Police Body Camera Footage Proves George Floyd Was Not "Murdered"

If he had a lethal amount of drugs that could cause overdosing he would not have been standing and able to struggle like they said he did.
you know how 220 pound people behave after ingesting drugs? just checking, what is your experience? I have a few in my life, and I can tell you people on drugs are much much stronger than they are when they are straight. So please, enlighten me in your experience.
Aldo Raine what do you disagree with?

On drugs does not "make them stronger" a possible adrenaline rush and a short burst of aerobic activity of above normal. Not stronger in the sense they are suddenly able to increase a max strength move.

More durable for a short amount of time, yes. Slightly increased aerobic capacity, probably.
With all due respect, Aldo...Floyd was on Meth. Talk to anyone who's tried to subdue someone on Meth and they'll tell you it's scary how strong they can be and how they don't seem to feel pain.

He was also on fake(more powerful) heroine which does the opposite.
He was not in respiratory distress until the cop pushing his knee down on his neck, cutting off the flow of oxygen and blood...and it took him almost 10 minutes to kill him, I saw it and you saw it.

I saw a guy OD on Fentanyl. His knee was on the back, not neck. No need to put a knee on the neck of someone who is no longer resisting.

Also, he complained of having trouble breathing when he was in the back of the police car before the officer got on top of him. Again, he was overdosing, which the autopsy report bears out.
The autopsy report did not say that he died of an overdose.
The tox report-----showed that Floyd had taken more than enough drugs to kill a horse..he O'Ded

Was the 9+ minutes of having 600lbs on his back MPD therapy then?
9 minutes of having 600 pounds oh his back? Has it not occured to you that you have no clue what you are talking about?

The autopsy shows no physical damage.....the Fentanyl and other drug cocktail in his system killed him.

Yup the 600lbs on top of him is MPD therapy
If he had a lethal amount of drugs that could cause overdosing he would not have been standing and able to struggle like they said he did.
you know how 220 pound people behave after ingesting drugs? just checking, what is your experience? I have a few in my life, and I can tell you people on drugs are much much stronger than they are when they are straight. So please, enlighten me in your experience.
Aldo Raine what do you disagree with?

On drugs does not "make them stronger" a possible adrenaline rush and a short burst of aerobic activity of above normal. Not stronger in the sense they are suddenly able to increase a max strength move.

More durable for a short amount of time, yes. Slightly increased aerobic capacity, probably.
With all due respect, Aldo...Floyd was on Meth. Talk to anyone who's tried to subdue someone on Meth and they'll tell you it's scary how strong they can be and how they don't seem to feel pain.

He was also on fake(more powerful) heroine which does the opposite.
He was not in respiratory distress until the cop pushing his knee down on his neck, cutting off the flow of oxygen and blood...and it took him almost 10 minutes to kill him, I saw it and you saw it.

I saw a guy OD on Fentanyl. His knee was on the back, not neck. No need to put a knee on the neck of someone who is no longer resisting.

Also, he complained of having trouble breathing when he was in the back of the police car before the officer got on top of him. Again, he was overdosing, which the autopsy report bears out.
The autopsy report did not say that he died of an overdose.
The tox report-----showed that Floyd had taken more than enough drugs to kill a horse..he O'Ded

Was the 9+ minutes of having 600lbs on his back MPD therapy then?
9 minutes of having 600 pounds oh his back? Has it not occured to you that you have no clue what you are talking about?

The autopsy shows no physical damage.....the Fentanyl and other drug cocktail in his system killed him.

Yup the 600lbs on top of him is MPD therapy
Pack of cigarettes 8 bucks, why didn’t he give them back?
But the 11 nanograms per milliliter of fentanyl is rather important, inasmuch as the chief medical examiner called this "a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances," saying, "deaths have been certified with levels of 3."

Three. But George Floyd went up to 11.

But that's the point, Dicktiny. Yes, 3 would be fatal to most people, who don't do drugs. 11 might not be fatal to a habitual abuser whose body has already built up a tolerance.

If they had de-escalated the situation and just made him give back the merchandise and sent him home, and he died at home, there wouldn't be an issue here, I guess.

