Police Body Camera Footage Proves George Floyd Was Not "Murdered"

Floyd was habitual criminal who refused to return the cigarettes...........

The cops btw found $42 in Floyds vehicle----two $1 bills and two counterfit $20s.....Stop with the nonsense of the violent criminal Floyd being anything but a habitual criminal. You are embarrassing yourself with your stupid claims.

1) It wasn't Floyd's vehicle, it was his friend's.
2) Sorry, passing fake $20.00's is not a death penalty offense.

it's not a matter of what crimes may or may not have been committed, it's a matter of whether the police response was justified.

Now, here's the thing. Most of the time, Cops get it right. They make 10 million arrests and have tens of millions of interactions with the public, every year, and they get it right 99.99999% of the time.

But when they mess it up, someone needs to say so and hold someone to account.
Passing fake $20's isn't a death penalty offense...and not recognizing that someone you're arresting for passing fake $20's is OD'ing on drugs isn't murder!

This is another unfortunate example of what can happen when you do all the wrong things as a person interacting with the Police. George Floyd is dead today more because of his OWN actions than the actions of those Police officers!
So NO LIFE THREATENING INJURIES but a shitload of drugs.................................and you want him CONVICTED???? Of what; handcuffing him???


Works for me...

Today his boss threw him under the bus... Not looking good.

Yeah...the political police chief.........this shit head is going to have so many officers leaving that force after his testimony, he won't have anyone to collect parking tickets....
The best coverage of the Trial is at the "Law of Self Defense," podcast by Andrew Branca, over at legal insurrection....he broke down what the state really needs to show as to the cause of death.......

The state hasn't made their case so far.......

Today's episode broke down what the state needs to show........

So far,

1) no physical injuries that would cause the death.

2) the physical restraint of knee on the neck was a technique they were taught to use

Dick Tiny, check this out.

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo took the stand Monday in the trial of Derek Chauvin, the fired police officer charged in George Floyd's death. He testified Chauvin's actions violated Minneapolis police policy. The jury also heard from another police official, Inspector Katie Blackwell, who oversaw the department's training. Both police officials testified Chauvin's restraint of George Floyd using his knee was not something Minneapolis officers are taught.

Arradondo testified there was an "initial reasonableness in trying to just get [Floyd] under control" in the first few seconds of the deadly May 25 encounter. But when Floyd had stopped resisting and "clearly when Mr. Floyd was no longer responsive and even motionless, to continue to apply that level of force to a person prone out, hands cuffed behind their back — that in no way, shape or form is anything that is by policy," Arradondo said. "It's not part of our training and it's certainly not part of our ethics or values."

He is a political officer of the mayor....you dumb shit....he was appointed by the mayor....you moron........he is going to say anything the mayor wants....to keep the democrat party brownshirts from burning the city down...again.

Do you understand that the cops knew he was on drugs and in trouble, and their training is to keep criminals subdued so they don't struggle and cause more damage from the over dose?

Try listening to Andrew Branca, over at legal insurrection....his podcast of the day six testimony points out all the things you don't understand...
I repeat : He was dead at the scene. All of the officers should get time, and Chauvin more time.
The evidence currently shows that Floyd intentionally consumed a large amount of drugs from a dealer that was in his car. It ended up being a fatal dose many times over.

That's not the fault of the cops.
"Bruises only form if you're alive."

Sorry, this does not explain the total absence of any bruising on Floyd's neck--no bruising on the skin and no bruising on the tissue beneath the skin. The bodycam footage proves that Floyd was alive for at least the first 5-6 minutes of his 9-minute pinning on the ground. So if having the 140-pound Chauvin kneel on his neck was excessive force, one would think that at least some bruising would have occurred. But not even the slightest trace of bruising was found at the autopsy.

Furthermore, there is research that shows that bodies *can* bruise even after death if they are subjected to forceful trauma soon after death occurred.

