Police Body Camera Footage Proves George Floyd Was Not "Murdered"

If he had a lethal amount of drugs that could cause overdosing he would not have been standing and able to struggle like they said he did.
you know how 220 pound people behave after ingesting drugs? just checking, what is your experience? I have a few in my life, and I can tell you people on drugs are much much stronger than they are when they are straight. So please, enlighten me in your experience.
Aldo Raine what do you disagree with?

On drugs does not "make them stronger" a possible adrenaline rush and a short burst of aerobic activity of above normal. Not stronger in the sense they are suddenly able to increase a max strength move.

More durable for a short amount of time, yes. Slightly increased aerobic capacity, probably.
With all due respect, Aldo...Floyd was on Meth. Talk to anyone who's tried to subdue someone on Meth and they'll tell you it's scary how strong they can be and how they don't seem to feel pain.

He was also on fake(more powerful) heroine which does the opposite.
He was not in respiratory distress until the cop pushing his knee down on his neck, cutting off the flow of oxygen and blood...and it took him almost 10 minutes to kill him, I saw it and you saw it.

I saw a guy OD on Fentanyl. His knee was on the back, not neck. No need to put a knee on the neck of someone who is no longer resisting.

Also, he complained of having trouble breathing when he was in the back of the police car before the officer got on top of him. Again, he was overdosing, which the autopsy report bears out.
The autopsy report did not say that he died of an overdose.
The tox report-----showed that Floyd had taken more than enough drugs to kill a horse..he O'Ded

Was the 9+ minutes of having 600lbs on his back MPD therapy then?
9 minutes of having 600 pounds oh his back? Has it not occured to you that you have no clue what you are talking about?

The autopsy shows no physical damage.....the Fentanyl and other drug cocktail in his system killed him.

Yup the 600lbs on top of him is MPD therapy
Pack of cigarettes 8 bucks, why didn’t he give them back?
Way to move the goalposts!!!
Never argued wether or not he committed a crime, he did. Apparently the MPD believes 600lbs on his back for over 9 minutes is proper before an actual arrest. That is so MAGA!

It is also worth noting that Derek Chauvin is only 5'9" and weighs only 140 pounds. George Floyd was 6'3" tall and weighed 223 pounds. The police body-cam footage shows that it took several police officers to push Floyd into the back seat of the police car, and that Floyd was strong enough to push his way out of the car and come out the other side. That's why it took more than one officer to pin him on the ground after he had pushed his way out of the police car.

So any thought that this was the big, mean, powerful Officer Chauvin vs. the poor little ole George Floyd is a myth.

Yes, we get it, Axis Mikey, he was a big scary black man, and the thought of a big scary black man makes you soil your magic underwear. We totally get why a member of the racist Mormon Cult wouldn't see the basic humanity of a black person.

Realistically, Chauvin had three of his buddies there to help him. He also has a long history of pulling shit like this.

Moving right along.

And, again, Floyd could have avoided even having the police called in the first place if he had returned the cigarettes he had stolen, as he was asked to do twice by the Cup Foods employees. But, no, this "kind man," this "good father," refused to give back the cigarettes he'd just stolen. So, then and only then did one of the Cup Foods employees call 911 to report Floyd's theft and use of a phony $20 bill.

Wow. that kind of comment makes me think of what people like you would have done the day Jesus was Crucified.

View attachment 476059

The point is, it was ONLY a $20.00 pack of cigarettes. It was not worth escalating it up to what it was escalted up to. Take the pack of smokes from him and write him a citation. Done.

You forgot about the federal felony passing counterfeit currency. I wonder why?
You forgot about the federal felony passing counterfeit currency. I wonder why?

Because most of the time, they don't arrest people like that unless they are passing dozens of bills, not just happened to have gotten one by mistake.

Feelings....nothing more than feeeeelllliiinngs. Feeling Chauvin will not be charged with murdering that scumbag POS your hero Floyd.
Hahaha....chauvin will not be convicted of murdering your hero POS .
Enjoy your new flat screen TV.

Again, nobody is going to let a riot happen for THIS guy. If it comes down to convicting him and a riot, he's going down. Deal with it.

