Please stop trying tell black people about MLK

As for the rest of your claptrap, we all pay taxes for things we don't agree with. Deal with it.
That's a terrible attitude. C'mon, dude. I respect your earnings and property. Why do you not respect mine?

How are reparations going to be paid? Are we required to pay a white tax? Property confiscation?


We blacks have paid taxes for years and we have watched them go to build and improve white communities.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

Rightwing racists need to tell you about MLK so you'll think they're not racists.

Thé funny part is where they claim they always supported him and that MLK opposes affirmative action

Speaking of affirmative action, we have had three generations of blacks gaining an advantage over others and STIILL these black racists whine.

The reason they whine like they do is that they know they have every opportunity to succeed because of a.a., they know they are worthless failures in life and so invent a reason to avoid coming face to face with the fact that it is their own shitty attudes that provide the reason for why they are so utterly worthless.

Affirmative Action was enacted in my lifetime
I saw it’s impact in the 70s where it often was awkwardly applied.

But I have seen an astounding transfirmation of the workforce in the last 40 years. Blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, the handicapped have all assumed positions of responsibility.
Some did not do well at first, but gradually it has reached a point where nobody notices any more

Affirmative Action has been a tremendous success in my lifetime

Yet here you are feeding all the dysfunctional black victimhood.

You certainly are one thoroughly illogical little felow aren't you? Instead of using what you just pointed out to tell off the whiny assed boys who refuse to become men, you just continue supporting the very attitudes that keep them boys.

There is no dysfunctional black victimhood here or anywhere else. So become a man little boy and face the truth you keep trying to deny.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

It doesn't surprise me that somebody would dare to try and "school" people of African descent as to how they should view Dr. King. The people who do this want to tell us all how to be, depending on the mix of one's being and background.

Look at USMB, taking into consideration that I am a female of European background raised in the Christian faith. There are people out there issuing "instructions" as to how I am supposed to be a woman, how I am supposed to be "white," how I am supposed to be a Christian.

Don't let anyone tell you what to think. Thinking is private for each and every one of us.

I love the ones who refer to "white culture." I don't know what "white culture" even consists of. I don't know what I will listen to next, Tchaikovsky, Springsteen, Martha and the Vandellas?

Preach sister Lys! You are exactly right.

OOPS! I am not supposed to agree with you because you are white and I am a hate filled black racist who hates ALL whites.

Except I agree with every word you say. And with other things you have said.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

MLK's legacy is secure...he won..they lost..simple as that. He died for his efforts..but if you had showed him our 2019..and asked him if he would die to make it a reality..he would have said "Yes' in a heartbeat! That's why the haters hate. Most of them are old geezers still trying to re-fight the battle of the 60's..with a different ending. Not going to happen. It is results that count--the rest is bs perpetrated by bored old men who see their relevance fading with the spread of their fat asses and the liver spots on their hands.

MLK's Dream is today's reality--they can scream 'Chicago' at the top of their lungs--they can cite stats..and skewed reports--it will not change the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. won!

They lost.

King won some battles, yes. His greatness cannot be denied, yes. You are right about the haters. I'm not so sure King would be happy with the things happening now. However, had King lived to get old, things would be vastly different today.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

MLK's legacy is secure...he won..they lost..simple as that. He died for his efforts..but if you had showed him our 2019..and asked him if he would die to make it a reality..he would have said "Yes' in a heartbeat! That's why the haters hate. Most of them are old geezers still trying to re-fight the battle of the 60's..with a different ending. Not going to happen. It is results that count--the rest is bs perpetrated by bored old men who see their relevance fading with the spread of their fat asses and the liver spots on their hands.

MLK's Dream is today's reality--they can scream 'Chicago' at the top of their lungs--they can cite stats..and skewed reports--it will not change the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. won!

They lost.

King won some battles, yes. His greatness cannot be denied, yes. You are right about the haters. I'm not so sure King would be happy with the things happening now. However, had King lived to get old, things would be vastly different today.

King was a civil rights leader and believed in free speech right? And democrats shut down free speech.. interesting
I'm not. But I am telling whites who are racists to stop being racist.

