Please stop trying tell black people about MLK

Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

It doesn't surprise me that somebody would dare to try and "school" people of African descent as to how they should view Dr. King. The people who do this want to tell us all how to be, depending on the mix of one's being and background.

Look at USMB, taking into consideration that I am a female of European background raised in the Christian faith. There are people out there issuing "instructions" as to how I am supposed to be a woman, how I am supposed to be "white," how I am supposed to be a Christian.

Don't let anyone tell you what to think. Thinking is private for each and every one of us.

I love the ones who refer to "white culture." I don't know what "white culture" even consists of. I don't know what I will listen to next, Tchaikovsky, Springsteen, Martha and the Vandellas?

Preach sister Lys! You are exactly right.

OOPS! I am not supposed to agree with you because you are white and I am a hate filled black racist who hates ALL whites.

Except I agree with every word you say. And with other things you have said.

We are all manipulated to perform our role in some dictated narrative. I'm a white female who must be "saved" from the depredations that you horrible black males wish to inflict upon me. You are a horrible beast. A dragon! And I, caught in your diabolic clutches, am fluttering my eyelashes and begging for help.

There are white people who want to lock white women into a movie role of their liking. We somehow are not real people. It sucks to be a symbol rather than being an authentic human being.

BTW: the photo of me in my college year book shows me lying on real railroad tracks in 1900 garb and one of my history professors kneeling over me in a cape with his spectacular moustache all waxed up.

Oh help me!

Yes, I have seen the original "Birth of a Nation," circa 1915.
It is true that early attempts to pay 'reparations' did not result in much Black land ownership. However other initiatives followed after the Civil War that DID result in a stunning increase in Black landownership peaking around 15 millions acres after 1900. That was the all-time peak and the number has declined dramatically since due to a number of factors. It is speculation to attribute ALL of the decline in Black landownership to Racism. It is fair to assume that Racism was part of the problem but that makes it all too easy to gloss over other factors like: farming is really hard and some Blacks weren't good at it. Or they were good farmers who made bad crop decisions. Or they got into financial problems for various reasons. Or they decided they didn't like farming and sold out to get regular employment. Or.....?

Here is more info on the programs that greatly expanded Black land ownership:

The Federation of Southern Cooperatives was created in 1867 and was intended to offer financial assistance to the black farmers to assist in their quest to acquire land and do better farming.[8] A second Morill Act was passed in 1890 and gave blacks grants to colleges to learn arts and agricultural courses. In line with this, the blacks formed the first cooperative union in Arkansas and the United States in order to fight for and protect their rights.

The rest of these eras is characterized by the Jim Crow policies that had been legalized by the Supreme Court under the Plessy v. Ferguson 1896 decision that allowed separate treatment of whites and blacks as long as it was equally done.[2]

For a period after the Civil War, Black ownership of land increased and was primarily used for farming. At one point Blacks had gained ownership over about 15 million acres, which meant that they were also in control of 14% of the farms located in the United States (that is 925,000 farms owned by Black people). According to Leah Douglas, this number is drastically different from what can be seen in the 20th century as Black people not only own far less land in general but also own only 2% of the farms located in the US.[5]
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

It doesn't surprise me that somebody would dare to try and "school" people of African descent as to how they should view Dr. King. The people who do this want to tell us all how to be, depending on the mix of one's being and background.

Look at USMB, taking into consideration that I am a female of European background raised in the Christian faith. There are people out there issuing "instructions" as to how I am supposed to be a woman, how I am supposed to be "white," how I am supposed to be a Christian.

Don't let anyone tell you what to think. Thinking is private for each and every one of us.

I love the ones who refer to "white culture." I don't know what "white culture" even consists of. I don't know what I will listen to next, Tchaikovsky, Springsteen, Martha and the Vandellas?

Preach sister Lys! You are exactly right.

OOPS! I am not supposed to agree with you because you are white and I am a hate filled black racist who hates ALL whites.

Except I agree with every word you say. And with other things you have said.

We are all manipulated to perform our role in some dictated narrative. I'm a white female who must be "saved" from the depredations that you horrible black males wish to inflict upon me. You are a horrible beast. A dragon! And I, caught in your diabolic clutches, am fluttering my eyelashes and begging for help.

There are white people who want to lock white women into a movie role of their liking. We somehow are not real people. It sucks to be a symbol rather than being an authentic human being.

