Political prisoner Dinesh D'souza...learned something about democrats in prison...

He is being supported, just as he was when he was a paid fag-hater before we knew he was a little sister-molesting paid fag-hater.

Lying doesn't help your case, Adolf.
Nothing like a lie. The right defended him all over the place, including here.

The right never defended Josh Duggar, especially not after his crimes became public knowledge.

However, the left continues to idolize a known criminal, Hillary Clinton. They also defended the thug Michale Brown. They even created a monument to commemorate his crimes.

Duggar AND Denny Hastert
Tough week for conservatives

Maybe Dinesh D'Sousa will have some cellmates

You Dims are so desperate to distract the public from HIllary's multitude of scandals and her pervert husband that's it's painful to watch.

The only reason Hastert was indicted for "structuring" is the fact that he's a Republican. Dugger has nothing whatsoever to do with Republicans.
Right, the Family Research Council is non-partisan. Boy do you live in a fantasy-world.
He is being supported, just as he was when he was a paid fag-hater before we knew he was a little sister-molesting paid fag-hater.

Lying doesn't help your case, Adolf.
Nothing like a lie. The right defended him all over the place, including here.

The right never defended Josh Duggar, especially not after his crimes became public knowledge.
Total crap, but thanks. It's always good to see how you completely ignore reality.

Please quote a Republican defending Josh Duggar.
Mike Huckabee
May 22 at 9:42am ·
Janet and I want to affirm our support for the Duggar family. Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, 'inexcusable,' but that doesn’t mean 'unforgivable.' He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story. Good people make mistakes and do regrettable and even disgusting things. The reason that the law protects disclosure of many actions on the part of a minor is that the society has traditionally understood something that today’s blood-thirsty media does not understand—that being a minor means that one's judgement is not mature. No one needs to defend Josh’s actions as a teenager, but the fact that he confessed his sins to those he harmed, sought help, and has gone forward to live a responsible and circumspect life as an adult is testament to his family’s authenticity and humility. Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive bloodthirst, for there was no consideration of the fact that the victims wanted this to be left in the past and ultimately a judge had the information on file destroyed—not to protect Josh, but the innocent victims. Janet and I love Jim Bob and Michelle and their entire family. They are no more perfect a family than any family, but their Christian witness is not marred in our eyes because following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. We have been blessed to receive God’s love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our friends. In fact, it is such times as this, when real friends show up and stand up. Today, Janet and I want to show up and stand up for our friends. Let others run from them. We will run to them with our support.
Mike Huckabee - Janet and I want to affirm our support for... Facebook
Lying doesn't help your case, Adolf.
Nothing like a lie. The right defended him all over the place, including here.

The right never defended Josh Duggar, especially not after his crimes became public knowledge.

However, the left continues to idolize a known criminal, Hillary Clinton. They also defended the thug Michale Brown. They even created a monument to commemorate his crimes.

Duggar AND Denny Hastert
Tough week for conservatives

Maybe Dinesh D'Sousa will have some cellmates

You Dims are so desperate to distract the public from HIllary's multitude of scandals and her pervert husband that's it's painful to watch.

The only reason Hastert was indicted for "structuring" is the fact that he's a Republican. Dugger has nothing whatsoever to do with Republicans.
Right, the Family Research Council is non-partisan. Boy do you live in a fantasy-world.

The Family Research Council defended Josh Duggar after his crimes became public?
Breaking News: Dinesh D'Sousa has escaped
President Obama has ordered a manhunt

Lying doesn't help your case, Adolf.
Nothing like a lie. The right defended him all over the place, including here.

The right never defended Josh Duggar, especially not after his crimes became public knowledge.
Total crap, but thanks. It's always good to see how you completely ignore reality.

Please quote a Republican defending Josh Duggar.
Mike Huckabee
May 22 at 9:42am ·
Janet and I want to affirm our support for the Duggar family. Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, 'inexcusable,' but that doesn’t mean 'unforgivable.' He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story. Good people make mistakes and do regrettable and even disgusting things. The reason that the law protects disclosure of many actions on the part of a minor is that the society has traditionally understood something that today’s blood-thirsty media does not understand—that being a minor means that one's judgement is not mature. No one needs to defend Josh’s actions as a teenager, but the fact that he confessed his sins to those he harmed, sought help, and has gone forward to live a responsible and circumspect life as an adult is testament to his family’s authenticity and humility. Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive bloodthirst, for there was no consideration of the fact that the victims wanted this to be left in the past and ultimately a judge had the information on file destroyed—not to protect Josh, but the innocent victims. Janet and I love Jim Bob and Michelle and their entire family. They are no more perfect a family than any family, but their Christian witness is not marred in our eyes because following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. We have been blessed to receive God’s love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our friends. In fact, it is such times as this, when real friends show up and stand up. Today, Janet and I want to show up and stand up for our friends. Let others run from them. We will run to them with our support.
Mike Huckabee - Janet and I want to affirm our support for... Facebook

That isn't defending Josh Duggar, Nazi.
Nothing like a lie. The right defended him all over the place, including here.

