Please stop trying tell black people about MLK

government only for themselves
lots of democrats want that too....the farther right and left hate everyone that dont agree with them.....

I wouldn't say that. The policies of the democratic party does not reflect that.

Dear IM2
1. What do you call it when the Clinton factions cut out the Sanders supporters? Doesn't that mean those dominating factions want THEIR WAY by all means necessary.

2. Are we miscommunicating here.

As a Democrat I also believe the point of INCLUSION of diversity MEANS including ALL PEOPLE.

However, that's not what I found in practice.

People were using the Party to take positions and just impose THEIR will which "they PERCEIVE as REPRESENTING" America.

They THINK they are speaking and legislating on behalf of America.

But what I found is
A. not only are those dominant voices CUTTING OUT and EXCLUDING members of their own party who then OBJECTED to being cut out of the representative process
B. but also the dominating interests taking over the Democratic Party also ALIENATED whole sectors of the PROGRESSIVE community who turned to the GREEN Party or independent outreach and GAVE UP trying to "work with Democrats"
C. AND ALSO exclude and even DEMONIZE "conservative Republicans" and other Trump supporters and voters who constitute "the other half of America NOT REPRESENTED by liberal Democrats"

^ This insistence on claiming to represent the American public while discounting the beliefs and voices of the rest of America as "invalid" or "racist" or "greedy" etc. is the leftwing EQUIVALENT of only wanting Government to represent THEIR BELIEFS (thinking it represents ALL America and they are speaking for everyone else!)

NOTE: IM2 for this problem, I would NOT describe it as "only wanting government to serve them" but describe it as assuming that what they want for ALL AMERICA is "the will of the public". They THINK they are serving the best interests of everyone BUT IT ONLY MAKES SENSE IF HALF THE NATION OPPOSES THEM ENOUGH TO FORM PARTISAN OPPOSITION THEN THE DEMOCRATS DO NOT REPRESENT OR "SPEAK FOR" THE WHOLE NATION AS THEY BELIEVE THEY DO
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

Does this mean you will be consistent and stop telling others about famous white people?

When I start using one sentence out of their lives to try making a disingenuous argument then it will be time for you to make that request.

Then don't use such a misleading thread title.

The title is not misleading. The attempts of whites like you to spin King into what he was not is.

Like me? Feel free to show where I've done that.
MLK was a Reparations pusher, whodathunk? I guess he forgot about the 40 acres and a mule thing that enabled former slaves to own and work their own land. 30 years after the Civil War ended Southern Blacks owned millions of acres. So what check is MLK talking about?
40 acres and a mule never materialized
I never got every gift I wanted for Christmas either.
You were never a slave either

Not a single person in this forum has ever been a slave.

Dear Dogmaphobe

The closest I have come is working two jobs since 2008
to pay by myself over 60,000 dollars I borrowed on my credit
cards and "lent" to multiple nonprofit groups in distressed
neighborhoods (predominantly Black) that were abused and overrun
for politics, because corporate interests wanted their real estate and the nonprofit community programs that were holding the communities together weren't getting paid but were either evicted, denied funding and/or pressured to shut down. To save the nonprofit leaders that were struggling to save their own neighborhoods and programs with SUSTAINABLE PLANS that were being censored by this economic and political oppression to take over their communities, I paid expenses to save cars, homes, centers and pay other bills to keep their nonprofits and programs from going under so they could stay afloat and keep trying to serve and fight to defend their communities on ZERO budgets until all this hostile abuse, including abuse of govt funds to destroy them and their communities, could be resolved later. I understood that as long as these groups survive that are REALLY representing the residents with longterm solutions for community development and planning the RIGHT way, eventually they will receive credit for their work and the taxpayers can one day be reimbursed for the corruption and abuse of public dollars to oppress, censor, abuse and violate the rights of these citizens and communities that were denied equal protections to defend their own interests and plans.

10 years after I made these "loans" which the nonprofits cannot pay back without massive help with fundraising, and over 20 years since I first started volunteering to help them fight against corporate abuse of govt to silence them and destroy the community and plans they have been trying to represent and save, and I'm still trying to pay off the debts myself.

Normally my expenses are where I could work one job and pay my own bills. But I had been working 2 jobs since 2008 and until Harvey hit when I lost my car. I tried to go back to working 2 jobs but have not been able to, so I am struggling to pay these debts on my credit with only one job that can only cover my expenses, not the extra I took on.

