Police Body Camera Footage Proves George Floyd Was Not "Murdered"

Way to move the goalposts!!!
Never argued wether or not he committed a crime, he did. Apparently the MPD believes 600lbs on his back for over 9 minutes is proper before an actual arrest. That is so MAGA
Nope, I’ve said all along over a pack of cigarettes . Search my name in here. I’ve been on the 50 all along

Ewe moved the goalposts. The conversation was about what killed Floyd, 600 lbs on his back or drugs. No need to search ewe are a dishonest gas bag.

Open forum, you can say whatever you want, but that doesn’t mean it’s true.

Thanks for admitting ewe are a dishonest turd!
Way to move the goalposts!!!
Never argued wether or not he committed a crime, he did. Apparently the MPD believes 600lbs on his back for over 9 minutes is proper before an actual arrest. That is so MAGA
Nope, I’ve said all along over a pack of cigarettes . Search my name in here. I’ve been on the 50 all along

Ewe moved the goalposts. The conversation was about what killed Floyd, 600 lbs on his back or drugs. No need to search ewe are a dishonest gas bag.

Open forum, you can say whatever you want, but that doesn’t mean it’s true.

Thanks for admitting ewe are a dishonest turd!
The best coverage of the Trial is at the "Law of Self Defense," podcast by Andrew Branca, over at legal insurrection....he broke down what the state really needs to show as to the cause of death.......

The state hasn't made their case so far.......

Today's episode broke down what the state needs to show........

So far,

1) no physical injuries that would cause the death.

2) the physical restraint of knee on the neck was a technique they were taught to use, and in particular, when a suspect is showing specific signs of drug over dose, the cops are trained to restrain the individual to keep them from struggling...when they struggle it increase oxygen burn and speeds up the problems from the over dose....

Butbutbutbut I feeeeeelllll like he's guilty of 1st degree murder!
The autopsy didn't find damaged tissues. How is that possible?

Here you go, buddy, the autopsy report.

I. Blunt force injuries A. Cutaneous blunt force injuries of the forehead, face, and upper lip B. Mucosal injuries of the lips C. Cutaneous blunt force injuries of the shoulders, hands, elbows, and legs D. Patterned contusions (in some areas abraded) of the wrists, consistent with restraints (handcuffs)
As I have OFTEN posted!!!

"III. No life-threatening injuries identified A. No facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae B. No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures C. No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain injuries D. No chest wall soft tissue injuries, rib fractures (other than a single rib fracture from CPR), vertebral column injuries, or visceral injuries E. Incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior and lateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocks negative for occult trauma.................

A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens: 1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL 2. Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL 3. 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL 4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL 5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL; Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL 6. Cotinine positive 7. Caffeine positive"

So NO LIFE THREATENING INJURIES but a shitload of drugs.................................and you want him CONVICTED???? Of what; handcuffing him???


Squeezing off the carotid or the esophagus, or weight on the chest, do NOT leave local injuries.
And it is clear that these cops did all of these things, ensuring death.
If drugs did it, then there would be toxins building up in organs like kidneys, showing shut down. There were not.
The autopsy proved drugs were not the cause of death.
And we know the cause of death because we heard Floyd warn he could not breath.

Feeeeeellllllingsssss.....nothing more than feeeeeeeellllliiiingggggsssss
It was manslaughter
3/5's of a manslaughter.

You mean 5/3's of a manslaughter.
What they did was intentional and they had been trained to know it was very likely to kill.
How was it intentional? You’re saying all the cops intended to meet Floyd on their shift and struggle with him? Yeah

Intentional does not mean pre-planed or premeditated.
It was on the spot decision to use lethal force.
That is the definition of 2nd degree murder.
You can prove their intent was lethal force?


excessive force you bet.

imo, when four cops are needed to restrain a suspect, that implies excessive force is needed. What else would you call needing four cops to restrain someone?
A 6'6" 300 pound suspect.

Who was completely passive and compliant to everything the cops said.

You're on more drugs than Fentanyl Floyd.
The autopsy didn't find damaged tissues. How is that possible?

Here you go, buddy, the autopsy report.

I. Blunt force injuries A. Cutaneous blunt force injuries of the forehead, face, and upper lip B. Mucosal injuries of the lips C. Cutaneous blunt force injuries of the shoulders, hands, elbows, and legs D. Patterned contusions (in some areas abraded) of the wrists, consistent with restraints (handcuffs)
you must have closed your eyes when they showed the officers trying to get him in the car, right? the lip was from Floyd smacking his own head inside the car, the wrists were from Floyd trying to squirm out of the cuffs. The face was from the street since Floyd requested to lay down. Now show us where his breathing was impaired from any of those injuries?

The videos show 3 cops adding their weight to his chest and neck, which obviously killed him.
He did not die from drugs.
And it was not drugs that caused him to warn over a dozen times that he could not breath when they were all pressing down on him.

What made the convict Floyd claim he cant breathe several times before he was taken to the ground?.
Stop lying to yourself.

