Police kill man in Maryland over red flag law

Y'all don't want crazy people to be able to purchase firearms unless you are crazy yourself. You don't trust the government to fairly enforce the law and you criticize Police Officers for protecting themselves so where does that leave us?

Crazies can't purchase firearms, 4473 and NICS check prevents that. Private sales, that can be a problem,, sometimes. Most private sellers will not sell to a crazy or druggie. If one does they are still responsible to the BATF and can be charged. Prob is they aren't.
Since this was just a scenario I hardly think that comes into play.
I still want to know what lead up to the cops being at his door.
Anonymous tip?
I mean whats the criteria when it comes to taking someones guns?

With red flag currently in 11 or 13 states it simply a matter of ANYONE, not someone of importance as someone said. Telling you should not have a gun, Family member, friend, enemie, neighbor, liar, anyone. Judge hears it, issues a go get em and they are at your door. NO DUE PROCESS as garunteed by the 5th.
Look, I have been a dealer, gunsmith, licensed of course. Even a manufacturer, my firearm records of manufacturing are online and FET taxes paind on every firearm. I was an 07FFL and class 2 SOT, SOT meaning NFA weapons (silencers, short barreled firearms, machineguns) and I could build them, and did. I have a large collection, also left over inventory firearms and ammo from retirement.

I know the rules and what rules are out there. I know why they fail also, People may have spent time in a mental lock up, even 3 days and the hospital never reported to the FBI database. One recent mass shooter got out of the AF on a bad conduct discharge. The AF never reported it, you can't own a gun with a BCD. This and thousands, hundreds of thousands of others that should have been reported are not. That's a problem. Not the gun or the responsible owner.

I don't want to see crazies with guns either but red flag is not the answer. Report crazies to the proper authorities and they can't get a gun. If they happen to buy guns off illegal sales, stolen whatever as MOST ARE, no law will stop that. Stop and frisk in Chiraq DID WORK but the liberal whiners had that stopped and of course shootings went up again.
Since this was just a scenario I hardly think that comes into play.
I still want to know what lead up to the cops being at his door.
Anonymous tip?
I mean whats the criteria when it comes to taking someones guns?

With red flag currently in 11 or 13 states it simply a matter of ANYONE, not someone of importance as someone said. Telling you should not have a gun, Family member, friend, enemie, neighbor, liar, anyone. Judge hears it, issues a go get em and they are at your door. NO DUE PROCESS as garunteed by the 5th.
Then it's time to resist strongly.
Since this was just a scenario I hardly think that comes into play.
I still want to know what lead up to the cops being at his door.
Anonymous tip?
I mean whats the criteria when it comes to taking someones guns?

With red flag currently in 11 or 13 states it simply a matter of ANYONE, not someone of importance as someone said. Telling you should not have a gun, Family member, friend, enemie, neighbor, liar, anyone. Judge hears it, issues a go get em and they are at your door. NO DUE PROCESS as garunteed by the 5th.

Sounds unconstitutional.....
Y'all don't want crazy people to be able to purchase firearms unless you are crazy yourself. You don't trust the government to fairly enforce the law and you criticize Police Officers for protecting themselves so where does that leave us?

Crazies can't purchase firearms, 4473 and NICS check prevents that. Private sales, that can be a problem,, sometimes. Most private sellers will not sell to a crazy or druggie. If one does they are still responsible to the BATF and can be charged. Prob is they aren't.
I refer you to the most notorious school shooting in American history. Democrats rigged the system so that a maniac that everybody was afraid of and was arrested and ordered to attend psychiatric counseling was able to purchase firearms and kill about 40 people in the Va. Tech Blacksburg university.
Leave us not forget that the title of the post was "police officers kill man in Maryland". It should be noted that 138 Police Officers died in the line of duty in 2019. Absent in the lame argument was the simple fact that the people are in charge and so far it seems that the best way to get the 2nd Amendment laws you think you can live with is to elect republicans.
If gun owning is your hobby, you just have to eat it. Go take up golf, instead.
Make me.