But instead they escalated it, used excessive force and he died.
Sorry your fucking uneducated racist piece of shit. Three times the lethal amount and you excuse it by saying he had a tolerance. Translation: addicted. Maybe Floyd should have returned the cigarettes he passed the fake bill for and this doesn’t happen. Floyd escalated the situation liar. Let’s let a large drug addled man attack you and watch your reaction. Idiot.
Scorn is not a "little" feeling, Joe! I have little respect for those too weak to say no to something they KNOW isn't good for them. That goes for drugs...for alcohol...for tobacco...for vaping...for gambling! They make all of these things available to "adults" for a reason! You're thought to be old enough to act responsibly as an adult. If you DON'T...then that's on you...not on society!

Ooohh....poor baby.. they hurt your feelings by not following your morality.

Reality- the law recognizes addiction as a disability. Deal with it.

Why do you sport an avatar of a man's man but your nature is that of a puss? I know why, just curious what you think.

Well, since your avatar is a flaming Nazi Gasbag, that seems appropriate.

I never saw Indy murder an unarmed person in four movies. Maybe the next one, "Indiana Jones and the Search for Social Security."
Sorry your fucking uneducated racist piece of shit. Three times the lethal amount and you excuse it by saying he had a tolerance. Translation: addicted. Maybe Floyd should have returned the cigarettes he passed the fake bill for and this doesn’t happen. Floyd escalated the situation liar. Let’s let a large drug addled man attack you and watch your reaction. Idiot.

Except Floyd wasn't attacking anyone. He was completely cooperating with the police at that point. There was no reason to escalate to lethal fource. Chauvin is going to prison.
Scorn is not a "little" feeling, Joe! I have little respect for those too weak to say no to something they KNOW isn't good for them. That goes for drugs...for alcohol...for tobacco...for vaping...for gambling! They make all of these things available to "adults" for a reason! You're thought to be old enough to act responsibly as an adult. If you DON'T...then that's on you...not on society!

Ooohh....poor baby.. they hurt your feelings by not following your morality.

Reality- the law recognizes addiction as a disability. Deal with it.

Why do you sport an avatar of a man's man but your nature is that of a puss? I know why, just curious what you think.

Well, since your avatar is a flaming Nazi Gasbag, that seems appropriate.

I never saw Indy murder an unarmed person in four movies. Maybe the next one, "Indiana Jones and the Search for Social Security."

Ah, so the reason you like Indiana Jones is he's not a cop. That says a lot why you're PROG. You a black man or social justice warrior?
Sorry your fucking uneducated racist piece of shit. Three times the lethal amount and you excuse it by saying he had a tolerance. Translation: addicted. Maybe Floyd should have returned the cigarettes he passed the fake bill for and this doesn’t happen. Floyd escalated the situation liar. Let’s let a large drug addled man attack you and watch your reaction. Idiot.

Except Floyd wasn't attacking anyone. He was completely cooperating with the police at that point. There was no reason to escalate to lethal fource. Chauvin is going to prison.

Sorry your fucking uneducated racist piece of shit. Three times the lethal amount and you excuse it by saying he had a tolerance. Translation: addicted. Maybe Floyd should have returned the cigarettes he passed the fake bill for and this doesn’t happen. Floyd escalated the situation liar. Let’s let a large drug addled man attack you and watch your reaction. Idiot.

Except Floyd wasn't attacking anyone. He was completely cooperating with the police at that point. There was no reason to escalate to lethal fource. Chauvin is going to prison.

You can't prove that because it's not true. Floyd wouldn't get in the car and was high as fuck not making a bit of sense. How deep did you dig to suggest Floyd was cooperative?
Ah, so the reason you like Indiana Jones is he's not a cop. That says a lot why you're PROG. You a black man or social justice warrior?

Naw, the reason I like his character is that he's a work of fiction. If someone ACTUALLY did the stuff he did, he'd probably be in trouble.

But kind of fun when he punches Nazis.

You can't prove that because it's not true. Floyd wouldn't get in the car and was high as fuck not making a bit of sense. How deep did you dig to suggest Floyd was cooperative?

At the time Chauvin put his knee on his neck, he was handcuffed and not going anywhere.

it was murder. Deal with it.
You can't prove that because it's not true. Floyd wouldn't get in the car and was high as fuck not making a bit of sense. How deep did you dig to suggest Floyd was cooperative?

