Police Body Camera Footage Proves George Floyd Was Not "Murdered"

If he had a lethal amount of drugs that could cause overdosing he would not have been standing and able to struggle like they said he did.
you know how 220 pound people behave after ingesting drugs? just checking, what is your experience? I have a few in my life, and I can tell you people on drugs are much much stronger than they are when they are straight. So please, enlighten me in your experience.
Aldo Raine what do you disagree with?

On drugs does not "make them stronger" a possible adrenaline rush and a short burst of aerobic activity of above normal. Not stronger in the sense they are suddenly able to increase a max strength move.

More durable for a short amount of time, yes. Slightly increased aerobic capacity, probably.
With all due respect, Aldo...Floyd was on Meth. Talk to anyone who's tried to subdue someone on Meth and they'll tell you it's scary how strong they can be and how they don't seem to feel pain.

He was also on fake(more powerful) heroine which does the opposite.
He was not in respiratory distress until the cop pushing his knee down on his neck, cutting off the flow of oxygen and blood...and it took him almost 10 minutes to kill him, I saw it and you saw it.

I saw a guy OD on Fentanyl. His knee was on the back, not neck. No need to put a knee on the neck of someone who is no longer resisting.

Also, he complained of having trouble breathing when he was in the back of the police car before the officer got on top of him. Again, he was overdosing, which the autopsy report bears out.
The autopsy report did not say that he died of an overdose.
The tox report-----showed that Floyd had taken more than enough drugs to kill a horse..he O'Ded

Was the 9+ minutes of having 600lbs on his back MPD therapy then?
9 minutes of having 600 pounds oh his back? Has it not occured to you that you have no clue what you are talking about?
Crucially, the autopsy found no evidence that Floyd died from an inability to breathe. It found none of the usual signs of asphyxiation. Also, there were no bruises on Floyd’s neck, either on his skin or on the muscles beneath the skin. This seems like strong evidence against the claim that Chauvin's placement of his knee on the back of Floyd's neck caused him to suffocate. The autopsy found no evidence that Floyd’s airflow was restricted. I was not aware of this until this morning.

Bruises only form if you are alive... they don't form if you are dead.

You guys can go on all day with your fantasies that he was going to die anyway, but THIS ^%$# offends decent people. He's Toast.

First off, you're not a decent person. You're a foul-mouthed apologist for two of the worst mass murderers in human history, Stalin and Mao, and for two of the most brutal, repressive regimes in history, the Soviet Union and Red China.

Second, you keep acting like I have said Chauvin did nothing wrong. I've said that I believe he committed involuntary manslaughter, that he should not have put his knee of Floyd's neck, that he should have eased up on Floyd's neck and checked Floyd's vital signs after Floyd stopped moving. I guess the foam bubbling up from your mouth hindered your reading.

Third, you simply refuse to hold Floyd in any way responsible for the incident when he was the one who caused the incident and when he had multiple chances to avoid physical confrontation if he had simply followed the police officers' directions and gotten into the police car. For that matter, the police would have responded differently to Floyd's provocations and resistance if he had been honest when they asked him if he was high on drugs.
Being high on drugs is no different than be mentally incapacitated and neither is deserving of death without trial and jury. And neither were capable of reacting as a normal person would and cops should be trained to deal with these situations. They are but some of them don't value a black man's life or the life of the mentally ill. ... over time, the changes in the brain caused by repeated use and abuse can affect a person's self-control and their ability to make good decisions, ..Defund the police and put money where it does the most good. .....Drug addicts do not plan to become drug addicts...
So because they didn't "plan" to become addicts they should be given special treatment during arrests? Unless you're one hell of an idiot...it's pretty well know at this point that drugs ARE addictive and you run the risk of becoming an addict if you abuse them! George Floyd knew damn well that drugs aren't good for you...he chose to take them anyways.
Crucially, the autopsy found no evidence that Floyd died from an inability to breathe. It found none of the usual signs of asphyxiation. Also, there were no bruises on Floyd’s neck, either on his skin or on the muscles beneath the skin. This seems like strong evidence against the claim that Chauvin's placement of his knee on the back of Floyd's neck caused him to suffocate. The autopsy found no evidence that Floyd’s airflow was restricted. I was not aware of this until this morning.

Bruises only form if you are alive... they don't form if you are dead.

You guys can go on all day with your fantasies that he was going to die anyway, but THIS ^%$# offends decent people. He's Toast.

