Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

She clearly lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. I'm just interested in finding out if Taxpayer Dollars were involved with her salary. I know she's a conniving jerkoff, but if Taxpayer Dollars were involved, she needs to pay restitution.
She clearly never lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. Makes you the liar. Funny, a liar using a lie to call someone else a liar. Does it get more pathetic than that?
Saying something is a proven fact when people can take the same facts you do and come up with a different conclusion just makes you look like an idiot.

We have the testimony of everyone on the search committee that said her Indian heritage was heritage was not a factor in her hiring. Saying it was would expose them to lawsuits. Affirmative action, while encouraging minority hires does not permit it being the only criteria for hiring.

She had put out that she was minority in university of Pennsylvania. Harvard was looking desperately for a minority woman. She fit the bill, but they could not use that as a basis of hiring.

She was a good professor. She had solid credentials. Harvard was desperate and they refused to look into it.

Was there another minority woman they could have hired? I think yes. Equally qualified? Maybe. On the basis of her claiming minority . status at the time makes her a thief in my book. She obviously claimed minority status to get ahead, and some other minority, real minority, lost out because of her false claim.

Some other minority professor lost out because Warren claimed the status. Thief
She clearly lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job.

Some other minority professor lost out because Warren claimed the status. Thief
Unfortunate for your side of the argument, you are unable to substantiate your argument with factually based data and evidence. You offer emotional unsubstantiated options. Rhe main basis for your side during this thread and others has been that Warren claimed to be a Cherokee. For days multiple members have pleaded for a link to a foundation to this claim. None has been provided.
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'

But what about her mom who was the product of two different injun tribes? What would PeePaw say? What a stupid twat Warren is. First off, she is weak. Look how little the Donald has to do to get that idiot to bite. Not only bite, but double and triple down on the lie. Had she just said all this same shit months ago this never would have made a news cycle.

You are such a fucking idiot. So if you profess be have italian & Irish ancestry that means your mom was fucked by both a Irish,an & a Italian guy & somehow their sperm intermixed & fertilized the egg at the same time?

And My Misogynist piece of shit, just because Waaren is not as bloviating asshole does not mean she is weak.

Wow, you really know nothing about how human reproduction, let alone genetics, works.
Obviously, RealD is still trying to get laid, you know ... the normal way.
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'

But what about her mom who was the product of two different injun tribes? What would PeePaw say? What a stupid twat Warren is. First off, she is weak. Look how little the Donald has to do to get that idiot to bite. Not only bite, but double and triple down on the lie. Had she just said all this same shit months ago this never would have made a news cycle.

You are such a fucking idiot. So if you profess be have italian & Irish ancestry that means your mom was fucked by both a Irish,an & a Italian guy & somehow their sperm intermixed & fertilized the egg at the same time?

And My Misogynist piece of shit, just because Waaren is not as bloviating asshole does not mean she is weak.
She is weak, she's a moron.
You treat it like 1/1024 is full blood...it's not, it's a joke, just like you lefties.

Now that 1/1024 is the same as full blood, we can now get all the benefits of a minority.....so we get affirmative action too!!!
Then she has some Indian in her.

It’s funny trump can lie 1000 times but hillary says she’s under sniper fire and you crucify her and Elizabeth warren says something about having Indian in her and you can’t let it go.

Trumps the king liar. Why don’t you mind? Ahhh it’s politics. You’re just playing politics.
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Sniper fire is way worse.....but when did Trump lie about his birthplace. Obama produced the documentation (years after he ran) and Trump let it go....it's you tards on the left that bring that shit up. Trump never lied about it.....he made Obama prove it...which he did......move along!

pst, got any other lies?

Oh what is worse about lying about dodging sniper fire than lying about the sitting president’s birthplace?