At the time Chauvin put his knee on his neck, he was handcuffed and not going anywhere.

it was murder. Deal with it.
No it wasn't liar. Deal with it. Chauvin does not get convicted of murder. Deal with it. No mention of ANY trauma to the neck, windpipe, or anything relating to your fantasy. Deal with it.
Scorn is not a "little" feeling, Joe! I have little respect for those too weak to say no to something they KNOW isn't good for them. That goes for drugs...for alcohol...for tobacco...for vaping...for gambling! They make all of these things available to "adults" for a reason! You're thought to be old enough to act responsibly as an adult. If you DON'T...then that's on you...not on society!

Ooohh....poor baby.. they hurt your feelings by not following your morality.

Reality- the law recognizes addiction as a disability. Deal with it.

Why do you sport an avatar of a man's man but your nature is that of a puss? I know why, just curious what you think.

Well, since your avatar is a flaming Nazi Gasbag, that seems appropriate.

I never saw Indy murder an unarmed person in four movies. Maybe the next one, "Indiana Jones and the Search for Social Security."
The drug rehab industry took in 47 Billion dollars last year, Joey! The "law" recognizes addicts as people suffering from a disability because the drug rehab industry has paid politicians big bucks to pass those laws. It's not that they ARE suffering from a real disability...it's that there are a whole lot of people making money if you call it that!
Sorry your fucking uneducated racist piece of shit. Three times the lethal amount and you excuse it by saying he had a tolerance. Translation: addicted. Maybe Floyd should have returned the cigarettes he passed the fake bill for and this doesn’t happen. Floyd escalated the situation liar. Let’s let a large drug addled man attack you and watch your reaction. Idiot.

Except Floyd wasn't attacking anyone. He was completely cooperating with the police at that point. There was no reason to escalate to lethal fource. Chauvin is going to prison.
If Floyd has cooperated with the Police he would have stayed in the back of the cruiser when he was put there. He freaked out and fought to get out of the back seat of that Police car and THAT was when he ended up down on the ground with multiple police officers on top of him! The Police DIDN'T escalate things...Floyd did. The Police didn't use lethal force...Floyd died of a drug overdose.
I disagree, I think it was either :
second degree unintentional felony murder, third degree “depraved mind” murder,
Why: I read when the Chauvins that Chauvin continue pressure on the neck:

Our video investigation shows that Mr. Chauvin did not remove his knee even after Mr. Floyd lost consciousness and for a full minute and 20 seconds after paramedics arrived at the scene.

On June 3, Hennepin County prosecutors added a more serious second-degree murder charge against Mr. Chauvin and also charged each of the three other former officers — Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao — with aiding and abetting second-degree murder.
How George Floyd Was Killed in Police Custody - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

and now we heard his knee was on his neck for 9:29.

The paramedics found him dead at the scene.
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It just means that Floyd's family has a better case against the police department than against Chauvin. Because he followed his training, the culpability is primarily on management for having authorized a technique that can be lethal.

So Chauvin won't likely be charged, but he will probably have to go into hiding. The police department will likely settle out of court with Floyd's family for a large but undisclosed sum.
Sorry your fucking uneducated racist piece of shit. Three times the lethal amount and you excuse it by saying he had a tolerance. Translation: addicted. Maybe Floyd should have returned the cigarettes he passed the fake bill for and this doesn’t happen. Floyd escalated the situation liar. Let’s let a large drug addled man attack you and watch your reaction. Idiot.

Except Floyd wasn't attacking anyone. He was completely cooperating with the police at that point. There was no reason to escalate to lethal fource. Chauvin is going to prison.
If Floyd has cooperated with the Police he would have stayed in the back of the cruiser when he was put there. He freaked out and fought to get out of the back seat of that Police car and THAT was when he ended up down on the ground with multiple police officers on top of him! The Police DIDN'T escalate things...Floyd did. The Police didn't use lethal force...Floyd died of a drug overdose.

No he didn't die of drug overdose, I'm sure Floyd has OD before this incident. The cops pulled him out.

