Political analyst on MSNBC: Time to start arresting Republicans for "misinformation".

No the mainstream media showed itself to be the enemy of the people.
But I'm a liberal and I love the media. The media is important to stop a corrupt government. Look at how Saudi Arabia killed that media guy. Putin kills media. Trump hates the media too. Stop being dumb. What would we know if it weren't for the media.

And for the record, you love the media and are swallowing slanted right leaning media that doesn't even pretend anymore to be Fair and Balanced. Remember Fox tried to pull that slogan off? What a joke right? Total right wing bullshit. Farthest from the truth.

Didn't Hillary win the popular vote? Didn't Biden too? So no, not the enemy of America. Most Americans disagree with you.

You hate We the People.
No you don't liar
I've admitted I was wrong and conceded about 7 times today.

The media reported that Howard Stern was on Amber Heard's side in the divorce with Johnny Depp? He never said that. I listened to the entire show.

I don't think most liberals have ill intent towards the US, they are just too ignorant to realize that their policies are destroying America.
I disagree they calculative manipulative and have shown they know what they are doing.
I've admitted I was wrong and conceded about 7 times today.

The media reported that Howard Stern was on Amber Heard's side in the divorce with Johnny Depp? He never said that. I listened to the entire show.

Lying sack of shit
I don't think most liberals have ill intent towards the US, they are just too ignorant to realize that their policies are destroying America.
I feel the same way about you guys. Yes, raising minimum wage was a horrible idea. Caused inflation. But you guys for decades weren't handing out raises and the middle class kept getting smaller and poorer. But the rich got richer than ever. And you defended it. You defended it as the CEO's pay skyrocketed but employees pay stayed stagnant. Then Trump got in, gave the middle class a reach around but huge tax breaks to the rich and it didn't change much. Then Corona.

Things aren't great right now. I'd be okay with someone other than Trump winning and being president. If it weren't for your radical right wing appointees. But I would not cry as much if you nominated someone other than Trump. The problem is, he'll be Trump like so we are fucked. This nation is fucked. Rigged elections, shady tactics that don't get punished, presidents above the law because the Senate won't do anything about it. And less than half of America brainwashed and in love with Trump just like about less than half of Russia loves Putin. Just enough to keep power. Especially with those Supreme's appointed for life.

America is doomed for the poor and middle class. I'm so glad I'm considered upper middle class and my brother is rich. My nephews are set. They don't have to worry about school, their first homes, retirement. Now their kids? That depends on what kinds of jobs my nephews get after college. One's going to be a lawyer. And we have political connections. Judges, politicians, etc. He doesn't want to right now but we want him to run for office. My friend is a Township clerk. After he retired from 25 years as a police he ran and won this election. Makes about $100K. Will get a pension from the political job after he wins one re election. And already has the police pension. He's a good friend to have. Always has been. It's not what you know it's who you know in this country.
It’s going to be ok. Nobody is going to start arresting you guys for spreading your misinformation.
It’s going to be ok. Nobody is going to start arresting you guys for spreading your misinformation.
It’s all about dividing Americans along duopoly lines. They want you guys hating each other so they can continue ruling over us and stealing from us. Too bad duopoly dupes can’t see this.
We wouldn't know about the Hunter Biden laptop.
Or that Trump sold Saudi Arabia nuclear technology when he was President. He ok'ed it. And then later Jared Kushner is given $2 billion dollars. That's Billion with a B by the way. Not just a $1 million dollar a year salary. That's nothing you know that right?
No...but even if someone does lie .it's not illegal, and worthy of prison time...at least not yet. The left sure is trying to make it that way though..

No. We're trying to get you to stop lying. Yet again Republicans prove that no matter what the subject, they will take the opposite side of whatever the Democrats take. We are for truth and god damn if you aren't defending lying. Wow. Just WOW.

Early on in the exclusive sit-down, the former president expressed a clear-eyed support for the news media, saying a free press was "indispensable to democracy."

"We need an independent media to hold people like me to account," Bush told TODAY'S Matt Lauer.

"Power can be very addictive and it can be corrosive, and it’s important for the media to call to account people who abuse their power."
No...but even if someone does lie .it's not illegal, and worthy of prison time...at least not yet. The left sure is trying to make it that way though..
How about taking a picture? Should a journalist or reporter be thrown in prison for taking a picture?

This is what the left has become. If you don't follow us in lockstep you should be locked up.

Former FOX News correspondent Carl Cameron to MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace on Tuesday: "It really is kind of horrible to think that journalists with national and international capacity are putting together this type of nonsense. I think the president did a great job. I wish he had done a lot of this a lot sooner, and we need a lot more from the left and the middle, and we got to watch out because the Republicans have become the purveyors of misinformation, and when our two-party system is broken like that, democracy is seriously in trouble. The president acknowledged that it's time to actually start doing things and maybe taking some names and putting people in jail."

Not surprised the MSDNC folks, one of the major propaganda machines of the Demafascist, wants to lock up people for political dissent. At least they aren't asking to kill people yet, but that will come soon enough....all roads of the left lead to Stalin like tactics
This is what the left has become. If you don't follow us in lockstep you should be locked up.

Former FOX News correspondent Carl Cameron to MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace on Tuesday: "It really is kind of horrible to think that journalists with national and international capacity are putting together this type of nonsense. I think the president did a great job. I wish he had done a lot of this a lot sooner, and we need a lot more from the left and the middle, and we got to watch out because the Republicans have become the purveyors of misinformation, and when our two-party system is broken like that, democracy is seriously in trouble. The president acknowledged that it's time to actually start doing things and maybe taking some names and putting people in jail."

Sounds like a Cimmunist country: lock up those who dissent from the official state position!
But I'm a liberal and I love the media. The media is important to stop a corrupt government. Look at how Saudi Arabia killed that media guy. Putin kills media. Trump hates the media too. Stop being dumb. What would we know if it weren't for the media.

And for the record, you love the media and are swallowing slanted right leaning media that doesn't even pretend anymore to be Fair and Balanced. Remember Fox tried to pull that slogan off? What a joke right? Total right wing bullshit. Farthest from the truth.

Didn't Hillary win the popular vote? Didn't Biden too? So no, not the enemy of America. Most Americans disagree with you.

You hate We the People.
Don't forget how the Dems hate the media, they want to arrest folks that question their party, Obama and Xiden used their office to spy on the media, even knowingly indict innocent reporters to try and threaten them.

There is no greater threat to the Free Press then leftist.

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