BTW: the photo of me in my college year book shows me lying on real railroad tracks in 1900 garb and one of my history professors kneeling over me in a cape with his spectacular moustache all waxed up.

Oh help me!

Yes, I have seen the original "Birth of a Nation," circa 1915.


I envisioned Dudley Doright when you talked about that picture.:04:

Thomas Mitchell (2001), in a comprehensive study on black land loss, demonstrates that fraudulent and semi-fraudulent legal means were used to appropriate black-owned land during the Jim Crow period and beyond. Mitchell highlights the use of partition sales as the major method used to de-cumulate black-owned property. Compounding the harms of the Jim Crow period was the fact the black Americans in the U.S. South were taxpaying citizens while being prohibited from exercising the vote. Indeed, from the Reconstruction era a white terror movement emerged specifically with the intent of eliminating black political participation (Trelease, 1971); this was the explicit intent of white violence in Danville, Wilmington, Atlanta, and Florida. The Jim Crow era also established the framework for discriminatory treatment of blacks in the criminal justice system and in employment, practices that continue to the present. Thus, the omission of the wrongs of the postslavery period in the United States is a serious limitation of Farmer-Pullman’s approach.

African Americans. On January 16, 1865, after completing his march to the Georgia coast, General Sherman issued Special Field Orders No. 15 that established the provision ‘‘of not more than (40) forty acres of tillable ground’’ designated ‘‘for the settlement of the negroes now made free by the acts of war and the proclamation of the President of the United States.’’ The territory to be settled under Sherman’s orders included ‘‘[t]he islands from Charleston, south of the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty miles back from the sea, and the country bordering the St. Johns River’’ (Sherman, 2003:325–27).

More expansively, the Freedman’s Bureau Act of March 3, 1865, pursuant to the Southern land confiscation acts of 1861, 1862, 1863, and 1864, had an explicit racial land redistribution provision. Again, ‘‘not more than 40 acres’’ of land was to be provided to refugee or freedman male citizens at three years’ annual rent not exceeding 6 percent of the value of the land based on appraisal of the state tax authorities in 1860. At the end of the three years, the occupants could purchase the land and receive title. Similar provisions were included in the postwar Southern Homestead Act of 1866; freedmen were to receive land in the southern states at a price of $5 for 80 acres. Neither of these Acts were implemented on behalf of the ex-slaves with any degree of vigor given the fierce opposition of President Andrew Johnson. By the end of 1865, Johnson also had ordered the removal of former slaves from the coastal lands they had settled under the conditions of Sherman’s Special Field Orders No. 15. The lands ultimately were restored to the former slave owners (see Friedman, 1996; McPherson, 1964; Shabazz, 1994).

Forty Acres and a Mule in the 21st Century
William Darity, Jr., Duke University

There is a difference in purchasing land and reparations. Furthermore those bkacl got fucked out of that land by various discriminatory measures. You don't post that part in your disingenuous lie that blacks have received reparations.

"Many factors contributed to the loss of black-owned land during the 20th century, including systemic discrimination in lending by the US Department of Agriculture, the industrialization that lured workers into factories, and the Great Migration. But the lesser-known issue of heirs’ property also played a role, allowing untold thousands of acres to be forcibly bought out from under black rural families—often second-, third-, or fourth-generation landowners whose ancestors were 
enslaved—by real-estate developers and speculators."

African Americans Have Lost Untold Acres of Land Over the Last Century

"By one estimate, 81 percent of these early black landowners didn’t make wills, largely due to a lack of access to legal resources."