Andrew Branca, a lawyer who is an expert in Self defense law went through this on his podcast covering day 6.......he points out that there was no physical damage, that the cops are trained to keep a suspect under control if they are in distress because of drugs....as they struggle they increase the damage done by the drugs as it attacks their systems....and....as he points out, the cops were backed up to the busiest street in the neighborhood and drug addicts often lash out when they come to from drugs.....Branca points out paramedics have Ketamine in their vehicles to keep drug addicts sedated so they don't go wild when they come to.....

The Law of Self Defense Podcast is Branca's podcast on the trial.....it is really good and it just shows joe is an idiot.
"Bruises only form if you're alive."

Sorry, this does not explain the total absence of any bruising on Floyd's neck--no bruising on the skin and no bruising on the tissue beneath the skin. The bodycam footage proves that Floyd was alive for at least the first 5-6 minutes of his 9-minute pinning on the ground. So if having the 140-pound Chauvin kneel on his neck was excessive force, one would think that at least some bruising would have occurred. But not even the slightest trace of bruising was found at the autopsy.

Furthermore, there is research that shows that bodies *can* bruise even after death if they are subjected to forceful trauma soon after death occurred.

This is great, if you are interested..

Was Floyd killed by mechanical asphyxia, by the officers compressing his chest and neck to such a degree that they effectively and intentionally murdered Floyd on a public street, in front of a crowd filming them? This seems to be unlikely to be the state’s theory of the case, as not even the state has charged Chauvin with a crime based on intentional killing.

Alternatively, did the officers kill Floyd by mechanical asphyxia but unintentionally, in a manner showing such indifference to a known risk of death or serious bodily injury that their conduct, even if unintentional, constitutes criminal recklessness, which could be the basis for the charges against Chauvin? If so, what’s that mean for the accessory charges against the other officers–were they accessories to an act of criminal recklessness? Is that even possible, legally speaking.

Again, whatever the state’s theory, they must prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, in the face of evidence-based alternative explanations for Floyd’s death, including his 3-fold fatal levels of fentanyl, presumably the result of his attempt to hide his illicit stash of fentanyl/methamphetamine pills via rapid ingestion when approached by police, his existing severe hypertensive and cardiovascular disease, his history of prior overdoses on similar drugs with similar physiological effects on his body, and his decision–despite his frail and overdosed condition–to fight lawful arrest against multiple officers for a full 10 minutes.

All of this in the context of the lack of any physiological evidence of mechanical asphyxiation, include a lack of any signs of trauma to Floyd’s neck.

Even if we set aside the first question, and presume that it was Chauvin’s knee that was a causal factor in Floyd’s death, we also need to ask this second question, which is whether the use of that knee, in that manner, under those circumstances, was wrongful, or lawful.

The Minneapolis Police Department use-of-force policies in effect at the time explicitly permitted a knee-on-neck restraint technique when dealing with non-compliant suspects–indeed, MPD training materials on restraint included illustrative photographs showing the precise technique used by Chauvin.

Further, officers are not only permitted but required to use force not only to protect themselves and the public, but to protect the in-custody suspect, even from himself.

To the extent the officers believed Floyd was suffering from excited delirium–and we know they were, because they are heard discussing this concern on their body camera footage–the standard protocol is to completely restrain the suspect’s entire body to prevent the over-exertion believed to kill in cases of excited delirium.

Further, it is well recognized that overdose victims who regain consciousness often immediately respond with violence when they rouse, and thus steps to prevent this would be reasonable. This is all the more the case when the suspect is being restrained on the street in one of the busiest intersections of the city, with moving traffic mere feet away.

All of these are factors that could make Chauvin’s knee on neck restraint of Floyd entirely justified under the totality of the circumstances, and thus not the basis for criminal sanction even if it did contribute to Floyd’s death.

After all, a patient who dies on a surgeon’s table dies at least in part because the surgery has opened them up–but we don’t put that surgeon in prison simply because his conduct contributed in some manner to the patient’s death, because the surgeon’s conduct itself was lawful.

A third potential theory of criminal liability on the part of the officers could be that there was a criminally reckless delay in providing apparent necessary care to Floyd. This was hinted at by some testimony last week–paramedic Smith, for example, expressed the opinion that the officers could have begun chest compressions before his ambulance arrived on scene.

