Police Body Camera Footage Proves George Floyd Was Not "Murdered"

I repeat : He was dead at the scene. All of the officers should get time, and Chauvin more time.
The evidence currently shows that Floyd intentionally consumed a large amount of drugs from a dealer that was in his car. It ended up being a fatal dose many times over.

That's not the fault of the cops.

He likely would have survived the drugs, and we won't know because they killed him before we could find out.
It takes a long time to die from an overdose, and this all happened in less than 10 minutes, so any swallowed drugs would not even have dissolved in his stomach yet.

It is entirely the fault of the cops.
They had no right to even open his car door.
I guess we'll see if the court determines that, but when fentanyl is involved, there's often not much that can be done. There isn't evidence that the knee procedure actually choked him.

He was having trouble breathing before that technique, and the technique itself doesn't cut off airflow.

The cops also called for medical help, but it didn't get there in time, so if you want to blame someone, you can blame those services for not arriving in time, although that's a resource issue, not a criminal one.
Floyd was talking five minutes while under restraint! The knee did nothing
Floyd was habitual criminal who refused to return the cigarettes...........

The cops btw found $42 in Floyds vehicle----two $1 bills and two counterfit $20s.....Stop with the nonsense of the violent criminal Floyd being anything but a habitual criminal. You are embarrassing yourself with your stupid claims.

1) It wasn't Floyd's vehicle, it was his friend's.
2) Sorry, passing fake $20.00's is not a death penalty offense.

it's not a matter of what crimes may or may not have been committed, it's a matter of whether the police response was justified.

Now, here's the thing. Most of the time, Cops get it right. They make 10 million arrests and have tens of millions of interactions with the public, every year, and they get it right 99.99999% of the time.

But when they mess it up, someone needs to say so and hold someone to account.
Passing fake $20's isn't a death penalty offense...and not recognizing that someone you're arresting for passing fake $20's is OD'ing on drugs isn't murder!

This is another unfortunate example of what can happen when you do all the wrong things as a person interacting with the Police. George Floyd is dead today more because of his OWN actions than the actions of those Police officers!

Like what actions by George Floyd caused any problem at all?
I did not see him do anything that even warranted an arrest, much less the violence the police used on him.
Normal cities call for a paddy wagon when they want to arrest someone.
There was no reason to try to stuff him sideways into the small back seat of an SUV.
Seriously? George Floyd was using counterfeit money. When he was called on it by the store he COULD have returned the cigarettes he bought and that would have been the end of it! HE made the choice not to do so even as the store employees asked him to not once but twice! That action resulted in the store calling the Police. That's on nobody BUT George Floyd!
So when the Police show up, George the idiot decides that he can't get into the back of the cruiser because he's "claustrophobic" which is amazing since he was sitting in a smaller car without a problem before the Police arrived! So he struggles against being arrested forcing them to take him back out of the cruiser and down on the ground. Once again...that's on nobody but George Floyd! Bottom line is...he didn't want to go to jail. Even an idiot like George had to know that with his legal track record...even a minor thing like passing counterfeit bills is going to have a judge looking at his sheet and throwing the book at him. Once again...that's on nobody but George Floyd!
Floyd was habitual criminal who refused to return the cigarettes...........

The cops btw found $42 in Floyds vehicle----two $1 bills and two counterfit $20s.....Stop with the nonsense of the violent criminal Floyd being anything but a habitual criminal. You are embarrassing yourself with your stupid claims.

1) It wasn't Floyd's vehicle, it was his friend's.
2) Sorry, passing fake $20.00's is not a death penalty offense.

it's not a matter of what crimes may or may not have been committed, it's a matter of whether the police response was justified.

Now, here's the thing. Most of the time, Cops get it right. They make 10 million arrests and have tens of millions of interactions with the public, every year, and they get it right 99.99999% of the time.

But when they mess it up, someone needs to say so and hold someone to account.
Passing fake $20's isn't a death penalty offense...and not recognizing that someone you're arresting for passing fake $20's is OD'ing on drugs isn't murder!

This is another unfortunate example of what can happen when you do all the wrong things as a person interacting with the Police. George Floyd is dead today more because of his OWN actions than the actions of those Police officers!

