Police Body Camera Footage Proves George Floyd Was Not "Murdered"

floyd died of drug overdose---------and what chauvin did or didn't do had nothing to do with it.

Yes, Floyd DID die of a drug overdose.

. .. and yes, I do agree with you, what Chauvin did wasn't a causative factor.

BUT? What he didn't do had nothing to do with it? THAT, is a bridge too far. He was a callous and poorly trained officer.

Nah, I don't buy that what he "DIDN'T DO" had nothing to do with it, he was negligent.

If our police were adequately trained to recognize the signs of drug use and a potential drug overdose, and they took seriously the motto, "protect and serve," if we held them to the standard that we should, and they treated all citizens' life as sacred as they should?

He neither protected nor served the public, he saw Floyd as an enemy of the public, not a member of the public in crises.

What he DIDN'T do was, indeed, negligent.
Work around violent manipulative criminals and you too will become callous.

Chauvin wasn't negligent---Floyd would have died with or without Chauvin there. He od on drugs. Stop trying to punish the cop for doing nothing that caused Floyds death.
So you are saying that if someone is dying of an OD there is nothing emergency services can do to help them, is that it?
Not in floyds case--he died within 9 minutes of being put on the ground. His only chance was at best very very slim---when the cop asked if he was on something, the cop would have called an ambulance, but the ambulance likely wouldn't haven't gotten there in time either.

But yes------why save violent criminals who are overdosing even this hadn't been the case. Floyd was a threat to everyone----he should have never been allowed out of prison and many violent criminals will always be threats---I'm logical--and feel they should be killed off.
Many cops carry Narcan and other medicines to stop an overdose in their vehicles. Don't know if they do in Minneapolis.
Floyd denied taking drugs----the cops couldn't give him Narcan.
If he had a lethal amount of drugs that could cause overdosing he would not have been standing and able to struggle like they said he did.
you know how 220 pound people behave after ingesting drugs? just checking, what is your experience? I have a few in my life, and I can tell you people on drugs are much much stronger than they are when they are straight. So please, enlighten me in your experience.
Aldo Raine what do you disagree with?

On drugs does not "make them stronger" a possible adrenaline rush and a short burst of aerobic activity of above normal. Not stronger in the sense they are suddenly able to increase a max strength move.

More durable for a short amount of time, yes. Slightly increased aerobic capacity, probably.
With all due respect, Aldo...Floyd was on Meth. Talk to anyone who's tried to subdue someone on Meth and they'll tell you it's scary how strong they can be and how they don't seem to feel pain.

He was also on fake(more powerful) heroine which does the opposite.
He was not in respiratory distress until the cop pushing his knee down on his neck, cutting off the flow of oxygen and blood...and it took him almost 10 minutes to kill him, I saw it and you saw it.

I saw a guy OD on Fentanyl. His knee was on the back, not neck. No need to put a knee on the neck of someone who is no longer resisting.

Also, he complained of having trouble breathing when he was in the back of the police car before the officer got on top of him. Again, he was overdosing, which the autopsy report bears out.
The autopsy report did not say that he died of an overdose.
The tox report-----showed that Floyd had taken more than enough drugs to kill a horse..he O'Ded
If he had a lethal amount of drugs that could cause overdosing he would not have been standing and able to struggle like they said he did.
you know how 220 pound people behave after ingesting drugs? just checking, what is your experience? I have a few in my life, and I can tell you people on drugs are much much stronger than they are when they are straight. So please, enlighten me in your experience.
Aldo Raine what do you disagree with?

On drugs does not "make them stronger" a possible adrenaline rush and a short burst of aerobic activity of above normal. Not stronger in the sense they are suddenly able to increase a max strength move.

More durable for a short amount of time, yes. Slightly increased aerobic capacity, probably.
With all due respect, Aldo...Floyd was on Meth. Talk to anyone who's tried to subdue someone on Meth and they'll tell you it's scary how strong they can be and how they don't seem to feel pain.

He was also on fake(more powerful) heroine which does the opposite.
He was not in respiratory distress until the cop pushing his knee down on his neck, cutting off the flow of oxygen and blood...and it took him almost 10 minutes to kill him, I saw it and you saw it.

