Political dream.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
I do not have many clear dreams; they are usually disjointed and cryptic. But the other night I had a very specific dream that Trump won the election by a ratio of 7-1 and still it was contested. I do not claim to be an Edgar Cayce or a Nostradamus, and my dream is not wild or outlandish. That could happen and Biden may be manipulated into refusing to concede which could cause a constitutional crisis.

Biden saying that “we choose truth over facts” and AOC’s statement that being “morally right” is more important than being “precisely, semantically, and factually correct” are windows into a furnace that is burning our history, traditions and culture to elevate government to an authoritarian dictatorship.

Righteous indignance is a very dangerous thing. It is the kindling that fuels political correctness at our colleges and universities resulting in indoctrination that turns aging white America into contemporary Jews. Today’s “protesters” are modern manifestations of yesterday’s “Brownshirts” and the aim is the same-it is all about power and control.

The corporate entities that sit at the helm of America’s Soros-inspired oligarchical leadership do not want Donald Trump to prevail. It is very uncomfortable to explain how the Chinese got control of our pharmaceutical industry during a pandemic unleashed on the world by a communist “People’s Republic” that wants to replace us.

Joe Biden has been part of that political machinery since 1972, that is 48 years. He has been an unimpressive placeholder for his entire political career. Biden is there because they have no one else. He is being prepared to be the wooden face of political ventriloquism. Whatever mind he had, and it was not much, has faded to childlike obedience to his handlers.

The loser in the last election, Hillary Clinton, is already rattling the sabre of a contested election and she is strutting rhetoric demanding that Biden not concede even if he loses by a landslide. Righteous indignance is ubiquitous as cities burn and people are accosted in public settings. This is not new; we have seen it before.

America’s state-run infrastructure is telling you that you are not smart enough to elect a president. They know best and you do not. Your choice will be discounted if you do not toe the line. Is my dream a nightmare? I hope not.

Maybe we will get that civil war the crazy right has long dreamed of.
I do not have many clear dreams; they are usually disjointed and cryptic. But the other night I had a very specific dream that Trump won the election by a ratio of 7-1 and still it was contested. I do not claim to be an Edgar Cayce or a Nostradamus, and my dream is not wild or outlandish. That could happen and Biden may be manipulated into refusing to concede which could cause a constitutional crisis.

Biden saying that “we choose truth over facts” and AOC’s statement that being “morally right” is more important than being “precisely, semantically, and factually correct” are windows into a furnace that is burning our history, traditions and culture to elevate government to an authoritarian dictatorship.

Righteous indignance is a very dangerous thing. It is the kindling that fuels political correctness at our colleges and universities resulting in indoctrination that turns aging white America into contemporary Jews. Today’s “protesters” are modern manifestations of yesterday’s “Brownshirts” and the aim is the same-it is all about power and control.

The corporate entities that sit at the helm of America’s Soros-inspired oligarchical leadership do not want Donald Trump to prevail. It is very uncomfortable to explain how the Chinese got control of our pharmaceutical industry during a pandemic unleashed on the world by a communist “People’s Republic” that wants to replace us.

Joe Biden has been part of that political machinery since 1972, that is 48 years. He has been an unimpressive placeholder for his entire political career. Biden is there because they have no one else. He is being prepared to be the wooden face of political ventriloquism. Whatever mind he had, and it was not much, has faded to childlike obedience to his handlers.

The loser in the last election, Hillary Clinton, is already rattling the sabre of a contested election and she is strutting rhetoric demanding that Biden not concede even if he loses by a landslide. Righteous indignance is ubiquitous as cities burn and people are accosted in public settings. This is not new; we have seen it before.

America’s state-run infrastructure is telling you that you are not smart enough to elect a president. They know best and you do not. Your choice will be discounted if you do not toe the line. Is my dream a nightmare? I hope not.

Absolutely fantastic and truthful post, Ray. Thank you.
I do not have many clear dreams; they are usually disjointed and cryptic. But the other night I had a very specific dream that Trump won the election by a ratio of 7-1 and still it was contested. I do not claim to be an Edgar Cayce or a Nostradamus, and my dream is not wild or outlandish. That could happen and Biden may be manipulated into refusing to concede which could cause a constitutional crisis.