Feelings....nothing more than feeeeelllliiinngs. Feeling Chauvin will not be charged with murdering that scumbag POS your hero Floyd.

He's already been charged. He's on trial. Try to keep up.

So if this trial comes down to that tape vs. some doctor talking about milligrams... um, yeah, it's not going to be good for Chauvin.
I have changed my mind about the George Floyd case, after watching several hours of Derek Chauvin's trial, and especially after watching the previously unreleased police body-camera footage of the incident.

I do not believe that Chauvin committed second-degree murder. I think he committed manslaughter. I would need several pages to fully explain the reasons for my view. Here are a few points that capture the main reasons:

* Floyd could have avoided being pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply obeyed the police officers' repeated request to get into the back of the police car.

* The officers did not pin Floyd on the ground until after he strongly resisted being put into the police car and after he then pushed his way out of the car and came out the other side of the car. Only at that point did the officers pin him on the ground.

* Floyd's claim that he was afraid to get into confined spaces and therefore afraid to get into the back of the police car seems extremely doubtful, given the fact that Floyd had just spent several minutes in the front of a small car with the windows rolled up. The body camera footage shows that the front of the car that Floyd was taken from was virtually identical in size to the back of the police car.

* The officers may have doubted Floyd's claim that he could not breathe because he started making this claim long before he was pinned on the ground and at a time when he clearly could breathe, as the officers pointed out to him.

* Floyd's autopsy report proves that he was heavily under the influence of drugs during the incident. This could explain his irrational behavior.

* Floyd deserves most of the blame for the incident. Chauvin should not have put his knee on Floyd's neck. He should have eased up on Floyd's neck after Floyd stopped moving, and he should have checked Floyd's vital signs after he stopped moving. But, again, Floyd never would have been pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply gotten into the back of the police car as he was repeatedly instructed to do.

And, just for the record, George Floyd was neither a "gentle person" nor "a good father"; he was a violent thug with a long rap sheet:

Two Sides To Every Story: George Floyd And Derek Chauvin – Stateline Network EXTRA
Blaming the victim for his own murder? People with mental issues should be blamed also for police brutality? The cop used unnecessary force. You would not do this to a dog. The cops are acting like trial, jury, and executioner. The cop puts his hand in his pocket thus pushing down on his knee to put more pressure on George's neck. Everyone who saw this saw a live murder. period. No matter who he was George deserved his day in court and not on the ground getting the life choked out of him. Drugs and medical conditions did not kill him, the cop did.
If the dog was rabid you wouldnt try to be nice to it, you would put it down. George Floyd had 5 opportunities to peacefully be put in a squad car (where he kept saying "i cant breathe") and when Floyd got out of the car again, he was restrained and died of a drug overdose.
Judge Approves Third-Degree Murder Charge in Chauvin Trial
By The Associated Press•March 11, 2021
Judge Peter A. Cahill on Thursday added a third-degree murder charge in the trial of Derek Chauvin, which includes second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter charges in the killing of George Floyd.

depraved-heart murder
Minnesota law originally defined third-degree murder solely as depraved-heart murder ("without intent to effect the death of any person, caus[ing] the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life"). Sep 7 2019
Murder - Wikipedia



In the least, it will be third degree murder, imo....so far.

We still haven't heard the Defense side.
Hahaha....chauvin will not be convicted of murdering your hero POS .
Enjoy your new flat screen TV.

Again, nobody is going to let a riot happen for THIS guy. If it comes down to convicting him and a riot, he's going down. Deal with it.

Feelings....nothing more than feeeeelllliiinngs. Feeling Chauvin will not be charged with murdering that scumbag POS your hero Floyd.

He's already been charged. He's on trial. Try to keep up.

So if this trial comes down to that tape vs. some doctor talking about milligrams... um, yeah, it's not going to be good for Chauvin.

You might want to grab a sound bar too.
No it wasn't liar. Deal with it. Chauvin does not get convicted of murder. Deal with it. No mention of ANY trauma to the neck, windpipe, or anything relating to your fantasy. Deal with it.