I saw a guy OD on Fentanyl. His knee was on the back, not neck. No need to put a knee on the neck of someone who is no longer resisting.

Also, he complained of having trouble breathing when he was in the back of the police car before the officer got on top of him. Again, he was overdosing, which the autopsy report bears out.
The autopsy report did not say that he died of an overdose.
The tox report-----showed that Floyd had taken more than enough drugs to kill a horse..he O'Ded

Was the 9+ minutes of having 600lbs on his back MPD therapy then?
If he had a lethal amount of drugs that could cause overdosing he would not have been standing and able to struggle like they said he did.
you know how 220 pound people behave after ingesting drugs? just checking, what is your experience? I have a few in my life, and I can tell you people on drugs are much much stronger than they are when they are straight. So please, enlighten me in your experience.
Aldo Raine what do you disagree with?

On drugs does not "make them stronger" a possible adrenaline rush and a short burst of aerobic activity of above normal. Not stronger in the sense they are suddenly able to increase a max strength move.

More durable for a short amount of time, yes. Slightly increased aerobic capacity, probably.
With all due respect, Aldo...Floyd was on Meth. Talk to anyone who's tried to subdue someone on Meth and they'll tell you it's scary how strong they can be and how they don't seem to feel pain.

He was also on fake(more powerful) heroine which does the opposite.
He was not in respiratory distress until the cop pushing his knee down on his neck, cutting off the flow of oxygen and blood...and it took him almost 10 minutes to kill him, I saw it and you saw it.

I saw a guy OD on Fentanyl. His knee was on the back, not neck. No need to put a knee on the neck of someone who is no longer resisting.

Also, he complained of having trouble breathing when he was in the back of the police car before the officer got on top of him. Again, he was overdosing, which the autopsy report bears out.
The autopsy report did not say that he died of an overdose.
The tox report-----showed that Floyd had taken more than enough drugs to kill a horse..he O'Ded
Where does it say that? Is ir hidden so we can't find it or are you making stuff up again?
In fact, Floyd had two chances to avoid the police incident before the police were even called. After Floyd used a counterfeit $20 bill to buy cigarettes at the Cups Food store, he went back to his car in front of the store, and two of the Cup Foods employees came out to his car, confronted him about the counterfeit bill, and asked him to come inside and pay for the cigarettes or return them. Floyd refused. The two employees went back inside and then came back a few minutes later and repeated their request, and again Floyd refused. Only then did one of the Cup Foods employees call 911 to report Floyd's theft and use of a counterfeit bill.

Everyone should read the defense's opening statement. Here it is:

Defense Opening Statement Transcript: Derek Chauvin Trial for Murder of George Floyd - Rev
If he had a lethal amount of drugs that could cause overdosing he would not have been standing and able to struggle like they said he did.
you know how 220 pound people behave after ingesting drugs? just checking, what is your experience? I have a few in my life, and I can tell you people on drugs are much much stronger than they are when they are straight. So please, enlighten me in your experience.
Aldo Raine what do you disagree with?

On drugs does not "make them stronger" a possible adrenaline rush and a short burst of aerobic activity of above normal. Not stronger in the sense they are suddenly able to increase a max strength move.

More durable for a short amount of time, yes. Slightly increased aerobic capacity, probably.
With all due respect, Aldo...Floyd was on Meth. Talk to anyone who's tried to subdue someone on Meth and they'll tell you it's scary how strong they can be and how they don't seem to feel pain.

He was also on fake(more powerful) heroine which does the opposite.
He was not in respiratory distress until the cop pushing his knee down on his neck, cutting off the flow of oxygen and blood...and it took him almost 10 minutes to kill him, I saw it and you saw it.

I saw a guy OD on Fentanyl. His knee was on the back, not neck. No need to put a knee on the neck of someone who is no longer resisting.

