Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.
Careful your racist bias is showing
No, not at all, you guys say any black, that has a job, goes to school, acts responsible, votes republican....those are all acting white

I don't make it up.....you lefties and black folk do
Acting white - Wikipedia

In the United States, acting white is a pejorative term, usually applied to black people, which refers to a person's perceived betrayal of their culture by assuming the social expectations of white society.[1][2] Success in education in particular (depending on one's cultural background) can be seen as a form of "selling out" by being disloyal to one's culture.[2]

or Russell Wilson

Seattle Seahawks football player Russell Wilson came under fire in 2014 when anonymous sources alleged that the feeling in the Seahawks locker room was that Wilson lacked "blackness". CBS Sports cited this conflict as a possible reason for the trading of star player[citation needed] Percy Harvin from the Seahawks to the New York Jets.[17]

Explain "blackness" to me?
After a day, still no response......
All I need to know is
what is
"Acting white"?
and what is "blackness"?

It will show you the left is racist, the right does not think saying black people like fried chicken is racist, because it's true.
You are stereotyping. No one answers because no one wants to get sucked into your stupid conversation. Make your point please.

Your white privilege,is allowing you to,judge.

Don’t be racist
1/1024th is the amount of Native American blood you have when your great-great-great-great-grandfather was sneezed on by one.
The report said it could have been 1/64th, as well, or anything between that and 1024th. No one is using 1/64th, though, even though the family story (which was right all along) would indicate it wasn't as far back as 10 generations.

The report said MAYBE it was there, and IF it was, it was 6-10 generations.

I have no idea what her family actually said. I wasn't there, and no one quoted them in a newspaper or recorded them and posted it to YouTube. All I know is what Elizabeth Warren said, because that WAS quoted in newspapers and posted on YouTube. And all of it was wrong. So if what she said is what her family said, then THEY were wrong. At no point in time did she EVER indicate, or even imply, that she had the exact same trace elements of American indigenous people that virtually every other white person in America has. We know this just by looking at all the times she talked about her "Native American heritage".

I presume that YOU are a white person living in North America somewhere, which would mean that you have at least as much "Native American" DNA as she does. Do you wander around, blathering about your "Native American heritage"? Do you list yourself on forms and documents as "Native American" and "minority"? Do you allow your employer to report you to the Department of Labor as "Native American", despite the fact that that isn't allowed without an official tribal affiliation? Do you submit recipes to ethnic cookbooks and sign yourself as "Cherokee"? I am a white person living in the US, and I know for a fact that I have MORE DNA from indigenous people (obviously, my DNA results have the same problem hers does, in that American Indians don't submit samples to genetic studies; I, however, can actually tell you the name of my great-great grandmother who actually identified as Indian) than she does, and I can assure you that I don't do any of those things, or identify myself as anything but "white".
she had the exact same trace elements of American indigenous people that virtually every other white person in America has
I know you like to be accurate, so I am sharing this with you to help you.
No, the majority of white Americans have NO Native American blood and the AVERAGE that has been quoted in several article is an AVERAGE, not how much most white Americans have. Most have none.
I have shared this link before; if you didn't see it, here it is again.

The White American average genetic makeup is 98.6% European, 0.19% African, and 0.18% Native American.

These low numbers illustrate that the contribution of Native Americans to the White and Black population is minuscule. But, you also have to understand that this is based on aggregate figures. Most families would have no Native ancestry at all. A smaller number would have slightly higher degrees, which would then give an extremely low number to the entire population as an average. In other words, pull a random American, and they would not have that result by some kind of default.

Excellent work, agent OL.

Now she'll run away. Again.
Sorry--were you trying to get her to hang around until she fanned her tail?
I've shared this same article so many times I don't know how anyone could have missed it, but this myth persists.

I know right? And as soon as we point out it IS a myth, it's off to the bushes with them and move over Sean Spicer.

I really don't get this world where you just make up your own reality even after it can be proven not to exist. It didn't just start this week but it's bizzaritude never ceases to continually amaze. :wtf:

This one is a perfect example, been going on for years.

"She lied!"
"Lied about what?"

"Well, she should take a DNA test and prove it!"
"Okay, here it is."
"She lied!"