He's totally going down. if the case comes down to those horrifying videos versus some "expert" talking about milligrams of chemicals the jury can't pronounce, then he's going down. Deal with it.

Even if some juror was a secret racist harboring any thought of giving him a pass, the threat of burning down the city should get his head straight.

The drug rehab industry took in 47 Billion dollars last year, Joey! The "law" recognizes addicts as people suffering from a disability because the drug rehab industry has paid politicians big bucks to pass those laws. It's not that they ARE suffering from a real disability...it's that there are a whole lot of people making money if you call it that!

Quite the contrary, addiction is a medical issue, not a moral or criminal one. We don't treat it enough like a medical issue, if anything.

If Floyd has cooperated with the Police he would have stayed in the back of the cruiser when he was put there. He freaked out and fought to get out of the back seat of that Police car and THAT was when he ended up down on the ground with multiple police officers on top of him! The Police DIDN'T escalate things...Floyd did. The Police didn't use lethal force...Floyd died of a drug overdose.

Except the most senior member of the MPD got on the stand and said that tactic was out of line... So, um, no.
If you resist arrest and fight your way OUT of a Police cruiser...my guess is you will find yourself down on the ground with multiple Police officers on top of you...and that will be the normal response in every city in the entire US, Joey! Out of line? That's ridiculous! This concept that the Police are there to "babysit" people who are breaking the law has gotten so out of hand that nobody wants to be a Police officer anymore because they can be fired...or worse...incarcerated...just for doing their jobs!
If you resist arrest and fight your way OUT of a Police cruiser...my guess is you will find yourself down on the ground with multiple Police officers on top of you...and that will be the normal response in every city in the entire US, Joey! Out of line? That's ridiculous! This concept that the Police are there to "babysit" people who are breaking the law has gotten so out of hand that nobody wants to be a Police officer anymore because they can be fired...or worse...incarcerated...just for doing their jobs!

It's not their job to kill people. If we are going to give people the right to employ lethal force in a situation, we need to know they are going to do so judiciously and show good judgement.

And frankly, if thugs like Chauvin don't want to be cops anymore, I can live with that.

The problem with the kinds of cops who get involved in these incidents is that they have a long history of this kind of behavior that no one called them on.

Chauvin had 18 previous incidents of excessive force.
Jason van Dyke had 30 complaints against him before he shot Laquan McDonald.
Timothy Loehmann was fired from the Independence OH PD for mental instability before he was hired by Cleveland PD and promptly shot Tamir Rice.
Darren Wilson was part of a police department that was disbanded for rampant corruption before he was picked up by Furgeson's PD.
It is also worth noting that Derek Chauvin is only 5'9" and weighs only 140 pounds. George Floyd was 6'3" tall and weighed 223 pounds. The police body-cam footage shows that it took several police officers to push Floyd into the back seat of the police car, and that Floyd was strong enough to push his way out of the car and come out the other side. That's why it took more than one officer to pin him on the ground after he had pushed his way out of the police car.

So any thought that this was the big, mean, powerful Officer Chauvin vs. the poor little ole George Floyd is a myth.

Yes, we get it, Axis Mikey, he was a big scary black man, and the thought of a big scary black man makes you soil your magic underwear. We totally get why a member of the racist Mormon Cult wouldn't see the basic humanity of a black person.

Realistically, Chauvin had three of his buddies there to help him. He also has a long history of pulling shit like this.

Moving right along.

And, again, Floyd could have avoided even having the police called in the first place if he had returned the cigarettes he had stolen, as he was asked to do twice by the Cup Foods employees. But, no, this "kind man," this "good father," refused to give back the cigarettes he'd just stolen. So, then and only then did one of the Cup Foods employees call 911 to report Floyd's theft and use of a phony $20 bill.

Wow. that kind of comment makes me think of what people like you would have done the day Jesus was Crucified.

View attachment 476059

The point is, it was ONLY a $20.00 pack of cigarettes. It was not worth escalating it up to what it was escalted up to. Take the pack of smokes from him and write him a citation. Done.

You forgot about the federal felony passing counterfeit currency. I wonder why?