African Americans Have Lost Untold Acres of Land Over the Last Century

How fortuitous for whites who would not provide legal assistance to blacks. And access to black laywers were slim, especially in the south. So you see, no matter how much some of you whites want to make up and spin things, blacks have not received reparations. Furthermore the abuses heaped upon blacks after slavery is a case unto itself.
meh so 4 million "slaves" that weren't mistreated in anything who grew faster than the general population, have only begun to slow down population growth because of "freedom", who have had wealth growth without any unusual death counts from anybody else, we're going to compare this to 700,000 dead Koreans, and the 2 Million Japanese immigrants to korea to affect a Japanese master race and Japanese Empire in Korea, to remove, Pre-Existing wealth, to remove 80% of land owners to be rent-out apartments , their own land, and to cheat every interaction, that's ridiculous, we're in some littler racism debate about how we treat each other, the world and its racism causes national borders. Well if we shipped 700,000 of Any of our citizens off to the mines every decade , most communities get negative population growth.
I wish there Was a society, where people realize, you can help Any other person, or are we all clingy because of our relationships? And then, by the way, the only reason to enforce by any persuasion, material, or force, the marriage between races, is the political impact of a sexual victory and pregnancy. We used to be in a society that isn't calling that marriage.
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You can believe whatever you want and you can call me whatever you want. Blacks DID get to a significant level of 15 million acres of land ownership post Civil War through a variety of programs. Did they lose it because of systemic Racism? Maybe in part. Maybe that's not the whole story. THat's all I'm saying. It is also interesting that your boy MLK didn't mention the great increase in Black land ownership at all in his speech you originally posted. It was all about how the system enabled Whites to increase land ownership, as I recall.
IM2 and Marc -- I'm here to help. Just do me a solid and provide me some information pertaining to who it was who enslaved you and which duties you performed that were not recompensed.

I will talk to some people who will talk to some people and we will get you those reparations you so richly deserve.
What courts?

Not in Texas.

The SCOTUS has not deemed it racist.

There is absolutely nothing racist about being sure that white or black people only vote once, just like anybody and everybody else.

There can be no rational objection to requiring ID. None. All excuses are complete and total horse shit.

The disingenuously pathetic excuses for why requiring ID is racist SUPPORTS the inference that those who oppose ID laws do so because THEY WANT TO CHEAT.

You're quite loud and vocal in bashing some imaginary Democrats over some imaginary voter fraud.

However, some REAL Republicans were involved in major scandals regarding voting.

How come I don't recall your staunch rebuke about it?

In one case, the Republican's candidate's own son testified against him in courts, about his cheating ways, and that was only when that Republican backed down from his running and admitted that he cheated, although not in so many words.

Do you remember this, very recent, story?

To my memory, nary a USMB Republican had a word to say about it.

The only people that cheat, in this country, regarding voting...are Republicans.
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Not all whites were slave owners or lived a rich life. Not all whites are wealthy today. Not all blacks are poor today. If there are more whites,doesn't it figure that there would be a bigger wealthy population of whites? How do you figure that if blacks were not enslaved that they would have had riches to pass on to their descendants? Not all blacks descended from slaves. It would not be productive to give free money (not earned) just to someone because they are black and haven't earned the money.
The racial wealth gap numbers are abysmal Molly, and it's not by coincidence.

Whites, in this country, have been given everything possible not to fail. Blacks weren't.

These are facts.
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The only people that cheat, in this country, regarding voting...are Republicans.

Oh, Pulleeze. What a simple minded boy you are.

Republicans want to limit votes from those with a legitimate right to vote. Democrats want to extend voting privileges to those without a legitimate right to vote.

You are just too much an unintelligent parrtisan to notice.
Oh, Pulleeze. What a simple minded boy you are.

Republicans want to limit votes from those with a legitimate right to vote. Democrats want to extend voting privileges to those without a legitimate right to vote.

You are just too much an unintelligent parrtisan to notice.
This is the case where the CHEATING Republican candidate's own son had to testify against his father, because his rancid ass wouldn't back down from cheating...then he seemed to catch himself. Only after his own son testified against him in Court of course.

North Carolina Election Board calls new election in disputed House race

This is just one, very recent, story of massive Republican voter fraud.

I challenge you to produce one clear example of Democratic voter fraud, as clearly as this case. Just. One. Case.

You are a little piss aunt, and a liar. This is why I rarely ever engage w/you. You're not worth my time.

I'm only engaging now just to show you to be the liar and fraud that you are.

Here in black and white, for the digital world to see.
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Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

It doesn't surprise me that somebody would dare to try and "school" people of African descent as to how they should view Dr. King. The people who do this want to tell us all how to be, depending on the mix of one's being and background.

Look at USMB, taking into consideration that I am a female of European background raised in the Christian faith. There are people out there issuing "instructions" as to how I am supposed to be a woman, how I am supposed to be "white," how I am supposed to be a Christian.

Don't let anyone tell you what to think. Thinking is private for each and every one of us.

I love the ones who refer to "white culture." I don't know what "white culture" even consists of. I don't know what I will listen to next, Tchaikovsky, Springsteen, Martha and the Vandellas?

Preach sister Lys! You are exactly right.