Lather, rinse, repeat. Like talking to the wall.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.
Careful your racist bias is showing
No, not at all, you guys say any black, that has a job, goes to school, acts responsible, votes republican....those are all acting white

I don't make it up.....you lefties and black folk do
Acting white - Wikipedia

In the United States, acting white is a pejorative term, usually applied to black people, which refers to a person's perceived betrayal of their culture by assuming the social expectations of white society.[1][2] Success in education in particular (depending on one's cultural background) can be seen as a form of "selling out" by being disloyal to one's culture.[2]

or Russell Wilson

Seattle Seahawks football player Russell Wilson came under fire in 2014 when anonymous sources alleged that the feeling in the Seahawks locker room was that Wilson lacked "blackness". CBS Sports cited this conflict as a possible reason for the trading of star player[citation needed] Percy Harvin from the Seahawks to the New York Jets.[17]

Explain "blackness" to me?
After a day, still no response......
All I need to know is
what is
"Acting white"?
and what is "blackness"?

It will show you the left is racist, the right does not think saying black people like fried chicken is racist, because it's true.
I like fried chicken, watermelon, and rhythm and blues. Hey, I must be black.
LOL, nope I do too.......that's the thing I find hilarious. who gives a shit if someone likes fried chicken, HOW is that racist????
Yea who cares if you are using covert racism to win elections

Here’s A Running List Of Racist Attacks On Candidates Of Color | HuffPost
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.
Careful your racist bias is showing
No, not at all, you guys say any black, that has a job, goes to school, acts responsible, votes republican....those are all acting white

I don't make it up.....you lefties and black folk do
Acting white - Wikipedia

In the United States, acting white is a pejorative term, usually applied to black people, which refers to a person's perceived betrayal of their culture by assuming the social expectations of white society.[1][2] Success in education in particular (depending on one's cultural background) can be seen as a form of "selling out" by being disloyal to one's culture.[2]

or Russell Wilson

Seattle Seahawks football player Russell Wilson came under fire in 2014 when anonymous sources alleged that the feeling in the Seahawks locker room was that Wilson lacked "blackness". CBS Sports cited this conflict as a possible reason for the trading of star player[citation needed] Percy Harvin from the Seahawks to the New York Jets.[17]

Explain "blackness" to me?
After a day, still no response......
All I need to know is
what is
"Acting white"?
and what is "blackness"?

It will show you the left is racist, the right does not think saying black people like fried chicken is racist, because it's true.
You are stereotyping. No one answers because no one wants to get sucked into your stupid conversation. Make your point please.

Your white privilege,is allowing you to,judge.

Don’t be racist

Let us know when blacks start agreeing with your sides position. And when they don't, keep telling them it's because they like living on the democratic plantation. And keep trying to prevent them from voting.

What I hate is that blacks will forgive you guys immediately if you stop being racist. Blacks are very conservative. The only reason they don't vote GOP is because of the members and your racist platform.

Subtle but we get it

Here’s A Running List Of Racist Attacks On Candidates Of Color | HuffPost

Don't try to pretend you aren't racist fucks.
No I mock affirmative action, which is a feel good bullshit idea. And then you guys use a chick whiter than me to pose as a native America, screwing a person of color out of a seat......that is the definition of ironic and I laugh my ass off about it. you guys don't care anything about diversity........it's just a ploy you do to trick people into voting for you....and Liz Warren proves that.......
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.
Careful your racist bias is showing
No, not at all, you guys say any black, that has a job, goes to school, acts responsible, votes republican....those are all acting white

I don't make it up.....you lefties and black folk do
Acting white - Wikipedia

In the United States, acting white is a pejorative term, usually applied to black people, which refers to a person's perceived betrayal of their culture by assuming the social expectations of white society.[1][2] Success in education in particular (depending on one's cultural background) can be seen as a form of "selling out" by being disloyal to one's culture.[2]

or Russell Wilson

Seattle Seahawks football player Russell Wilson came under fire in 2014 when anonymous sources alleged that the feeling in the Seahawks locker room was that Wilson lacked "blackness". CBS Sports cited this conflict as a possible reason for the trading of star player[citation needed] Percy Harvin from the Seahawks to the New York Jets.[17]

Explain "blackness" to me?
After a day, still no response......
All I need to know is
what is
"Acting white"?
and what is "blackness"?

