Police Kill Another Black Man...Computer Science Student

There must be another article that says the girlfriend told the police to take him to the hospital because it's not in this article. This girlfriend just gave the police a bottle of his medication, which the police would not do because the label had been altered.
Same article moron.

"A woman who he identified as his girlfriend tried to inform police of his mental health issues, O'Mara said."
Blaming the police for black boys getting into trouble and dying as a result makes about as much sense as blaming the medical profession for whatever ails you.

If you weren't sick, you wouldn't need the services.

If you are not misbehaving, you won't give the police probable cause to interfere with your day.

If today's 'good little boys who wouldn't hurt anyone' didn't act as 'bad little boys trying to hurt somebody', the police wouldn't need to be a part of the story.


The police have NO CHOICE but to detain and arrest people for crimes. NO CHOICE!! (except for the occasional 'cutting of slack' for a homeless shoplifter who stole food just to stay alive)

You wanna take the side of young black males (and females)? Teach them to respect the police and the laws we are supposed to live by. Reward them for good behavior.

What the hell is wrong with you people?
He shouldnt have been an inmate and we dont actually know if he was combative.
We also don't know that the cops are to blame for his death, but that hasn't stopped you from calling them killers.
Family How did student die in custody - CNN.com

Matthew Ajibade died in an isolation cell, after he "became combative during the booking process," according to a release from the Chatham County Sheriff's Office in Savannah, Georgia.

During the altercation, officials say, three deputies were injured, including a female sergeant who suffered a concussion and broken nose.

That doesn't square with family members' description of the 22-year-old, whom they described as a much-loved "geeky kid."

This is yet another case we have to depend on the testimony of the killers just because they are cops.
My heart pumps purple panther piss for you... now go fuck yourself.
You seem angry and irrational. Why are you so upset this early into the thread?
Maybe he is tired of racist liars like you.
There must be another article that says the girlfriend told the police to take him to the hospital because it's not in this article. This girlfriend just gave the police a bottle of his medication, which the police would not do because the label had been altered.
Same article moron.

"A woman who he identified as his girlfriend tried to inform police of his mental health issues, O'Mara said."
Hey stupid, you're wrong

Family How did student die in custody - CNN.com

It was indeed other reports claiming she and his manager asked him to be taken to the hospital. CNN must have posted this report before they embellished those details
Family says he was bipolar and having a medical emergency when he beat up his girlfriend and tried to smother her with a blanket. According to the article, cause of death is withheld pending the toxicology report.

What was the cause of death and what did the tox report show?
You cant read either? That means the tox report hasnt been completed yet.
That's why you have to wait before going off half cocked. You can't read, possibly because you want the police to have killed him rather than his dying of a massive heart attack in isolation.
You must have a brain cramp. What dont you get about he should have never been in custody?
I don't understand why you are persistent in claiming he shouldn't have been in custody. You weren't there. You know little or nothing of what actually happened. The only thing that drives your fervor in this case is the fact that it was a black boy and some white cops.

Family says he was bipolar and having a medical emergency when he beat up his girlfriend and tried to smother her with a blanket. According to the article, cause of death is withheld pending the toxicology report.

What was the cause of death and what did the tox report show?
You cant read either? That means the tox report hasnt been completed yet.
That's why you have to wait before going off half cocked. You can't read, possibly because you want the police to have killed him rather than his dying of a massive heart attack in isolation.
You must have a brain cramp. What dont you get about he should have never been in custody?
I don't understand why you are persistent in claiming he shouldn't have been in custody. You weren't there. You know little or nothing of what actually happened. The only thing that drives your fervor in this case is the fact that it was a black boy and some white cops.

She is a racist.
Only the millionth time a thug refused to comply and resisted arrest. I'm really sorry the kid died; hate it for his parents and friends, but I have little sympathy for thugs who fight the police. He started this shit by beating up on his girlfriend and then the cops.

I think this is actually the first post that supports murder for no reason or because the person was a bad guy. Ernie S is one of those old school republicans who are pro rights and...yanno, stuff
For no reason??????????? He beat the crap out of his girlfriend and then went after cops, both at the scene and afterwards at the jail.

I don't support murder at all. Cops effecting an arrest who unfortunately kill a suspect either by deadly force or use non lethal force to get him into a cell only to have him die from unknown (at this time) causes, are not murderers. They are just doing what we pay them to do.
The free ride is over, boy. Time for blacks to act civilized.
He was in jail alive then died..in police custody. Tell me what his offense has to do with him dying...you're suggesting that because he beat his gf then he shouldn't expect to be alive.

That doesn't make sense
Until we know what caused his death, we can't assign blame. Maybe the ass had a heart attack. Maybe he offed himself or died of an overdose. It's even possible he died from injuries suffered while he was being restrained. We don't know.
What we do know is that if he hadn't beaten his girlfriend and resisted arrest, he would likely be alive right now.
The question is, why are we allowing criminally prone, violent, mentally ill African immigrants into our country to begin with?
If he stayed in Nigeria he would have been alive today. This could have been stopped if we closed our borders to third world immigration .
The question is, why are we allowing criminally prone, violent, mentally ill African immigrants into our country to begin with?
For the same reason we allow you cave monkeys to live among us in the US. Everyone has a right to be a citizen.
No they don't. What dumb logic The notion everyone has a right to enter our country, that we have open borders to all the third world, is absurd. All you deserve is a ticket back to Africa, where this guy belonged as well.
Should be video of it.
What was he doing in a cell? He should have been at the hospital.
Violent mental cases go to isolation in the mental ward as well dumb ass. I know I saw them put there while I was in a mental facility. Va and civilian and military. They put them in the isolation cell and then leave them there till they calm down.

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