And of course he lied about it .... for 5 years, until just before the 2016 election when he finally admitted that Obama really was born in Hawaii.
No he didn't, Obama has said he was born in Kenya....you act like people had no right to question it...they did....he produced the proof, then people went away.....duh!
And yes saying you were under sniper fire is a much worse lie than saying where a President was born.
She clearly lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. I'm just interested in finding out if Taxpayer Dollars were involved with her salary. I know she's a conniving jerkoff, but if Taxpayer Dollars were involved, she needs to pay restitution.
She clearly never lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. Makes you the liar. Funny, a liar using a lie to call someone else a liar. Does it get more pathetic than that?

Saying something is a proven fact when people can take the same facts you do and come up with a different conclusion just makes you look like an idiot.

Sure does. And I understand you're about to give us several examples. Please, continue.

We have the testimony of everyone on the search committee that said her Indian heritage was heritage was not a factor in her hiring. Saying it was would expose them to lawsuits.

Oh really. "Lawsuits" for ------------- what?

I must say I'm always tickled by the logic that goes "don't tell me what you mean -- *I* will tell you what you mean". Très drôle.

Affirmative action, while encouraging minority hires does not permit it being the only criteria for hiring.

Questionable but irrelevant here since she was hired --- and recruited --- on the obvious merits that y'all WDS wankers ignore. Did you actually think nobody would notice the omission? That's so cute.

Oh please, more.

She had put out that she was minority in university of Pennsylvania. Harvard was looking desperately for a minority woman. She fit the bill, but they could not use that as a basis of hiring.

Think you already said this. Same response as above. Not to mention that you have no evidence that "Harvard was looking desperately for a minority woman". You just got done admitting that it wasn't a basis of hiring at all and in fact wasn't even known.

She was a good professor. She had solid credentials. Harvard was desperate and they refused to look into it.

Finally the glaring omission peeks out when it thinks the coast is clear.

Exactly how does "desperation" apply to a candidate with "solid credentials"? Hm? I'm pretty sure "solid credentials is exactly what an employer WANTS.

Oopsie. Hoist with own petard.
Can't have it both ways Homer. Either the subject stole the position claiming fake minority status, or the subject was hired for her credentials. You just admitted which one applies.

What? There's more? By all means, be my jest.

Was there another minority woman they could have hired? I think yes.

What you "think" from the comfort of your barcalounger three decades later about a process you weren't there for is -- this just in -- irrelevant. This goes right back to your original observation of looking at the facts and (choosing to) see(ing) something that isn't there. We call it "assuming facts not in evidence".

Equally qualified? Maybe. On the basis of her claiming minority . status at the time makes her a thief in my book.

Your book must not have a lot of pages in it because she didn't claim that at the time. Moreover when a box actually did come up to check ethnicity she checked the "white" box, and when asked if she wanted consideration as a minority she checked "No".

Hope you still have the receipt for that book because it needs to go back to Mal-Wart.

She obviously claimed minority status to get ahead, and some other minority, real minority, lost out because of her false claim.



Why are we not surprised.

Some other minority professor lost out because Warren claimed the status. Thief

Yammer yammer yammer yammer no link no evidence no nothing bing bong goo goo kachew....

When the known facts don't match my analysis, I change my analysis. What do you do sir?
Ah yes, you just make up your own and plug in what "feels good". Facts are so inconvenient aren't they.
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'

But what about her mom who was the product of two different injun tribes? What would PeePaw say? What a stupid twat Warren is. First off, she is weak. Look how little the Donald has to do to get that idiot to bite. Not only bite, but double and triple down on the lie. Had she just said all this same shit months ago this never would have made a news cycle.

You are such a fucking idiot. So if you profess be have italian & Irish ancestry that means your mom was fucked by both a Irish,an & a Italian guy & somehow their sperm intermixed & fertilized the egg at the same time?

And My Misogynist piece of shit, just because Waaren is not as bloviating asshole does not mean she is weak.
She is weak, she's a moron.
You treat it like 1/1024 is full blood...it's not, it's a joke, just like you lefties.

Now that 1/1024 is the same as full blood, we can now get all the benefits of a minority.....so we get affirmative action too!!!