It will show you the left is racist, the right does not think saying black people like fried chicken is racist, because it's true.

EVERYBODY likes fried chicken. What's not to like?
She did. She said in an interview that her mother was Cherokee and Delaware. What does that make her?
No she did not. Provide that interview or STFU.

For about the third or fourth time:

elizabeth warren youtube video parents eloped - Bing video

Try not to "mysteriously" miss it this time.
PART. Do you know what "psrt =" means???

She said her mother was PART Native American.

Not that she was a Native American

Pull that shit out of your ears that you gathered while your head was up Trump's ass.

And THIS is why I dismissed you for being lower than the stuff that comes out of blocked septic tanks.
You know you failed when your reply has no substance.

You know you failed when you yell, "Your reply has no substance!" to someone who's explaining why they're NOT replying.

Try to keep up, Einstein.
PART. Do you know what "psrt =" means???

She said her mother was PART Native American.

Not that she was a Native American

Pull that shit out of your ears that you gathered while your head was up Trump's ass.
1/1024 is not part anything, The Cherokee nation told her to pound sand

1/1024th is the amount of Native American blood you have when your great-great-great-great-grandfather was sneezed on by one.
The report said it could have been 1/64th, as well, or anything between that and 1024th. No one is using 1/64th, though, even though the family story (which was right all along) would indicate it wasn't as far back as 10 generations.

The report said MAYBE it was there, and IF it was, it was 6-10 generations.

I have no idea what her family actually said. I wasn't there, and no one quoted them in a newspaper or recorded them and posted it to YouTube. All I know is what Elizabeth Warren said, because that WAS quoted in newspapers and posted on YouTube. And all of it was wrong. So if what she said is what her family said, then THEY were wrong. At no point in time did she EVER indicate, or even imply, that she had the exact same trace elements of American indigenous people that virtually every other white person in America has. We know this just by looking at all the times she talked about her "Native American heritage".

I presume that YOU are a white person living in North America somewhere, which would mean that you have at least as much "Native American" DNA as she does. Do you wander around, blathering about your "Native American heritage"? Do you list yourself on forms and documents as "Native American" and "minority"? Do you allow your employer to report you to the Department of Labor as "Native American", despite the fact that that isn't allowed without an official tribal affiliation? Do you submit recipes to ethnic cookbooks and sign yourself as "Cherokee"? I am a white person living in the US, and I know for a fact that I have MORE DNA from indigenous people (obviously, my DNA results have the same problem hers does, in that American Indians don't submit samples to genetic studies; I, however, can actually tell you the name of my great-great grandmother who actually identified as Indian) than she does, and I can assure you that I don't do any of those things, or identify myself as anything but "white".
she had the exact same trace elements of American indigenous people that virtually every other white person in America has
I know you like to be accurate, so I am sharing this with you to help you.
No, the majority of white Americans have NO Native American blood and the AVERAGE that has been quoted in several article is an AVERAGE, not how much most white Americans have. Most have none.
I have shared this link before; if you didn't see it, here it is again.

The White American average genetic makeup is 98.6% European, 0.19% African, and 0.18% Native American.

These low numbers illustrate that the contribution of Native Americans to the White and Black population is minuscule. But, you also have to understand that this is based on aggregate figures. Most families would have no Native ancestry at all. A smaller number would have slightly higher degrees, which would then give an extremely low number to the entire population as an average. In other words, pull a random American, and they would not have that result by some kind of default.

You're citing QUORA as a source. That's not helpful. That's rhetorically stepping on a rake and having it smack you in the face.

Sure you don't have something from Wikipedia and "this really cool opinion blog" while you're at it?

And THEN you don't even read what you quoted! Holy cats!