I watched 4 or 5 videos, and in ALL of them, he never said he could not breath until they piled on top of him on the ground.
If he said anything before that, it would have been inside the police car, where I could not hear it.
You can easily see how he could not breath with the cops piled on top of him.
He keeps trying to roll a shoulder off the ground so he could breath.
His expression when the cops are piled on top of him is one of pain.

It's not my fault you can't surf the interwebs properly.
"Bruises only form if you're alive."

Sorry, this does not explain the total absence of any bruising on Floyd's neck--no bruising on the skin and no bruising on the tissue beneath the skin. The bodycam footage proves that Floyd was alive for at least the first 5-6 minutes of his 9-minute pinning on the ground. So if having the 140-pound Chauvin kneel on his neck was excessive force, one would think that at least some bruising would have occurred. But not even the slightest trace of bruising was found at the autopsy.

Furthermore, there is research that shows that bodies *can* bruise even after death if they are subjected to forceful trauma soon after death occurred.
"Bruises only form if you're alive."

Sorry, this does not explain the total absence of any bruising on Floyd's neck--no bruising on the skin and no bruising on the tissue beneath the skin. The bodycam footage proves that Floyd was alive for at least the first 5-6 minutes of his 9-minute pinning on the ground. So if having the 140-pound Chauvin kneel on his neck was excessive force, one would think that at least some bruising would have occurred. But not even the slightest trace of bruising was found at the autopsy.

Butbutbutbut he put his hand in his pocket!
I disagree, I think it was either :
second degree unintentional felony murder, third degree “depraved mind” murder,
Why: I read when the Chauvins that Chauvin continue pressure on the neck:

Our video investigation shows that Mr. Chauvin did not remove his knee even after Mr. Floyd lost consciousness and for a full minute and 20 seconds after paramedics arrived at the scene.

On June 3, Hennepin County prosecutors added a more serious second-degree murder charge against Mr. Chauvin and also charged each of the three other former officers — Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao — with aiding and abetting second-degree murder.
How George Floyd Was Killed in Police Custody - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

and now we heard his knee was on his neck for 9:29.

The paramedics found him dead at the scene.
View attachment 474968

He kept his knee on his neck when he became unconscious , 9 mins and 29 seconds, he is guilty as shit.
Is he?

Or is the system?

He is guilty of Manslaughter in my personal opinion.

Manslaughter is just a goof, but I think it is more than just a goof because he was trained to know that carotid and esophagus pressure is likely to cause harm and death.

Well it will be hard to get the other charges against him and I believe they will settle for manslaughter...

In the end the former Officer life is ruined which it should be and the death of Floyd could have been prevented had they called EMS first because it look like to me you can tell Floyd was on something and not faking it...

Yes, I agree with that completely.
Attempting to arrest someone who is that high, instead of getting them to a medical facility, is irresponsible.
how you going to do that while he's flopping like a fish?
I have said this all along.
If anyone watches the ENTIRE - UNEDITED body cam videos that are available on YouTube, and you are objective, you will change your mind.

Floyd had multiple opportunities to tell officers he took a lethal dose. He knew he did. If you listen to what he is saying - he repeatedly states "I don't want to die, don't leave me alone, promise me you will stay with me - I am a good person, I don't want to die" - YET when asked did he take something - FLOYD SAYS NO.
You can also see at the beginning he was reasonably sober. Within a few minutes the drugs start to take effect, and you can see a large difference in his speech, and he becomes paranoid about dying or being alone.
Chauvin is a bully. There was no reason to continue to pin him down well after he stopped fighting. So I think negligent homicide is the charge because Floyd contributed MORE to his death than Chauvin.
It doesn't matter.

Manslaughter still applies.

If you punch a person high on drugs and they fall hit their head and die of a head injury it's still manslaughter.

He would of never died except for the person punching him.
You don't know that. Just like you don't know if Floyd would have died if his neck wasn't compressed by a knee

I imagine not he would not be dead due to his tolerance level. He wasn't dead before the incident was he.
Seriously? The "incident" you refer to includes him ingesting a lethal amount of drugs, Penny! The reason that he couldn't breathe when he was standing up is that's a symptom of an overdose of the drug he had in his system! Unless you have some way of proving that the Police on scene should have known he was overdosing on that drug...you don't have a murder case.
If he had a lethal amount of drugs that could cause overdosing he would not have been standing and able to struggle like they said he did. He stopped breathing because a knee was on his neck constricting oxygen and blood flow. Simple murder conviction no matter how the defense tries to spin it. The 20-page report also indicates that Floyd had fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system at the time of his death, although the drugs are not listed as the cause. Independent examiner hired by the Floyd family; report listed the cause of death as "asphyxiation from sustained pressure."
The "independant" ME that was being paid by the family that subsequently was paid tens of millions of dollars by the city. paid "experts" produce the opinions they are paid to produce or they aren't used again. When I took a law class decades ago the professor showed us transcripts where the same "expert" witness made opposite claims based upon similar evidence depending on who was paying him. Not surprisingly. "experts" testimony ALWAYS supports the side paying their fees.
The best coverage of the Trial is at the "Law of Self Defense," podcast by Andrew Branca, over at legal insurrection....he broke down what the state really needs to show as to the cause of death.......

