Please stop trying tell black people about MLK

How would you know that I benefited from racism?

You just made a blanket statement about me without having any facts, based solely on my race.

The BIA is complete bullshit and reparations should stop immediately, but you're right. We who had no part in conquering Native Americans are being held responsible to pay reparations to Native American decedents who were never mistreated. That is fucking horseshit, and black folks are not being treated equally.

The BIA needs to fold. It's only fair.

You also benefit from all the good things that comes w/living in and/or being a citizen of this country. That you, nor your ancestors, had nothing to do with.

That's also not fair. But you don't complain about that.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

It doesn't surprise me that somebody would dare to try and "school" people of African descent as to how they should view Dr. King. The people who do this want to tell us all how to be, depending on the mix of one's being and background.

Look at USMB, taking into consideration that I am a female of European background raised in the Christian faith. There are people out there issuing "instructions" as to how I am supposed to be a woman, how I am supposed to be "white," how I am supposed to be a Christian.

Don't let anyone tell you what to think. Thinking is private for each and every one of us.

I love the ones who refer to "white culture." I don't know what "white culture" even consists of. I don't know what I will listen to next, Tchaikovsky, Springsteen, Martha and the Vandellas?
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Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

It doesn't surprise me that somebody would dare to try and "school" people of African descent as to how they should view Dr. King. The people who do this want to tell us all how to be, depending on the mix of one's being and background.

Look at USMB, taking into consideration that I am a female of European background raised in the Christian faith. There are people out there issuing "instructions" as to how I am supposed to be a woman, how I am supposed to be "white," how I am supposed to be a Christian.

Don't let anyone tell you what to think. Thinking is private for each and every one of us.

I love the ones who refer to "white culture." I don't know what "white culture" even consists of. I don't know what I will listen to next, Tchaikovsky, Springsteen, Martha and the Vandellas?

and you know what, Ms virtue signaler extraoridinaire?

No matter how hard you kiss their ass, the reprobate black racists in this thread will still consider you racist.
How would you know that I benefited from racism?

You just made a blanket statement about me without having any facts, based solely on my race.

The BIA is complete bullshit and reparations should stop immediately, but you're right. We who had no part in conquering Native Americans are being held responsible to pay reparations to Native American decedents who were never mistreated. That is fucking horseshit, and black folks are not being treated equally.

The BIA needs to fold. It's only fair.

You also benefit from all the good things that comes w/living in and/or being a citizen of this country. That you, nor your ancestors, had nothing to do with.

That's also not fair. But you don't complain about that.

Well, you know my problem has been getting more defined. MLK Jr. seems to be a part of it. Clearly government has designed to do something not very heavily advertised in education or public announcement.

I think you can start with Eisenhower and the "Millitary Industrial Complex". Eisenhower totally hated the old South. Look at all his initiatives. He praises Abraham Lincoln, Northern Republicanism. His top priority was the interstate system. He insulted Southern "beatings" and leadership and at every opportunity. He supported Federal Government as the winner of world war 2, that's why he was first on the Mission to the Moon program, not JFK, you can see the Eagle grasping the Moon on the Eisenhower Half Dollar. That's easily shows how it coincides with the build up OF the Military Industrial Complex AND the Federal Space NASA program throughout the South.

That's phase one, of what is already a systematic program to nationalize a lot of people's personal morality. Eisenhower reset the Presbyterian Church into the United Presbyterian Church and the PCUSA, that's not even a possibility. I Mean Perhaps there are moral reforms that are better expressed than saying that some backwards Pagan belief needs to be Reformed out of its Barbaric beginnings?! Churches don't reset!

Then only after that or sometimes co-existant with that is Martin Luther King Jr.s activities. We've set up a moral and religious leadership with the MLKs, the Al Sharptons, and Jesse Jacksons, that is Mandatory. First off, we set out to make the "Pledge of Allegiance" UNder God pledge to be not the establishment of a Christian Denominational religion, the new Presbyterians, so that's mandatory Government Shouting GOD! Not Religion... That's the attitude Eisenhower took right into the whitehouse. Next is Martin Luther King Jr is a Religious figure in a Holy Day. So you can see, National forces in a blindman's in the dark crazy stab at the international moral concern and scholastics that's supposed to be religion.
MLK was martyred after he was assasinated

Before then he was called a commie, agitator, race bater and much worse
Even J Edgar Hoover considered him a threat

But to be fair, many whites supported MLK and participated in freedom rides, protests and financial support
That is what is so aggravating. It seems no credit is ever given where credit is due.

Those whites who supported civil rights deserve credit

Those who opposed deserve to be condemned
You all spied on a president lol yes you should be condemned IDIOT
Sorry Tinkerbell

But your post has nothing to do with what I said
  • Thanks
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Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

He was a registered republican.. you have RDS

Prove it.