It USED to be a federal felony.
But computers made it so easy, it got turned into a local misdemeanor decades ago.
They were not even supposed to arrest him for the bogus $20 bill, since he could have innocently have been just passing it along and not been the source.
It is supposed to just be a ticket.
I have changed my mind about the George Floyd case, after watching several hours of Derek Chauvin's trial, and especially after watching the previously unreleased police body-camera footage of the incident.

I do not believe that Chauvin committed second-degree murder. I think he committed manslaughter. I would need several pages to fully explain the reasons for my view. Here are a few points that capture the main reasons:

* Floyd could have avoided being pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply obeyed the police officers' repeated request to get into the back of the police car.

* The officers did not pin Floyd on the ground until after he strongly resisted being put into the police car and after he then pushed his way out of the car and came out the other side of the car. Only at that point did the officers pin him on the ground.

* Floyd's claim that he was afraid to get into confined spaces and therefore afraid to get into the back of the police car seems extremely doubtful, given the fact that Floyd had just spent several minutes in the front of a small car with the windows rolled up. The body camera footage shows that the front of the car that Floyd was taken from was virtually identical in size to the back of the police car.

* The officers may have doubted Floyd's claim that he could not breathe because he started making this claim long before he was pinned on the ground and at a time when he clearly could breathe, as the officers pointed out to him.

* Floyd's autopsy report proves that he was heavily under the influence of drugs during the incident. This could explain his irrational behavior.

* Floyd deserves most of the blame for the incident. Chauvin should not have put his knee on Floyd's neck. He should have eased up on Floyd's neck after Floyd stopped moving, and he should have checked Floyd's vital signs after he stopped moving. But, again, Floyd never would have been pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply gotten into the back of the police car as he was repeatedly instructed to do.

And, just for the record, George Floyd was neither a "gentle person" nor "a good father"; he was a violent thug with a long rap sheet:

Two Sides To Every Story: George Floyd And Derek Chauvin – Stateline Network EXTRA
Blaming the victim for his own murder? People with mental issues should be blamed also for police brutality? The cop used unnecessary force. You would not do this to a dog. The cops are acting like trial, jury, and executioner. The cop puts his hand in his pocket thus pushing down on his knee to put more pressure on George's neck. Everyone who saw this saw a live murder. period. No matter who he was George deserved his day in court and not on the ground getting the life choked out of him. Drugs and medical conditions did not kill him, the cop did.
If the dog was rabid you wouldnt try to be nice to it, you would put it down. George Floyd had 5 opportunities to peacefully be put in a squad car (where he kept saying "i cant breathe") and when Floyd got out of the car again, he was restrained and died of a drug overdose.
He had drugs in his system but not enough to cause a drug overdose. He was murdered by asphyxiation, A knee on his neck constricting the oxygen and blood flow.
I have changed my mind about the George Floyd case, after watching several hours of Derek Chauvin's trial, and especially after watching the previously unreleased police body-camera footage of the incident.

I do not believe that Chauvin committed second-degree murder. I think he committed manslaughter. I would need several pages to fully explain the reasons for my view. Here are a few points that capture the main reasons:

* Floyd could have avoided being pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply obeyed the police officers' repeated request to get into the back of the police car.

* The officers did not pin Floyd on the ground until after he strongly resisted being put into the police car and after he then pushed his way out of the car and came out the other side of the car. Only at that point did the officers pin him on the ground.

* Floyd's claim that he was afraid to get into confined spaces and therefore afraid to get into the back of the police car seems extremely doubtful, given the fact that Floyd had just spent several minutes in the front of a small car with the windows rolled up. The body camera footage shows that the front of the car that Floyd was taken from was virtually identical in size to the back of the police car.

* The officers may have doubted Floyd's claim that he could not breathe because he started making this claim long before he was pinned on the ground and at a time when he clearly could breathe, as the officers pointed out to him.

* Floyd's autopsy report proves that he was heavily under the influence of drugs during the incident. This could explain his irrational behavior.

* Floyd deserves most of the blame for the incident. Chauvin should not have put his knee on Floyd's neck. He should have eased up on Floyd's neck after Floyd stopped moving, and he should have checked Floyd's vital signs after he stopped moving. But, again, Floyd never would have been pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply gotten into the back of the police car as he was repeatedly instructed to do.