Also, he complained of having trouble breathing when he was in the back of the police car before the officer got on top of him. Again, he was overdosing, which the autopsy report bears out.
The autopsy report did not say that he died of an overdose.
The tox report-----showed that Floyd had taken more than enough drugs to kill a horse..he O'Ded
Nope. The medical examiner said it would be a fatal amount of drug for a NORMAL person, but each person's level of fatality is different depending on other things like size and weight and tolerance built up from use over time.
In fact, Floyd had two chances to avoid the police incident before the police were even called. After Floyd used a counterfeit $20 bill to buy cigarettes at the Cups Food store, he went back to his car in front of the store, and two of the Cup Foods employees came out to his car, confronted him about the counterfeit bill, and asked him to come inside and pay for the cigarettes or return them. Floyd refused. The two employees went back inside and then came back a few minutes later and repeated their request, and again Floyd refused. Only then did one of the Cup Foods employees call 911 to report Floyd's theft and use of a counterfeit bill.

Everyone should read the defense's opening statement. Here it is:

Defense Opening Statement Transcript: Derek Chauvin Trial for Murder of George Floyd - Rev
Floyd isn't on trial for the use of a counterfeit 20, he was killed for it, instead.

Chauvin is on trial.
In fact, Floyd had two chances to avoid the police incident before the police were even called. After Floyd used a counterfeit $20 bill to buy cigarettes at the Cups Food store, he went back to his car in front of the store, and two of the Cup Foods employees came out to his car, confronted him about the counterfeit bill, and asked him to come inside and pay for the cigarettes or return them. Floyd refused. The two employees went back inside and then came back a few minutes later and repeated their request, and again Floyd refused. Only then did one of the Cup Foods employees call 911 to report Floyd's theft and use of a counterfeit bill.

Everyone should read the defense's opening statement. Here it is:

I have. It's utter horseshit and victim blaming.

Chauvin killed this man for no good reason. Passing a fake $20 is not a good reason to kill someone.

He's going to prison for the top count. Deal with it.
Crucially, the autopsy found no evidence that Floyd died from an inability to breathe. It found none of the usual signs of asphyxiation. Also, there were no bruises on Floyd’s neck, either on his skin or on the muscles beneath the skin. This seems like strong evidence against the claim that Chauvin's placement of his knee on the back of Floyd's neck caused him to suffocate. The autopsy found no evidence that Floyd’s airflow was restricted. I was not aware of this until this morning.
Crucially, the autopsy found no evidence that Floyd died from an inability to breathe. It found none of the usual signs of asphyxiation. Also, there were no bruises on Floyd’s neck, either on his skin or on the muscles beneath the skin. This seems like strong evidence against the claim that Chauvin's placement of his knee on the back of Floyd's neck caused him to suffocate. The autopsy found no evidence that Floyd’s airflow was restricted. I was not aware of this until this morning.
The autopsy states this as the cause of death

According to the report, Floyd, who had been apprehended on suspicion of passing a counterfeit $20 bill, died of "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression."

Crucially, the autopsy found no evidence that Floyd died from an inability to breathe. It found none of the usual signs of asphyxiation. Also, there were no bruises on Floyd’s neck, either on his skin or on the muscles beneath the skin. This seems like strong evidence against the claim that Chauvin's placement of his knee on the back of Floyd's neck caused him to suffocate. The autopsy found no evidence that Floyd’s airflow was restricted. I was not aware of this until this morning.

Bruises only form if you are alive... they don't form if you are dead.

You guys can go on all day with your fantasies that he was going to die anyway, but THIS SHIT offends decent people.


He's Toast.
Crucially, the autopsy found no evidence that Floyd died from an inability to breathe. It found none of the usual signs of asphyxiation. Also, there were no bruises on Floyd’s neck, either on his skin or on the muscles beneath the skin. This seems like strong evidence against the claim that Chauvin's placement of his knee on the back of Floyd's neck caused him to suffocate. The autopsy found no evidence that Floyd’s airflow was restricted. I was not aware of this until this morning.

Bruises only form if you are alive... they don't form if you are dead.

You guys can go on all day with your fantasies that he was going to die anyway, but THIS ^%$# offends decent people. He's Toast.

