Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

. .. and you think those morons voted for Hillary Clinton?

It is your contention these are all Democrats, is that it?


Or perhaps, just moderate Republicans perhaps? Let me look close at the picture, maybe there are some black folks in there. . .

This? As I say, is empirical proof, for what I wrote, "the GOP is home to all sorts of racist vermin, that helped Trump get into office."

If some came from far away to this rally, I am sure there are thousands more that just stayed home and only voted.

Biggest w.s. rally in generations. That day, they not only got a ton of themselves to show, but tricked a lot of other people to show up, to bolster their numbers. It was a great achievement for them.

How many w.s. are there in this country?
It doesn't, facts and logic don't work to counter emotional arguments or lies propagated by those making them.
That raises some interesting questions.

Is there anything that does work to counter emotional arguments or lies?

If not, is there even any point to talking with progressives?
Yes it has. Every time you try to abolish freedom, the Second Amendment prevents you from doing so. That keeps us free.

The First Amendment and the vote keeps us free

A free Press, freedom of Speech, freedom of assembly along with a vote keeps Government in check

We have NEVER relied on the second amendment to keep us free
The First Amendment and the vote keeps us free

A free Press, freedom of Speech, freedom of assembly along with a vote keeps Government in check

We have NEVER relied on the second amendment to keep us free
Free press now that's hilarious.

Our so called free press is nothing but a corporate conglomerate controlled PR propaganda tool
Tell me Struth why hasn't any of those on the right condemned this shooting. Why are they silent? Trump, McConnell, McCarthy, Uncle Tim, Uncle Walker, etc.
Tell me Struth why hasn't any of those on the right condemned this shooting. Why are they silent? Trump, McConnell, McCarthy, Uncle Tim, Uncle Walker, etc.
What I don't understand is why the Negores that have been committing the mass shootings recently have not been charged with a hate crime but this White guy was? Even though he killed White people in addition to the welfare Negroes at the store using their EBIT cards?

If this guy was Black he would be let out with $200 in bail, just like most Negroes are, wouldn't he?
What I don't understand is why the Negores that have been committing the mass shootings recently have not been charged with a hate crime but this White guy was? Even though he killed White people in addition to the welfare Negroes at the store using their EBIT cards?

If this guy was Black he would be let out with $200 in bail, just like most Negroes are, wouldn't he?
You defend this guy because he is cut from the same racist cloth as you. This coward managed to muster up the balls to do what your racist coward ass dreams of doing. Where the white folks in there using their EBT cards as well? If he were black he probably would have been shot on site.
More-so today than ever

A free press kept President Trump in check
That is why he hated them and tried to delegitimize them
The so called free press is nothing but a corporate owned propaganda machine.

There is no such thing as a free press when what is reported is decided by a board of directors
The so called free press is nothing but a corporate owned propaganda machine.

There is no such thing as a free press when what is reported is decided by a board of directors

The Free Press faced a challenge never before seen with Trump

He could lie faster than they could fact check

But still, they kept the public informed and prevented Trump from rampaging unchecked
Bernie Sanders is not responsible for the Congressional baseball shooting. Barack Obama is not responsible for the mass shooting of Dallas police officers. And Tucker Carlson is not responsible for the Buffalo massacre.

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