Yeah, I think Dr. King was just like me.

Was Martin Luther King, Jr., a Republican or a Democrat?

“I don’t think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God, nor is the Democratic Party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

Amen, Dr. King. Preach!


King was fighting for civil rights ......he had nothing to gain in alienating either party
far right are people who only care about what they think and like....and if you disagree,fuck you and horse you rode in on....the far left are the same way...
What examples do you have of the far right??
geezus you sound like dean.....prove to me that those i just described dont exist...
Do you believe in christianity and Jesus Christ ?
religion has nothing to do with those i described.....some of the biggest hypocrites alive today are so called christians... who also only care about what they believe...
Hahah there it is.. you hate christians
how do you get i hate them out of that?....or could it be you are one of those i described?....
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

He was a registered republican.. you have RDS

Prove it.

Yeah, I think Dr. King was just like me.

Was Martin Luther King, Jr., a Republican or a Democrat?

“I don’t think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God, nor is the Democratic Party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

Amen, Dr. King. Preach!


King was fighting for civil rights ......he had nothing to gain in alienating either party

Do you even know what civil rights are ? Free speech? (Democrats try to shut down)
Spying on a prez candidate ? Physically assaulting people for speaking ?
Democrats have always been against civil rights always .
Well, you know my problem has been getting more defined. MLK Jr. seems to be a part of it. Clearly government has designed to do something not very heavily advertised in education or public announcement.

I think you can start with Eisenhower and the "Millitary Industrial Complex". Eisenhower totally hated the old South. Look at all his initiatives. He praises Abraham Lincoln, Northern Republicanism. His top priority was the interstate system. He insulted Southern "beatings" and leadership and at every opportunity. He supported Federal Government as the winner of world war 2, that's why he was first on the Mission to the Moon program, not JFK, you can see the Eagle grasping the Moon on the Eisenhower Half Dollar. That's easily shows how it coincides with the build up OF the Military Industrial Complex AND the Federal Space NASA program throughout the South.

That's phase one, of what is already a systematic program to nationalize a lot of people's personal morality. Eisenhower reset the Presbyterian Church into the United Presbyterian Church and the PCUSA, that's not even a possibility. I Mean Perhaps there are moral reforms that are better expressed than saying that some backwards Pagan belief needs to be Reformed out of its Barbaric beginnings?! Churches don't reset!

Then only after that or sometimes co-existant with that is Martin Luther King Jr.s activities. We've set up a moral and religious leadership with the MLKs, the Al Sharptons, and Jesse Jacksons, that is Mandatory. First off, we set out to make the "Pledge of Allegiance" UNder God pledge to be not the establishment of a Christian Denominational religion, the new Presbyterians, so that's mandatory Government Shouting GOD! Not Religion... That's the attitude Eisenhower took right into the whitehouse. Next is Martin Luther King Jr is a Religious figure in a Holy Day. So you can see, National forces in a blindman's in the dark crazy stab at the international moral concern and scholastics that's supposed to be religion.
I honestly have no idea what any of this has to do w/what was typed previously.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

He was a registered republican.. you have RDS

Prove it.

Yeah, I think Dr. King was just like me.

Was Martin Luther King, Jr., a Republican or a Democrat?

“I don’t think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God, nor is the Democratic Party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

Amen, Dr. King. Preach!


King was fighting for civil rights ......he had nothing to gain in alienating either party

Do you even know what civil rights are ? Free speech? (Democrats try to shut down)
Spying on a prez candidate ? Physically assaulting people for speaking ?
Democrats have always been against civil rights always .

Too childish to respond to
What examples do you have of the far right??
geezus you sound like dean.....prove to me that those i just described dont exist...
Do you believe in christianity and Jesus Christ ?
religion has nothing to do with those i described.....some of the biggest hypocrites alive today are so called christians... who also only care about what they believe...
Hahah there it is.. you hate christians
how do you get i hate them out of that?....or could it be you are one of those i described?....
How do you feel about christians ?
He was a registered republican.. you have RDS

Prove it.
Yeah, I think Dr. King was just like me.

Was Martin Luther King, Jr., a Republican or a Democrat?

“I don’t think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God, nor is the Democratic Party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

Amen, Dr. King. Preach!

