Police State: Executive Order On Cybersecurity Is 'Close To Completion'...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Another day, another Presidential decree. So tragic, most Americans just don't care. Big Brother and his Media minions have the People hooked on meaningless tabloid nonsense, disguised as 'News.' Meanwhile, the power-grab goes on.

Napolitano: Executive order on cybersecurity is 'close to completion'

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Wednesday said the cybersecurity executive order that the White House is drafting is "close to completion."

At a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing, Napolitano said the executive order is "still being drafted in the inter-agency process" and "is close to completion depending on a few issues that need to be resolved at the highest levels."

She said the draft order still needs to be reviewed by President Obama.

The White House is crafting a draft executive order aimed at protecting the nation from cyberattacks targeting critical infrastructure, such as the electric grid, water systems and transportation networks. The order would create a voluntary program in which companies operating key infrastructure would elect to meet a set of security standards developed, in part, by the government.

The White House began to explore an executive order last month after Senate Republicans blocked a sweeping cybersecurity bill from Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.). The executive order aims to encourage critical infrastructure operators to beef up the security measures they use to protect their computer systems and networks from hackers.

The draft has been circulated to relevant agency officials over the past month for feedback, as The Hill first reported.

The voluntary program in the draft order is based on a measure in Lieberman's bill that drew opposition from GOP senators and business lobbying groups, chiefly the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Critics argued that the program would serve as a backdoor for regulatory agencies to force companies to meet new security standards.

Napolitano again urged Congress to enact comprehensive cybersecurity legislation, arguing the White House cannot completely address the threat on its own. She noted that DHS is limited in the number of trained cyber personnel it can hire, which cannot be addressed by an executive order...

Napolitano: Executive order on cybersecurity is 'close to completion' - The Hill's Hillicon Valley
Big Brother Media tabloid nonsense has become like a crack addiction for Americans. They just can't get enough of it. America's future does not look bright.
Another thing we'll be looking at if this moron get's another 4 years: illegal executive orders.
If Obama gets another four years, you can kiss this country's freedom and liberty goodbye. Not to mention SCOTUS appointments.
Granny says, "Now dem Chinamens is tryin' to steal our top military secrets...
US cyberchief accuses China of targeting Pentagon
Sat, Sep 29, 2012 - The US Cyber Command’s top intelligence officer accused China on Thursday of persistent efforts to pierce Pentagon computer networks and said a proposal was moving forward to boost the cybercommand in the US military hierarchy.
“Their level of effort against the Department of Defense is constant,” while alleged Chinese attempts to steal corporate trade secrets has been growing, Rear Admiral Samuel Cox, the command’s director of intelligence, said after remarks to a forum on the history of cyberthreats. The Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive, a US intelligence arm, said in a landmark report a year ago that “Chinese actors are the world’s most persistent perpetrators of economic espionage.” “It’s continuing apace,” Cox said. “In fact, I’d say it’s still accelerating.”

He accused China of trying to “exfiltrate” Pentagon secrets — jargon for sneaking them out. Asked whether any classified US networks had been successfully penetrated — something not publicly known to have occurred — Cox replied: “I can’t really get into that.” A spokesman for the Chinese embassy did not immediately respond to a request for comment. In the past Chinese officials have denied such accusations. Cyber Command is responsible for defending Defense Department networks as well as mounting any US offensive operations in cyberspace. It was created about two years ago as a unit of the US Strategic Command, the outfit responsible for US nuclear and space operations.

Cox said a proposal was moving forward to elevate the cyberwarfare unit to the status of a full unified combatant command. This would put it on the same footing as its parent Strategic Command and the Defense Department’s eight other top-level military units. The matter was headed to the US secretary of defense and the president for a decision that possibly would come by the end of the year, he said. Cox spoke after telling a conference hosted by the Atlantic Council think tank that the overall sophistication and danger of cyberthreats is increasing at “an accelerating rate, not a linear rate.”

The US is among the few countries reliably reported to have mounted a destructive keyboard-launched attack — against Iran’s disputed nuclear centrifuges using malicious code known as Stuxnet that surfaced in 2010. Army General Keith Alexander, who simultaneously heads Cyber Command and the National Security Agency, told a forum in July that unspecified foreign countries, hackers and criminal gangs contributed to a 17-fold jump in cyberattacks on US infrastructure from 2009 to last year. Promoting Cyber Command in the military hierarchy would simplify its operations in cyberspace and boost its ability to work directly with US government agencies, allies and coalition partners.

US cyberchief accuses China of targeting Pentagon - Taipei Times

See also:

U.S. banks overwhelmed in cyberattacks
Sept. 28,`12 (UPI) -- A computer security expert said U.S. banks were besieged this week with "unprecedented" cyberattacks meant to disrupt business.
Attacks systematically hit Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, U.S. Bank and PNC Bank, CNNMoney reported Friday. "The volume of traffic sent to these sites is frankly unprecedented," said Dmitri Alperovitch, co-founder of CrowdStrike, which is involved in an investigation of the cyberattacks.

The attacks were meant to overwhelm computer systems, with more requests for service than the systems can handle. The attacks were enormous, Alperovitch said. "It's 10 to 20 times the volume that we normally see, and twice the previous record for a denial-of-service attack."

The attacks are referred to as "denial-of-service" because a bank's computers are kept so busy denying service to unwanted requests that other parts of the system are slowed or the systems simply crash. To pull off such an attack, "thousands of high-powered applications servers," send requests to the banks, CNNMoney reported. The attacks did not involve theft of personal information, officials said.

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Business_News/20...yberattacks/UPI-28911348850124/#ixzz27p6cZDFP
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Always a new Boogeyman for the People to fear. Big Brother's got that one down to a science.
80 million Americans are armed. My guess is 40 million are willing to go to war here. My next guess is the other 40 million will follow soon after. Better hope this guy doesn't win and the Reps' get the Senate as well.

It's Obby's war not ours. He starting it.

Barack Hussein Obama: ‘There
80 million Americans are armed. My guess is 40 million are willing to go to war here. My next guess is the other 40 million will follow soon after. Better hope this guy doesn't win and the Reps' get the Senate as well.

It's Obby's war not ours. He starting it.

Barack Hussein Obama: ‘There

The NDAA was passed to be used against American Citizens. And it will be.
No unfortunately I am too wired in. Nothing surprises me. Nothing amazes me. And I see everything for what it is regardless of how stupid, ridiculous or real it may be.
80 million Americans are armed. My guess is 40 million are willing to go to war here. My next guess is the other 40 million will follow soon after. Better hope this guy doesn't win and the Reps' get the Senate as well.

It's Obby's war not ours. He starting it.

Barack Hussein Obama: ‘There

I'm sure you'll be joining this imaginary war right behind the guys with the balls to start it, behind the guys who follow them and behind the guys behind the guys who follow them. That's about when you'll join in in killing your fellow Americans. Just when you see it's cool enough to fit in.

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