First off, you're not a decent person. You're a foul-mouthed apologist for two of the worst mass murderers in human history, Stalin and Mao, and for two of the most brutal, repressive regimes in history, the Soviet Union and Red China.

Second, you keep acting like I have said Chauvin did nothing wrong. I've said that I believe he committed involuntary manslaughter, that he should not have put his knee of Floyd's neck, that he should have eased up on Floyd's neck and checked Floyd's vital signs after Floyd stopped moving. I guess the foam bubbling up from your mouth hindered your reading.

Third, you simply refuse to hold Floyd in any way responsible for the incident when he was the one who caused the incident and when he had multiple chances to avoid physical confrontation if he had simply followed the police officers' directions and gotten into the police car. For that matter, the police would have responded differently to Floyd's provocations and resistance if he had been honest when they asked him if he was high on drugs.
Being high on drugs is no different than be mentally incapacitated and neither is deserving of death without trial and jury. And neither were capable of reacting as a normal person would and cops should be trained to deal with these situations. They are but some of them don't value a black man's life or the life of the mentally ill. ... over time, the changes in the brain caused by repeated use and abuse can affect a person's self-control and their ability to make good decisions, ..Defund the police and put money where it does the most good. .....Drug addicts do not plan to become drug addicts...
So because they didn't "plan" to become addicts they should be given special treatment during arrests? Unless you're one hell of an idiot...it's pretty well know at this point that drugs ARE addictive and you run the risk of becoming an addict if you abuse them! George Floyd knew damn well that drugs aren't good for you...he chose to take them anyways.
Opioids are prescribed by doctors and no one plan to become addicted. No one plan to abuse them either. Fucking idiot racists want to blame the victim always. Especially when he is black. Cops do not have the right to murder drug addicts. Drugs did not kill him, the cops did.. all for them
So because they didn't "plan" to become addicts they should be given special treatment during arrests? Unless you're one hell of an idiot...it's pretty well know at this point that drugs ARE addictive and you run the risk of becoming an addict if you abuse them! George Floyd knew damn well that drugs aren't good for you...he chose to take them anyways.

Uh, sorry, Dogstyle... the Americans with disabilities Act actually recognizes addicts as disabled people. Right now, a community where I live is fighting against a drug rehab center being opened, but they are going to be sued by the company running it under the ADA if they prevail.
Possibly manslaughter at best. Deal with it.
Enjoy your new flatscreen tv.

Doubtful. Those images are just too horrifying to decent people.

Laws aren't and should not be guided by feelings. Facts will come out during the trial and if the jury does their constitutional duty the case will be decided by them.

Chauvin’s Use Of Force ‘Totally Unnecessary,’ Minneapolis Police Lt. Testifies
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So because they didn't "plan" to become addicts they should be given special treatment during arrests? Unless you're one hell of an idiot...it's pretty well know at this point that drugs ARE addictive and you run the risk of becoming an addict if you abuse them! George Floyd knew damn well that drugs aren't good for you...he chose to take them anyways.

Uh, sorry, Dogstyle... the Americans with disabilities Act actually recognizes addicts as disabled people. Right now, a community where I live is fighting against a drug rehab center being opened, but they are going to be sued by the company running it under the ADA if they prevail.
What a crock! People with REAL disabilities have my sympathy! People who have allowed themselves to become addicts have my scorn.
Crucially, the autopsy found no evidence that Floyd died from an inability to breathe. It found none of the usual signs of asphyxiation. Also, there were no bruises on Floyd’s neck, either on his skin or on the muscles beneath the skin. This seems like strong evidence against the claim that Chauvin's placement of his knee on the back of Floyd's neck caused him to suffocate. The autopsy found no evidence that Floyd’s airflow was restricted. I was not aware of this until this morning.

Bruises only form if you are alive... they don't form if you are dead.

You guys can go on all day with your fantasies that he was going to die anyway, but THIS ^%$# offends decent people. He's Toast.

First off, you're not a decent person. You're a foul-mouthed apologist for two of the worst mass murderers in human history, Stalin and Mao, and for two of the most brutal, repressive regimes in history, the Soviet Union and Red China.

Second, you keep acting like I have said Chauvin did nothing wrong. I've said that I believe he committed involuntary manslaughter, that he should not have put his knee of Floyd's neck, that he should have eased up on Floyd's neck and checked Floyd's vital signs after Floyd stopped moving. I guess the foam bubbling up from your mouth hindered your reading.

