Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

Is that why he threw all the Socialists in the con-centration camps first?

Do you guys actually think that point is clever? Really?

Oh....you must think you are talking to a biden voter........
Rachel Maddow is just as dangerous as Tucker Carlson, just for different misinformational reasons.
Rachel Maddow is just as dangerous as Tucker Carlson, just for different misinformational reasons.
Rachel Maddow is more manly than Tucker

Oh ok.

And she may be right, last time I was in a Target, judging by the posters on the walls, you would swear black people make up 75% of the population. Same with commercials on TV. Welcome to "equity".
Thank you. All I did was point out the ridiculous percentage of posters and ads featuring black people, and only black people, given that they are such a minority, and bam! the wrath of liberals reigned down.

Many stores had multiple posters on their windows, of only blacks, and when you walked inside, the pattern continued - only blacks. I was looking for hair conditioner, and the manufacturer had four shelves of products - each with a photo. Each of the four photos was of a black. If you didn’t realize that you were looking at “wokeism,” you would swear it was a hair product for blacks.

Same with Turbo Tax. On their email marketing piece, they featured three people who were happy customers - two black women, and one black male. Again, you would think that Turbo Tax was a product for blacks.

But if any whitey dare point out how ridiculous it is for companies to feature ONLY blacks, with not a single white person, given that they are barely 14% of the population, expect to be raked over the coals. We whites are just supposed to silently accept that we are being discriminated against, so much so that even the president admitted it.
Thank you. All I did was point out the ridiculous percentage of posters and ads featuring black people, and only black people, given that they are such a minority, and bam! the wrath of liberals reigned down.

Many stores had multiple posters on their windows, of only blacks, and when you walked inside, the pattern continued - only blacks. I was looking for hair conditioner, and the manufacturer had four shelves of products - each with a photo. Each of the four photos was of a black. If you didn’t realize that you were looking at “wokeism,” you would swear it was a hair product for blacks.

Same with Turbo Tax. On their email marketing piece, they featured three people who were happy customers - two black women, and one black male. Again, you would think that Turbo Tax was a product for blacks.

But if any whitey dare point out how ridiculous it is for companies to feature ONLY blacks, with not a single white person, given that they are barely 14% of the population, expect to be raked over the coals. We whites are just supposed to silently accept that we are being discriminated against, so much so that even the president admitted it.
You really need to get a life
You really need to get a life
You really need to stop insulting people who simply point out that the left is overcompensating to such an extreme that they are now discriminating against whites.

I don’t think models and actors for posters and commercials should be picked on the basis of race, prioritizing one race above others.
Ok... A Manchurian candidate is a person, especially a politician, being used as a puppet by an enemy power. The term is commonly used to indicate disloyalty or corruption, whether intentional or unintentional...

Ok apply this to the case at hand.. Thanks
Nope. Wrong. Not as a puppet. That would be DJT being unwittingly used by Russians. The Puppet President

M Candidate is not aware of anything. It is triggered and acts deeper than a sleeper agent who knows they are hiding

But thank you for segueing into Trump being an unwitting Russian Agent
You really need to stop insulting people who simply point out that the left is overcompensating to such an extreme that they are now discriminating against whites.

I don’t think models and actors for posters and commercials should be picked on the basis of race, prioritizing one race above others.
You feel discriminated against? lol

You really need to stop insulting people who simply point out that the left is overcompensating to such an extreme that they are now discriminating against whites.

I don’t think models and actors for posters and commercials should be picked on the basis of race, prioritizing one race above others.

I remember rants like yours in the 60s and 70s when they started giving blacks more substantial roles in movies and TV

The idea of targeting your product to more than a Lilly white audience outraged them

You need to lighten up
You feel discriminated against? lol

Says a liberal who has made the most important issue n the country black victimhood.

When the president of the United States announces that whites will not be considered for an important role based on nothing else than skin color, yes….we have a problem. Whites have had enough of this shit.
I remember rants like yours in the 60s and 70s when they started giving blacks more substantial roles in movies and TV

The idea of targeting your product to more than a Lilly white audience outraged them

You need to lighten up
And again…. The liberal misstates my objection because otherwise there’s no argument.

I do not object to anything other than Lily white. I object when manufacturers avoid ANY whites and feature blacks, and blacks only.

And you know it. But if you were to respond to THAT ^^^ , you’d have no cause. So, like a typical leftist, you make A false accusation.
Says a liberal who has made the most important issue n the country black victimhood.

When the president of the United States announces that whites will not be considered for an important role based on nothing else than skin color, yes….we have a problem. Whites have had enough of this shit.
Reagan promised to nominate a woman, locking out all men

Grow up. Learn to think for yourself and step back from feeling like a victim. It’s unseemly and is an embarrassment to the idea of Americans being strong

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