And, just for the record, George Floyd was neither a "gentle person" nor "a good father"; he was a violent thug with a long rap sheet:

Two Sides To Every Story: George Floyd And Derek Chauvin – Stateline Network EXTRA
Blaming the victim for his own murder? People with mental issues should be blamed also for police brutality? The cop used unnecessary force. You would not do this to a dog. The cops are acting like trial, jury, and executioner. The cop puts his hand in his pocket thus pushing down on his knee to put more pressure on George's neck. Everyone who saw this saw a live murder. period. No matter who he was George deserved his day in court and not on the ground getting the life choked out of him. Drugs and medical conditions did not kill him, the cop did.
If the dog was rabid you wouldnt try to be nice to it, you would put it down. George Floyd had 5 opportunities to peacefully be put in a squad car (where he kept saying "i cant breathe") and when Floyd got out of the car again, he was restrained and died of a drug overdose.

We don't know if or what he said in the squad car.
When 3 cops piled on top of him, then everyone heard him say he could not breath.
Wonder why?

And no, the autopsy said he did NOT die from a drug overdose.
Crucially, the autopsy found no evidence that Floyd died from an inability to breathe. It found none of the usual signs of asphyxiation. Also, there were no bruises on Floyd’s neck, either on his skin or on the muscles beneath the skin. This seems like strong evidence against the claim that Chauvin's placement of his knee on the back of Floyd's neck caused him to suffocate. The autopsy found no evidence that Floyd’s airflow was restricted. I was not aware of this until this morning.

Bruises only form if you are alive... they don't form if you are dead.

You guys can go on all day with your fantasies that he was going to die anyway, but THIS ^%$# offends decent people. He's Toast.

First off, you're not a decent person. You're a foul-mouthed apologist for two of the worst mass murderers in human history, Stalin and Mao, and for two of the most brutal, repressive regimes in history, the Soviet Union and Red China.

Second, you keep acting like I have said Chauvin did nothing wrong. I've said that I believe he committed involuntary manslaughter, that he should not have put his knee of Floyd's neck, that he should have eased up on Floyd's neck and checked Floyd's vital signs after Floyd stopped moving. I guess the foam bubbling up from your mouth hindered your reading.

Third, you simply refuse to hold Floyd in any way responsible for the incident when he was the one who caused the incident and when he had multiple chances to avoid physical confrontation if he had simply followed the police officers' directions and gotten into the police car. For that matter, the police would have responded differently to Floyd's provocations and resistance if he had been honest when they asked him if he was high on drugs.
Being high on drugs is no different than be mentally incapacitated and neither is deserving of death without trial and jury. And neither were capable of reacting as a normal person would and cops should be trained to deal with these situations. They are but some of them don't value a black man's life or the life of the mentally ill. ... over time, the changes in the brain caused by repeated use and abuse can affect a person's self-control and their ability to make good decisions, ..Defund the police and put money where it does the most good. .....Drug addicts do not plan to become drug addicts...
So because they didn't "plan" to become addicts they should be given special treatment during arrests? Unless you're one hell of an idiot...it's pretty well know at this point that drugs ARE addictive and you run the risk of becoming an addict if you abuse them! George Floyd knew damn well that drugs aren't good for you...he chose to take them anyways.
Opioids are prescribed by doctors and no one plan to become addicted. No one plan to abuse them either. Fucking idiot racists want to blame the victim always. Especially when he is black. Cops do not have the right to murder drug addicts. Drugs did not kill him, the cops did.. all for them
Oh my...even when opiods are prescribed by doctors--------you have the choice to take the drug or not...and certainly once your prescription runs out---getting the drugs illegally should be a sign.

This said---Floyd was not prescribed by doctor addicted hun---floyd was just a violent criminal who opted to get on illegal drugs--no ones fault but his own.

