Policies that Newt and Mitt supported before Obama administration


Senior Member
Nov 19, 2011
Wonkbook: Gingrich and Romney have the same problem - The Washington Post

So Mitt Romney is now saying Newt Gingrich is an "extremely unreliable leader in the conservative world.” This is the pot is calling the kettle a flip-flopper. The problem for Romney, of course, is that he and Gingrich share their weaknesses. They have both supported national health-care plans that included an individual mandate. They have both supported action to curb carbon emissions. Neither truly embraced Rep. Paul Ryan's budget.
yep.... Republicans are like Chameleons.... they were "for" a lot of things before they were against them.
So because they've learned something since then that's bad?
Nahhh... I don't believe that... they are just doing what they do to try to get elected...or in this case, win a nomination. Actually, on this one? I was probably a little harsh on the GOP... both sides do it to one extent or another.
Watch it. You'll be amazed at how similar it is to Obamacare.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcSjLvWLcxE]Newt in 2005 Supporting Individual Mandate - YouTube[/ame]
And Newt and Mitt were for it before they were against it.

The part that gets the right most upset now, the individual mandate, they used to call personal responsibility.

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