Like what actions by George Floyd caused any problem at all?
I did not see him do anything that even warranted an arrest, much less the violence the police used on him.
Normal cities call for a paddy wagon when they want to arrest someone.
There was no reason to try to stuff him sideways into the small back seat of an SUV.
Seriously? George Floyd was using counterfeit money. When he was called on it by the store he COULD have returned the cigarettes he bought and that would have been the end of it! HE made the choice not to do so even as the store employees asked him to not once but twice! That action resulted in the store calling the Police. That's on nobody BUT George Floyd!
So when the Police show up, George the idiot decides that he can't get into the back of the cruiser because he's "claustrophobic" which is amazing since he was sitting in a smaller car without a problem before the Police arrived! So he struggles against being arrested forcing them to take him back out of the cruiser and down on the ground. Once again...that's on nobody but George Floyd! Bottom line is...he didn't want to go to jail. Even an idiot like George had to know that with his legal track record...even a minor thing like passing counterfeit bills is going to have a judge looking at his sheet and throwing the book at him. Once again...that's on nobody but George Floyd!
And under the influence
Passing fake $20's isn't a death penalty offense...and not recognizing that someone you're arresting for passing fake $20's is OD'ing on drugs isn't murder!

Everyone in that crowd could see Floyd was in distress... except for Chauvin.

He is a political officer of the mayor....you dumb shit....he was appointed by the mayor....you moron........he is going to say anything the mayor wants....to keep the democrat party brownshirts from burning the city down...again.

Do you understand that the cops knew he was on drugs and in trouble, and their training is to keep criminals subdued so they don't struggle and cause more damage from the over dose?

That's sounds suspiciously like, "We had to destroy the village to save it." you fucking retard...

But let's look at the man's record as a police officer, this supposed political hack.

A fifth-generation Minnesota resident, Arradondo joined the MPD in 1989 as a patrol officer in the Fourth Precinct and worked his way up through the police ranks until he was named the inspector for the First Precinct.[.... Arrandondo was promoted to head of the Internal Affairs Unit responsible for investigation of allegations of officer misconduct.[4]

Arradondo was a Deputy Chief and Assistant Chief before being nominated as Minneapolis's new Chief of Police by the Mayor of Minneapolis, after the resignation of former police chief Janeé Harteau in mid-2017, shortly after the shooting of Justine Damond by former Minneapolis police officer Mohammed Noor.[5]

Dates of Rank...
  • Patrol Officer - 1989
  • Sergeant - 1997
  • Lieutenant - 2007
  • Commander - 2012
  • Inspector - 2013
  • Deputy Chief - 2015
  • Assistant Chief - 2017
  • Chief of Police - 2017

So, 32 years as a cop, including being an inspector and head of the IA Unit... Seems to me that he should be an expert on what constitutes improper behavior by a police officer.

you moron...you idiot...you fucking child...
No, YOU are the child dumbfuck. Refusing to read ANY evidence and letting your hatred of whitey dictate everything. Hey dumbfuck, why did Floyd also LIE when asked directly if he had taken anything? He says NO twice. Plain as day. So you fucking uneducated racist how come there are ZERO injuries to the neck or chest aside from a checked rib from CPR? Better review the department training videos. Chauvin used the technique TAUGHT by that idiot chief’s department. Try to educate yourself.

Chauvin was taught to only use a choke hold like that is the other person was a deadly threat and self defense warranted causing harm and risking death.
It is obvious the choke hold was not needed and was the only cause of death.
LIE. Already shown the tactic used by Chauvin was taught in their own manuals and videos. Try to learn something before embarrassing yourself any more. So a large drugged up out of control man is not a deadly threat to a much smaller man? GTFO with your bullshit. Only cause of death. That would be funny if it weren’t such an asinine statements.
Floyd was habitual criminal who refused to return the cigarettes...........

The cops btw found $42 in Floyds vehicle----two $1 bills and two counterfit $20s.....Stop with the nonsense of the violent criminal Floyd being anything but a habitual criminal. You are embarrassing yourself with your stupid claims.

1) It wasn't Floyd's vehicle, it was his friend's.
2) Sorry, passing fake $20.00's is not a death penalty offense.

it's not a matter of what crimes may or may not have been committed, it's a matter of whether the police response was justified.