And since you haven't figured it out yet--Floyd overdosed on drugs--stop blaming the poor cops.
Most people get addicted before they realize it and then it becomes an illness itself and you no longer have control over it. The cop is going to be put down by the testimony of his own colleagues. Payback is a bitch.
No it wasn't liar. Deal with it. Chauvin does not get convicted of murder. Deal with it. No mention of ANY trauma to the neck, windpipe, or anything relating to your fantasy. Deal with it.

He's totally going down. if the case comes down to those horrifying videos versus some "expert" talking about milligrams of chemicals the jury can't pronounce, then he's going down. Deal with it.

Even if some juror was a secret racist harboring any thought of giving him a pass, the threat of burning down the city should get his head straight.

The drug rehab industry took in 47 Billion dollars last year, Joey! The "law" recognizes addicts as people suffering from a disability because the drug rehab industry has paid politicians big bucks to pass those laws. It's not that they ARE suffering from a real disability...it's that there are a whole lot of people making money if you call it that!

Quite the contrary, addiction is a medical issue, not a moral or criminal one. We don't treat it enough like a medical issue, if anything.

If Floyd has cooperated with the Police he would have stayed in the back of the cruiser when he was put there. He freaked out and fought to get out of the back seat of that Police car and THAT was when he ended up down on the ground with multiple police officers on top of him! The Police DIDN'T escalate things...Floyd did. The Police didn't use lethal force...Floyd died of a drug overdose.

Except the most senior member of the MPD got on the stand and said that tactic was out of line... So, um, no.
If you resist arrest and fight your way OUT of a Police cruiser...my guess is you will find yourself down on the ground with multiple Police officers on top of you...and that will be the normal response in every city in the entire US, Joey! Out of line? That's ridiculous! This concept that the Police are there to "babysit" people who are breaking the law has gotten so out of hand that nobody wants to be a Police officer anymore because they can be fired...or worse...incarcerated...just for doing their jobs!
H e wasn't doing his job....his job was to retract his excessive force once he hand cuffed Floyd and the situation was no longer a threat that required excessive force....
I have changed my mind about the George Floyd case, after watching several hours of Derek Chauvin's trial, and especially after watching the previously unreleased police body-camera footage of the incident.

I do not believe that Chauvin committed second-degree murder. I think he committed manslaughter. I would need several pages to fully explain the reasons for my view. Here are a few points that capture the main reasons:

* Floyd could have avoided being pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply obeyed the police officers' repeated request to get into the back of the police car.

* The officers did not pin Floyd on the ground until after he strongly resisted being put into the police car and after he then pushed his way out of the car and came out the other side of the car. Only at that point did the officers pin him on the ground.

* Floyd's claim that he was afraid to get into confined spaces and therefore afraid to get into the back of the police car seems extremely doubtful, given the fact that Floyd had just spent several minutes in the front of a small car with the windows rolled up. The body camera footage shows that the front of the car that Floyd was taken from was virtually identical in size to the back of the police car.

* The officers may have doubted Floyd's claim that he could not breathe because he started making this claim long before he was pinned on the ground and at a time when he clearly could breathe, as the officers pointed out to him.

* Floyd's autopsy report proves that he was heavily under the influence of drugs during the incident. This could explain his irrational behavior.

* Floyd deserves most of the blame for the incident. Chauvin should not have put his knee on Floyd's neck. He should have eased up on Floyd's neck after Floyd stopped moving, and he should have checked Floyd's vital signs after he stopped moving. But, again, Floyd never would have been pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply gotten into the back of the police car as he was repeatedly instructed to do.

And, just for the record, George Floyd was neither a "gentle person" nor "a good father"; he was a violent thug with a long rap sheet:

Two Sides To Every Story: George Floyd And Derek Chauvin – Stateline Network EXTRA
Blaming the victim for his own murder? People with mental issues should be blamed also for police brutality? The cop used unnecessary force. You would not do this to a dog. The cops are acting like trial, jury, and executioner. The cop puts his hand in his pocket thus pushing down on his knee to put more pressure on George's neck. Everyone who saw this saw a live murder. period. No matter who he was George deserved his day in court and not on the ground getting the life choked out of him. Drugs and medical conditions did not kill him, the cop did.
If the dog was rabid you wouldnt try to be nice to it, you would put it down. George Floyd had 5 opportunities to peacefully be put in a squad car (where he kept saying "i cant breathe") and when Floyd got out of the car again, he was restrained and died of a drug overdose.