OOPS! I am not supposed to agree with you because you are white and I am a hate filled black racist who hates ALL whites.

Except I agree with every word you say. And with other things you have said.

We are all manipulated to perform our role in some dictated narrative. I'm a white female who must be "saved" from the depredations that you horrible black males wish to inflict upon me. You are a horrible beast. A dragon! And I, caught in your diabolic clutches, am fluttering my eyelashes and begging for help.

There are white people who want to lock white women into a movie role of their liking. We somehow are not real people. It sucks to be a symbol rather than being an authentic human being.

BTW: the photo of me in my college year book shows me lying on real railroad tracks in 1900 garb and one of my history professors kneeling over me in a cape with his spectacular moustache all waxed up.

Oh help me!

Yes, I have seen the original "Birth of a Nation," circa 1915.


I envisioned Dudley Doright when you talked about that picture.:04:

You got it! Professor Dan and I got this all set up. He even waxed his moustache for the occasion and borrowed a cloak from somewhere, the picture taken on the RR tracks that run beside the university.

I have always had an interest in the early days of film, perhaps because I grew up near Fort Lee, NJ., the home of film before film went to Hollywood, and when I was under ten years old, I stood on the rooftop of my aunt's apartment building not far from the George Washington Bridge and watched one of those giant movie studios burn. Early film involved nitro.

Oh, help! I am Pauline, tied to the tracks. I am supposed to be a helpless white female. You are supposed to be a huge "negro" rapist ready to ravish me until a white knight comes to save me from your evil clutches. Somewhere in this narrative I am supposed to swoon; faint dead away. Who thinks this shit up for both of us?
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You can believe whatever you want and you can call me whatever you want. Blacks DID get to a significant level of 15 million acres of land ownership post Civil War through a variety of programs. Did they lose it because of systemic Racism? Maybe in part. Maybe that's not the whole story. THat's all I'm saying. It is also interesting that your boy MLK didn't mention the great increase in Black land ownership at all in his speech you originally posted. It was all about how the system enabled Whites to increase land ownership, as I recall.

I don't have to believe anything. The facts speak for themselves. You want to talk about the great increases but don't want to about how much of that land was forcibly taken. The continued abuses blacks suffered are why we are demanding reparations. So then what we see is a bunch of broken promises to blacks, programs not enforced, racism against black landowner, land forcibly taken, black communities burned and blacks living under the constant threat of terror.
IM2 and Marc -- I'm here to help. Just do me a solid and provide me some information pertaining to who it was who enslaved you and which duties you performed that were not recompensed.

I will talk to some people who will talk to some people and we will get you those reparations you so richly deserve.

No. Just understand that the government of this nation owes blacks reparations.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

It doesn't surprise me that somebody would dare to try and "school" people of African descent as to how they should view Dr. King. The people who do this want to tell us all how to be, depending on the mix of one's being and background.

Look at USMB, taking into consideration that I am a female of European background raised in the Christian faith. There are people out there issuing "instructions" as to how I am supposed to be a woman, how I am supposed to be "white," how I am supposed to be a Christian.

Don't let anyone tell you what to think. Thinking is private for each and every one of us.

I love the ones who refer to "white culture." I don't know what "white culture" even consists of. I don't know what I will listen to next, Tchaikovsky, Springsteen, Martha and the Vandellas?

Preach sister Lys! You are exactly right.

OOPS! I am not supposed to agree with you because you are white and I am a hate filled black racist who hates ALL whites.

Except I agree with every word you say. And with other things you have said.

We are all manipulated to perform our role in some dictated narrative. I'm a white female who must be "saved" from the depredations that you horrible black males wish to inflict upon me. You are a horrible beast. A dragon! And I, caught in your diabolic clutches, am fluttering my eyelashes and begging for help.

There are white people who want to lock white women into a movie role of their liking. We somehow are not real people. It sucks to be a symbol rather than being an authentic human being.

BTW: the photo of me in my college year book shows me lying on real railroad tracks in 1900 garb and one of my history professors kneeling over me in a cape with his spectacular moustache all waxed up.

Oh help me!

Yes, I have seen the original "Birth of a Nation," circa 1915.


I envisioned Dudley Doright when you talked about that picture.:04:

You got it! Professor Dan and I got this all set up. He even waxed his moustache for the occasion and borrowed a cloak from somewhere, the picture taken on the RR tracks that run beside the university.