You know if this was a white man who got killed by a knee on the whites man neck and a black man officer, I would bet you'd be ready to tar and feather him and then hang him (the officer)
Sorry your fucking uneducated racist piece of shit. Three times the lethal amount and you excuse it by saying he had a tolerance. Translation: addicted. Maybe Floyd should have returned the cigarettes he passed the fake bill for and this doesn’t happen. Floyd escalated the situation liar. Let’s let a large drug addled man attack you and watch your reaction. Idiot.

Except Floyd wasn't attacking anyone. He was completely cooperating with the police at that point. There was no reason to escalate to lethal fource. Chauvin is going to prison.
Completely cooperating with police? So why wasn't he in the squad car going to jail instead of handcuffed on the ground.

And why would Chauvin go to jail for floyd dying of a drug overdose?
It is also worth noting that Derek Chauvin is only 5'9" and weighs only 140 pounds. George Floyd was 6'3" tall and weighed 223 pounds. The police body-cam footage shows that it took several police officers to push Floyd into the back seat of the police car, and that Floyd was strong enough to push his way out of the car and come out the other side. That's why it took more than one officer to pin him on the ground after he had pushed his way out of the police car.

So any thought that this was the big, mean, powerful Officer Chauvin vs. the poor little ole George Floyd is a myth.

And did anyone notice that in the body-cam footage we see Floyd apparently try to kick one of the officers while he pushes his way out of the police car?

And, again, Floyd could have avoided even having the police called in the first place if he had returned the cigarettes he had stolen, as he was asked to do twice by the Cup Foods employees. But, no, this "kind man," this "good father," refused to give back the cigarettes he'd just stolen. So, then and only then did one of the Cup Foods employees call 911 to report Floyd's theft and use of a phony $20 bill.

You think China and Russia were happy places before those guys took over? Tells me you don't know much about Chinese or Russian History.

Ah, yes, keep talking. Repeat for everyone what you said in the History forum, where you praised Mao and said he brought "peace and stability" to China--and just never you mind the tens of millions of Chinese whom he murdered in the process. Ditto for Stalin.

No, I don't think China and Russia were ideal places before Mao and Stalin took them over, but they were much better off then than they were after Mao and Stalin established their murderous regimes.

And do repeat for everyone your claim that Red China was a better place to live than Free China on Taiwan. Do repeat that astonishing lie. You never did explain why thousands of Chinese in Red China risked their lives trying to get to Taiwan. Humm, maybe because Taiwan had freedom of religion, because Taiwan didn't put millions of people in concentration camps, did not prohibit people from leaving if they wanted to leave, had free enterprise, etc., etc.?

Second, you keep acting like I have said Chauvin did nothing wrong. I've said that I believe he committed involuntary manslaughter, that he should not have put his knee of Floyd's neck, that he should have eased up on Floyd's neck and checked Floyd's vital signs after Floyd stopped moving. I guess the foam bubbling up from your mouth hindered your reading.

Naw, guy, it's your usual apologies for bad people, like when you tried to make up all sorts of excuses why the Inappropriate Touching of Nanking wasn't that bad, and those poor Japs who got hung after the war were framed.

You're a lying piece of pro-communist garbage. I never said the Nanking Massacre "wasn't that bad." I said it was a horrific crime and that the officers responsible for it deserved the harshest punishment, but I also pointed out that Red China's myth that 300,000 civilians died during the massacre is now rejected even by most "mainstream historians," and that the original eyewitnesses and earliest reporters on the massacre put the death toll at a fraction of that number.

[JoeB's usual anti-religious, ahistorical bigotry deleted, not worth answering, not to mention irrelevant.]

The problem here is the wording of the statues could be read either way. There is no clear deliniation between murder and manslaughter, and that's kind of the problem. So why not hit the *&^$%^ with the worst charge? Make a *&^&^ example out of him so the rest of them get the message. When you have a whole crowd of people yelling at you to get off his neck, you get off his neck.

No clear line between murder and manslaughter?!!!! Maybe in Red China, but not here in America. Heard of "involuntary manslaughter"? That means you killed someone but did not intend to kill them, but that your actions were negligent/irresponsible enough that you deserve some punishment for the person's death. Second-degree murder is the deliberate killing of a person but killing them without planning to kill them ahead of time (pre-meditated).