Why are you so hung up on 'blood'? Something you need to tell the group?
And diga me Tonto, exactly what ass are y'all pulling this fraction `1/1024' from?
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Sniper fire is way worse.....but when did Trump lie about his birthplace. Obama produced the documentation (years after he ran) and Trump let it go....it's you tards on the left that bring that shit up. Trump never lied about it.....he made Obama prove it...which he did......move along!

pst, got any other lies?

Oh what is worse about lying about dodging sniper fire than lying about the sitting president’s birthplace?

And of course he lied about it .... for 5 years, until just before the 2016 election when he finally admitted that Obama really was born in Hawaii.
No he didn't, Obama has said he was born in Kenya....you act like people had no right to question it...they did....he produced the proof, then people went away.....duh!

Rump was still bringing it up EIGHT YEARS AFTER he produced the proof. Duh.
Even Whirled Nuts Daily had dropped the bullshit campaign by then.

It's a salient observation as it speaks volumes about his practice of self-delusion. Eight years after the BC is released he simply chooses not to believe it for the purpose of getting elected. Makes farting noises about "some very credible people (with no names) have told me it's fake". Then as soon as he gets the office and the ruse is no longer necessary he simply drops it and pretends it was never there. And Rumpbots don't even see the psychological red flags. Again --- the power of self-delusion.

And yes saying you were under sniper fire is a much worse lie than saying where a President was born.

Is it.
Where is "sniper fire" mentioned in the Constitutional requirements for President? Maybe I have an old copy.
Warren may likly been hired if there was no affirmative action. We won't know. She claimed the status in order to cement herself in. Harvard isn't going to get an unqualified instructor. If they had got a real affirmative action hire that hire would have been triple sharp. She got the seat of someone equally qualified minority. Warren is a racist thief.

These affirmative action are never supposed to go to someone unqualified. Affirmative action means you get people who have been disadvantaged. She stole this from someone who deserved it.
Warren may likly been hired if there was no affirmative action. We won't know. She claimed the status in order to cement herself in. Harvard isn't going to get an unqualified instructor. If they had got a real affirmative action hire that hire would have been triple sharp. She got the seat of someone equally qualified minority. Warren is a racist thief.

These affirmative action are never supposed to go to someone unqualified. Affirmative action means you get people who have been disadvantaged. She stole this from someone who deserved it.

Once AGAIN Stupid --------- you yourself already acknowledged she was highly qualified --- recruited in fact for that reason ---- and had no need to 'cement herself in'. They needed her more than she needed them.

Secondly, you have Zero evidence, because none exists, that she applied for any job anywhere using any kind of minority status, let alone that she was ever hired for that reason. There's nothing you can do about that -- it's the history.

And yet here you are already proven wrong yammering on as if anybody's left to listen. How much to they pay you up in the cubicle in Vladivostok to post bullshit nobody buys?
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Sniper fire is way worse.....but when did Trump lie about his birthplace. Obama produced the documentation (years after he ran) and Trump let it go....it's you tards on the left that bring that shit up. Trump never lied about it.....he made Obama prove it...which he did......move along!

pst, got any other lies?

Oh what is worse about lying about dodging sniper fire than lying about the sitting president’s birthplace?

And of course he lied about it .... for 5 years, until just before the 2016 election when he finally admitted that Obama really was born in Hawaii.
No he didn't, Obama has said he was born in Kenya....you act like people had no right to question it...they did....he produced the proof, then people went away.....duh!
And yes saying you were under sniper fire is a much worse lie than saying where a President was born.

Besides, it's not a lie to say something you honestly think is true, even if it's wrong. I think Trump really thought Obama was born in Kenya when he talked about it. I know a lot of other people did.
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Sniper fire is way worse.....but when did Trump lie about his birthplace. Obama produced the documentation (years after he ran) and Trump let it go....it's you tards on the left that bring that shit up. Trump never lied about it.....he made Obama prove it...which he did......move along!

pst, got any other lies?

Oh what is worse about lying about dodging sniper fire than lying about the sitting president’s birthplace?

