Police knew that the El Paso shooter had an ak47 and that he intended to use it, but did nothing

Police are trained in how to both deal and spot mentally I'll persons, they deal with this every day

What cave do you live in

How much supporting evidence for my position do you need? I'd just like to know up front so I do not waste my time?

If you say none will matter, I won't.
All police get training in how to spot and deal with special needs people, who routinely break the law.
If your police dept does not they should not be on the road

You didn't answer my question. Having "a class" on dealing with the mentally ill is not being trained on how to deal with the mentally ill and there are examples all the time where it's obvious many do not know how to.

How much corroborating evidence do you require?
If you need more evidence than 32 bodies you are a piece of shit from the whacko nra
A mother calling anonymously and saying her son was "immature" and untrained in heavy fire power guns does not constitute "mental illness." You cannot factually tie this phone call to the cops goofing up due to a lack of mental health training. They asked her twice if he was suicidal or had threatened others, and to her knowledge, the answer was no..
-------------------------------------- mental health training in a Class given by a 'head doktor' is not reason enough to lock up an American [imo] . Course , I hear that it was done all the time in the 'ussr' and Nazi germany,

As usual there were tips in place to law enforcement who were felt it more important not to miss their meeting at the donut shop.


I heard alittle about that. I just don't think there is allot the cops could have done.

With that being the conversation we should be having, but we are not. Maybe there is nothing in the end they could have done but unless we start asking ourselves this question we will never know.

Most of the people who end up doing something like this have all kinds of red flags in their past.

James Holmes therapist said that he threatened her life but no one did anything. On the other hand there are many troubled people that never harm anyone outside of themselves.

We will never address this because fighting partisan political arguments is more important. A few dead is worth the price of winning power.
------------------------------------------- my only response would be that I GUESS that this 'j. holmes' didn't break any laws with his threats to his therapist Pknopf .
How much supporting evidence for my position do you need? I'd just like to know up front so I do not waste my time?

If you say none will matter, I won't.
All police get training in how to spot and deal with special needs people, who routinely break the law.
If your police dept does not they should not be on the road

You didn't answer my question. Having "a class" on dealing with the mentally ill is not being trained on how to deal with the mentally ill and there are examples all the time where it's obvious many do not know how to.

How much corroborating evidence do you require?
If you need more evidence than 32 bodies you are a piece of shit from the whacko nra
A mother calling anonymously and saying her son was "immature" and untrained in heavy fire power guns does not constitute "mental illness." You cannot factually tie this phone call to the cops goofing up due to a lack of mental health training. They asked her twice if he was suicidal or had threatened others, and to her knowledge, the answer was no..

We will never stop every single person that wants to do harm from doing harm but James Holmes threatened to kill his therapist. She could not get anyone to do anything about that.

And unless the mother called from some outside source there is no such thing as an anonymous call to the police.
Our whole society needs more awareness of mental health issues. Right now there are still millions of people in our country who think counseling is bullshit and that prescription medication to control depression is dangerous and poisonous.
We have a long way to go.
All police get training in how to spot and deal with special needs people, who routinely break the law.
If your police dept does not they should not be on the road

You didn't answer my question. Having "a class" on dealing with the mentally ill is not being trained on how to deal with the mentally ill and there are examples all the time where it's obvious many do not know how to.

How much corroborating evidence do you require?
---------------------------------- I think that you actually need a crime Pnopf .

Is threatening to kill someone a crime? Can making a list of people you want to kill be considered a crime?

Yes, in CA:

(a) Any person who willfully threatens to commit a crime which will result in death or great bodily injury to another person, with the specific intent that the statement, made verbally, in writing, or by means of an electronic communication device, is to be taken as a threat, even if there is no intent of actually carrying it out, which, on its face and under the circumstances in which it is made, is so unequivocal, unconditional, immediate, and specific as to convey to the person threatened, a gravity of purpose and an immediate prospect of execution of the threat, and thereby causes that person reasonably to be in sustained fear for his or her own safety or for his or her immediate family's safety, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed one year, or by imprisonment in the state prison.

LINK: CA Penal Code Flashcards

Scroll down to PC 422

OK and while Colorado is not California, James Holmes threatened to kill his therapist. She said she could not get anyone to do anything.

Has that been addressed? Not that I'm aware.