Biden saying that “we choose truth over facts” and AOC’s statement that being “morally right” is more important than being “precisely, semantically, and factually correct” are windows into a furnace that is burning our history, traditions and culture to elevate government to an authoritarian dictatorship.

Righteous indignance is a very dangerous thing. It is the kindling that fuels political correctness at our colleges and universities resulting in indoctrination that turns aging white America into contemporary Jews. Today’s “protesters” are modern manifestations of yesterday’s “Brownshirts” and the aim is the same-it is all about power and control.

The corporate entities that sit at the helm of America’s Soros-inspired oligarchical leadership do not want Donald Trump to prevail. It is very uncomfortable to explain how the Chinese got control of our pharmaceutical industry during a pandemic unleashed on the world by a communist “People’s Republic” that wants to replace us.

Joe Biden has been part of that political machinery since 1972, that is 48 years. He has been an unimpressive placeholder for his entire political career. Biden is there because they have no one else. He is being prepared to be the wooden face of political ventriloquism. Whatever mind he had, and it was not much, has faded to childlike obedience to his handlers.

The loser in the last election, Hillary Clinton, is already rattling the sabre of a contested election and she is strutting rhetoric demanding that Biden not concede even if he loses by a landslide. Righteous indignance is ubiquitous as cities burn and people are accosted in public settings. This is not new; we have seen it before.

America’s state-run infrastructure is telling you that you are not smart enough to elect a president. They know best and you do not. Your choice will be discounted if you do not toe the line. Is my dream a nightmare? I hope not.

Crooked Hillary is not happy, she is in a bad mood because they will not be able to rigged the election as they thought her great great Grandfather could not voted anymore so they remain the option to refuse the victory of Trump.
Maybe we will get that civil war the crazy right has long dreamed of.
You made a mistake while you were writing you should have write Left not right.
Exactly, Dalia, EXACTLY.
Maybe we will get that civil war the crazy right has long dreamed of.
You made a mistake while you were writing you should have write Left not right.
Seems there are factions on both sides, wishing for a civil war.
I see rather that it always comes from the same side the left because as for the right one must say where something happened from the right that asked for a civil war? This is the leftist style, I’m a victim but at the same time I attack you.
You're not crazy. I've seen something rather similar.

Once you understand that the MSM (which is more than just "liberal" media) has always existed to program our minds to be reliant on them for "truth", your dream makes perfect sense. What actually happened in 2016 was that Obama had rigged the election in favor of Hillary so they (ruling class and MSM minions) were completely flabbergasted. To deflect attention from the validity of the election they had the Russia story ready to go, which explains the spying. The plan was to say that Russia meddled in the election, making it closer than it would have been otherwise as a pretext for discrediting anyone who supported Trump (i.e. further silence those who question the narrative). That narrative would have carried over into a Hillary presidency as a pretext to start a war with Russia because Putin is the only substantial world leader left that wasn't owned by the cabal.

When Trump won though, they activated the Russia story as a fail-safe attempt to get Trump out of office, hence why it was locked and loaded the day after the election even thought it was fabricated as the Durham investigation is uncovering right now. Trump quickly had them by the balls though which is why Comey and friends were ousted quickly but Trump allowed the narrative to run. Why? Because when the script doesn't match up to actual events people start to question what's going on here. Schiff is one of the worst the cabal has to offer which is why he was front-and-center of the impeachment stuff.

As said, the MSM has never been an objective arbiter of truth: they've always existed to program people with narratives while appearing objective. When Trump calls them fake news, it's because they are. False flag operations are carried out by the intelligence agencies (CIA) and the MSM is already there to report like they just happened to be on the scene. Remember the reporter talking about tower 7 falling before it even fell? Remember how they knew exactly who did it only hours after the planes hit? False flag, the script was prepared.

The final scooby-doo unmasking of the MSM will be when Trump wins in a landslide and they will claim that Trump rigged the election. Their narrative is that Trump is a tyrant and only racists support him, so him winning in a landslide won't compute with the narrative. They'll either have to give up and report objectively for literally the first time ever or stick with the script. They'll stick with the script and it'll be their final undoing. I'll feel bad for those who are still attached to the world they know as all this stuff is going to be very hard to deal with.

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