Even when I try to not be racist, you tell me I am being racist. What can I do to stop being racist?


Maybe you learn that when an actual black person tells you what the problem is in black communities you accept that as the problem.
Name the black country where you've even remotely solved your 3rd World problems.

Maybe, for once in your life, YOU should listen to the successful and quit blaming them for your problems

I will reject opinions from crooks that colonized nations and continue to steal their wealth.

Now stick to the topic.
Your greed makes you blind.

No greed. You just can't take the truth.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

MLK's legacy is secure...he won..they lost..simple as that. He died for his efforts..but if you had showed him our 2019..and asked him if he would die to make it a reality..he would have said "Yes' in a heartbeat! That's why the haters hate. Most of them are old geezers still trying to re-fight the battle of the 60's..with a different ending. Not going to happen. It is results that count--the rest is bs perpetrated by bored old men who see their relevance fading with the spread of their fat asses and the liver spots on their hands.

MLK's Dream is today's reality--they can scream 'Chicago' at the top of their lungs--they can cite stats..and skewed reports--it will not change the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. won!

They lost.

King won some battles, yes. His greatness cannot be denied, yes. You are right about the haters. I'm not so sure King would be happy with the things happening now. However, had King lived to get old, things would be vastly different today.

King was a civil rights leader and believed in free speech right? And democrats shut down free speech.. interesting

How have democrats shut down free speech?
You see how the story shifted? When I pointed out that Blacks actually received "Reparations" in the form of millions of acres of land, it then became a "Yeah but they lost their land because RACISM....". What a surprise.

The story didn't shift. The part you left out was shown.
No, you said it never happened.
As all of your threads go, either you were ignorant or a liar.
I was ignorant on the numbers but I'm not intellectually dishonest like you are. I can admit it.
So which were you?

It didn't happen. And you are very intellectually dishonest.

On January 16, 1865, after completing his march to the Georgia coast, General Sherman issued Special Field Orders No. 15 that established the provision ‘‘of not more than (40) forty acres of tillable ground’’ designated ‘‘for the settlement of the negroes now made free by the acts of war and the proclamation of the President of the United States.’’ The territory to be settled under Sherman’s orders included ‘‘[t]he islands from Charleston, south of the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty miles back from the sea, and the country bordering the St. Johns River’’ (Sherman, 2003:325–27).

More expansively, the Freedman’s Bureau Act of March 3, 1865, pursuant to the Southern land confiscation acts of 1861, 1862, 1863, and 1864, had an explicit racial land redistribution provision. Again, ‘‘not more than 40 acres’’ of land was to be provided to refugee or freedman male citizens at three years’ annual rent not exceeding 6 percent of the value of the land based on appraisal of the state tax authorities in 1860. At the end of the three years, the occupants could purchase the land and receive title. Similar provisions were included in the postwar Southern Homestead Act of 1866; freedmen were to receive land in the southern states at a price of $5 for 80 acres. Neither of these Acts were implemented on behalf of the ex-slaves with any degree of vigor given the fierce opposition of President Andrew Johnson. By the end of 1865, Johnson also had ordered the removal of former slaves from the coastal lands they had settled under the conditions of Sherman’s Special Field Orders No. 15. The lands ultimately were restored to the former slave owners (see Friedman, 1996; McPherson, 1964; Shabazz, 1994).

Forty Acres and a Mule in the 21st Century
William Darity, Jr., Duke University
Article in Social Science Quarterly · February 2008
Dude you fuckin said 15m acres went to blacks.
Its truly sickening that racism makes you this much of a dishonest piece of shit.
Your life must really suck!
The homestead act of 1866 specifically stated free blacks could get land.

What was stated and what happened are two different things. Your racism makes YOU the dishonest one. You are dishonest in calling me a racist and your post ignores the facts. Your life must really suck for you to have to lie to yourself like you do.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

MLK's legacy is secure...he won..they lost..simple as that. He died for his efforts..but if you had showed him our 2019..and asked him if he would die to make it a reality..he would have said "Yes' in a heartbeat! That's why the haters hate. Most of them are old geezers still trying to re-fight the battle of the 60's..with a different ending. Not going to happen. It is results that count--the rest is bs perpetrated by bored old men who see their relevance fading with the spread of their fat asses and the liver spots on their hands.

