Police Chief Shoots His 16 Year Old Daughter

Man, that's some twisted logic there.

How so?

Do you know the history of what may or may have not occured with him and past break ins or assaults?

It is easy to point to the gun owner but I would want to know the WHOLE story including recent history before assuming the gun owner was in the wrong.

Was the daughter trained and warned to not act like a burglar?

It is a sad situation but he still had the right and responsibility to defend his property even if he has a reckless daughter.
Nobody should EVER fire a gun at somebody unless he verifies whether or not the person is a threat. If you have people living with you, and they are not at home, chances are the "intruder" could be THEM!!! Only an idiot opens fire on somebody before he knows it's not a family member.

I was not aware that the Police Chief "knew" his daughter was not home. Is that a fact or are you just speculating to make your case stronger?
America's stupid laws allow these things to happen.
Any daft bastard can shoot anyone on their property, without so much as trying to find out if it's your daughter or not.
Really, moronic laws, mixed with morons, makes for such things.

Wow. Look at that. Indonesia is number 78 in the world for deaths due to violence. And would you look at that. The USA is only number 92. Looks like Indonesia's policies are leading to more violent deaths than the USA.

indofred fail....


What?? You've got to be kidding. You are actually comparing a third world country to the US? Brilliant. :rolleyes:
How so?

Do you know the history of what may or may have not occured with him and past break ins or assaults?

It is easy to point to the gun owner but I would want to know the WHOLE story including recent history before assuming the gun owner was in the wrong.

Was the daughter trained and warned to not act like a burglar?

It is a sad situation but he still had the right and responsibility to defend his property even if he has a reckless daughter.
Nobody should EVER fire a gun at somebody unless he verifies whether or not the person is a threat. If you have people living with you, and they are not at home, chances are the "intruder" could be THEM!!! Only an idiot opens fire on somebody before he knows it's not a family member.

I was not aware that the Police Chief "knew" his daughter was not home. Is that a fact or are you just speculating to make your case stronger?
I don't need to make my case stronger to make your's look weak. You are defending a "shoot first, ask questions later" reasoning by a cop (somebody who is supposed to be trained to deal with these types of situations).
Everybody is afraid of everybody. And this is the kind of tragedy that results from that.

People, guns are not the answer. If you don't know how to use that tool, don't own it. Far too many stories like this.
I keep them around in case a liberal can't wait for government to give them my stuff and decides to help himself.
Well, you are right of course. I doubt he will be charged. That doesn't mean it's a good idea though and I don't want government to punish me for it. I have some of those fancy gadgets called flashlights.
People, guns are not the answer. If you don't know how to use that tool, don't own it. Far too many stories like this.

do you realize that guns are used to stop violent criminals and save loves over 100,000 times a year...and that is a number from an anti gun researcher? In fact, that number is actually way too low because many, many self defense actions with a gun end with no shots fired and no injuries,because the criminal stops,the attack once the victim reveals the gun and the intent to use it...also, when no shots are fired and no one is injured the law abiding citizen tends not to report the non-crime because they don't want the hassle,of explaining their action to police...

also, when a law abiding citizen shoots or captures a criminal, that keeps that criminal from attacking more victims, either for a period of time or permanently if they are killed. this also raises the number of lives saved when guns are used for self defense.

for example, the rape victim who had a concealed carry permit, but who was raped,50 feet away from the campus police station because her university was a gun free zone...the rapist used a gun to rape her...he then went on to rape two more women and killed the second one... Two lives that could have been saved if she had been able to use a gun to stop the rape...

The real number for self defense with a gun is around 250,000 to over 300,000 times a year and some studies put the number over 1 million to 2 million times a year...

so, as sad and tragic as accidents with guns are, the use of guns to stop violent criminals is more important...more lives are saved,with guns than lost with guns, in e hands of law abiding citizens...
Man, that's some twisted logic there.

How so?

Do you know the history of what may or may have not occured with him and past break ins or assaults?

It is easy to point to the gun owner but I would want to know the WHOLE story including recent history before assuming the gun owner was in the wrong.

Was the daughter trained and warned to not act like a burglar?

It is a sad situation but he still had the right and responsibility to defend his property even if he has a reckless daughter.
Nobody should EVER fire a gun at somebody unless he verifies whether or not the person is a threat. If you have people living with you, and they are not at home, chances are the "intruder" could be THEM!!! Only an idiot opens fire on somebody before he knows it's not a family member.

Except he thought she was home.

'Later on, it was determined that the daughter had snuck out hours earlier that morning, and was attempting to sneak back into the home.
She got what she deserved. In the chief's place I'd simply have allowed her to bleed out in the garage. Follow the rules or accept the consequences.
America's stupid laws allow these things to happen.
Any daft bastard can shoot anyone on their property, without so much as trying to find out if it's your daughter or not.
Really, moronic laws, mixed with morons, makes for such things.

Wow. Look at that. Indonesia is number 78 in the world for deaths due to violence. And would you look at that. The USA is only number 92. Looks like Indonesia's policies are leading to more violent deaths than the USA.

indofred fail....


13.9 deaths per 100,000 via motor vehicle accidents in the USA.

6.5 deaths per 100,000 via violence in the USA.

To hell with gun control. We need to concentrate on motor vehicle control!
Any sane person is going to identify who they are shooting at before firing. This is hardly the first time someone has shot a family member in their own home for failure to do this.

By 2015 more people will be killed by guns than by traffic accidents, according to a startling chart compiled by Bloomberg Government's Alex Tribou.

Motor vehicle deaths have declined 22 percent since 2005 while gun fatalities — including homicide, suicide and accidents — have steadily risen from a low point in 2000.

The decline of traffic accident fatalities — which coincides with deliberate moves to cut back on drunk driving, increase seatbelt use and enforce car safety standards — and the increase in gun fatalities will lead to a massive change in 2015.

At the current rates, gun deaths should hit around 33,000 annually in 2015 while traffic fatalities should decrease to around 32,000, according to Bloomberg estimates.

Read more: Report: Gun Deaths Will Exceed Traffic Deaths By 2015 - Business Insider
The decline of traffic accident fatalities — which coincides with deliberate moves to cut back on drunk driving, increase seatbelt use and enforce car safety standards — and the increase in gun fatalities will lead to a massive change in 2015.]
Meanwhile, how many unborn babies will be thrown in the shitcan? Besides that, the asshole is wrong on his numbers, murder has been going down.
Any sane person is going to identify who they are shooting at before firing. This is hardly the first time someone has shot a family member in their own home for failure to do this.
So much for the argument that it is OK for the police to carry guns because they are professionally trained to do so.
There's more to this story. Has to be.
Trained police officers don't shoot first and ask questions later..

Turn on the light and arrest the guy. You're the chief of police.
Something's wrong with this story.

Clearly police can't be trusted with guns.

I wonder whether he actually earned his place on the police force.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery for his daughter.

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