Don't know, I only know what the CA Penal Code and Welfare and Institutions code address: 5150 and 5250 W&I are civil detentions based on a psychiatrists determination that someone like Holmes is a danger to himself or others.

The first allows the doctor to detain the person for 72 hours for an evaluation; the second for 14 days for treatment. Then, if the doctor determines the patient needs further treatment they will petition the court for temporary conservatorship, and can incarcerate the patient for long term treatment to be reviewed every 6 months by the court, in a Locked Psychiatric Hospital (public or private) or an unlocked state hospital such as the one in Napa, CA.

As usual there were tips in place to law enforcement who were felt it more important not to miss their meeting at the donut shop.


I heard alittle about that. I just don't think there is allot the cops could have done.

With that being the conversation we should be having, but we are not. Maybe there is nothing in the end they could have done but unless we start asking ourselves this question we will never know.

Most of the people who end up doing something like this have all kinds of red flags in their past.

James Holmes therapist said that he threatened her life but no one did anything. On the other hand there are many troubled people that never harm anyone outside of themselves.

We will never address this because fighting partisan political arguments is more important. A few dead is worth the price of winning power.
------------------------------------------- my only response would be that I GUESS that this 'j. holmes' didn't break any laws with his threats to his therapist Pknopf .

Did you know that threatening to kill an individual, race of people, and more could result in criminal charges and prison time? Whether you post that threat on social media or call and threaten someone over the phone, threats of bodily harm and homicide are not tolerated at the state or federal level.

Colorado Murder Threat Defense Attorney - Rubinstein Law Offices

You didn't answer my earlier question as to why you jumped to the conclusion that I was advocating gun control.
I get it, but in all those cases say they took the guns, what would the news been then? Corrupt FBI confiscating guns! 1776,1776! No frame had been committed. This ain't the minority report. We can't arrest or detain folks just because we think they will commit a crime.
No, but on a judge's order, we should be able to take their guns. Temporarily.

Who decides? A judge with no mental health training whatsoever?

How would you feel if I convinced a judge that your elevator no longer reached the top floor (and it doesn't) and you no longer needed access to the internet to spread lies?
It doesn't seem to be a problem in the states that already have ERPO laws. You would have to ask a judge how they make decisions in MANY cases without a mental health degree. I think expert testimony is usually relied on.
Judges can order mental exams, they do not need decide without a degree
Anyone who thinks he needs an AR-15 needs a mental exam.
--------------------------------------- what if he just WANTS an AR15 in this still kinda Free Country TAZ ??

As usual there were tips in place to law enforcement who were felt it more important not to miss their meeting at the donut shop.


I heard alittle about that. I just don't think there is allot the cops could have done.

With that being the conversation we should be having, but we are not. Maybe there is nothing in the end they could have done but unless we start asking ourselves this question we will never know.

Most of the people who end up doing something like this have all kinds of red flags in their past.

James Holmes therapist said that he threatened her life but no one did anything. On the other hand there are many troubled people that never harm anyone outside of themselves.

We will never address this because fighting partisan political arguments is more important. A few dead is worth the price of winning power.
------------------------------------------- my only response would be that I GUESS that this 'j. holmes' didn't break any laws with his threats to his therapist Pknopf .

Did you know that threatening to kill an individual, race of people, and more could result in criminal charges and prison time? Whether you post that threat on social media or call and threaten someone over the phone, threats of bodily harm and homicide are not tolerated at the state or federal level.

Colorado Murder Threat Defense Attorney - Rubinstein Law Offices

You didn't answer my earlier question as to why you jumped to the conclusion that I was advocating gun control.
------------------------------------ first , you sound like YOU are looking for MORE laws , rules and regulations of Gun Owners Pknopf . That being said and just looking at Rubenstein words on Threats I GUESS that 'j. holmes' threats fell through the cracks and he wasn't Prosecuted Pknopf . [as I roll my eyes]

As usual there were tips in place to law enforcement who were felt it more important not to miss their meeting at the donut shop.


I heard alittle about that. I just don't think there is allot the cops could have done.

With that being the conversation we should be having, but we are not. Maybe there is nothing in the end they could have done but unless we start asking ourselves this question we will never know.

Most of the people who end up doing something like this have all kinds of red flags in their past.

James Holmes therapist said that he threatened her life but no one did anything. On the other hand there are many troubled people that never harm anyone outside of themselves.