MLK's Dream is today's reality--they can scream 'Chicago' at the top of their lungs--they can cite stats..and skewed reports--it will not change the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. won!

They lost.

King won some battles, yes. His greatness cannot be denied, yes. You are right about the haters. I'm not so sure King would be happy with the things happening now. However, had King lived to get old, things would be vastly different today.

King was a civil rights leader and believed in free speech right? And democrats shut down free speech.. interesting

How have democrats shut down free speech?

They almost burned down Berkeley college to kill two Jewish speakers. lol
Threw things at Candace Owens and kicked her out of a restaurant because of her speech. Boston police shut down a free speech rally with multiple black speakers. I can go on.. how much time do you have?
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

MLK's legacy is secure...he won..they lost..simple as that. He died for his efforts..but if you had showed him our 2019..and asked him if he would die to make it a reality..he would have said "Yes' in a heartbeat! That's why the haters hate. Most of them are old geezers still trying to re-fight the battle of the 60's..with a different ending. Not going to happen. It is results that count--the rest is bs perpetrated by bored old men who see their relevance fading with the spread of their fat asses and the liver spots on their hands.

MLK's Dream is today's reality--they can scream 'Chicago' at the top of their lungs--they can cite stats..and skewed reports--it will not change the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. won!

They lost.

King won some battles, yes. His greatness cannot be denied, yes. You are right about the haters. I'm not so sure King would be happy with the things happening now. However, had King lived to get old, things would be vastly different today.

King was a civil rights leader and believed in free speech right? And democrats shut down free speech.. interesting

How have democrats shut down free speech?

They almost burned down Berkeley college to kill two Jewish speakers. lol
Threw things at Candace Owens and kicked her out of a restaurant because of her speech. Boston police shut down a free speech rally with multiple black speakers. I can go on.. how much time do you have?

Democrats didn’t do those things
Try again
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MLK's legacy is secure...he won..they lost..simple as that. He died for his efforts..but if you had showed him our 2019..and asked him if he would die to make it a reality..he would have said "Yes' in a heartbeat! That's why the haters hate. Most of them are old geezers still trying to re-fight the battle of the 60's..with a different ending. Not going to happen. It is results that count--the rest is bs perpetrated by bored old men who see their relevance fading with the spread of their fat asses and the liver spots on their hands.

MLK's Dream is today's reality--they can scream 'Chicago' at the top of their lungs--they can cite stats..and skewed reports--it will not change the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. won!

They lost.

King won some battles, yes. His greatness cannot be denied, yes. You are right about the haters. I'm not so sure King would be happy with the things happening now. However, had King lived to get old, things would be vastly different today.
King was a civil rights leader and believed in free speech right? And democrats shut down free speech.. interesting
How have democrats shut down free speech?
They almost burned down Berkeley college to kill two Jewish speakers. lol
Threw things at Candace Owens and kicked her out of a restaurant because of her speech. Boston police shut down a free speech rally with multiple black speakers. I can go on.. how much time do you have?
Democrats didn’t do those things
Try again
Mayor of Boston is a republican?? blahhh haaaa
Berkeley students stoping Jewish speakers were what?? Hahah
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The courts have ruled that such laws are racist Bootney. These laws are not just about an ID. They end activities specifically used by blacks to vote and to register to vote. And that's just the tip.
What courts?

Not in Texas.

The SCOTUS has not deemed it racist.

There is absolutely nothing racist about being sure that white or black people only vote once, just like anybody and everybody else.

There can be no rational objection to requiring ID. None. All excuses are complete and total horse shit.

The disingenuously pathetic excuses for why requiring ID is racist SUPPORTS the inference that those who oppose ID laws do so because THEY WANT TO CHEAT.

