Pocahontas rolls out 2020 proposal to break up America’s biggest tech monopolies like Facebook

"Google is helping China and their military, but not the U.S. Terrible! The good news is that they helped Crooked Hillary Clinton, and not Trump....and how did that turn out?" - President Trump
ethnic tension. Spontaneous protests driven by viral memes. Violence and riots fueled by hateful fake-news posts, often about “terrorism” by marginalized groups.

It’s a story we’ve seen play out around the world recently, from France and Germany to Burma, Sri Lanka, and Nigeria. The particulars are different—gas prices were the trigger in France, lies about machete attacks in Nigeria—but one element has been present every time: Facebook. In each of these countries, the platform’s power to accelerate hate and disinformation has translated into real-world violence.
Nearly 70 percent of American adults say they get some of their news via social media. That’s a huge shift not just in terms of distribution, but in terms of quality control, too.
Nearly 70 percent of American adults say they get some of their news via social media. That’s a huge shift not just in terms of distribution, but in terms of quality control, too.
Quality control? Only to the eyes of the beholder, right?
Everyone can find a sight that fits their agenda.
It is possible to break them up without stifling innovation because if you break them up you get less regulation, my friends!
Why do we need to universally condemn entire sectors of our society, as opposed to talking about what's happening within them that is in violation of values and creating regulations and rules that make sure that they are affirming what's in the best interest of our country
Why do we need to universally condemn entire sectors of our society, as opposed to talking about what's happening within them that is in violation of values and creating regulations and rules that make sure that they are affirming what's in the best interest of our country
And what sector gets to create the regulations and rules?
Why do we need to universally condemn entire sectors of our society, as opposed to talking about what's happening within them that is in violation of values and creating regulations and rules that make sure that they are affirming what's in the best interest of our country
And what sector gets to create the regulations and rules?
President Beto
Why do we need to universally condemn entire sectors of our society, as opposed to talking about what's happening within them that is in violation of values and creating regulations and rules that make sure that they are affirming what's in the best interest of our country
And what sector gets to create the regulations and rules?
President Beto
Okay, that is good, glad to see your sense of humor.
Pocahontas rolls out 2020 proposal to break up America’s biggest tech monopolies
I thought this thread was about respect for NATIVE Americans who got screwed by immigrants!
Misleading title ...
Beto said he would rather see Big Tech regulated than broken up. at least he took a position!
When WhatsApp started growing, Facebook had to make a choice: They could either do better on their privacy policy or buy out the competition. Guess what they did?

"The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them" - Pocahontas
According to Warren’s calculations, her corporate profits tax would cost Amazon $698 million, as opposed to the $0 it reportedly paid.
According to Warren’s calculations, her corporate profits tax would cost Amazon $698 million, as opposed to the $0 it reportedly paid.
Amazon paid zero because it had accumulated investment credits to build its business to the point where it employs 250,000, so under Warren's plan, $690 million would not have been invested in the economy and 250,000 people would not have jobs, but according to the Democrats as long as you sock it to the rich people, nothing else matters.
"Elizabeth Warren used to be a conservative but if you follow her career you can tell that she had an ideological change based on what she came to learn about Wall Street. Similarly, on crime, you can track that Kamala Harris had a change of heart based on wanting to be president"
here's something creepy. I met a woman at a conference last week. We've exchanged a few texts but, as far as I can remember, have not communicated over the Internet. Facebook just suggested her as a friend. How did it know I know her?
"why aren't the CEOs of Google, Facebook and Twitter in jail? Their manipulation of social media is about 1 million kazillion times worse than some idiotic memes"

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