Look up the word "average", because it doesn't mean what you think it means. You don't get a "White American average genetic makeup" from most white Americans not having it, Mathlete.
Careful your racist bias is showing
No, not at all, you guys say any black, that has a job, goes to school, acts responsible, votes republican....those are all acting white

I don't make it up.....you lefties and black folk do
Acting white - Wikipedia

In the United States, acting white is a pejorative term, usually applied to black people, which refers to a person's perceived betrayal of their culture by assuming the social expectations of white society.[1][2] Success in education in particular (depending on one's cultural background) can be seen as a form of "selling out" by being disloyal to one's culture.[2]

or Russell Wilson

Seattle Seahawks football player Russell Wilson came under fire in 2014 when anonymous sources alleged that the feeling in the Seahawks locker room was that Wilson lacked "blackness". CBS Sports cited this conflict as a possible reason for the trading of star player[citation needed] Percy Harvin from the Seahawks to the New York Jets.[17]

Explain "blackness" to me?
After a day, still no response......
All I need to know is
what is
"Acting white"?
and what is "blackness"?

It will show you the left is racist, the right does not think saying black people like fried chicken is racist, because it's true.
You are stereotyping. No one answers because no one wants to get sucked into your stupid conversation. Make your point please.

Your white privilege,is allowing you to,judge.

Don’t be racist

Let us know when blacks start agreeing with your sides position. And when they don't, keep telling them it's because they like living on the democratic plantation. And keep trying to prevent them from voting.

What I hate is that blacks will forgive you guys immediately if you stop being racist. Blacks are very conservative. The only reason they don't vote GOP is because of the members and your racist platform.

Subtle but we get it

Here’s A Running List Of Racist Attacks On Candidates Of Color | HuffPost

Don't try to pretend you aren't racist fucks.
Careful your racist bias is showing
No, not at all, you guys say any black, that has a job, goes to school, acts responsible, votes republican....those are all acting white

I don't make it up.....you lefties and black folk do
Acting white - Wikipedia

In the United States, acting white is a pejorative term, usually applied to black people, which refers to a person's perceived betrayal of their culture by assuming the social expectations of white society.[1][2] Success in education in particular (depending on one's cultural background) can be seen as a form of "selling out" by being disloyal to one's culture.[2]

or Russell Wilson

Seattle Seahawks football player Russell Wilson came under fire in 2014 when anonymous sources alleged that the feeling in the Seahawks locker room was that Wilson lacked "blackness". CBS Sports cited this conflict as a possible reason for the trading of star player[citation needed] Percy Harvin from the Seahawks to the New York Jets.[17]

Explain "blackness" to me?
After a day, still no response......
All I need to know is
what is
"Acting white"?
and what is "blackness"?

It will show you the left is racist, the right does not think saying black people like fried chicken is racist, because it's true.
You are stereotyping. No one answers because no one wants to get sucked into your stupid conversation. Make your point please.

Your white privilege,is allowing you to,judge.

Don’t be racist

Let us know when blacks start agreeing with your sides position. And when they don't, keep telling them it's because they like living on the democratic plantation. And keep trying to prevent them from voting.

What I hate is that blacks will forgive you guys immediately if you stop being racist. Blacks are very conservative. The only reason they don't vote GOP is because of the members and your racist platform.

Subtle but we get it

Here’s A Running List Of Racist Attacks On Candidates Of Color | HuffPost

Don't try to pretend you aren't racist fucks.

So mad and so racist.

Frank is correct. He owes that money to the charity. Doesn't have to go through Warren. But it does have to show up. That is, if Rump's word means anything, which is a bigly bigly IF.

Oh look, Frank's here. The same guy who kept insisting "she lied", and could never prove it.
NOW look where ya are.
Her DNA tests conclusively prove that she's NOT an American Indian

Did you not read her DNA results? She's 1/1024 "Indian". She self pwned
Then she has some Indian in her.

It’s funny trump can lie 1000 times but hillary says she’s under sniper fire and you crucify her and Elizabeth warren says something about having Indian in her and you can’t let it go.

