Police Kill Another Black Man...Computer Science Student

The question is, why are we allowing criminally prone, violent, mentally ill African immigrants into our country to begin with?
For the same reason we allow you cave monkeys to live among us in the US. Everyone has a right to be a citizen.
No they don't. What dumb logic The notion everyone has a right to enter our country, that we have open borders to all the third world, is absurd. All you deserve is a ticket back to Africa, where this guy belonged as well.
He was a citizen you monkey. There is a reason you dont have any say so. Your brain is concentrating on things like picking lice out of your furry back.
Matthew Asclepias dindu nuffin! He was a scholarship athlete who was going to invent the next iphone. Until he was killed in a hit ordered by the GOP as Officer Wilson and George Zimmerman looked on with maniacal laughter.
The question is, why are we allowing criminally prone, violent, mentally ill African immigrants into our country to begin with?
For the same reason we allow you cave monkeys to live among us in the US. Everyone has a right to be a citizen.
No they don't. What dumb logic The notion everyone has a right to enter our country, that we have open borders to all the third world, is absurd. All you deserve is a ticket back to Africa, where this guy belonged as well.
He was a citizen you monkey. There is a reason you dont have any say so. Your brain is concentrating on things like picking lice out of your furry back.
I don't care what passport he held, shouldn't have been here in the first place if we had a sane immigration policy. We shouldn' t let mentally ill violent africans into our American nation.
The question is, why are we allowing criminally prone, violent, mentally ill African immigrants into our country to begin with?
For the same reason we allow you cave monkeys to live among us in the US. Everyone has a right to be a citizen.
No they don't. What dumb logic The notion everyone has a right to enter our country, that we have open borders to all the third world, is absurd. All you deserve is a ticket back to Africa, where this guy belonged as well.
He was a citizen you monkey. There is a reason you dont have any say so. Your brain is concentrating on things like picking lice out of your furry back.
I don't care what passport he held, shouldn't have been here in the first place if we had a sane immigration policy. We shouldn' t let mentally ill violent africans into our American nation.
How do you know when he was diagnosed idiot? You monkeys dont think logically do you?
If he stayed in Nigeria he would have been alive today. This could have been stopped if we closed our borders to third world immigration .
How about we kick out all of you cave chimps?
"We". Who is that? You and your imaginary army of revolutionary dindus?
We the people of the US. All of you cave monkeys need to be euthanized. You are an embarrassment to all of the sane white people.
"We the people of the US", only in your mentally ill mind. You should be given a psych evaluation and be shipped to Liberia or something.
If he stayed in Nigeria he would have been alive today. This could have been stopped if we closed our borders to third world immigration .
How about we kick out all of you cave chimps?
"We". Who is that? You and your imaginary army of revolutionary dindus?
We the people of the US. All of you cave monkeys need to be euthanized. You are an embarrassment to all of the sane white people.
"We the people of the US", only in your mentally ill mind. You should be given a psych evaluation and be shipped to Liberia or something.
You should be equipped with restraints and a muzzle and shipped back to the England zoo in the primate department.
The question is, why are we allowing criminally prone, violent, mentally ill African immigrants into our country to begin with?
For the same reason we allow you cave monkeys to live among us in the US. Everyone has a right to be a citizen.
No they don't. What dumb logic The notion everyone has a right to enter our country, that we have open borders to all the third world, is absurd. All you deserve is a ticket back to Africa, where this guy belonged as well.
He was a citizen you monkey. There is a reason you dont have any say so. Your brain is concentrating on things like picking lice out of your furry back.