We will never address this because fighting partisan political arguments is more important. A few dead is worth the price of winning power.
------------------------------------------- my only response would be that I GUESS that this 'j. holmes' didn't break any laws with his threats to his therapist Pknopf .

Did you know that threatening to kill an individual, race of people, and more could result in criminal charges and prison time? Whether you post that threat on social media or call and threaten someone over the phone, threats of bodily harm and homicide are not tolerated at the state or federal level.

Colorado Murder Threat Defense Attorney - Rubinstein Law Offices

You didn't answer my earlier question as to why you jumped to the conclusion that I was advocating gun control.
------------------------------------ first , you sound like YOU are looking for MORE laws , rules and regulations of Gun Owners Pknopf . That being said and just looking at Rubenstein words on Threats I GUESS that 'j. holmes' threats fell through the cracks and he wasn't Prosecuted Pknopf . [as I roll my eyes]

So in the end you jumped to conclusions and dismissed obvious concerns but still think your changing of my name here is cute.

It's no wonder it's so hard to address anything.
All police get training in how to spot and deal with special needs people, who routinely break the law.
If your police dept does not they should not be on the road

You didn't answer my question. Having "a class" on dealing with the mentally ill is not being trained on how to deal with the mentally ill and there are examples all the time where it's obvious many do not know how to.

How much corroborating evidence do you require?
If you need more evidence than 32 bodies you are a piece of shit from the whacko nra
A mother calling anonymously and saying her son was "immature" and untrained in heavy fire power guns does not constitute "mental illness." You cannot factually tie this phone call to the cops goofing up due to a lack of mental health training. They asked her twice if he was suicidal or had threatened others, and to her knowledge, the answer was no..

We will never stop every single person that wants to do harm from doing harm but James Holmes threatened to kill his therapist. She could not get anyone to do anything about that.

And unless the mother called from some outside source there is no such thing as an anonymous call to the police.
Our whole society needs more awareness of mental health issues. Right now there are still millions of people in our country who think counseling is bullshit and that prescription medication to control depression is dangerous and poisonous.
We have a long way to go.
---------------------------------- yep , more brainwashing propaganda to Go OldLady .
His family thought he was a little immature to own the gun. Well we can't just go around locking people up with the thought police. We live in a country that gives us rights. It's kind of funny that the OP is the same kind of person that argues for the rights of the 2nd Amendment, but then as an armchair quarterback posts something negative about cops for not violating the shooter's 2nd Amendment rights to legally own the gun.

I get it, but in all those cases say they took the guns, what would the news been then? Corrupt FBI confiscating guns! 1776,1776! No frame had been committed. This ain't the minority report. We can't arrest or detain folks just because we think they will commit a crime.
No, but on a judge's order, we should be able to take their guns. Temporarily.

Who decides? A judge with no mental health training whatsoever?

How would you feel if I convinced a judge that your elevator no longer reached the top floor (and it doesn't) and you no longer needed access to the internet to spread lies?
It doesn't seem to be a problem in the states that already have ERPO laws. You would have to ask a judge how they make decisions in MANY cases without a mental health degree. I think expert testimony is usually relied on.
Judges can order mental exams, they do not need decide without a degree
Anyone who thinks he needs an AR-15 needs a mental exam.
Worse the ak47 was designed specifically to kill Americans

As usual there were tips in place to law enforcement who were felt it more important not to miss their meeting at the donut shop.

Why in the heck would you say such a thing?

Your linked article explains the call, and your evil stoking comment is the problem with the world today...
If the police cant stop mass killings when they have the name of the killer before, the police are useless.

He wasn't a killer till he killed.
No, but on a judge's order, we should be able to take their guns. Temporarily.

Who decides? A judge with no mental health training whatsoever?

How would you feel if I convinced a judge that your elevator no longer reached the top floor (and it doesn't) and you no longer needed access to the internet to spread lies?
It doesn't seem to be a problem in the states that already have ERPO laws. You would have to ask a judge how they make decisions in MANY cases without a mental health degree. I think expert testimony is usually relied on.
Judges can order mental exams, they do not need decide without a degree
Anyone who thinks he needs an AR-15 needs a mental exam.
--------------------------------------- what if he just WANTS an AR15 in this still kinda Free Country TAZ ??

Let's be real and consider guns can be purchased legally, or on the black market, or stolen.