First off, you're not a decent person. You're a foul-mouthed apologist for two of the worst mass murderers in human history, Stalin and Mao, and for two of the most brutal, repressive regimes in history, the Soviet Union and Red China.

Second, you keep acting like I have said Chauvin did nothing wrong. I've said that I believe he committed involuntary manslaughter, that he should not have put his knee of Floyd's neck, that he should have eased up on Floyd's neck and checked Floyd's vital signs after Floyd stopped moving. I guess the foam bubbling up from your mouth hindered your reading.

Third, you simply refuse to hold Floyd in any way responsible for the incident when he was the one who caused the incident and when he had multiple chances to avoid physical confrontation if he had simply followed the police officers' directions and gotten into the police car. For that matter, the police would have responded differently to Floyd's provocations and resistance if he had been honest when they asked him if he was high on drugs.
First off, you're not a decent person. You're a foul-mouthed apologist for two of the worst mass murderers in human history, Stalin and Mao, and for two of the most brutal, repressive regimes in history, the Soviet Union and Red China.

You think China and Russia were happy places before those guys took over? Tells me you don't know much about Chinese or Russian History.

Second, you keep acting like I have said Chauvin did nothing wrong. I've said that I believe he committed involuntary manslaughter, that he should not have put his knee of Floyd's neck, that he should have eased up on Floyd's neck and checked Floyd's vital signs after Floyd stopped moving. I guess the foam bubbling up from your mouth hindered your reading.

Naw, guy, it's your usual apologies for bad people, like when you tried to make up all sorts of excuses why the Inappropriate Touching of Nanking wasn't that bad, and those poor Japs who got hung after the war were framed.

The problem here is the wording of the statues could be read either way. There is no clear deliniation between murder and manslaughter, and that's kind of the problem. So why not hit the fucker with the worst charge? Make a fucking example out of him so the rest of them get the message. When you have a whole crowd of people yelling at you to get off his neck, you get off his neck.

Third, you simply refuse to hold Floyd in any way responsible for the incident when he was the one who caused the incident and when he had multiple chances to avoid physical confrontation if he had simply followed the police officers' directions and gotten into the police car. For that matter, the police would have responded differently to Floyd's provocations and resistance if he had been honest when they asked him if he was high on drugs.

Again, Mike, you belong to a cult where your "Prophet" committed a whole bunch of crimes before he was murdered by an angry mob.

The police escalated something that could have been resolved with just returning a pack of cigarettes, taking down people's names and letting them go on their way. Instead, they escalated that into an incident where someone died.

Mike's world.

"Blam, Blam"

"Hey, why'd you shoot that guy?"

"He was jaywalking."

"You fucking murdered him, you freak!!!"

"Hey, it was his own damned fault, he was jaywalking."

Did Floyd do something wrong? Um, maybe. Maybe he didn't know it was a fake $20.00. But it wasn't serious enough to escalate it the way these cops did.
One witness has taken the fifth and refused to testify. The girlfriend said he was with his drug dealer.
she also described the symptoms he had when he OD'd in March -he had white foam on his lips and his stomach was hurting badly. Seems that is what happened during the restraint. hmmmmmmmmmmmm She claimed he had OD'd back then, and now the autopsy confirmed it.
You think China and Russia were happy places before those guys took over? Tells me you don't know much about Chinese or Russian History.
why is that? did they ever have a democratic republic? any country from the soviet union?
The police escalated something that could have been resolved with just returning a pack of cigarettes, taking down people's names and letting them go on their way. Instead, they escalated that into an incident where someone died.
why didn't floyd do that when the two clerks asked him to? You know it was the store that called the cops. can't ignite a situation and then act like a fking asshole when the cops get there. WTF, maybe Floyd was a bad drug attic and that was his mental state because of the drugs. You expect that the cops should know how Floyd behaved while overdosing. Why would they? Girlfriend described Floyd's symptoms, similar to the ones during the alteration, right?
In fact, Floyd had two chances to avoid the police incident before the police were even called. After Floyd used a counterfeit $20 bill to buy cigarettes at the Cups Food store, he went back to his car in front of the store, and two of the Cup Foods employees came out to his car, confronted him about the counterfeit bill, and asked him to come inside and pay for the cigarettes or return them. Floyd refused. The two employees went back inside and then came back a few minutes later and repeated their request, and again Floyd refused. Only then did one of the Cup Foods employees call 911 to report Floyd's theft and use of a counterfeit bill.