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Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

Wasn't he a Child Pedophile?
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

MLK's legacy is secure...he won..they lost..simple as that. He died for his efforts..but if you had showed him our 2019..and asked him if he would die to make it a reality..he would have said "Yes' in a heartbeat! That's why the haters hate. Most of them are old geezers still trying to re-fight the battle of the 60's..with a different ending. Not going to happen. It is results that count--the rest is bs perpetrated by bored old men who see their relevance fading with the spread of their fat asses and the liver spots on their hands.

MLK's Dream is today's reality--they can scream 'Chicago' at the top of their lungs--they can cite stats..and skewed reports--it will not change the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. won!

They lost.

King won some battles, yes. His greatness cannot be denied, yes. You are right about the haters. I'm not so sure King would be happy with the things happening now. However, had King lived to get old, things would be vastly different today.

King was a civil rights leader and believed in free speech right? And democrats shut down free speech.. interesting

How do Democrats shut down free speech? Please talk in specifics.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

MLK's legacy is secure...he won..they lost..simple as that. He died for his efforts..but if you had showed him our 2019..and asked him if he would die to make it a reality..he would have said "Yes' in a heartbeat! That's why the haters hate. Most of them are old geezers still trying to re-fight the battle of the 60's..with a different ending. Not going to happen. It is results that count--the rest is bs perpetrated by bored old men who see their relevance fading with the spread of their fat asses and the liver spots on their hands.

MLK's Dream is today's reality--they can scream 'Chicago' at the top of their lungs--they can cite stats..and skewed reports--it will not change the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. won!

They lost.

King won some battles, yes. His greatness cannot be denied, yes. You are right about the haters. I'm not so sure King would be happy with the things happening now. However, had King lived to get old, things would be vastly different today.

King was a civil rights leader and believed in free speech right? And democrats shut down free speech.. interesting

How do Democrats shut down free speech? Please talk in specifics.

They almost burned down Berkeley college to kill two Jewish speakers. lol
Threw things at Candace Owens and kicked her out of a restaurant because of her speech. Boston police shut down a free speech rally with multiple black speakers. I can go on.. how much time do you have?
“Whenever any black person utters words that make white people adjust their collars, white people unfailingly respond with a variation of the phrase “but not all white people.” If they are bold enough, they might even challenge you with the Super Saiyan Caucasian preamble of all preambles: “What would Martin Luther King say about ...”

MLK fought against white racism. When he made his famous speech in 1963, he was saying that he wanted his kids to live in a world without white racism where they could be seen for the content of their character by WHITES, not that he was talking about some fictional society that ignores racism. We need to understand that King opposed white racism. We need to understand that almost every word he spoke was in opposition to white racism. Because he spoke against the Vietnam war as well. We need to learn that he was asking whites to stop being racists and that whites start looking at blacks not for the color of their skin but that WHITES begin looking at us for the content of our character. He was not asking blacks to ignore white racism under the guise of some fake colorblind belief.

That was his dream. The end of white racism.
But his life has been deconstruced by right wing racist whites to remake him into a mealy mouthed black conservative republican. When you discuss race in the various social media platforms or society in general, there is always somebody white who thinks they can tell you how what you say would not be approved by King because you are opposing white racism unapologetically and in no uncertain terms. King has been dead for over 50 years now and just like in almost ever other matter of race relations a certain part of the white community has amnesia about King.

I was 7 years old when King was murdered by a white man in 1968. Before his murder, King was organizing a poor peoples march again Washington. King felt at that time the government of the United States must begin to provide for the economic damage caused by the years of racism against blacks by the government of this country. He pledged that when he went to the White House this time, he was coming to get a check. It is very plain that King was moving in the direction of demanding economic equality and economic justice for blacks. Conservatives who hijack his words miss this reality. Unfortunately King did not make it to Washington. However, that goal of economic equality remains in effect for blacks today.

King was killed because the content of his character dictated that he was required to stand up and oppose injustice. Not that he sits idly by ignoring the whites practicing it so he would not be considered a racist.
So, only blacks should be judged by the content of their characters? It seems so by reading yours and Paul Essien's posts. Blacks in the past were not treated fairly. I am not saying it is perfect today, but not all whites treat blacks badly. I DO treat people by their behavior, regardless of color. MLK was right in what he was trying to achieve,equality amongst the races.
I agree with you.