Now, here's the thing. Most of the time, Cops get it right. They make 10 million arrests and have tens of millions of interactions with the public, every year, and they get it right 99.99999% of the time.

But when they mess it up, someone needs to say so and hold someone to account.
Passing fake $20's isn't a death penalty offense...and not recognizing that someone you're arresting for passing fake $20's is OD'ing on drugs isn't murder!

This is another unfortunate example of what can happen when you do all the wrong things as a person interacting with the Police. George Floyd is dead today more because of his OWN actions than the actions of those Police officers!

Like what actions by George Floyd caused any problem at all?
I did not see him do anything that even warranted an arrest, much less the violence the police used on him.
Normal cities call for a paddy wagon when they want to arrest someone.
There was no reason to try to stuff him sideways into the small back seat of an SUV.
Normally, people arrested are transported in the back seat of a cop car. Nothing wrong with the arrest. Floyd was overdosing.
Dude, Floyd's friend went into the store and tried to pass the counterfeit bill and was refused...then Floyd went into the same store and tried to do the same thing! There was nothing "innocent" about this!

Did Floyd know it was a counterfiet bill? Was it the same bill? Did he say, "Hey, holmes, give me a $20, I want to buy some smokes" and his friend gave him the fake $20?

I'd love to ask Floyd, but Chauvin FUCKING MURDERED HIM.

GEEUS...get a clue babe.

floyd died from an overdose of drugs...nothing could be done with other criminally supporting idiots out harassing the cops and scaring even the EMT's away.

Are you watching the same trial? Yes, that teenage girl was really intimidating... and the 63 year old man.

Your claim is that Chauvin put so much pressure on Floyd's neck that he was unable to breathe...yet the autopsy showed no bruising or damage to the neck? How exactly does that work, Lil?
The truth is, Floyd was having trouble breathing before he was taken to the ground after he fought his way back out of the cruiser. What caused that? Nobody was touching his neck. Nobody was on his back!

Do you not understand how bruising forms? Bruising forms after blood fills up damaged tissues... which means it doesn't happen after you are dead and blood stops flowing.

Floyd was bleeding out of his mouth.
Floyd overdosed on drugs-----------stop blaming the cop.
Druggies with money? Ummm no.. Fellow Druggies giving up their $twenties and stuffing them in floyds seats.? Please get a grip.
I have changed my mind about the George Floyd case, after watching several hours of Derek Chauvin's trial, and especially after watching the previously unreleased police body-camera footage of the incident.

I do not believe that Chauvin committed second-degree murder. I think he committed manslaughter. I would need several pages to fully explain the reasons for my view. Here are a few points that capture the main reasons:

* Floyd could have avoided being pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply obeyed the police officers' repeated request to get into the back of the police car.

* The officers did not pin Floyd on the ground until after he strongly resisted being put into the police car and after he then pushed his way out of the car and came out the other side of the car. Only at that point did the officers pin him on the ground.

* Floyd's claim that he was afraid to get into confined spaces and therefore afraid to get into the back of the police car seems extremely doubtful, given the fact that Floyd had just spent several minutes in the front of a small car with the windows rolled up. The body camera footage shows that the front of the car that Floyd was taken from was virtually identical in size to the back of the police car.

* The officers may have doubted Floyd's claim that he could not breathe because he started making this claim long before he was pinned on the ground and at a time when he clearly could breathe, as the officers pointed out to him.

* Floyd's autopsy report proves that he was heavily under the influence of drugs during the incident. This could explain his irrational behavior.

* Floyd deserves most of the blame for the incident. Chauvin should not have put his knee on Floyd's neck. He should have eased up on Floyd's neck after Floyd stopped moving, and he should have checked Floyd's vital signs after he stopped moving. But, again, Floyd never would have been pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply gotten into the back of the police car as he was repeatedly instructed to do.

And, just for the record, George Floyd was neither a "gentle person" nor "a good father"; he was a violent thug with a long rap sheet:

Two Sides To Every Story: George Floyd And Derek Chauvin – Stateline Network EXTRA
Blaming the victim for his own murder? People with mental issues should be blamed also for police brutality? The cop used unnecessary force. You would not do this to a dog. The cops are acting like trial, jury, and executioner. The cop puts his hand in his pocket thus pushing down on his knee to put more pressure on George's neck. Everyone who saw this saw a live murder. period. No matter who he was George deserved his day in court and not on the ground getting the life choked out of him. Drugs and medical conditions did not kill him, the cop did.
If the dog was rabid you wouldnt try to be nice to it, you would put it down. George Floyd had 5 opportunities to peacefully be put in a squad car (where he kept saying "i cant breathe") and when Floyd got out of the car again, he was restrained and died of a drug overdose.