I’ll note that delay of care was not the purported criminal misconduct laid out by Prosecutor Blackwell in his opening statement–rather, the claimed basis for criminal liability was mechanical asphyxiation, a completely different theory of the case. Is the state changing it’s theory mid-trial? If so, why?

I mean, we may not know all the evidence the state will present in its case-in-chief, because that presentation is still occurring–but certainly the state knows what evidence it will be presenting. Should we not expect the state’s case in chief to be internally coherent?

Further, the question of delay in care is impossible to assess without taking into consideration all of the surrounding circumstances, including the officers’ awareness that they’d already made a code 3, emergency, lights & sirens, medical call, as well as the growing angry mob threatening imminent physical violence, to the point that Officer Thau was physically restraining the mob, that both Thau and Chauvin were reaching for their OC canisters, and now we’ve even heard testimony from the store clerk that he himself was obliged to physically restrain others in the mob.

Also a factor here is the danger that the 6′ 6″, 230 pound Floyd, if resuscitated, might be immediately physically violent. The soon-to-arrive EMS had the powerful sedative ketamine on board, a drug routinely used in such circumstances to protect not just the officers from the suspect, but also the suspect from the suspect. The officers had no such means at their disposal.

Even in the state’s opening statement by Prosecutor Blackwell, in which they are supposed to set out a broad view of their theory of Chauvin’s criminal liability, there was a great deal of emotive hand-waving, half-truths in the form of context-less citations of selected portions–but only selected portions–of the MPD policy manual, and a complete lack of any consideration of how the state intended to overcome Chauvin’s likely defenses–that is, that his conduct towards Floyd, first, wasn’t the cause of his death given the overdose and other facts, and second, even if a cause of death was nevertheless justified under the circumstances.

Passing fake $20's isn't a death penalty offense...and not recognizing that someone you're arresting for passing fake $20's is OD'ing on drugs isn't murder!

Everyone in that crowd could see Floyd was in distress... except for Chauvin.

He is a political officer of the mayor....you dumb shit....he was appointed by the mayor....you moron........he is going to say anything the mayor wants....to keep the democrat party brownshirts from burning the city down...again.

Do you understand that the cops knew he was on drugs and in trouble, and their training is to keep criminals subdued so they don't struggle and cause more damage from the over dose?

That's sounds suspiciously like, "We had to destroy the village to save it." you fucking retard...

But let's look at the man's record as a police officer, this supposed political hack.

A fifth-generation Minnesota resident, Arradondo joined the MPD in 1989 as a patrol officer in the Fourth Precinct and worked his way up through the police ranks until he was named the inspector for the First Precinct.[.... Arrandondo was promoted to head of the Internal Affairs Unit responsible for investigation of allegations of officer misconduct.[4]

Arradondo was a Deputy Chief and Assistant Chief before being nominated as Minneapolis's new Chief of Police by the Mayor of Minneapolis, after the resignation of former police chief Janeé Harteau in mid-2017, shortly after the shooting of Justine Damond by former Minneapolis police officer Mohammed Noor.[5]

Dates of Rank...
  • Patrol Officer - 1989
  • Sergeant - 1997
  • Lieutenant - 2007
  • Commander - 2012
  • Inspector - 2013
  • Deputy Chief - 2015
  • Assistant Chief - 2017
  • Chief of Police - 2017

So, 32 years as a cop, including being an inspector and head of the IA Unit... Seems to me that he should be an expert on what constitutes improper behavior by a police officer.

you moron...you idiot...you fucking child...
No he isn’t. No amount of bullshit lies from uneducated racis5 pukes like you changes that. Hey dummy, when it’s shown that Chauvin followed his training video and can not be said to have been irresponsible what will your next excuse be? See idiot, those chemicals were what killed the criminal Floyd. The body cam footage blows your lies apart as well. So you want to threaten violence if the jury doesn’t vote your way. Fuck off asshole.

yeah, guy, we've seen the footage.

View attachment 476330
There's no universe where ^^^^ THIS is acceptable.