King was fighting for civil rights ......he had nothing to gain in alienating either party
Do you even know what civil rights are ? Free speech? (Democrats try to shut down)
Spying on a prez candidate ? Physically assaulting people for speaking ?
Democrats have always been against civil rights always .
Too childish to respond to
I didn’t think you could.. Democrats are overwhelmingly civil rights.. look at our 2nd amendment. Wow
geezus you sound like dean.....prove to me that those i just described dont exist...
Do you believe in christianity and Jesus Christ ?
religion has nothing to do with those i described.....some of the biggest hypocrites alive today are so called christians... who also only care about what they believe...
Hahah there it is.. you hate christians
how do you get i hate them out of that?....or could it be you are one of those i described?....
How do you feel about christians ?
outside of the ones who are not hypocrites i have no problems with do you feel about them?...
Do you believe in christianity and Jesus Christ ?
religion has nothing to do with those i described.....some of the biggest hypocrites alive today are so called christians... who also only care about what they believe...
Hahah there it is.. you hate christians
how do you get i hate them out of that?....or could it be you are one of those i described?....
How do you feel about christians ?
outside of the ones who are not hypocrites i have no problems with do you feel about them?...
Lol who would they be??
Well, you know my problem has been getting more defined. MLK Jr. seems to be a part of it. Clearly government has designed to do something not very heavily advertised in education or public announcement.

I think you can start with Eisenhower and the "Millitary Industrial Complex". Eisenhower totally hated the old South. Look at all his initiatives. He praises Abraham Lincoln, Northern Republicanism. His top priority was the interstate system. He insulted Southern "beatings" and leadership and at every opportunity. He supported Federal Government as the winner of world war 2, that's why he was first on the Mission to the Moon program, not JFK, you can see the Eagle grasping the Moon on the Eisenhower Half Dollar. That's easily shows how it coincides with the build up OF the Military Industrial Complex AND the Federal Space NASA program throughout the South.

That's phase one, of what is already a systematic program to nationalize a lot of people's personal morality. Eisenhower reset the Presbyterian Church into the United Presbyterian Church and the PCUSA, that's not even a possibility. I Mean Perhaps there are moral reforms that are better expressed than saying that some backwards Pagan belief needs to be Reformed out of its Barbaric beginnings?! Churches don't reset!

Then only after that or sometimes co-existant with that is Martin Luther King Jr.s activities. We've set up a moral and religious leadership with the MLKs, the Al Sharptons, and Jesse Jacksons, that is Mandatory. First off, we set out to make the "Pledge of Allegiance" UNder God pledge to be not the establishment of a Christian Denominational religion, the new Presbyterians, so that's mandatory Government Shouting GOD! Not Religion... That's the attitude Eisenhower took right into the whitehouse. Next is Martin Luther King Jr is a Religious figure in a Holy Day. So you can see, National forces in a blindman's in the dark crazy stab at the international moral concern and scholastics that's supposed to be religion.
I honestly have no idea what any of this has to do w/what was typed previously.
I'm try to tie this into the string of conversation. Of course racism permeated the entire United States, and often, without any sympathy to the physical situation of African Americans, the Northern Union man saw the Univ ersality against slavery, or being a slave himself, or the new Republican values of Napoleonic France, Equality, Fraternity, and General Mclellan was nicknamed a Little Napoleon in his 'invasion of the states'. Martin Luther King Jr. said "injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere", then how do people not INTERPRET MLK Jr. targeted March from Selma to the old Confederate Capitol in Montgomery, that's not targeting nationwide racism, that's attacking the Confederate political position. How do people interpret MLK Jr. then as focused against racism?
Prove it.
Yeah, I think Dr. King was just like me.

Was Martin Luther King, Jr., a Republican or a Democrat?

“I don’t think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God, nor is the Democratic Party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

Amen, Dr. King. Preach!

King was fighting for civil rights ......he had nothing to gain in alienating either party
Do you even know what civil rights are ? Free speech? (Democrats try to shut down)
Spying on a prez candidate ? Physically assaulting people for speaking ?
Democrats have always been against civil rights always .
Too childish to respond to
I didn’t think you could.. Democrats are overwhelmingly civil rights.. look at our 2nd amendment. Wow
Sorry, your posts just aren’t that good
You bring nothing to the table
religion has nothing to do with those i described.....some of the biggest hypocrites alive today are so called christians... who also only care about what they believe...
Hahah there it is.. you hate christians
how do you get i hate them out of that?....or could it be you are one of those i described?....
How do you feel about christians ?
outside of the ones who are not hypocrites i have no problems with do you feel about them?...
Lol who would they be??
so you are agreeing with me that so many are hypocrites that you want to know who isnt? that what you are asking?...
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

Rightwing racists need to tell you about MLK so you'll think they're not racists.
Hahah there it is.. you hate christians
how do you get i hate them out of that?....or could it be you are one of those i described?....
How do you feel about christians ?
outside of the ones who are not hypocrites i have no problems with do you feel about them?...
Lol who would they be??
so you are agreeing with me that so many are hypocrites that you want to know who isnt? that what you are asking?...
Let’s start who do you agree with?

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