We don't know if or what he said in the squad car.
When 3 cops piled on top of him, then everyone heard him say he could not breath.
Wonder why?

And no, the autopsy said he did NOT die from a drug overdose.
I have changed my mind about the George Floyd case, after watching several hours of Derek Chauvin's trial, and especially after watching the previously unreleased police body-camera footage of the incident.

I do not believe that Chauvin committed second-degree murder. I think he committed manslaughter. I would need several pages to fully explain the reasons for my view. Here are a few points that capture the main reasons:

* Floyd could have avoided being pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply obeyed the police officers' repeated request to get into the back of the police car.

* The officers did not pin Floyd on the ground until after he strongly resisted being put into the police car and after he then pushed his way out of the car and came out the other side of the car. Only at that point did the officers pin him on the ground.

* Floyd's claim that he was afraid to get into confined spaces and therefore afraid to get into the back of the police car seems extremely doubtful, given the fact that Floyd had just spent several minutes in the front of a small car with the windows rolled up. The body camera footage shows that the front of the car that Floyd was taken from was virtually identical in size to the back of the police car.

* The officers may have doubted Floyd's claim that he could not breathe because he started making this claim long before he was pinned on the ground and at a time when he clearly could breathe, as the officers pointed out to him.

* Floyd's autopsy report proves that he was heavily under the influence of drugs during the incident. This could explain his irrational behavior.

* Floyd deserves most of the blame for the incident. Chauvin should not have put his knee on Floyd's neck. He should have eased up on Floyd's neck after Floyd stopped moving, and he should have checked Floyd's vital signs after he stopped moving. But, again, Floyd never would have been pinned on the ground in the first place if he had simply gotten into the back of the police car as he was repeatedly instructed to do.

And, just for the record, George Floyd was neither a "gentle person" nor "a good father"; he was a violent thug with a long rap sheet:

Two Sides To Every Story: George Floyd And Derek Chauvin – Stateline Network EXTRA
Blaming the victim for his own murder? People with mental issues should be blamed also for police brutality? The cop used unnecessary force. You would not do this to a dog. The cops are acting like trial, jury, and executioner. The cop puts his hand in his pocket thus pushing down on his knee to put more pressure on George's neck. Everyone who saw this saw a live murder. period. No matter who he was George deserved his day in court and not on the ground getting the life choked out of him. Drugs and medical conditions did not kill him, the cop did.
If the dog was rabid you wouldnt try to be nice to it, you would put it down. George Floyd had 5 opportunities to peacefully be put in a squad car (where he kept saying "i cant breathe") and when Floyd got out of the car again, he was restrained and died of a drug overdose.
We can’t verify whether drugs or heart issues contributed to Floyd’s death, but we can verify that three medical examiners ruled his death a homicide. What we can verify is that autopsies, including the official one conducted by Hennepin County, showed Floyd was killed because Chauvin kept pressure on Floyd’s neck that prevented him from breathing, and the death was ruled a homicide
New court docs say George Floyd had "fatal level" of fentanyl in his system (msn.com)
Handwritten notes of a law enforcement interview with Dr. Andrew Baker, the Hennepin County Medical Examiner, say Floyd had 11 ng/mL of fentanyl in his system.
"If he were found dead at home alone and no other apparent causes, this could be acceptable to call an OD. Deaths have been certified with levels of 3," Baker told investigators.
Do you know what "FATAL" means?

A fatal drug level for an average person does not mean it would kill a large person, and it is clear from the autopsy that drugs were not the cause of death.
Delusional claim----floyd over dosed on the multiple drugs that he had in his system.

There was no damage or bruising to floyds neck/back area so hence we all know that his circulation and breathing were NOT cut off by the cops holding him down.
The autopsy didn't find damaged tissues. How is that possible?

Here you go, buddy, the autopsy report.

