Political Beliefs: Should taxpayers sue both parties for violations?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
I have found that issues involving religious beliefs should be mediated to reach a consensus on laws, in order to be fair to all people's beliefs.
At first I thought it was just common sense, in order to include those beliefs as equal.

Now, l have learned that even to RECOGNIZE what is a belief versus an opinion, and being able to include this equally in law, is a religious bias that some people don't have.

Thus, it is even MORE critical to use a neutral party or process to mediate to reach a consensus, now that I know people cannot even see each other's beliefs, and that is why they are violating them without knowing this is discriminating against someone. They really believe they are right.
They don't see the other beliefs as valid and included in law, and that just isn't their "opinion"
that is PART of their beliefs and how they see things. This cannot be helped or changed,
if it just their beliefs and they cannot see it any other way.

So I looked online and found this student summary
but it doesn't talk about solutions by mediating conflicts to reach consensus:

Church and State

I was looking for ANY statement or website that recognizes the
Political BIAS and BELIEF
* of liberals putting their POLITICAL BELIEF FIRST
of Govt authority first OVER religious beliefs as optional
* or conservatives putting their Constitutional beliefs first over secularism
of God and religious conviction OVER govt which has neither authority to establish this
or to deny and regulate religion.
AND which recognizes the NEED to MEDIATE and INCLUDE them equally,
not criticize one and impose the other. Is there no group anywhere addressing this issue?

Because in case of conflict, both sides revert to their DEFAULT beliefs for authority,
then the liberal secularists will use GOVT to try to overrule the religious opponents
because that is their belief. The Christians and conservatives will still put their God and religion first and say that govt cannot be used to subvert that.

I noticed with Bush's extreme use of govt authority and "war powers"
many people, on left and right, protested this invocation of God-given authority
went too far and violated beliefs in Constitutional limits on govt and other political beliefs of the people
paying for the military actions and decisions. But because Congress voted and agreed,
then this was used as justification.

Now the shoe is on the other foot with the ACA pushed as a political belief through govt.

I believe it will take mediation to reach a consensus
because political beliefs are involved and can't be separated from govt.

Which people or parties do you believe should be petitioned or sued
to resolve this conflict, which are the ones most directly responsible for pushing it and fixing it?
Who is in the best position to influence resolution?
Last edited:
Church and State

I was looking for ANY statement or website that recognizes the
Political BIAS and BELIEF
* of liberals putting their POLITICAL BELIEF FIRST
of Govt authority first OVER religious beliefs as optional
* or conservatives putting their Constitutional beliefs first over secularism
of God and religious conviction OVER govt which has neither authority to establish this
or to deny and regulate religion.

Because in case of conflict, both sides revert to their DEFAULT beliefs for authority,
then the liberal secularists will use GOVT to try to overrule the religious opponents
because that is their belief. The Christians and conservatives will still put their God and religion first
and say that govt cannot be used to subvert that.

I noticed with Bush's extreme use of govt authority and "war powers"
many people, on left and right, protested this invocation of God-given authority
went too far and violated beliefs in Constitutional limits on govt and other political beliefs of the people
paying for the military actions and decisions. But because Congress voted and agreed,
then this was used as justification.

Now the shoe is on the other foot with the ACA pushed as a political belief through govt.

I believe it will take mediation to reach a consensus
because political beliefs are involved and can't be separated from govt.

Which people or parties do you believe should be petitioned or sued
to resolve this conflict, which are the ones most directly responsible for pushing it and fixing it?
Who is in the best position to influence resolution?

Yes, but


Church and State

I was looking for ANY statement or website that recognizes the
Political BIAS and BELIEF
* of liberals putting their POLITICAL BELIEF FIRST
of Govt authority first OVER religious beliefs as optional
* or conservatives putting their Constitutional beliefs first over secularism
of God and religious conviction OVER govt which has neither authority to establish this
or to deny and regulate religion.

Because in case of conflict, both sides revert to their DEFAULT beliefs for authority,
then the liberal secularists will use GOVT to try to overrule the religious opponents
because that is their belief. The Christians and conservatives will still put their God and religion first
and say that govt cannot be used to subvert that.

I noticed with Bush's extreme use of govt authority and "war powers"
many people, on left and right, protested this invocation of God-given authority
went too far and violated beliefs in Constitutional limits on govt and other political beliefs of the people
paying for the military actions and decisions. But because Congress voted and agreed,
then this was used as justification.

Now the shoe is on the other foot with the ACA pushed as a political belief through govt.

I believe it will take mediation to reach a consensus
because political beliefs are involved and can't be separated from govt.

Which people or parties do you believe should be petitioned or sued
to resolve this conflict, which are the ones most directly responsible for pushing it and fixing it?
Who is in the best position to influence resolution?

Yes, but



How can we set this up by party leaders with a concept of the Constitution
and political beliefs?

I see many people complaining but can't find those believe in doing anything to fix this.
Like bripat complains but then nixes the idea of working with the Veterans Party to address this.
JakeStarkey keeps saying to go through govt to fix it, but doesn't seem to recognize a violation occurred at all, thus requiring me to do that in the first place to fix what should never have been broken.
C_Clayton_Jones also doesn't see how any rights or freedoms were infringed upon,
just like people who said that about the Patriot Act not affecting citizens. WTF?

So I see people who care about this issue, but are blinded in denial there
are political beliefs being imposed, because THAT is "part of their beliefs."
They don't see this, just like atheists don't see God and Christians don't see how
atheists CAN'T see that. Even more reason these political beliefs should not be pushed
in public if by their very nature they exclude people of other beliefs!

So they just keep doing the same thing -- nixing each other's beliefs
and never getting past that stage.

Do you know any SOLID names or groups to contact?
Any law firms -- not suing to defend one belief over the other,
but OUTTING the whole issue that political beliefs are imposed AT ALL through govt against the others?

Like WHO is organizing a Constitutional convention
NOT for the purpose of pushing Constitutional beliefs
but RECOGNIZING the beliefs equally as needing to be addressed and included in negotiating solutions?

recognizing the political beliefs of BOTH parties that need to be separated from each other?

“...of liberals putting their POLITICAL BELIEF FIRST
of Govt authority first OVER religious beliefs as optional...”


In addition to not making any sense, this is completely false, no 'liberal' advocates placing government authority over religious beliefs.

Where you come up with this bizarre nonsense is truly a mystery.

“...of liberals putting their POLITICAL BELIEF FIRST
of Govt authority first OVER religious beliefs as optional...”


In addition to not making any sense, this is completely false, no 'liberal' advocates placing government authority over religious beliefs.

Where you come up with this bizarre nonsense is truly a mystery.

Dear C_Clayton_Jones
Not just religious beliefs, but political beliefs that should be equal to your own.
You do not believe in treating these equally as religions, so that is your belief,
and it discriminates against people like me who DO recognize political beliefs as religions are.

You made it clear you did not believe any rights had been violated by ACA mandates.
Thus, you do not recognize the political beliefs that were.*

So of course, you do not believe you have discriminated against people's beliefs
because you did not see them like a religion. Had it been clear to you,
I'm sure you would have respected that as a religious belief that should not be overruled by laws such as ACA did.

It is either your political belief that prevents you from seeing this,
or the dependence on political leaders to recognize and fix this for you before you see it.
Either way, that is part of your political beliefs, which you have demonstrated you cannot help.

* e.g., people who believe the Constitution limits govt from doing things like
putting health care mandates up for majority-rule vote by Congress,
AND who believe Judge Roberts and Court rulings violated the Constitution on ACA as well.

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