Why not throw the book at Chauvin and make an example of him? Because most of the crowd did not see all the events that preceded Floyd's being pinned on the ground. Because the body-cam footage clearly shows that Floyd caused the whole incident in the first place, lied about not being able to breathe, lied about not being on drugs, strongly resisted arrest, and had multiple chances to avoid a physical confrontation by simply getting into the back of the police car. God help the accused person who gets you on their jury.
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No it wasn't liar. Deal with it. Chauvin does not get convicted of murder. Deal with it. No mention of ANY trauma to the neck, windpipe, or anything relating to your fantasy. Deal with it.

He's totally going down. if the case comes down to those horrifying videos versus some "expert" talking about milligrams of chemicals the jury can't pronounce, then he's going down. Deal with it.

Even if some juror was a secret racist harboring any thought of giving him a pass, the threat of burning down the city should get his head straight.

The drug rehab industry took in 47 Billion dollars last year, Joey! The "law" recognizes addicts as people suffering from a disability because the drug rehab industry has paid politicians big bucks to pass those laws. It's not that they ARE suffering from a real disability...it's that there are a whole lot of people making money if you call it that!

Quite the contrary, addiction is a medical issue, not a moral or criminal one. We don't treat it enough like a medical issue, if anything.

If Floyd has cooperated with the Police he would have stayed in the back of the cruiser when he was put there. He freaked out and fought to get out of the back seat of that Police car and THAT was when he ended up down on the ground with multiple police officers on top of him! The Police DIDN'T escalate things...Floyd did. The Police didn't use lethal force...Floyd died of a drug overdose.

Except the most senior member of the MPD got on the stand and said that tactic was out of line... So, um, no.
It is also worth noting that Derek Chauvin is only 5'9" and weighs only 140 pounds. George Floyd was 6'3" tall and weighed 223 pounds. The police body-cam footage shows that it took several police officers to push Floyd into the back seat of the police car, and that Floyd was strong enough to push his way out of the car and come out the other side. That's why it took more than one officer to pin him on the ground after he had pushed his way out of the police car.

So any thought that this was the big, mean, powerful Officer Chauvin vs. the poor little ole George Floyd is a myth.

Yes, we get it, Axis Mikey, he was a big scary black man, and the thought of a big scary black man makes you soil your magic underwear. We totally get why a member of the racist Mormon Cult wouldn't see the basic humanity of a black person.

Realistically, Chauvin had three of his buddies there to help him. He also has a long history of pulling shit like this.

Moving right along.

And, again, Floyd could have avoided even having the police called in the first place if he had returned the cigarettes he had stolen, as he was asked to do twice by the Cup Foods employees. But, no, this "kind man," this "good father," refused to give back the cigarettes he'd just stolen. So, then and only then did one of the Cup Foods employees call 911 to report Floyd's theft and use of a phony $20 bill.

Wow. that kind of comment makes me think of what people like you would have done the day Jesus was Crucified.


The point is, it was ONLY a $20.00 pack of cigarettes. It was not worth escalating it up to what it was escalted up to. Take the pack of smokes from him and write him a citation. Done.
Sorry your fucking uneducated racist piece of shit. Three times the lethal amount and you excuse it by saying he had a tolerance. Translation: addicted. Maybe Floyd should have returned the cigarettes he passed the fake bill for and this doesn’t happen. Floyd escalated the situation liar. Let’s let a large drug addled man attack you and watch your reaction. Idiot.

Except Floyd wasn't attacking anyone. He was completely cooperating with the police at that point. There was no reason to escalate to lethal fource. Chauvin is going to prison.
If Floyd has cooperated with the Police he would have stayed in the back of the cruiser when he was put there. He freaked out and fought to get out of the back seat of that Police car and THAT was when he ended up down on the ground with multiple police officers on top of him! The Police DIDN'T escalate things...Floyd did. The Police didn't use lethal force...Floyd died of a drug overdose.

No he didn't die of drug overdose, I'm sure Floyd has OD before this incident. The cops pulled him out.

You know if this was a white man who got killed by a knee on the whites man neck and a black man officer, I would bet you'd be ready to tar and feather him and then hang him (the officer)

No. We treat out of control criminal drug addicts the same regardless of race.

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