I. Blunt force injuries A. Cutaneous blunt force injuries of the forehead, face, and upper lip B. Mucosal injuries of the lips C. Cutaneous blunt force injuries of the shoulders, hands, elbows, and legs D. Patterned contusions (in some areas abraded) of the wrists, consistent with restraints (handcuffs)
As I have OFTEN posted!!!

"III. No life-threatening injuries identified A. No facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae B. No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures C. No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain injuries D. No chest wall soft tissue injuries, rib fractures (other than a single rib fracture from CPR), vertebral column injuries, or visceral injuries E. Incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior and lateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocks negative for occult trauma.................

A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens: 1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL 2. Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL 3. 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL 4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL 5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL; Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL 6. Cotinine positive 7. Caffeine positive"

So NO LIFE THREATENING INJURIES but a shitload of drugs.................................and you want him CONVICTED???? Of what; handcuffing him???


Squeezing off the carotid or the esophagus, or weight on the chest, do NOT leave local injuries.
And it is clear that these cops did all of these things, ensuring death.
If drugs did it, then there would be toxins building up in organs like kidneys, showing shut down. There were not.
The autopsy proved drugs were not the cause of death.
And we know the cause of death because we heard Floyd warn he could not breath.
GEEBUS...no one is this uneducated. It is quite hard to cut off someones airways ------------it leaves broken bones (HYOID) and definate bruising. Cutting off the carotid would also certainly leave bruising. YOU NEED TO TAKE A BASIC ANATOMY CLASS.......
The autopsy didn't find damaged tissues. How is that possible?

Here you go, buddy, the autopsy report.

I. Blunt force injuries A. Cutaneous blunt force injuries of the forehead, face, and upper lip B. Mucosal injuries of the lips C. Cutaneous blunt force injuries of the shoulders, hands, elbows, and legs D. Patterned contusions (in some areas abraded) of the wrists, consistent with restraints (handcuffs)
As I have OFTEN posted!!!

"III. No life-threatening injuries identified A. No facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae B. No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures C. No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain injuries D. No chest wall soft tissue injuries, rib fractures (other than a single rib fracture from CPR), vertebral column injuries, or visceral injuries E. Incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior and lateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocks negative for occult trauma.................

A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens: 1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL 2. Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL 3. 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL 4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL 5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL; Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL 6. Cotinine positive 7. Caffeine positive"

So NO LIFE THREATENING INJURIES but a shitload of drugs.................................and you want him CONVICTED???? Of what; handcuffing him???

I really think that's what the demofks think. I know in this thread they've stated several times they didn't understand the confrontation because Floyd didn't do anything. So basically they are saying fk the store owner who does he think he is.

You don't arrest someone over a questionable $20 bill.
You just give them a ticket.
The store clerk is a civil suit action, like you would do for fraud.
There is nothing to indicate Floyd was intentionally passing bad bills.
Pass counterfeit money is a federal crime for which one will be arrested.
The autopsy didn't find damaged tissues. How is that possible?

Here you go, buddy, the autopsy report.

I. Blunt force injuries A. Cutaneous blunt force injuries of the forehead, face, and upper lip B. Mucosal injuries of the lips C. Cutaneous blunt force injuries of the shoulders, hands, elbows, and legs D. Patterned contusions (in some areas abraded) of the wrists, consistent with restraints (handcuffs)
you must have closed your eyes when they showed the officers trying to get him in the car, right? the lip was from Floyd smacking his own head inside the car, the wrists were from Floyd trying to squirm out of the cuffs. The face was from the street since Floyd requested to lay down. Now show us where his breathing was impaired from any of those injuries?

The videos show 3 cops adding their weight to his chest and neck, which obviously killed him.
He did not die from drugs.
And it was not drugs that caused him to warn over a dozen times that he could not breath when they were all pressing down on him.

What made the convict Floyd claim he cant breathe several times before he was taken to the ground?.
Stop lying to yourself.

I watched 4 or 5 videos, and in ALL of them, he never said he could not breath until they piled on top of him on the ground.
If he said anything before that, it would have been inside the police car, where I could not hear it.
You can easily see how he could not breath with the cops piled on top of him.
He keeps trying to roll a shoulder off the ground so he could breath.
His expression when the cops are piled on top of him is one of pain.
LOrd have mercy--------he was claiming that he couldnt breath while in the car...