Trumps the king liar. Why don’t you mind? Ahhh it’s politics. You’re just playing politics.
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.
Careful your racist bias is showing
No, not at all, you guys say any black, that has a job, goes to school, acts responsible, votes republican....those are all acting white

I don't make it up.....you lefties and black folk do
Acting white - Wikipedia

In the United States, acting white is a pejorative term, usually applied to black people, which refers to a person's perceived betrayal of their culture by assuming the social expectations of white society.[1][2] Success in education in particular (depending on one's cultural background) can be seen as a form of "selling out" by being disloyal to one's culture.[2]

or Russell Wilson

Seattle Seahawks football player Russell Wilson came under fire in 2014 when anonymous sources alleged that the feeling in the Seahawks locker room was that Wilson lacked "blackness". CBS Sports cited this conflict as a possible reason for the trading of star player[citation needed] Percy Harvin from the Seahawks to the New York Jets.[17]

Explain "blackness" to me?
After a day, still no response......
All I need to know is
what is
"Acting white"?
and what is "blackness"?

It will show you the left is racist, the right does not think saying black people like fried chicken is racist, because it's true.
You are stereotyping. No one answers because no one wants to get sucked into your stupid conversation. Make your point please.
Bullshit, you lefties talk about acting white and blackness all the time

so what is "blackness".....it's a really easy question to answer, now the leftwing answer is really complex and stupid....so let us know what you think
Yep, and the left had a white woman masquerading as a black woman as President of the Spokane NAACP. The Democrats defend liars. They're desperate. They're losing ground all across the nation, so the lying, fraud and deception will increase.
it's amazing, they weren't upset by that....so to the left being black is cultural not biological....it's funny...so I guess if you act like a stereotype (act ghetto, can't speak well, pants around your ankles, eat fried chicken),which I thought they hated, then you're black, but if you act white (have a job, speak clearly, vote republican) you're not black......it's so weird with the left.
Careful your racist bias is showing
No, not at all, you guys say any black, that has a job, goes to school, acts responsible, votes republican....those are all acting white

I don't make it up.....you lefties and black folk do
Acting white - Wikipedia

In the United States, acting white is a pejorative term, usually applied to black people, which refers to a person's perceived betrayal of their culture by assuming the social expectations of white society.[1][2] Success in education in particular (depending on one's cultural background) can be seen as a form of "selling out" by being disloyal to one's culture.[2]

or Russell Wilson

Seattle Seahawks football player Russell Wilson came under fire in 2014 when anonymous sources alleged that the feeling in the Seahawks locker room was that Wilson lacked "blackness". CBS Sports cited this conflict as a possible reason for the trading of star player[citation needed] Percy Harvin from the Seahawks to the New York Jets.[17]

Explain "blackness" to me?
After a day, still no response......
All I need to know is
what is
"Acting white"?
and what is "blackness"?

It will show you the left is racist, the right does not think saying black people like fried chicken is racist, because it's true.

Who the fuck are you expecting a "response" from?

Are you under the impression that this Russell Wilson actually posts here?

Doesn't make any sense.

No she called me a racist, I'm calling her out......black republicans get the most racist shit said about them from you lefties......Kayne is just one example....and he's not even a republican.....he just likes Trump.......

So explain "blackness"?
Frank is correct. He owes that money to the charity. Doesn't have to go through Warren. But it does have to show up. That is, if Rump's word means anything, which is a bigly bigly IF.

Oh look, Frank's here. The same guy who kept insisting "she lied", and could never prove it.
NOW look where ya are.
Her DNA tests conclusively prove that she's NOT an American Indian

Did you not read her DNA results? She's 1/1024 "Indian". She self pwned
Then she has some Indian in her.

It’s funny trump can lie 1000 times but hillary says she’s under sniper fire and you crucify her and Elizabeth warren says something about having Indian in her and you can’t let it go.

Trumps the king liar. Why don’t you mind? Ahhh it’s politics. You’re just playing politics.
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
Careful your racist bias is showing
No, not at all, you guys say any black, that has a job, goes to school, acts responsible, votes republican....those are all acting white

I don't make it up.....you lefties and black folk do
Acting white - Wikipedia

In the United States, acting white is a pejorative term, usually applied to black people, which refers to a person's perceived betrayal of their culture by assuming the social expectations of white society.[1][2] Success in education in particular (depending on one's cultural background) can be seen as a form of "selling out" by being disloyal to one's culture.[2]

or Russell Wilson

Seattle Seahawks football player Russell Wilson came under fire in 2014 when anonymous sources alleged that the feeling in the Seahawks locker room was that Wilson lacked "blackness". CBS Sports cited this conflict as a possible reason for the trading of star player[citation needed] Percy Harvin from the Seahawks to the New York Jets.[17]

Explain "blackness" to me?
After a day, still no response......
All I need to know is
what is
"Acting white"?
and what is "blackness"?