I don't care what passport he held, shouldn't have been here in the first place if we had a sane immigration policy. We shouldn' t let mentally ill violent africans into our American nation.
How do you know when he was diagnosed idiot? You monkeys dont think logically do you?
It doesn't matter when he was diagnosed, there shouldn't be African immigration allowed into the United States. If we had a white only immigration policy. He would have been alive in the bush of Nigeria today.
If he stayed in Nigeria he would have been alive today. This could have been stopped if we closed our borders to third world immigration .
How about we kick out all of you cave chimps?
"We". Who is that? You and your imaginary army of revolutionary dindus?
We the people of the US. All of you cave monkeys need to be euthanized. You are an embarrassment to all of the sane white people.
"We the people of the US", only in your mentally ill mind. You should be given a psych evaluation and be shipped to Liberia or something.
You should be equipped with restraints and a muzzle and shipped back to the England zoo in the primate department.
You are in no position to make this decision as you are an 85 IQ dindu that hasn't had a proper mental evaluation. Only Whites can be real Americans and make such decisions on deportation.
For the same reason we allow you cave monkeys to live among us in the US. Everyone has a right to be a citizen.
No they don't. What dumb logic The notion everyone has a right to enter our country, that we have open borders to all the third world, is absurd. All you deserve is a ticket back to Africa, where this guy belonged as well.
He was a citizen you monkey. There is a reason you dont have any say so. Your brain is concentrating on things like picking lice out of your furry back.
I don't care what passport he held, shouldn't have been here in the first place if we had a sane immigration policy. We shouldn' t let mentally ill violent africans into our American nation.
How do you know when he was diagnosed idiot? You monkeys dont think logically do you?
It doesn't matter when he was diagnosed, there shouldn't be African immigration allowed into the United States. If we had a white only immigration policy. He would have been alive in the bush of Nigeria today.
Too bad. Black people are allowed to immigrate so there is not much you can do about it but go peel some bananas and groom yourself.
How about we kick out all of you cave chimps?
"We". Who is that? You and your imaginary army of revolutionary dindus?
We the people of the US. All of you cave monkeys need to be euthanized. You are an embarrassment to all of the sane white people.
"We the people of the US", only in your mentally ill mind. You should be given a psych evaluation and be shipped to Liberia or something.
You should be equipped with restraints and a muzzle and shipped back to the England zoo in the primate department.
You are in no position to make this decision as you are an 85 IQ dindu that hasn't had a proper mental evaluation. Only Whites can be real Americans and make such decisions on deportation.
As your intellectual superior and defacto trainer, I am labeling you as too feral to live here in the US.
No they don't. What dumb logic The notion everyone has a right to enter our country, that we have open borders to all the third world, is absurd. All you deserve is a ticket back to Africa, where this guy belonged as well.
He was a citizen you monkey. There is a reason you dont have any say so. Your brain is concentrating on things like picking lice out of your furry back.
I don't care what passport he held, shouldn't have been here in the first place if we had a sane immigration policy. We shouldn' t let mentally ill violent africans into our American nation.
How do you know when he was diagnosed idiot? You monkeys dont think logically do you?
It doesn't matter when he was diagnosed, there shouldn't be African immigration allowed into the United States. If we had a white only immigration policy. He would have been alive in the bush of Nigeria today.
Too bad. Black people are allowed to immigrate so there is not much you can do about it but go peel some bananas and groom yourself.
Plenty can be done, immigration law can be changed. It will be changed in Europe after these arab-black muslim hybrids from Algeria slaughtered those brave French journalists. America will follow suit.