Rigby...you spin a lot of shit.
It was manslaughter
3/5's of a manslaughter.

You mean 5/3's of a manslaughter.
What they did was intentional and they had been trained to know it was very likely to kill.
How was it intentional? You’re saying all the cops intended to meet Floyd on their shift and struggle with him? Yeah

Intentional does not mean pre-planed or premeditated.
It was on the spot decision to use lethal force.
That is the definition of 2nd degree murder.
You can prove their intent was lethal force?


Use of force you bet.

imo, when four cops are needed to restrain a suspect, that implies use of force is needed. What else would you call needing four cops to restrain someone?

Any force to esophagus or carotid is lethal force according to police training manuals.
Taser is also considered lethal force.
Lethal force does not have to ensure death, but just have that possibility.
Police can not use pressure on the neck unless they are allowed to run the risk of death, out of defense from a deadly threat.

Did the police need to restrain Floyd?
Absolutely not.
He was not being accused of a real crime, but just a suspect in a misdemeanor.
He never resisted.
There was never any excuse to use any force, much less lethal force like neck pressure.
They deliberately decided to use lethal force when was not at all warranted.
Oh brother -----counterfeit money is a FEDERAL CRIME hun
Floyd was habitual criminal who refused to return the cigarettes...........

The cops btw found $42 in Floyds vehicle----two $1 bills and two counterfit $20s.....Stop with the nonsense of the violent criminal Floyd being anything but a habitual criminal. You are embarrassing yourself with your stupid claims.

1) It wasn't Floyd's vehicle, it was his friend's.
2) Sorry, passing fake $20.00's is not a death penalty offense.

it's not a matter of what crimes may or may not have been committed, it's a matter of whether the police response was justified.

Now, here's the thing. Most of the time, Cops get it right. They make 10 million arrests and have tens of millions of interactions with the public, every year, and they get it right 99.99999% of the time.

But when they mess it up, someone needs to say so and hold someone to account.
Passing fake $20's isn't a death penalty offense...and not recognizing that someone you're arresting for passing fake $20's is OD'ing on drugs isn't murder!

This is another unfortunate example of what can happen when you do all the wrong things as a person interacting with the Police. George Floyd is dead today more because of his OWN actions than the actions of those Police officers!

Like what actions by George Floyd caused any problem at all?
I did not see him do anything that even warranted an arrest, much less the violence the police used on him.
Normal cities call for a paddy wagon when they want to arrest someone.
There was no reason to try to stuff him sideways into the small back seat of an SUV.

You win the dumbest post of the month!
Little Joey has some work to do but has all the skills necessary to take it.
No dipshit. Just because you’re too stupid to understand anything doesn’t mean the jury will do what you demand. No conviction on your bullshit murder charge. Funny you keep ignoring everything else from that day. Fuck off asshole. Idiots like you should keep their uneducated mouths shut.

The Jury will convict because the tape is so horrible.

We have the tape.

You have some guys mealy-mouthing about milligrams.

We win.

No, YOU are the child dumbfuck. Refusing to read ANY evidence and letting your hatred of whitey dictate everything. Hey dumbfuck, why did Floyd also LIE when asked directly if he had taken anything? He says NO twice. Plain as day. So you fucking uneducated racist how come there are ZERO injuries to the neck or chest aside from a checked rib from CPR? Better review the department training videos. Chauvin used the technique TAUGHT by that idiot chief’s department. Try to educate yourself.

Those training videos are for suspects who are resisting. Floyd was handcuffed, on the ground and pretty much stopped moving after five minutes... being dead and all. It doesn't matter what he took, that isn't what killed him. The knee to the neck did.

Chauvin is going down...
Seriously? George Floyd was using counterfeit money. When he was called on it by the store he COULD have returned the cigarettes he bought and that would have been the end of it! HE made the choice not to do so even as the store employees asked him to not once but twice! That action resulted in the store calling the Police. That's on nobody BUT George Floyd!

He and his friend also could have driven off before the cops got there... but they didn't. What they should or should not have done is kind of pointless.

The question is, did Chauvin use deadly force that caused his death. The coroner says he did. Witnesses say he did. His own bosses say he did.