Third, you simply refuse to hold Floyd in any way responsible for the incident when he was the one who caused the incident and when he had multiple chances to avoid physical confrontation if he had simply followed the police officers' directions and gotten into the police car. For that matter, the police would have responded differently to Floyd's provocations and resistance if he had been honest when they asked him if he was high on drugs.
Being high on drugs is no different than be mentally incapacitated and neither is deserving of death without trial and jury. And neither were capable of reacting as a normal person would and cops should be trained to deal with these situations. They are but some of them don't value a black man's life or the life of the mentally ill. ... over time, the changes in the brain caused by repeated use and abuse can affect a person's self-control and their ability to make good decisions, ..Defund the police and put money where it does the most good. .....Drug addicts do not plan to become drug addicts...
So because they didn't "plan" to become addicts they should be given special treatment during arrests? Unless you're one hell of an idiot...it's pretty well know at this point that drugs ARE addictive and you run the risk of becoming an addict if you abuse them! George Floyd knew damn well that drugs aren't good for you...he chose to take them anyways.
Opioids are prescribed by doctors and no one plan to become addicted. No one plan to abuse them either. Fucking idiot racists want to blame the victim always. Especially when he is black. Cops do not have the right to murder drug addicts. Drugs did not kill him, the cops did.. all for them
Oh my...even when opiods are prescribed by doctors--------you have the choice to take the drug or not...and certainly once your prescription runs out---getting the drugs illegally should be a sign.

This said---Floyd was not prescribed by doctor addicted hun---floyd was just a violent criminal who opted to get on illegal drugs--no ones fault but his own.

And since you haven't figured it out yet--Floyd overdosed on drugs--stop blaming the poor cops.
What happened is the left dug deeply into their cabinet of serpents to make this story up, knowing it would incite violence and unrest especially under COVID. It was an election year, so to be expected to some degree. They sold their souls on this because the establishment was desperate to remove Trump. Still wasn't enough, but they had a poisoned election to bail them out.

The left knows no boundaries. Look who they APPOINTED to POTUS, for a great example.

You need volume to really know what's going on. Floyd was JACK_UP and completely unruly. He was also complaining he couldn't breathe before he was even apprehended. That video doesn't show the beginning, there's one out there. It's a little tougher to find, after all, GOOGLE & such get butt-fucked daily over their devotion to the left elite's twist on things, Democrat politicians as well, only in their case they crave it.
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What happened is the left dug deeply into their cabinet of serpents to make this story up, knowing it would incite violence and unrest especially under COVID. It was an election year, so to be expected to some degree. They sold their souls on this because the establishment was desperate to remove Trump. Still wasn't enough, but they had a poisoned election to bail them out.

You have it backwards. Trump's racism and incompetence caused these riots. Yes, TRUMP PLAGUE(TM) and TRUMP RECESSION(TM) already had anxiety levels much higher than they needed to be, but TRUMP RACISM(TM) really seeded the ground for TRUMP RIOTS(TM).

The left knows no boundaries. Look who they APPOINTED to POTUS, for a great example.

People who are actual legal scholars instead of sexual harassing religious nuts?

You need volume to really know what's going on. Floyd was JACK_UP and completely unruly. He was also complaining he couldn't breathe before he was even apprehended. That video doesn't show the beginning, there's one out there. It's a little tougher to find, after all, GOOGLE & such get butt-fucked daily over their devotion to the left elite's twist on things, Democrat politicians as well, only in their case they crave it.

None of that matters.

What matters is that Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd's neck when a crowd of people saw he was in distress.
What a crock! People with REAL disabilities have my sympathy! People who have allowed themselves to become addicts have my scorn.

I'm letting you know what the law says, not your little feelings about it.

Right now, a community near me is getting a rehab center shoved down their throats because the LAW protects addicts as disabled.
Scorn is not a "little" feeling, Joe! I have little respect for those too weak to say no to something they KNOW isn't good for them. That goes for drugs...for alcohol...for tobacco...for vaping...for gambling! They make all of these things available to "adults" for a reason! You're thought to be old enough to act responsibly as an adult. If you DON'T...then that's on you...not on society!
Police Body Camera Footage Proves George Floyd Was Not "Murdered"
I do not believe that Chauvin committed second-degree murder. I think he committed [involuntary] manslaughter.