So either they do the right thing and convict him, or you can expect more riots.

I say convict the guy.
No dipshit. Just because you’re too stupid to understand anything doesn’t mean the jury will do what you demand. No conviction on your bullshit murder charge. Funny you keep ignoring everything else from that day. Fuck off asshole. Idiots like you should keep their uneducated mouths shut.
Passing fake $20's isn't a death penalty offense...and not recognizing that someone you're arresting for passing fake $20's is OD'ing on drugs isn't murder!

Everyone in that crowd could see Floyd was in distress... except for Chauvin.

He is a political officer of the mayor....you dumb shit....he was appointed by the mayor....you moron........he is going to say anything the mayor wants....to keep the democrat party brownshirts from burning the city down...again.

Do you understand that the cops knew he was on drugs and in trouble, and their training is to keep criminals subdued so they don't struggle and cause more damage from the over dose?

That's sounds suspiciously like, "We had to destroy the village to save it." you fucking retard...

But let's look at the man's record as a police officer, this supposed political hack.

A fifth-generation Minnesota resident, Arradondo joined the MPD in 1989 as a patrol officer in the Fourth Precinct and worked his way up through the police ranks until he was named the inspector for the First Precinct.[.... Arrandondo was promoted to head of the Internal Affairs Unit responsible for investigation of allegations of officer misconduct.[4]

Arradondo was a Deputy Chief and Assistant Chief before being nominated as Minneapolis's new Chief of Police by the Mayor of Minneapolis, after the resignation of former police chief Janeé Harteau in mid-2017, shortly after the shooting of Justine Damond by former Minneapolis police officer Mohammed Noor.[5]

Dates of Rank...
  • Patrol Officer - 1989
  • Sergeant - 1997
  • Lieutenant - 2007
  • Commander - 2012
  • Inspector - 2013
  • Deputy Chief - 2015
  • Assistant Chief - 2017
  • Chief of Police - 2017

So, 32 years as a cop, including being an inspector and head of the IA Unit... Seems to me that he should be an expert on what constitutes improper behavior by a police officer.

you moron...you idiot...you fucking child...
No, YOU are the child dumbfuck. Refusing to read ANY evidence and letting your hatred of whitey dictate everything. Hey dumbfuck, why did Floyd also LIE when asked directly if he had taken anything? He says NO twice. Plain as day. So you fucking uneducated racist how come there are ZERO injuries to the neck or chest aside from a checked rib from CPR? Better review the department training videos. Chauvin used the technique TAUGHT by that idiot chief’s department. Try to educate yourself.
BLM still loves the coroner who initially ruled Chavin did not kill Floyd.

We still know nothing about the nightclub or which synagogue Chavin belonged to, likely the same one as the Mayor, Gov, DA, and coroner.

this was a murder one and it was about that nightclub, not race.
Floyd was habitual criminal who refused to return the cigarettes...........

The cops btw found $42 in Floyds vehicle----two $1 bills and two counterfit $20s.....Stop with the nonsense of the violent criminal Floyd being anything but a habitual criminal. You are embarrassing yourself with your stupid claims.

1) It wasn't Floyd's vehicle, it was his friend's.
2) Sorry, passing fake $20.00's is not a death penalty offense.

it's not a matter of what crimes may or may not have been committed, it's a matter of whether the police response was justified.

Now, here's the thing. Most of the time, Cops get it right. They make 10 million arrests and have tens of millions of interactions with the public, every year, and they get it right 99.99999% of the time.

But when they mess it up, someone needs to say so and hold someone to account.
Passing fake $20's isn't a death penalty offense...and not recognizing that someone you're arresting for passing fake $20's is OD'ing on drugs isn't murder!

This is another unfortunate example of what can happen when you do all the wrong things as a person interacting with the Police. George Floyd is dead today more because of his OWN actions than the actions of those Police officers!