And of course he lied about it .... for 5 years, until just before the 2016 election when he finally admitted that Obama really was born in Hawaii.
No he didn't, Obama has said he was born in Kenya....you act like people had no right to question it...they did....he produced the proof, then people went away.....duh!
And yes saying you were under sniper fire is a much worse lie than saying where a President was born.

Besides, it's not a lie to say something you honestly think is true, even if it's wrong. I think Trump really thought Obama was born in Kenya when he talked about it. I know a lot of other people did.
|Obama was a bit odd. He had almost no history as a child or teenager. Almost no one who has recollections of hiim in contrast to other presidents. Essentially overnight he became the darling of the Dems and questioning his obscure origins became tantamount ot racismm.

Fck that!
Warren may likly been hired if there was no affirmative action. We won't know. She claimed the status in order to cement herself in. Harvard isn't going to get an unqualified instructor. If they had got a real affirmative action hire that hire would have been triple sharp. She got the seat of someone equally qualified minority. Warren is a racist thief.

These affirmative action are never supposed to go to someone unqualified. Affirmative action means you get people who have been disadvantaged. She stole this from someone who deserved it.

I actually have no doubt that Harvard would have wanted to hire Warren either way. I don't dispute for a second that she was fully qualified to get the position on her own merits. However, I think it is ALSO indisputable that Warren made a point of having herself listed as "minority" in various places relating to her profession for the purpose of gaining AA advantage from it. However much Harvard might have wanted to hire her, the fact is that if they were under enough pressure to hire more non-white professors and she did NOT have that fig leaf of a lie to cover them, they probably would have gone with someone else who was qualified AND checked off that box for them.

It's ironic, in a way, that her need to lie for that advantage was caused by her own side of the aisle's obsession with race in the first place.
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Sniper fire is way worse.....but when did Trump lie about his birthplace. Obama produced the documentation (years after he ran) and Trump let it go....it's you tards on the left that bring that shit up. Trump never lied about it.....he made Obama prove it...which he did......move along!

pst, got any other lies?

Oh what is worse about lying about dodging sniper fire than lying about the sitting president’s birthplace?

And of course he lied about it .... for 5 years, until just before the 2016 election when he finally admitted that Obama really was born in Hawaii.
No he didn't, Obama has said he was born in Kenya....you act like people had no right to question it...they did....he produced the proof, then people went away.....duh!
And yes saying you were under sniper fire is a much worse lie than saying where a President was born.

Besides, it's not a lie to say something you honestly think is true, even if it's wrong.

--- which is precisely what the WDS wankers fail to apply to their "she lied" fantasy. Thank you.

Warren relayed what her family told her (as did her siblings and friends of the time), whether there's documentation of the family lore or not, message board wags can't sit on their ass and declare someone they've never met "lied" about her own fucking family experiences. I've been trying to drill that into obtuse heads for several years here.

I think Trump really thought Obama was born in Kenya when he talked about it. I know a lot of other people did.

Oh no you don't.

No one can say what he really thinks or thought but the indications are strongly otherwise. For one thing O'bama had already released his BC in June of 2008 without Rump saying a word until he thought it was politically advantageous to pretend it never happened, and for another thing as soon as it WASN'T politically expedient he dropped it like a hot potato, denied his own accusations, and went on as if he had never gone down that road. A second pretense replaced the first one in effect.

If it had been an actual issue that "an extremely credible source" (which he never named ---- and keep in mind this is the same assclown that took news media to task for using anonymous sources, yet gives himself a pass to do the same thing) brought up as an astounding revelation, it would have been equally an issue after Rump got the office as it was before.

