Political Cartoon

Clinton didn't do it. His GOP legislature did and he merely went along. Obama didn't reduce it one dime. The national debt DOUBLED during his tenure. And what does what Bush 1 & 2 did have to do with "Democrats reduced the deficit?"

You're a liar. Clinton had Bush 43 a stable economy and the shrub cratered the economy. Mr. Obama handed Shit-o-lini a strong economy and he destroyed it. MAGA MAGGOT lies don't fly.
This one was found eating someone's cat on the sidewalk.

But they're not eating pets.

And Ivermectin is a horse dewormer. And the Russian piss tapes will be released any day now. And you can keep your doctor. And Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation. And the stuttering fuck's cognitive abilities are as sharp as ever. And Kumala didn't suck 50 miles of cock to get to this position. And the Briben crime family didn't extort $200M from countries that need our foreign aid. And Hunter didn't get a 'footjob' from his 14-year old niece. And TamponTim is a straight, chubby, innocent farmhand.... :laughing0301:

But they wouldn't lie about this.... or steal elections.

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She was born in Canton, Ohio and is a US citizen stupid fuckup.
You're a liar. Clinton had Bush 43 a stable economy and the shrub cratered the economy. Mr. Obama handed Shit-o-lini a strong economy and he destroyed it. MAGA MAGGOT lies don't fly.
You're as full of shit as a Christmas goose! Clinton didn't create a "stable economy." His GOP-led LEGISLATURE did. Obama DOUBLED the national debt and Trump's economy was as good as any in history until Covid came along and the Democrats in Congress cratered it.
You're as full of shit as a Christmas goose! Clinton didn't create a "stable economy." His GOP-led LEGISLATURE did. Obama DOUBLED the national debt and Trump's economy was as good as any in history until Covid came along and the Democrats in Congress cratered it.
Stop another MAGA lie.

One, Trump's presidency lost more jobs than any since Hoover.

Two, Trump's presidency had a 14.8% unemployment rate and was at 9.2% when he left office.

Three, he cratered the economy because he could not manage the effects of the covid pandemic.

Fact, Trump is loser.

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