Like what actions by George Floyd caused any problem at all?
I did not see him do anything that even warranted an arrest, much less the violence the police used on him.
Normal cities call for a paddy wagon when they want to arrest someone.
There was no reason to try to stuff him sideways into the small back seat of an SUV.
So NO LIFE THREATENING INJURIES but a shitload of drugs.................................and you want him CONVICTED???? Of what; handcuffing him???


Works for me...

Today his boss threw him under the bus... Not looking good.

Yeah...the political police chief.........this shit head is going to have so many officers leaving that force after his testimony, he won't have anyone to collect parking tickets....

It would be good if most police quit since most police seem to not know the law and are overly violent.
They should not have arrested George Floyd at all.
It is not like he was harming anyone.
The best coverage of the Trial is at the "Law of Self Defense," podcast by Andrew Branca, over at legal insurrection....he broke down what the state really needs to show as to the cause of death.......

The state hasn't made their case so far.......

Today's episode broke down what the state needs to show........

So far,

1) no physical injuries that would cause the death.

2) the physical restraint of knee on the neck was a technique they were taught to use

Dick Tiny, check this out.

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo took the stand Monday in the trial of Derek Chauvin, the fired police officer charged in George Floyd's death. He testified Chauvin's actions violated Minneapolis police policy. The jury also heard from another police official, Inspector Katie Blackwell, who oversaw the department's training. Both police officials testified Chauvin's restraint of George Floyd using his knee was not something Minneapolis officers are taught.

Arradondo testified there was an "initial reasonableness in trying to just get [Floyd] under control" in the first few seconds of the deadly May 25 encounter. But when Floyd had stopped resisting and "clearly when Mr. Floyd was no longer responsive and even motionless, to continue to apply that level of force to a person prone out, hands cuffed behind their back — that in no way, shape or form is anything that is by policy," Arradondo said. "It's not part of our training and it's certainly not part of our ethics or values."

He is a political officer of the mayor....you dumb shit....he was appointed by the mayor....you moron........he is going to say anything the mayor wants....to keep the democrat party brownshirts from burning the city down...again.

Do you understand that the cops knew he was on drugs and in trouble, and their training is to keep criminals subdued so they don't struggle and cause more damage from the over dose?

Try listening to Andrew Branca, over at legal insurrection....his podcast of the day six testimony points out all the things you don't understand...

It is totally inappropriate to keep someone who is overdosing, subdued.
He was sitting fine on the curb.
The police should have left it that way until the ambulance arrived.
I repeat : He was dead at the scene. All of the officers should get time, and Chauvin more time.
The evidence currently shows that Floyd intentionally consumed a large amount of drugs from a dealer that was in his car. It ended up being a fatal dose many times over.

That's not the fault of the cops.

He likely would have survived the drugs, and we won't know because they killed him before we could find out.
It takes a long time to die from an overdose, and this all happened in less than 10 minutes, so any swallowed drugs would not even have dissolved in his stomach yet.

It is entirely the fault of the cops.
They had no right to even open his car door.
The Minneapolis Police Department use-of-force policies in effect at the time explicitly permitted a knee-on-neck restraint technique when dealing with non-compliant suspects–indeed, MPD training materials on restraint included illustrative photographs showing the precise technique used by Chauvin.

That is totally and completely wrong.
Neck pressure is considered a choke hold by MN and ALL police, so then is completely illegal unless you are forced to go it because you are in defense from a deadly attack.
Many things police are trained to do are illegal unless under a deadly attack.
For example, the use of a taser.
That is illegal to just force compliance, and is only legal in defense from a deadly attacker.
Passing fake $20's isn't a death penalty offense...and not recognizing that someone you're arresting for passing fake $20's is OD'ing on drugs isn't murder!

Everyone in that crowd could see Floyd was in distress... except for Chauvin.

He is a political officer of the mayor....you dumb shit....he was appointed by the mayor....you moron........he is going to say anything the mayor wants....to keep the democrat party brownshirts from burning the city down...again.

Do you understand that the cops knew he was on drugs and in trouble, and their training is to keep criminals subdued so they don't struggle and cause more damage from the over dose?

That's sounds suspiciously like, "We had to destroy the village to save it." you fucking retard...

But let's look at the man's record as a police officer, this supposed political hack.