So Dogmaphobe if you consider that
A. the thousands of dollars I am paying for myself is from ABUSES OF GOVT to undermine, evict and censor nonprofit community leaders and groups that had the audacity to stand up to corporate interests that bought out local govt, and fight to expose corruption and abuses of public resources and authority, and to defend equal representation and protection from unlawful oppression and discrimination, in order to save their own neighborhoods using their own resources and plans for sustainable development.
B. My labor is going to pay these debts CAUSED BY GOVT ABUSES
so my income and labor is not going to myself or what I would choose to pay for, but to debts and damages from CONTESTED ABUSES that cost taxpayers millions more.
C. The TERMS by which I AGREED to work to pay these debts and damages was that these GRIEVANCES, ABUSES and COMPLAINTS OF CORRUPTION would later be addressed and RESOLVED so that the money owed to the nonprofit leaders, groups and programs that suffered the debts and damages is PAID BACK by INVESTING in the SUSTAINABLE programs that SHOULD HAVE BEEN FUNDED INSTEAD OF THE DESTRUCTION of these communities and their programs.

Then Dogmaphobe if the TERMS ARE NOT MET (of the debts and damages I agreed to cover USING MY OWN LABOR) then I would consider that labor to be INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE or slave labor.

I would be forced to work for free, since the money is not going to myself but is covering the costs of debt and damages from govt abuses and corruption that I contested along with the community residents, leaders and organizations in these oppressed districts denied "equal protection of the laws" to have their grievances and solutions to development included and represented in govt policies. Instead they were unlawfully censored by discrimination against "poor black communities" when these groups committed NO crimes or abuses that merited loss of democratic representation, participation and protection of the laws.

Exposing this censorship and discrimination was the purpose of me taking on the costs of debts and damages so I could use that as leverage to COMPEL corrections and RESTORE the original plans and rights to equal representation and protections of the community residents and leaders unlawfully censored by favoring corporate interests that censored and overrode community plans.

So if those terms are not met, so the debts can be paid back CORRECTLY by supporting and restoring the ORIGINAL plans of these communities I was defending, then I argue that is INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE or slave labor.

I did NOT consent to give up my income and labor for over 10 years just to have these same communities continue to be OPPRESSED.

My point in investing my own labor and credit to keep the nonprofit organizations and leaders afloat was to defend their interests that were subverted, denied and discriminated against by govt abuse and corruption.

I argue their equal protections of the laws, equal rights to representation, and equal rights to security and "due process of laws BEFORE being deprived of any such rights" needs to be RESTORED and RESTITUTION assessed and reimbursed,
in order to satisfy the terms by which I borrowed and lent that money.

Over 60,000 to 5 nonprofit groups (including 14,000-16,000 to three nonprofit group leaders due to costs of preventing eviction or displacement after eviction by hostile efforts to remove them as competing interests from districts they were working unpaid to save as relied on by the local community as the main means of protecting them and their interests and 6500 to 9600 to two other nonprofit leaders for unrelated problems from mistakes made by government agencies that incurred preventable expenses that would have cost them their house or business if I hadn't borrowed money to bail them out). If this isn't paid back by fundraising to offset and expose the abuse and corruption that bled resources from these nonprofit groups, then because I didn't agree to work for free either to "enable such abuses to go unchecked" then I argue that is slave labor because I didn't consent unless the original grievances get redressed and the debts and damages are paid back to taxpayers and abuse victims.
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.


Why yes, she sounds almost as crazy as some guy who claims that the Sandy Hook Kids were all crisis actors!

The kids were props, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie. Must I kick your ass over this orchestrated event yet again???

Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.


Well...we know Daley Whaley didn't film that in San Diego...he's too frightened to come here.

Bannedecea, not that I would have to go to Califlakia to encounter an angry, old leftard dyke (such as yourself) but make no mistake..... I have you on the short list of leftist pigs to taunt in person.

Hope this helps!
Long after the only words the white racists think King ever spoke, he said these words:

"We're Coming To Get Our Check"

We blacks know what King was about. And we will not whitewash it to serve your need to lie to yourselves.

Does this mean you will be consistent and stop telling others about famous white people?

When I start using one sentence out of their lives to try making a disingenuous argument then it will be time for you to make that request.

In that case, stop trying to tell people about MLK.
In that case, stop trying to tell people about MLK.
Stormy has a point there, IM2.

You are telling us that Dr. King's actual words mean something entirely different than their plain and ordinary meaning.

Kinda like how the commie left tries to make the 2nd Amendment mean something completely different that the plain meaning of the text.

That's pretty disingenuous.

To take it a step further, you are telling us that we don't have the ability to understand the meaning of Dr. King's plain words....BECAUSE WE ARE WHITE.

Imagine me using that same argument against you, IM2.

Wouldn't that be disingenuous?

