Please stop trying tell black people about MLK

MLK was martyred after he was assasinated

Before then he was called a commie, agitator, race bater and much worse
Even J Edgar Hoover considered him a threat

But to be fair, many whites supported MLK and participated in freedom rides, protests and financial support
That is what is so aggravating. It seems no credit is ever given where credit is due.

Those whites who supported civil rights deserve credit

Those who opposed deserve to be condemned
so are the farther right and left...
No actual my city needs far right.. libertarians are just that cool teacher everyone had that doesn’t really do shit lol
the far right are just as bad as the far what we like,if not, fuck you...
What is far right? Lol securing borders? Stoping the murder of babies??
far right are people who only care about what they think and like....and if you disagree,fuck you and horse you rode in on....the far left are the same way...
What examples do you have of the far right??
geezus you sound like dean.....prove to me that those i just described dont exist...
No actual my city needs far right.. libertarians are just that cool teacher everyone had that doesn’t really do shit lol
the far right are just as bad as the far what we like,if not, fuck you...
What is far right? Lol securing borders? Stoping the murder of babies??
far right are people who only care about what they think and like....and if you disagree,fuck you and horse you rode in on....the far left are the same way...
What examples do you have of the far right??
geezus you sound like dean.....prove to me that those i just described dont exist...
Do you believe in christianity and Jesus Christ ?
far right are people who only care about what they think and like....and if you disagree,fuck you and horse you rode in on....the far left are the same way...
I only care about liberty, and if you disagree...FUCK YOU.

Which am I? Far-right or far-left?

how much liberty do you think you have in this country?.....are you free of oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views?.....
the far right are just as bad as the far what we like,if not, fuck you...
What is far right? Lol securing borders? Stoping the murder of babies??
far right are people who only care about what they think and like....and if you disagree,fuck you and horse you rode in on....the far left are the same way...
What examples do you have of the far right??
geezus you sound like dean.....prove to me that those i just described dont exist...
Do you believe in christianity and Jesus Christ ?
religion has nothing to do with those i described.....some of the biggest hypocrites alive today are so called christians... who also only care about what they believe...
MLK was a Reparations pusher, whodathunk? I guess he forgot about the 40 acres and a mule thing that enabled former slaves to own and work their own land. 30 years after the Civil War ended Southern Blacks owned millions of acres. So what check is MLK talking about?
What would you like to know about MLK, IM2?

You seem to be struggling, and I would be happy to help.
What is far right? Lol securing borders? Stoping the murder of babies??
far right are people who only care about what they think and like....and if you disagree,fuck you and horse you rode in on....the far left are the same way...
What examples do you have of the far right??
geezus you sound like dean.....prove to me that those i just described dont exist...
Do you believe in christianity and Jesus Christ ?
religion has nothing to do with those i described.....some of the biggest hypocrites alive today are so called christians... who also only care about what they believe...
Hahah there it is.. you hate christians
MLK was martyred after he was assasinated

Before then he was called a commie, agitator, race bater and much worse
Even J Edgar Hoover considered him a threat

But to be fair, many whites supported MLK and participated in freedom rides, protests and financial support
That is what is so aggravating. It seems no credit is ever given where credit is due.

Those whites who supported civil rights deserve credit

Those who opposed deserve to be condemned
You all spied on a president lol yes you should be condemned IDIOT
You have just made one of the most ignorant comments of all time.

“Whenever any black person utters words that make white people adjust their collars, white people unfailingly respond with a variation of the phrase “but not all white people.” If they are bold enough, they might even challenge you with the Super Saiyan Caucasian preamble of all preambles: “What would Martin Luther King say about ...”

I am 100 percent correct. King did hold whites responsible for racism. All whites. He held the whites who claimed non racism but did nothing just as accountable as the racists.

“First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection."

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
And this is why I say:

Please stop trying tell black people about MLK
C'mon now!!!

I agree with you.

That was some serious bullshit, by the ENTIRE U.S., not just the Southern States.

If someone could find a way to fairly rectify that past injustice, I would support it. Maybe some of that federal land should be granted to black folks as restitution?


They already have. Reparations, that would close the wealth gap between whites and American descendants of slaves.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

He was a registered republican.. you have RDS

Prove it.

Yeah, I think Dr. King was just like me.

Was Martin Luther King, Jr., a Republican or a Democrat?

“I don’t think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God, nor is the Democratic Party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”

Amen, Dr. King. Preach!

They already have. Reparations, that would close the wealth gap between whites and American descendants of slaves.

But, go get it from slave owners and their decedents. Don't get it from guys like me, whose ancestors not only had no part in slavery, but actually competed against slave-owner farms and were conscripted into the CSA army and forced to fight a war to defend the very institution that created that unfair competition.

Where's my wealth-gap closure?

Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

Not many blacks do, if they did they wouldn't act like animals today.


I am a person descended from European people and my skin burns and peels when exposed to the sun, and I rarely hit the caps button, but

Your comment is beyond disgusting. You need mental and spiritual help. I've seen many "white" people act like animals in the last few years. Charlottesville, Christchurch, Dylan Roof, the Tree of Life Synagogue, more.

You are a human (I guess) with no shred of common decency.
Is Aversive Racism intentional?

How does one stop being an aversive racist?

If I am honestly wanting "entitlement reform" because I am a proponent of limited government, does that automatically make me an aversive racist?

If I want to make sure that people vote, but only vote once, does that make me an aversive racist?

Isn't it possible to want the above entitlement/welfare reform and voter protection , and still not be an aversive racist?

The only evidence we have of any criminality involving voting, in this country, has been conducted by Republicans. As has been most very recently committed by Republicans.

So when whites, like you, keep insisting on this imaginary voting fraud committed by blacks, against what the facts dictate, it clearly shows racism.

But, go get it from slave owners and their decedents. Don't get it from guys like me, whose ancestors not only had no part in slavery, but actually competed against slave-owner farms and were conscripted into the CSA army and forced to fight a war to defend the very institution that created that unfair competition.

Where's my wealth-gap closure?

If you have a legitimate claim to it, you'll get it, don't worry.

As for the rest of your claptrap, we all pay taxes for things we don't agree with. Deal with it.

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