got better

Nobody notices today
You need to read it brother.

I implore you.

Audiobook is fine.

Listen while you drive.

I'd love to know your feedback.
The only evidence we have of any criminality involving voting, in this country, has been conducted by Republicans. As has been most very recently committed by Republicans.

So when whites, like you, keep insisting on this imaginary voting fraud committed by blacks, against what the facts dictate, it clearly shows racism.
Based on what you have said, you should have no problem with voting safeguards, right?

Who accused black folks of voter fraud? I didn't. IM2 is the guy who mentioned it as racist actions being taken by white people earlier in the thread.

Black folks are not committing voter fraud. So, why would black folks have a problem with voter ID laws? Most importantly, why is that racist, when I never brought it up in the first place?

As for the rest of your claptrap, we all pay taxes for things we don't agree with. Deal with it.
That's a terrible attitude. C'mon, dude. I respect your earnings and property. Why do you not respect mine?

How are reparations going to be paid? Are we required to pay a white tax? Property confiscation?

The only evidence we have of any criminality involving voting, in this country, has been conducted by Republicans. As has been most very recently committed by Republicans.

So when whites, like you, keep insisting on this imaginary voting fraud committed by blacks, against what the facts dictate, it clearly shows racism.
Based on what you have said, you should have no problem with voting safeguards, right?

Who accused black folks of voter fraud? I didn't. IM2 is the guy who mentioned it as racist actions being taken by white people earlier in the thread.

Black folks are not committing voter fraud. So, why would black folks have a problem with voter ID laws? Most importantly, why is that racist, when I never brought it up in the first place?


The courts have ruled that such laws are racist Bootney. These laws are not just about an ID. They end activities specifically used by blacks to vote and to register to vote. And that's just the tip.

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