I'm probably one of the few in this thread who is old enougj to have seen some of King's speeches. The man was all about dignity, non violence and responsibility.

To watch IM2 who purports to follow him, you might be tempted to think he was all about blacks being insufferable whiny cry babies who never took any personal responsibility and did nothing but point fingers at others.

I was alive too and when he lived he was hated by whites. To hear doggiestyle tell it, King was widely accepted and loved by the white community. The only insufferable whiny cry babies who never took any personal responsibility and did nothing but point fingers at others are whites like him and the majority of the posters in this forum.

King was called everything whites call blacks who oppose white racism continuing today. I know because I heard the m-f's saying it. King was so much about dignity, non violence and responsibility whites like doggie style claim to champion that a white man ended his life using ultimate violence.

And now whites want to try telling us what King stood for.

Ain't that about a bitch.
MLK was martyred after he was assasinated

Before then he was called a commie, agitator, race bater and much worse
Even J Edgar Hoover considered him a threat

But to be fair, many whites supported MLK and participated in freedom rides, protests and financial support
  • Thanks
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government only for themselves
lots of democrats want that too....the farther right and left hate everyone that dont agree with them.....

I wouldn't say that. The policies of the democratic party does not reflect that.
of course you wouldnt....many lefties want their party to rule just like many righties want their party to rule.....
Another libertarian Lol
hope you dont mean me....libertarians are just another useless political group....
Libertarians are mentally challenged
so are the farther right and left...
I wouldn't say that. The policies of the democratic party does not reflect that.
of course you wouldnt....many lefties want their party to rule just like many righties want their party to rule.....
Another libertarian Lol
hope you dont mean me....libertarians are just another useless political group....
Libertarians are mentally challenged
so are the farther right and left...
No actual my city needs far right.. libertarians are just that cool teacher everyone had that doesn’t really do shit lol
MLK was martyred after he was assasinated

Before then he was called a commie, agitator, race bater and much worse
Even J Edgar Hoover considered him a threat

But to be fair, many whites supported MLK and participated in freedom rides, protests and financial support
That is what is so aggravating. It seems no credit is ever given where credit is due.

You should really stop trying to tell white people about white people.

I'm not. But I am telling whites who are racists to stop being racist.

I call shenanigans. You constantly accuse people who are not racist of being racists. You've worn it out bub. Your screams of WACISM just mean you have no convincing argument to support your POV.

I call racists like you what you are.

It is a truth universally acknowledged by rational people of integrity and goodwill that the technique of constantly insulting people with false charges of RACISM is an admission on the part of the insulter of his own intellectual and moral bankruptcy.

If the charges were false you'd be right.

I am correct. You spew accusations of racism against anonymous people on the interwebs because you can't make a coherent, convincing argument about whatever it is you are trying to advocate.
of course you wouldnt....many lefties want their party to rule just like many righties want their party to rule.....
Another libertarian Lol
hope you dont mean me....libertarians are just another useless political group....
Libertarians are mentally challenged
so are the farther right and left...
No actual my city needs far right.. libertarians are just that cool teacher everyone had that doesn’t really do shit lol
the far right are just as bad as the far what we like,if not, fuck you...
Another libertarian Lol
hope you dont mean me....libertarians are just another useless political group....
Libertarians are mentally challenged
so are the farther right and left...
No actual my city needs far right.. libertarians are just that cool teacher everyone had that doesn’t really do shit lol
the far right are just as bad as the far what we like,if not, fuck you...
What is far right? Lol securing borders? Stoping the murder of babies??
hope you dont mean me....libertarians are just another useless political group....
Libertarians are mentally challenged
so are the farther right and left...
No actual my city needs far right.. libertarians are just that cool teacher everyone had that doesn’t really do shit lol
the far right are just as bad as the far what we like,if not, fuck you...
What is far right? Lol securing borders? Stoping the murder of babies??
far right are people who only care about what they think and like....and if you disagree,fuck you and horse you rode in on....the far left are the same way...
Libertarians are mentally challenged
so are the farther right and left...
No actual my city needs far right.. libertarians are just that cool teacher everyone had that doesn’t really do shit lol
the far right are just as bad as the far what we like,if not, fuck you...
What is far right? Lol securing borders? Stoping the murder of babies??
far right are people who only care about what they think and like....and if you disagree,fuck you and horse you rode in on....the far left are the same way...
What examples do you have of the far right??
far right are people who only care about what they think and like....and if you disagree,fuck you and horse you rode in on....the far left are the same way...
I only care about liberty, and if you disagree...FUCK YOU.

Which am I? Far-right or far-left?

He just hates god and christians .. that’s far right.. believing in christianity

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