That was some serious bullshit, by the ENTIRE U.S., not just the Southern States.

If someone could find a way to fairly rectify that past injustice, I would support it. Maybe some of that federal land should be granted to black folks as restitution?


They already have. Reparations, that would close the wealth gap between whites and American descendants of slaves.
Not all whites were slave owners or lived a rich life. Not all whites are wealthy today. Not all blacks are poor today. If there are more whites,doesn't it figure that there would be a bigger wealthy population of whites? How do you figure that if blacks were not enslaved that they would have had riches to pass on to their descendants? Not all blacks descended from slaves. It would not be productive to give free money (not earned) just to someone because they are black and haven't earned the money.
How would you know that I benefited from racism?

You just made a blanket statement about me without having any facts, based solely on my race.

The BIA is complete bullshit and reparations should stop immediately, but you're right. We who had no part in conquering Native Americans are being held responsible to pay reparations to Native American decedents who were never mistreated. That is fucking horseshit, and black folks are not being treated equally.

The BIA needs to fold. It's only fair.

You also benefit from all the good things that comes w/living in and/or being a citizen of this country. That you, nor your ancestors, had nothing to do with.

That's also not fair. But you don't complain about that.
so do you
You also benefit from all the good things that comes w/living in and/or being a citizen of this country. That you, nor your ancestors, had nothing to do with.

That's also not fair. But you don't complain about that.
Are you not a citizen of this country?

And, you had nothing to do with it.

That is equally not fair.

It's exactly the same.

And you do nothing but complain.

You see how the story shifted? When I pointed out that Blacks actually received "Reparations" in the form of millions of acres of land, it then became a "Yeah but they lost their land because RACISM....". What a surprise.

The story didn't shift. The part you left out was shown.
No, you said it never happened.
As all of your threads go, either you were ignorant or a liar.
I was ignorant on the numbers but I'm not intellectually dishonest like you are. I can admit it.
So which were you?

It didn't happen. And you are very intellectually dishonest.

On January 16, 1865, after completing his march to the Georgia coast, General Sherman issued Special Field Orders No. 15 that established the provision ‘‘of not more than (40) forty acres of tillable ground’’ designated ‘‘for the settlement of the negroes now made free by the acts of war and the proclamation of the President of the United States.’’ The territory to be settled under Sherman’s orders included ‘‘[t]he islands from Charleston, south of the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty miles back from the sea, and the country bordering the St. Johns River’’ (Sherman, 2003:325–27).

More expansively, the Freedman’s Bureau Act of March 3, 1865, pursuant to the Southern land confiscation acts of 1861, 1862, 1863, and 1864, had an explicit racial land redistribution provision. Again, ‘‘not more than 40 acres’’ of land was to be provided to refugee or freedman male citizens at three years’ annual rent not exceeding 6 percent of the value of the land based on appraisal of the state tax authorities in 1860. At the end of the three years, the occupants could purchase the land and receive title. Similar provisions were included in the postwar Southern Homestead Act of 1866; freedmen were to receive land in the southern states at a price of $5 for 80 acres. Neither of these Acts were implemented on behalf of the ex-slaves with any degree of vigor given the fierce opposition of President Andrew Johnson. By the end of 1865, Johnson also had ordered the removal of former slaves from the coastal lands they had settled under the conditions of Sherman’s Special Field Orders No. 15. The lands ultimately were restored to the former slave owners (see Friedman, 1996; McPherson, 1964; Shabazz, 1994).

Forty Acres and a Mule in the 21st Century
William Darity, Jr., Duke University
Article in Social Science Quarterly · February 2008
Dude you fuckin said 15m acres went to blacks.
Its truly sickening that racism makes you this much of a dishonest piece of shit.
Your life must really suck!
The homestead act of 1866 specifically stated free blacks could get land.

What was stated and what happened are two different things. Your racism makes YOU the dishonest one. You are dishonest in calling me a racist and your post ignores the facts. Your life must really suck for you to have to lie to yourself like you do.
You used it to your advantage!
Fuckin loser.

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