Your banana stereotype makes no sense. That is a slur on black people. It would be like a Jew making a joke about a gentile being cheap or something. It makes no sense. It is just ironic.
He was a citizen you monkey. There is a reason you dont have any say so. Your brain is concentrating on things like picking lice out of your furry back.
I don't care what passport he held, shouldn't have been here in the first place if we had a sane immigration policy. We shouldn' t let mentally ill violent africans into our American nation.
How do you know when he was diagnosed idiot? You monkeys dont think logically do you?
It doesn't matter when he was diagnosed, there shouldn't be African immigration allowed into the United States. If we had a white only immigration policy. He would have been alive in the bush of Nigeria today.
Too bad. Black people are allowed to immigrate so there is not much you can do about it but go peel some bananas and groom yourself.
Plenty can be done, immigration law can be changed. It will be changed in Europe after these arab-black muslim hybrids from Algeria slaughtered those brave French journalists. America will follow suit.

Your banana stereotype makes no sense. That is a slur on black people. It would be like a Jew making a joke about a gentile being cheap or something. It makes no sense. It is just ironic.
You cant change shit. No one is going to listen to a wild monkey such as yourself. Stop eating the lice you pick of yourself. Its making you drunk.
"We". Who is that? You and your imaginary army of revolutionary dindus?
We the people of the US. All of you cave monkeys need to be euthanized. You are an embarrassment to all of the sane white people.
"We the people of the US", only in your mentally ill mind. You should be given a psych evaluation and be shipped to Liberia or something.
You should be equipped with restraints and a muzzle and shipped back to the England zoo in the primate department.
You are in no position to make this decision as you are an 85 IQ dindu that hasn't had a proper mental evaluation. Only Whites can be real Americans and make such decisions on deportation.
As your intellectual superior and defacto trainer, I am labeling you as too feral to live here in the US.
This is your feeling in your mind. I know you blacks live off your feels. But your feeling are wrong on this one. Unfortunately, you are a delusional and psychopathic negro that is an enemy to the American nation that must be deported to the heart of darkness that Joseph Conrad talked about in his novel.
I don't care what passport he held, shouldn't have been here in the first place if we had a sane immigration policy. We shouldn' t let mentally ill violent africans into our American nation.
How do you know when he was diagnosed idiot? You monkeys dont think logically do you?
It doesn't matter when he was diagnosed, there shouldn't be African immigration allowed into the United States. If we had a white only immigration policy. He would have been alive in the bush of Nigeria today.
Too bad. Black people are allowed to immigrate so there is not much you can do about it but go peel some bananas and groom yourself.
Plenty can be done, immigration law can be changed. It will be changed in Europe after these arab-black muslim hybrids from Algeria slaughtered those brave French journalists. America will follow suit.

Your banana stereotype makes no sense. That is a slur on black people. It would be like a Jew making a joke about a gentile being cheap or something. It makes no sense. It is just ironic.
You cant change shit. No one is going to listen to a wild monkey such as yourself. Stop eating the lice you pick of yourself. Its making you drunk.
This monkey slur makes no sense as you are the black person. It is ironic, but it isn't funny in the way you think it is. It just shows you as the monkey so it is funny for me not you.
We the people of the US. All of you cave monkeys need to be euthanized. You are an embarrassment to all of the sane white people.
"We the people of the US", only in your mentally ill mind. You should be given a psych evaluation and be shipped to Liberia or something.
You should be equipped with restraints and a muzzle and shipped back to the England zoo in the primate department.
You are in no position to make this decision as you are an 85 IQ dindu that hasn't had a proper mental evaluation. Only Whites can be real Americans and make such decisions on deportation.
As your intellectual superior and defacto trainer, I am labeling you as too feral to live here in the US.
This is your feeling in your mind. I know you blacks live off your feels. But your feeling are wrong on this one. Unfortunately, you are a delusional and psychopathic negro that is an enemy to the American nation that must be deported to the heart of darkness that Joseph Conrad talked about in his novel.
The sooner feral simians such as yourself are sterilized and experimented on the faster we will find a cure to your dysfunctional minds.
How do you know when he was diagnosed idiot? You monkeys dont think logically do you?
It doesn't matter when he was diagnosed, there shouldn't be African immigration allowed into the United States. If we had a white only immigration policy. He would have been alive in the bush of Nigeria today.
Too bad. Black people are allowed to immigrate so there is not much you can do about it but go peel some bananas and groom yourself.
Plenty can be done, immigration law can be changed. It will be changed in Europe after these arab-black muslim hybrids from Algeria slaughtered those brave French journalists. America will follow suit.

Your banana stereotype makes no sense. That is a slur on black people. It would be like a Jew making a joke about a gentile being cheap or something. It makes no sense. It is just ironic.
You cant change shit. No one is going to listen to a wild monkey such as yourself. Stop eating the lice you pick of yourself. Its making you drunk.
This monkey slur makes no sense as you are the black person. It is ironic, but it isn't funny in the way you think it is. It just shows you as the monkey so it is funny for me not you.
The monkey slur makes all the sense in the world as you are the furry one that attracts lice. You have small genitalia like the other primates and you smell like a dog when wet. You also have thin lips like most monkeys and apes.
"We the people of the US", only in your mentally ill mind. You should be given a psych evaluation and be shipped to Liberia or something.
You should be equipped with restraints and a muzzle and shipped back to the England zoo in the primate department.
You are in no position to make this decision as you are an 85 IQ dindu that hasn't had a proper mental evaluation. Only Whites can be real Americans and make such decisions on deportation.
As your intellectual superior and defacto trainer, I am labeling you as too feral to live here in the US.
This is your feeling in your mind. I know you blacks live off your feels. But your feeling are wrong on this one. Unfortunately, you are a delusional and psychopathic negro that is an enemy to the American nation that must be deported to the heart of darkness that Joseph Conrad talked about in his novel.
The sooner feral simians such as yourself are sterilized and experimented on the faster we will find a cure to your dysfunctional minds.

Calm down my nigga. Get control of your feels.

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