So no, given his history of pathological lying, opportunism and demagoguery, PLUS these two inconvenient charades of behaviour, it's just not credible to believe Rump actually believed his own bullshit. And you know better than that anyway --- don't think I don't remember how you correctly called him out for his myriad bullshit during the campaign, because I do. Rump is transparent as a piece of (orange) glass and you're smart enough to see right through him now just as you did then. So don't start playing this game Missy.
Warren may likly been hired if there was no affirmative action. We won't know. She claimed the status in order to cement herself in. Harvard isn't going to get an unqualified instructor. If they had got a real affirmative action hire that hire would have been triple sharp. She got the seat of someone equally qualified minority. Warren is a racist thief.

These affirmative action are never supposed to go to someone unqualified. Affirmative action means you get people who have been disadvantaged. She stole this from someone who deserved it.

I actually have no doubt that Harvard would have wanted to hire Warren either way. I don't dispute for a second that she was fully qualified to get the position on her own merits. However, I think it is ALSO indisputable that Warren made a point of having herself listed as "minority" in various places relating to her profession for the purpose of gaining AA advantage from it. However much Harvard might have wanted to hire her, the fact is that if they were under enough pressure to hire more non-white professors and she did NOT have that fig leaf of a lie to cover them, they probably would have gone with someone else who was qualified AND checked off that box for them.

Unfortunately for this fantasy scenario it's already been established, for years, that any ethnicity questions never came up in the hiring process and weren't even mentioned. So this fantasy scenario is impossible.
"CONSUMER ALERT: Don't waste money on a Halloween costume. Just insert 1/1024 of a feather in your hair and go as Elizabeth Warren."
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'

But what about her mom who was the product of two different injun tribes? What would PeePaw say? What a stupid twat Warren is. First off, she is weak. Look how little the Donald has to do to get that idiot to bite. Not only bite, but double and triple down on the lie. Had she just said all this same shit months ago this never would have made a news cycle.

You are such a fucking idiot. So if you profess be have italian & Irish ancestry that means your mom was fucked by both a Irish,an & a Italian guy & somehow their sperm intermixed & fertilized the egg at the same time?

And My Misogynist piece of shit, just because Waaren is not as bloviating asshole does not mean she is weak.

Wow, you really know nothing about how human reproduction, let alone genetics, works.
Obviously, RealD is still trying to get laid, you know ... the normal way.

I am not a Trumpette & get laid just fine & unlike your heroes Trump & Kavanaugh, can get laid without being accused of sexual assault.
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'

But what about her mom who was the product of two different injun tribes? What would PeePaw say? What a stupid twat Warren is. First off, she is weak. Look how little the Donald has to do to get that idiot to bite. Not only bite, but double and triple down on the lie. Had she just said all this same shit months ago this never would have made a news cycle.

You are such a fucking idiot. So if you profess be have italian & Irish ancestry that means your mom was fucked by both a Irish,an & a Italian guy & somehow their sperm intermixed & fertilized the egg at the same time?

And My Misogynist piece of shit, just because Waaren is not as bloviating asshole does not mean she is weak.

Wow, you really know nothing about how human reproduction, let alone genetics, works.
Obviously, RealD is still trying to get laid, you know ... the normal way.

I am not a Trumpette & get laid just fine & unlike your heroes Trump & Kavanaugh, can get laid without being accused of sexual assault.

Blowup dolls don't usually file charges.
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'

But what about her mom who was the product of two different injun tribes? What would PeePaw say? What a stupid twat Warren is. First off, she is weak. Look how little the Donald has to do to get that idiot to bite. Not only bite, but double and triple down on the lie. Had she just said all this same shit months ago this never would have made a news cycle.

You are such a fucking idiot. So if you profess be have italian & Irish ancestry that means your mom was fucked by both a Irish,an & a Italian guy & somehow their sperm intermixed & fertilized the egg at the same time?

And My Misogynist piece of shit, just because Waaren is not as bloviating asshole does not mean she is weak.

Wow, you really know nothing about how human reproduction, let alone genetics, works.
Obviously, RealD is still trying to get laid, you know ... the normal way.

I am not a Trumpette & get laid just fine & unlike your heroes Trump & Kavanaugh, can get laid without being accused of sexual assault.

Lol, spoken like a dude who scores with his fist every night,lol.

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