I'm just saying that you have to assume absolutely all responsibility for this crazy hobby of yours, little man. You're such a tough widdle boy when you've got your little artificial genital in your hand.
Rights are not hobbies, commie bitch.

Widdle man, the "commie" thing went out 50 years ago. It's so lame. There are legitimate limitations on rights. One cannot exercise a right in a manner that poses a danger to society. It's crazy prancers and ranters like you, who just want to intimidate the public, who prove the need for common-sense gun-control laws. BTW: communism is an economic system.
And exactly whose side of the story is this?
Oh wait....the cops side only. :rolleyes:

Good thing there's no such thing as corrupt cops.

So, if two Republican cops decide they want you dead....for whatever reason......
Just come to your door, then shoot you ....twice..then both claim you pointed your gun at them.

You filthy dangerous criminal.....you.

Funny thing. When the cops shoot unarmed black people, you wingnuts are all for them.

But man, they shoot a white gun nut who was stupid enough to wave a gun at them after someone in his life reported he was kind of a nut, and you guys are all up in arms.
And exactly whose side of the story is this?
Oh wait....the cops side only. :rolleyes:

Good thing there's no such thing as corrupt cops.

So, if two Republican cops decide they want you dead....for whatever reason......
Just come to your door, then shoot you ....twice..then both claim you pointed your gun at them.

You filthy dangerous criminal.....you.

Funny thing. When the cops shoot unarmed black people, you wingnuts are all for them.

But man, they shoot a white gun nut who was stupid enough to wave a gun at them after someone in his life reported he was kind of a nut, and you guys are all up in arms.

Yup. If a black guy is stopped by the cops, he has to face them, keep his hands in the air, and do everything they tell him to. Black folks get shot even if they are running away.

If a white man is confronted by cops, has a gun and waves it around, or looks like he's reaching for a gun, and the cops shoot him, the RWNJ's go hysterical. This clown even fired the weapon before being shot.

I remember the jackass that was killed during the takeover of the wild-life preserve in Oregon. He had his hands up, but then reached inside his jacket. Dumb. And he had actually said days earlier that he was going to die. The RWNJ's went crazy.

There seems to be a rule in the RWNJ subculture that no one is allowed to stop a crazy white guy who has a gun. They are above the law.
Y'all don't want crazy people to be able to purchase firearms unless you are crazy yourself. You don't trust the government to fairly enforce the law and you criticize Police Officers for protecting themselves so where does that leave us?
Where was it proven that this guy was crazy?

He had no notice of a hearing
He had no legal counsel
There was no evaluation by a medical professional

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Not knowing what lead up to the cops knocking on this guys door makes it impossible to comment with any accuracy.
They were there to serve the red flag order and confiscate his firearms

If it turns out he was in his front yard threatening people the action would be justified.

And whose word will you take?
You do know that there is no such thing as a "corrupt cop" don't you?

Since this was just a scenario I hardly think that comes into play.
I still want to know what lead up to the cops being at his door.
Anonymous tip?
I mean whats the criteria when it comes to taking someones guns?
I already told you why the cops were there.

Someone told a judge that they thought he was a danger to himself or others and the judge issued a red flag order

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Who says that says cops won't enforce unconstitutional laws? I call BS. Some will and it is those who are the nazis.

View attachment 303249

FERNADALE, Md. (WJZ) — A 61-year-old man is dead after he was shot by an officer trying to enforce Maryland’s new ‘red flag’ law in Ferndale Monday morning.

Anne Arundel County Police confirmed the police-involved shooting happened in the 100 block of Linwood Avenue around 5:17 a.m.

Maryland’s ‘Red Flag’ Law Turns Deadly: Officer Kills Man Who Refused To Turn In Gun

Virginia House passes Dems' gun reform laws 10 days after protests


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