I have always had an interest in the early days of film, perhaps because I grew up near Fort Lee, NJ., the home of film before film went to Hollywood, and when I was under ten years old, I stood on the rooftop of my aunt's apartment building not far from the George Washington Bridge and watched one of those giant movie studios burn. Early film involved nitro.

Oh, help! I am Pauline, tied to the tracks. I am supposed to be a helpless white female. You are supposed to be a huge "negro" rapist ready to ravish me until a white knight comes to save me from your evil clutches. Somewhere in this narrative I am supposed to swoon; faint dead away. Who thinks this shit up for both of us?

Some white men suffering from psychotic delusions.

Now I gotta play "my part".

Ah yeah, look at that tender white morsel tied to the track. I gotta have it so badly that I'll let that oncoming train run me over while I do it.
You're quite loud and vocal in bashing some imaginary Democrats over some imaginary voter fraud.
Did ever mention democrats? Don't put words iin my mouth.

But, how will voter ID laws affect only democrats?

However, some REAL Republicans were involved in major scandals regarding voting.
So, we need voter ID laws to stop those filthy bastards from effectively take away the votes of others.

How come I don't recall your staunch rebuke about it?
Maybe if you got that partisan out of your ass, you could consider how utterly disgusting voter fraud is.

Anybody...INCLUDING REPUBLICANS...who even attempts to cheat should be EXECUTED. It is that serious to me.

This is an issue over which I will gladly go to war and kill as many enemies as possible before I am killed.

The vote is the most fundamental right. To deprive a single voter of the power of their vote by cheating and voting twice is an act of war.

In one case, the Republican's candidate's own son testified against him in courts, about his cheating ways, and that was only when that Republican backed down from his running and admitted that he cheated, although not in so many words.

Do you remember this, very recent, story?

To my memory, nary a USMB Republican had a word to say about it.

The only people that cheat, in this country, regarding voting...are Republicans.
What makes you think I am a Republican?

Why the fuck does it fucking matter if ONLY republicans cheat?

Voter ID laws apply to Republicans too.


Oh, Pulleeze. What a simple minded boy you are.

Republicans want to limit votes from those with a legitimate right to vote. Democrats want to extend voting privileges to those without a legitimate right to vote.

You are just too much an unintelligent parrtisan to notice.
This is the case where the CHEATING Republican candidate's own son had to testify against his father, because his rancid ass wouldn't back down from cheating...then he seemed to catch himself. Only after his own son testified against him in Court of course.

North Carolina Election Board calls new election in disputed House race

This is just one, very recent, story of massive Republican voter fraud.

I challenge you to produce one clear example of Democratic voter fraud, as clearly as this case. Just. One. Case.

You are a little piss aunt, and a liar. This is why I rarely ever engage w/you. You're not worth my time.

I'm only engaging now just to show you to be the liar and fraud that you are.

Here in black and white, for the digital world to see.
So, explain to me why that FACT proves we should NOT have voter ID laws.

King won some battles, yes. His greatness cannot be denied, yes. You are right about the haters. I'm not so sure King would be happy with the things happening now. However, had King lived to get old, things would be vastly different today.
King was a civil rights leader and believed in free speech right? And democrats shut down free speech.. interesting
How have democrats shut down free speech?
They almost burned down Berkeley college to kill two Jewish speakers. lol
Threw things at Candace Owens and kicked her out of a restaurant because of her speech. Boston police shut down a free speech rally with multiple black speakers. I can go on.. how much time do you have?
Democrats didn’t do those things
Try again
Mayor of Boston is a republican?? blahhh haaaa
Berkeley students stoping Jewish speakers were what?? Hahah
You seem to be unaware of what the Democratic Party is
You also don’t understand what the First Amendment says
King was a civil rights leader and believed in free speech right? And democrats shut down free speech.. interesting
How have democrats shut down free speech?
They almost burned down Berkeley college to kill two Jewish speakers. lol
Threw things at Candace Owens and kicked her out of a restaurant because of her speech. Boston police shut down a free speech rally with multiple black speakers. I can go on.. how much time do you have?
Democrats didn’t do those things
Try again
Mayor of Boston is a republican?? blahhh haaaa
Berkeley students stoping Jewish speakers were what?? Hahah
You seem to be unaware of what the Democratic Party is
You also don’t understand what the First Amendment says
I do know democrats are against civil rights

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