We don't know if or what he said in the squad car.
When 3 cops piled on top of him, then everyone heard him say he could not breath.
Wonder why?

And no, the autopsy said he did NOT die from a drug overdose.
I have changed my mind about the George Floyd case, after watching several hours of Derek Chauvin's trial, and especially after watching the previously unreleased police body-camera footage of the incident.

I do not believe that Chauvin committed second-degree murder. I think he committed manslaughter. I would need several pages to fully explain the reasons for my view. Here are a few points that capture the main reasons:

* Floyd could have avoided being pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply obeyed the police officers' repeated request to get into the back of the police car.

* The officers did not pin Floyd on the ground until after he strongly resisted being put into the police car and after he then pushed his way out of the car and came out the other side of the car. Only at that point did the officers pin him on the ground.

* Floyd's claim that he was afraid to get into confined spaces and therefore afraid to get into the back of the police car seems extremely doubtful, given the fact that Floyd had just spent several minutes in the front of a small car with the windows rolled up. The body camera footage shows that the front of the car that Floyd was taken from was virtually identical in size to the back of the police car.

* The officers may have doubted Floyd's claim that he could not breathe because he started making this claim long before he was pinned on the ground and at a time when he clearly could breathe, as the officers pointed out to him.

* Floyd's autopsy report proves that he was heavily under the influence of drugs during the incident. This could explain his irrational behavior.

* Floyd deserves most of the blame for the incident. Chauvin should not have put his knee on Floyd's neck. He should have eased up on Floyd's neck after Floyd stopped moving, and he should have checked Floyd's vital signs after he stopped moving. But, again, Floyd never would have been pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply gotten into the back of the police car as he was repeatedly instructed to do.

And, just for the record, George Floyd was neither a "gentle person" nor "a good father"; he was a violent thug with a long rap sheet:

Two Sides To Every Story: George Floyd And Derek Chauvin – Stateline Network EXTRA
Blaming the victim for his own murder? People with mental issues should be blamed also for police brutality? The cop used unnecessary force. You would not do this to a dog. The cops are acting like trial, jury, and executioner. The cop puts his hand in his pocket thus pushing down on his knee to put more pressure on George's neck. Everyone who saw this saw a live murder. period. No matter who he was George deserved his day in court and not on the ground getting the life choked out of him. Drugs and medical conditions did not kill him, the cop did.
If the dog was rabid you wouldnt try to be nice to it, you would put it down. George Floyd had 5 opportunities to peacefully be put in a squad car (where he kept saying "i cant breathe") and when Floyd got out of the car again, he was restrained and died of a drug overdose.
We can’t verify whether drugs or heart issues contributed to Floyd’s death, but we can verify that three medical examiners ruled his death a homicide. What we can verify is that autopsies, including the official one conducted by Hennepin County, showed Floyd was killed because Chauvin kept pressure on Floyd’s neck that prevented him from breathing, and the death was ruled a homicide
I have said this all along.
If anyone watches the ENTIRE - UNEDITED body cam videos that are available on YouTube, and you are objective, you will change your mind.

Floyd had multiple opportunities to tell officers he took a lethal dose. He knew he did. If you listen to what he is saying - he repeatedly states "I don't want to die, don't leave me alone, promise me you will stay with me - I am a good person, I don't want to die" - YET when asked did he take something - FLOYD SAYS NO.
You can also see at the beginning he was reasonably sober. Within a few minutes the drugs start to take effect, and you can see a large difference in his speech, and he becomes paranoid about dying or being alone.
Chauvin is a bully. There was no reason to continue to pin him down well after he stopped fighting. So I think negligent homicide is the charge because Floyd contributed MORE to his death than Chauvin.
It doesn't matter.

Manslaughter still applies.

If you punch a person high on drugs and they fall hit their head and die of a head injury it's still manslaughter.

You do that as a citizen and you're probably gonna get a murder charge drugs or not

Same with old people

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