A fifth-generation Minnesota resident, Arradondo joined the MPD in 1989 as a patrol officer in the Fourth Precinct and worked his way up through the police ranks until he was named the inspector for the First Precinct.[.... Arrandondo was promoted to head of the Internal Affairs Unit responsible for investigation of allegations of officer misconduct.[4]

Arradondo was a Deputy Chief and Assistant Chief before being nominated as Minneapolis's new Chief of Police by the Mayor of Minneapolis, after the resignation of former police chief Janeé Harteau in mid-2017, shortly after the shooting of Justine Damond by former Minneapolis police officer Mohammed Noor.[5]

Dates of Rank...
  • Patrol Officer - 1989
  • Sergeant - 1997
  • Lieutenant - 2007
  • Commander - 2012
  • Inspector - 2013
  • Deputy Chief - 2015
  • Assistant Chief - 2017
  • Chief of Police - 2017

So, 32 years as a cop, including being an inspector and head of the IA Unit... Seems to me that he should be an expert on what constitutes improper behavior by a police officer.

you moron...you idiot...you fucking child...
No, YOU are the child dumbfuck. Refusing to read ANY evidence and letting your hatred of whitey dictate everything. Hey dumbfuck, why did Floyd also LIE when asked directly if he had taken anything? He says NO twice. Plain as day. So you fucking uneducated racist how come there are ZERO injuries to the neck or chest aside from a checked rib from CPR? Better review the department training videos. Chauvin used the technique TAUGHT by that idiot chief’s department. Try to educate yourself.

Chauvin was taught to only use a choke hold like that is the other person was a deadly threat and self defense warranted causing harm and risking death.
It is obvious the choke hold was not needed and was the only cause of death.
I disagree, I think it was either :
second degree unintentional felony murder, third degree “depraved mind” murder,
Why: I read when the Chauvins that Chauvin continue pressure on the neck:

Our video investigation shows that Mr. Chauvin did not remove his knee even after Mr. Floyd lost consciousness and for a full minute and 20 seconds after paramedics arrived at the scene.

On June 3, Hennepin County prosecutors added a more serious second-degree murder charge against Mr. Chauvin and also charged each of the three other former officers — Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao — with aiding and abetting second-degree murder.
How George Floyd Was Killed in Police Custody - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

and now we heard his knee was on his neck for 9:29.

The paramedics found him dead at the scene.
View attachment 474968

He kept his knee on his neck when he became unconscious , 9 mins and 29 seconds, he is guilty as shit.
Is he?

Or is the system?

He is guilty of Manslaughter in my personal opinion.

Manslaughter is just a goof, but I think it is more than just a goof because he was trained to know that carotid and esophagus pressure is likely to cause harm and death.

Well it will be hard to get the other charges against him and I believe they will settle for manslaughter...

In the end the former Officer life is ruined which it should be and the death of Floyd could have been prevented had they called EMS first because it look like to me you can tell Floyd was on something and not faking it...

Yes, I agree with that completely.
Attempting to arrest someone who is that high, instead of getting them to a medical facility, is irresponsible.
They weren’t arresting him, they detained him. You really need new writers
I repeat : He was dead at the scene. All of the officers should get time, and Chauvin more time.
The evidence currently shows that Floyd intentionally consumed a large amount of drugs from a dealer that was in his car. It ended up being a fatal dose many times over.

That's not the fault of the cops.

He likely would have survived the drugs, and we won't know because they killed him before we could find out.
It takes a long time to die from an overdose, and this all happened in less than 10 minutes, so any swallowed drugs would not even have dissolved in his stomach yet.

It is entirely the fault of the cops.
They had no right to even open his car door.
I guess we'll see if the court determines that, but when fentanyl is involved, there's often not much that can be done. There isn't evidence that the knee procedure actually choked him.

He was having trouble breathing before that technique, and the technique itself doesn't cut off airflow.

The cops also called for medical help, but it didn't get there in time, so if you want to blame someone, you can blame those services for not arriving in time, although that's a resource issue, not a criminal one.

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