Everyone should read the defense's opening statement. Here it is:

I have. It's utter horseshit and victim blaming.

Chauvin killed this man for no good reason. Passing a fake $20 is not a good reason to kill someone.

He's going to prison for the top count. Deal with it.

Possibly manslaughter at best. Deal with it.
Enjoy your new flatscreen tv.
"cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression."
,,,,,essentially, that the physical restraint of Mr. Floyd was a significant factor, and that he died of a heart attack.
Crucially, the autopsy found no evidence that Floyd died from an inability to breathe. It found none of the usual signs of asphyxiation. Also, there were no bruises on Floyd’s neck, either on his skin or on the muscles beneath the skin. This seems like strong evidence against the claim that Chauvin's placement of his knee on the back of Floyd's neck caused him to suffocate. The autopsy found no evidence that Floyd’s airflow was restricted. I was not aware of this until this morning.

Bruises only form if you are alive... they don't form if you are dead.

You guys can go on all day with your fantasies that he was going to die anyway, but THIS ^%$# offends decent people. He's Toast.

First off, you're not a decent person. You're a foul-mouthed apologist for two of the worst mass murderers in human history, Stalin and Mao, and for two of the most brutal, repressive regimes in history, the Soviet Union and Red China.

Second, you keep acting like I have said Chauvin did nothing wrong. I've said that I believe he committed involuntary manslaughter, that he should not have put his knee of Floyd's neck, that he should have eased up on Floyd's neck and checked Floyd's vital signs after Floyd stopped moving. I guess the foam bubbling up from your mouth hindered your reading.

Third, you simply refuse to hold Floyd in any way responsible for the incident when he was the one who caused the incident and when he had multiple chances to avoid physical confrontation if he had simply followed the police officers' directions and gotten into the police car. For that matter, the police would have responded differently to Floyd's provocations and resistance if he had been honest when they asked him if he was high on drugs.
Being high on drugs is no different than be mentally incapacitated and neither is deserving of death without trial and jury. And neither were capable of reacting as a normal person would and cops should be trained to deal with these situations. They are but some of them don't value a black man's life or the life of the mentally ill. ... over time, the changes in the brain caused by repeated use and abuse can affect a person's self-control and their ability to make good decisions, ..Defund the police and put money where it does the most good. .....Drug addicts do not plan to become drug addicts...
Crucially, the autopsy found no evidence that Floyd died from an inability to breathe. It found none of the usual signs of asphyxiation. Also, there were no bruises on Floyd’s neck, either on his skin or on the muscles beneath the skin. This seems like strong evidence against the claim that Chauvin's placement of his knee on the back of Floyd's neck caused him to suffocate. The autopsy found no evidence that Floyd’s airflow was restricted. I was not aware of this until this morning.

Bruises only form if you are alive... they don't form if you are dead.

You guys can go on all day with your fantasies that he was going to die anyway, but THIS ^%$# offends decent people. He's Toast.

First off, you're not a decent person. You're a foul-mouthed apologist for two of the worst mass murderers in human history, Stalin and Mao, and for two of the most brutal, repressive regimes in history, the Soviet Union and Red China.

Second, you keep acting like I have said Chauvin did nothing wrong. I've said that I believe he committed involuntary manslaughter, that he should not have put his knee of Floyd's neck, that he should have eased up on Floyd's neck and checked Floyd's vital signs after Floyd stopped moving. I guess the foam bubbling up from your mouth hindered your reading.

Third, you simply refuse to hold Floyd in any way responsible for the incident when he was the one who caused the incident and when he had multiple chances to avoid physical confrontation if he had simply followed the police officers' directions and gotten into the police car. For that matter, the police would have responded differently to Floyd's provocations and resistance if he had been honest when they asked him if he was high on drugs.

He died at the scene and Chauvin was the guilty one, and the other 3 officers.

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