It will show you the left is racist, the right does not think saying black people like fried chicken is racist, because it's true.
You are stereotyping. No one answers because no one wants to get sucked into your stupid conversation. Make your point please.

Your white privilege,is allowing you to,judge.

Don’t be racist

Let us know when blacks start agreeing with your sides position. And when they don't, keep telling them it's because they like living on the democratic plantation. And keep trying to prevent them from voting.

What I hate is that blacks will forgive you guys immediately if you stop being racist. Blacks are very conservative. The only reason they don't vote GOP is because of the members and your racist platform.

Subtle but we get it

Here’s A Running List Of Racist Attacks On Candidates Of Color | HuffPost

Don't try to pretend you aren't racist fucks.
Again bullshit, you are the racist fucks.....blacks vote democrats because of propaganda.....you guys lie so hard....

Again what is "blackness"? this is the key...to the lie....

Show me where Don Lemon attacked a leftwing black.....I cant wait to see that.
No, not at all, you guys say any black, that has a job, goes to school, acts responsible, votes republican....those are all acting white

I don't make it up.....you lefties and black folk do
Acting white - Wikipedia

In the United States, acting white is a pejorative term, usually applied to black people, which refers to a person's perceived betrayal of their culture by assuming the social expectations of white society.[1][2] Success in education in particular (depending on one's cultural background) can be seen as a form of "selling out" by being disloyal to one's culture.[2]

or Russell Wilson

Seattle Seahawks football player Russell Wilson came under fire in 2014 when anonymous sources alleged that the feeling in the Seahawks locker room was that Wilson lacked "blackness". CBS Sports cited this conflict as a possible reason for the trading of star player[citation needed] Percy Harvin from the Seahawks to the New York Jets.[17]

Explain "blackness" to me?
After a day, still no response......
All I need to know is
what is
"Acting white"?
and what is "blackness"?

It will show you the left is racist, the right does not think saying black people like fried chicken is racist, because it's true.
You are stereotyping. No one answers because no one wants to get sucked into your stupid conversation. Make your point please.

Your white privilege,is allowing you to,judge.

Don’t be racist

Let us know when blacks start agreeing with your sides position. And when they don't, keep telling them it's because they like living on the democratic plantation. And keep trying to prevent them from voting.

What I hate is that blacks will forgive you guys immediately if you stop being racist. Blacks are very conservative. The only reason they don't vote GOP is because of the members and your racist platform.

Subtle but we get it

Here’s A Running List Of Racist Attacks On Candidates Of Color | HuffPost

Don't try to pretend you aren't racist fucks.

So mad and so racist.
She defends a person saying they are a race they aren't to get benefits, yet call us racist....lefties are retarded
Her DNA tests conclusively prove that she's NOT an American Indian

Did you not read her DNA results? She's 1/1024 "Indian". She self pwned
Then she has some Indian in her.

It’s funny trump can lie 1000 times but hillary says she’s under sniper fire and you crucify her and Elizabeth warren says something about having Indian in her and you can’t let it go.

Trumps the king liar. Why don’t you mind? Ahhh it’s politics. You’re just playing politics.
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Did you not read her DNA results? She's 1/1024 "Indian". She self pwned
Then she has some Indian in her.

It’s funny trump can lie 1000 times but hillary says she’s under sniper fire and you crucify her and Elizabeth warren says something about having Indian in her and you can’t let it go.

Trumps the king liar. Why don’t you mind? Ahhh it’s politics. You’re just playing politics.
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Sniper fire is way worse.....but when did Trump lie about his birthplace. Obama produced the documentation (years after he ran) and Trump let it go....it's you tards on the left that bring that shit up. Trump never lied about it.....he made Obama prove it...which he did......move along!

pst, got any other lies?

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