The state hasn't made their case so far.......

Today's episode broke down what the state needs to show........

So far,

1) no physical injuries that would cause the death.

2) the physical restraint of knee on the neck was a technique they were taught to use

Dick Tiny, check this out.

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo took the stand Monday in the trial of Derek Chauvin, the fired police officer charged in George Floyd's death. He testified Chauvin's actions violated Minneapolis police policy. The jury also heard from another police official, Inspector Katie Blackwell, who oversaw the department's training. Both police officials testified Chauvin's restraint of George Floyd using his knee was not something Minneapolis officers are taught.

Arradondo testified there was an "initial reasonableness in trying to just get [Floyd] under control" in the first few seconds of the deadly May 25 encounter. But when Floyd had stopped resisting and "clearly when Mr. Floyd was no longer responsive and even motionless, to continue to apply that level of force to a person prone out, hands cuffed behind their back — that in no way, shape or form is anything that is by policy," Arradondo said. "It's not part of our training and it's certainly not part of our ethics or values."
Sorry, this does not explain the total absence of any bruising on Floyd's neck--no bruising on the skin and no bruising on the tissue beneath the skin. The bodycam footage proves that Floyd was alive for at least the first 5-6 minutes of his 9-minute pinning on the ground. So if having the 140-pound Chauvin kneel on his neck was excessive force, one would think that at least some bruising would have occurred. But not even the slightest trace of bruising was found at the autopsy.

This is coming from the guy who said that the Rape of Nanking was an inappropriate touching.

This is your argument, that it took 6 minutes to kill him? Really, Mormon Mike?

Did the cult-brainwashing make you stupid?
You forgot about the federal felony passing counterfeit currency. I wonder why?

Because most of the time, they don't arrest people like that unless they are passing dozens of bills, not just happened to have gotten one by mistake.
Floyd was habitual criminal who refused to return the cigarettes...........

The cops btw found $42 in Floyds vehicle----two $1 bills and two counterfit $20s.....Stop with the nonsense of the violent criminal Floyd being anything but a habitual criminal. You are embarrassing yourself with your stupid claims.
Floyd was habitual criminal who refused to return the cigarettes...........

The cops btw found $42 in Floyds vehicle----two $1 bills and two counterfit $20s.....Stop with the nonsense of the violent criminal Floyd being anything but a habitual criminal. You are embarrassing yourself with your stupid claims.

1) It wasn't Floyd's vehicle, it was his friend's.
2) Sorry, passing fake $20.00's is not a death penalty offense.

it's not a matter of what crimes may or may not have been committed, it's a matter of whether the police response was justified.

Now, here's the thing. Most of the time, Cops get it right. They make 10 million arrests and have tens of millions of interactions with the public, every year, and they get it right 99.99999% of the time.

But when they mess it up, someone needs to say so and hold someone to account.
Way to move the goalposts!!!
Never argued wether or not he committed a crime, he did. Apparently the MPD believes 600lbs on his back for over 9 minutes is proper before an actual arrest. That is so MAGA
Nope, I’ve said all along over a pack of cigarettes . Search my name in here. I’ve been on the 50 all along

Ewe moved the goalposts. The conversation was about what killed Floyd, 600 lbs on his back or drugs. No need to search ewe are a dishonest gas bag.

Open forum, you can say whatever you want, but that doesn’t mean it’s true.

Thanks for admitting ewe are a dishonest turd!
Every post ewe make
"Bruises only form if you're alive."

Sorry, this does not explain the total absence of any bruising on Floyd's neck--no bruising on the skin and no bruising on the tissue beneath the skin. The bodycam footage proves that Floyd was alive for at least the first 5-6 minutes of his 9-minute pinning on the ground. So if having the 140-pound Chauvin kneel on his neck was excessive force, one would think that at least some bruising would have occurred. But not even the slightest trace of bruising was found at the autopsy.

Furthermore, there is research that shows that bodies *can* bruise even after death if they are subjected to forceful trauma soon after death occurred.

That is why you get bruises around the neck when someone is strangled to death, or when they are hanged....and why you get hemhoraging in the eyes when you are strangled....he didn't have that either which means he didn't suffocate....
"Bruises only form if you're alive."

Sorry, this does not explain the total absence of any bruising on Floyd's neck--no bruising on the skin and no bruising on the tissue beneath the skin. The bodycam footage proves that Floyd was alive for at least the first 5-6 minutes of his 9-minute pinning on the ground. So if having the 140-pound Chauvin kneel on his neck was excessive force, one would think that at least some bruising would have occurred. But not even the slightest trace of bruising was found at the autopsy.

Furthermore, there is research that shows that bodies *can* bruise even after death if they are subjected to forceful trauma soon after death occurred.

He didn't have any of this....


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