What took you so long? There was no criminal intent. Floyd was a difficult, misbehaving criminal. Chauvin was charged with getting and maintaining control. Drugs were involved, things went bad, Floyd died in custody fighting with police. Convicting an officer of felony murder accomplishes nothing but assures that it will happen again.
If he had a lethal amount of drugs that could cause overdosing he would not have been standing and able to struggle like they said he did.
you know how 220 pound people behave after ingesting drugs? just checking, what is your experience? I have a few in my life, and I can tell you people on drugs are much much stronger than they are when they are straight. So please, enlighten me in your experience.
Aldo Raine what do you disagree with?

On drugs does not "make them stronger" a possible adrenaline rush and a short burst of aerobic activity of above normal. Not stronger in the sense they are suddenly able to increase a max strength move.

More durable for a short amount of time, yes. Slightly increased aerobic capacity, probably.
With all due respect, Aldo...Floyd was on Meth. Talk to anyone who's tried to subdue someone on Meth and they'll tell you it's scary how strong they can be and how they don't seem to feel pain.

He was also on fake(more powerful) heroine which does the opposite.
He was not in respiratory distress until the cop pushing his knee down on his neck, cutting off the flow of oxygen and blood...and it took him almost 10 minutes to kill him, I saw it and you saw it.

I saw a guy OD on Fentanyl. His knee was on the back, not neck. No need to put a knee on the neck of someone who is no longer resisting.

Also, he complained of having trouble breathing when he was in the back of the police car before the officer got on top of him. Again, he was overdosing, which the autopsy report bears out.
The autopsy report did not say that he died of an overdose.
The tox report-----showed that Floyd had taken more than enough drugs to kill a horse..he O'Ded

Was the 9+ minutes of having 600lbs on his back MPD therapy then?
9 minutes of having 600 pounds oh his back? Has it not occured to you that you have no clue what you are talking about?

The autopsy shows no physical damage.....the Fentanyl and other drug cocktail in his system killed him.
What happened is the left dug deeply into their cabinet of serpents to make this story up, knowing it would incite violence and unrest especially under COVID. It was an election year, so to be expected to some degree. They sold their souls on this because the establishment was desperate to remove Trump. Still wasn't enough, but they had a poisoned election to bail them out.

The left knows no boundaries. Look who they APPOINTED to POTUS, for a great example.

You need volume to really know what's going on. Floyd was JACK_UP and completely unruly. He was also complaining he couldn't breathe before he was even apprehended. That video doesn't show the beginning, there's one out there. It's a little tougher to find, after all, GOOGLE & such get butt-fucked daily over their devotion to the left elite's twist on things, Democrat politicians as well, only in their case they crave it.

Don't forget, he swallowed a bunch of drugs just before the police arrived to keep the police from finding them.......

The drugs killed floyd......the cop could have had his knee on his neck all day and it wouldn't have killed him....the overdose killed him.

And if the crowd wasn't so aggressive and dangerous, the paramedics would have started on the guy at the scene...but because of the crowd, they were afraid, and refused to treat at the scene, instead, loading and moving blocks away to start working on the guy.
What happened is the left dug deeply into their cabinet of serpents to make this story up, knowing it would incite violence and unrest especially under COVID. It was an election year, so to be expected to some degree. They sold their souls on this because the establishment was desperate to remove Trump. Still wasn't enough, but they had a poisoned election to bail them out.

You have it backwards. Trump's racism and incompetence caused these riots. Yes, TRUMP PLAGUE(TM) and TRUMP RECESSION(TM) already had anxiety levels much higher than they needed to be, but TRUMP RACISM(TM) really seeded the ground for TRUMP RIOTS(TM).

The left knows no boundaries. Look who they APPOINTED to POTUS, for a great example.

People who are actual legal scholars instead of sexual harassing religious nuts?

You need volume to really know what's going on. Floyd was JACK_UP and completely unruly. He was also complaining he couldn't breathe before he was even apprehended. That video doesn't show the beginning, there's one out there. It's a little tougher to find, after all, GOOGLE & such get butt-fucked daily over their devotion to the left elite's twist on things, Democrat politicians as well, only in their case they crave it.

None of that matters.

What matters is that Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd's neck when a crowd of people saw he was in distress.

Why do you sport an avatar of a man's man but your nature is that of a puss? I know why, just curious what you think.

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