He's toast.
No dipshit. Just because you’re too stupid to understand anything doesn’t mean the jury will do what you demand. No conviction on your bullshit murder charge. Funny you keep ignoring everything else from that day. Fuck off asshole. Idiots like you should keep their uneducated mouths shut.

The Jury will convict because the tape is so horrible.

We have the tape.

You have some guys mealy-mouthing about milligrams.

We win.

No, YOU are the child dumbfuck. Refusing to read ANY evidence and letting your hatred of whitey dictate everything. Hey dumbfuck, why did Floyd also LIE when asked directly if he had taken anything? He says NO twice. Plain as day. So you fucking uneducated racist how come there are ZERO injuries to the neck or chest aside from a checked rib from CPR? Better review the department training videos. Chauvin used the technique TAUGHT by that idiot chief’s department. Try to educate yourself.

Those training videos are for suspects who are resisting. Floyd was handcuffed, on the ground and pretty much stopped moving after five minutes... being dead and all. It doesn't matter what he took, that isn't what killed him. The knee to the neck did.

Chauvin is going down...

Actually "We" have the body cam that shows what really went down not just some media and BLM bullshit emotional manipulation. "We" also have the tox report and floyds criminal record of violence and drug abuse........"We" all aren't as stupid as the racist terrorist blm and prosecution hope people are....

Seriously? George Floyd was using counterfeit money. When he was called on it by the store he COULD have returned the cigarettes he bought and that would have been the end of it! HE made the choice not to do so even as the store employees asked him to not once but twice! That action resulted in the store calling the Police. That's on nobody BUT George Floyd!

He and his friend also could have driven off before the cops got there... but they didn't. What they should or should not have done is kind of pointless.

The question is, did Chauvin use deadly force that caused his death. The coroner says he did. Witnesses say he did. His own bosses say he did.

He's toast.
And the facts said he didn't--------------wanna try again?
Actually "We" have the body cam that shows what really went down not just some media and BLM bullshit emotional manipulation. "We" also have the tox report and floyds criminal record of violence and drug abuse........"We" all aren't as stupid as the racist terrorist blm and prosecution hope people are....

His criminal record doesn't matter. If you want to bring that in, let's also bring in the other 18 times Chauvin violated people's civil rights.

The Tox Screen doesn't matter, because it takes HOURS to die of a drug overdose. he was dead in minutes after encounter Chauvin.

Your Boy is going down. Deal with it.
No dipshit. Just because you’re too stupid to understand anything doesn’t mean the jury will do what you demand. No conviction on your bullshit murder charge. Funny you keep ignoring everything else from that day. Fuck off asshole. Idiots like you should keep their uneducated mouths shut.

The Jury will convict because the tape is so horrible.

We have the tape.

You have some guys mealy-mouthing about milligrams.

We win.

No, YOU are the child dumbfuck. Refusing to read ANY evidence and letting your hatred of whitey dictate everything. Hey dumbfuck, why did Floyd also LIE when asked directly if he had taken anything? He says NO twice. Plain as day. So you fucking uneducated racist how come there are ZERO injuries to the neck or chest aside from a checked rib from CPR? Better review the department training videos. Chauvin used the technique TAUGHT by that idiot chief’s department. Try to educate yourself.

Those training videos are for suspects who are resisting. Floyd was handcuffed, on the ground and pretty much stopped moving after five minutes... being dead and all. It doesn't matter what he took, that isn't what killed him. The knee to the neck did.

Chauvin is going down...

Manslaughter at best. He might even walk. Get your loot suit ready.
Manslaughter at best. He might even walk. Get your loot suit ready.

Again, very unlikely....

That tape is pretty damning.

I mean, seriously, you know, we convict most people of crimes without them being taped doing it.

His own bosses said his conduct was out of line. The medical examiner ruled it a homicide.
Manslaughter at best. He might even walk. Get your loot suit ready.

Again, very unlikely....

That tape is pretty damning.

I mean, seriously, you know, we convict most people of crimes without them being taped doing it.

His own bosses said his conduct was out of line. The medical examiner ruled it a homicide.
You don’t understand because you’re a leftist sheep is the media and the dnc told you Chauvin is guilty of murder without all the evidence being presented.

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