I'm not greatly familiar with HIPAA, does anyone know if HIPPA Compliance would prevent the medical community from reporting to a National Date Base which would deny the sale or loan of a gun to someone who should not have one***?

Of course Moscow Mitch won't bring up the bill already passed by the H. or Rep, so no National Data Base will ever be established as long as that corrupt person remains in the Senate.

***What would define "shall not have one"?
I heard alittle about that. I just don't think there is allot the cops could have done.

With that being the conversation we should be having, but we are not. Maybe there is nothing in the end they could have done but unless we start asking ourselves this question we will never know.

Most of the people who end up doing something like this have all kinds of red flags in their past.

James Holmes therapist said that he threatened her life but no one did anything. On the other hand there are many troubled people that never harm anyone outside of themselves.

We will never address this because fighting partisan political arguments is more important. A few dead is worth the price of winning power.
------------------------------------------- my only response would be that I GUESS that this 'j. holmes' didn't break any laws with his threats to his therapist Pknopf .

Did you know that threatening to kill an individual, race of people, and more could result in criminal charges and prison time? Whether you post that threat on social media or call and threaten someone over the phone, threats of bodily harm and homicide are not tolerated at the state or federal level.

Colorado Murder Threat Defense Attorney - Rubinstein Law Offices

You didn't answer my earlier question as to why you jumped to the conclusion that I was advocating gun control.
------------------------------------ first , you sound like YOU are looking for MORE laws , rules and regulations of Gun Owners Pknopf . That being said and just looking at Rubenstein words on Threats I GUESS that 'j. holmes' threats fell through the cracks and he wasn't Prosecuted Pknopf . [as I roll my eyes]

So in the end you jumped to conclusions and dismissed obvious concerns but still think your changing of my name here is cute.

It's no wonder it's so hard to address anything.
------------------------------------ no one is changing your name with ill intent . It is an ODD name and I don't always remember how to spell it Pknopp . Please consider it to be TYPOS or old age Pknopp .
His family thought he was a little immature to own the gun. Well we can't just go around locking people up with the thought police. We live in a country that gives us rights. It's kind of funny that the OP is the same kind of person that argues for the rights of the 2nd Amendment, but then as an armchair quarterback posts something negative about cops for not violating the shooter's 2nd Amendment rights to legally own the gun.


That isn't the argument. James Holmes threatened his therapists life. That looks to be a crime in Colorado. His therapist testified in court that she could not get anyone to do anything.

There is a good argument there that James Holmes should have been arrested and all that goes with that.

We do not know all the reasons this guys mom called. Maybe a visit by someone trained in things like this could have better explained her call. Maybe not. The argument is not that we can stop every single person intent on harming others. The argument is whether we are doing enough where we can.

As usual there were tips in place to law enforcement who were felt it more important not to miss their meeting at the donut shop.


What could the police have done without any names? Nothing.
The police had his name kid, it was the shooters mother who called.

From your article: he mother did not provide her name or her son's name, and police did not seek any additional information from her before the call concluded, they added.

So how did they get his name?
Conclusions , sounds to me that your posts advocate MORE Laws , rules and regulations on Gun Owners Pnopp .

As usual there were tips in place to law enforcement who were felt it more important not to miss their meeting at the donut shop.

Why in the heck would you say such a thing?

Your linked article explains the call, and your evil stoking comment is the problem with the world today...
If the police cant stop mass killings when they have the name of the killer before, the police are useless.

You cannot read very well.
Police are trained in how to both deal and spot mentally I'll persons, they deal with this every day

What cave do you live in

How much supporting evidence for my position do you need? I'd just like to know up front so I do not waste my time?

If you say none will matter, I won't.
All police get training in how to spot and deal with special needs people, who routinely break the law.
If your police dept does not they should not be on the road

You didn't answer my question. Having "a class" on dealing with the mentally ill is not being trained on how to deal with the mentally ill and there are examples all the time where it's obvious many do not know how to.

How much corroborating evidence do you require?
If you need more evidence than 32 bodies you are a piece of shit from the whacko nra
A mother calling anonymously and saying her son was "immature" and untrained in heavy fire power guns does not constitute "mental illness." You cannot factually tie this phone call to the cops goofing up due to a lack of mental health training. They asked her twice if he was suicidal or had threatened others, and to her knowledge, the answer was no..
A mother is not required to say her kid is unstable nor should she have to. She did the right thing. You failed her

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