The right never defended Josh Duggar, especially not after his crimes became public knowledge.
Total crap, but thanks. It's always good to see how you completely ignore reality.

Please quote a Republican defending Josh Duggar.
Mike Huckabee
May 22 at 9:42am ·
Janet and I want to affirm our support for the Duggar family. Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, 'inexcusable,' but that doesn’t mean 'unforgivable.' He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story. Good people make mistakes and do regrettable and even disgusting things. The reason that the law protects disclosure of many actions on the part of a minor is that the society has traditionally understood something that today’s blood-thirsty media does not understand—that being a minor means that one's judgement is not mature. No one needs to defend Josh’s actions as a teenager, but the fact that he confessed his sins to those he harmed, sought help, and has gone forward to live a responsible and circumspect life as an adult is testament to his family’s authenticity and humility. Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive bloodthirst, for there was no consideration of the fact that the victims wanted this to be left in the past and ultimately a judge had the information on file destroyed—not to protect Josh, but the innocent victims. Janet and I love Jim Bob and Michelle and their entire family. They are no more perfect a family than any family, but their Christian witness is not marred in our eyes because following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. We have been blessed to receive God’s love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our friends. In fact, it is such times as this, when real friends show up and stand up. Today, Janet and I want to show up and stand up for our friends. Let others run from them. We will run to them with our support.
Mike Huckabee - Janet and I want to affirm our support for... Facebook

That isn't defending Josh Duggar, Nazi.
Oh, it very much is, dumbass. Not defending him would have looked like this:

"What we have learned about what Josh did as a teenager, which he has admitted to, and did to his sisters while they were sleeping at times no less, is inexcusable and I wish to denounce his actions, and the fact that this was covered up by his parents and others who should have known bnetter, in the strongest possible terms. It is up to God and his victims to forgive him now but he should never be allowed around children without supervision and I pray that God will protect all the children who have contact with him, and that God cares for and comforts his victims who deserve, unlike Josh, our utmost respect and support. His actions deserved to be judged in court and now it's too late so his victims will never see justice which makes his crimes just that much worse. No one who molests a child should get away what what he has here and I pray that this travesty of justice is never again repeated.

Now that, my little infant, is the very opposite of what Huck said.
The right never defended Josh Duggar, especially not after his crimes became public knowledge.
Total crap, but thanks. It's always good to see how you completely ignore reality.

Please quote a Republican defending Josh Duggar.
Mike Huckabee
May 22 at 9:42am ·
Janet and I want to affirm our support for the Duggar family. Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, 'inexcusable,' but that doesn’t mean 'unforgivable.' He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story. Good people make mistakes and do regrettable and even disgusting things. The reason that the law protects disclosure of many actions on the part of a minor is that the society has traditionally understood something that today’s blood-thirsty media does not understand—that being a minor means that one's judgement is not mature. No one needs to defend Josh’s actions as a teenager, but the fact that he confessed his sins to those he harmed, sought help, and has gone forward to live a responsible and circumspect life as an adult is testament to his family’s authenticity and humility. Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive bloodthirst, for there was no consideration of the fact that the victims wanted this to be left in the past and ultimately a judge had the information on file destroyed—not to protect Josh, but the innocent victims. Janet and I love Jim Bob and Michelle and their entire family. They are no more perfect a family than any family, but their Christian witness is not marred in our eyes because following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. We have been blessed to receive God’s love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our friends. In fact, it is such times as this, when real friends show up and stand up. Today, Janet and I want to show up and stand up for our friends. Let others run from them. We will run to them with our support.
Mike Huckabee - Janet and I want to affirm our support for... Facebook

That isn't defending Josh Duggar, Nazi.
Oh, it very much is, dumbass. Not defending him would have looked like this:

"What we have learned about what Josh did as a teenager, which he has admitted to, and did to his sisters while they were sleeping at times no less, is inexcusable and I wish to denounce his actions, and the fact that this was covered up by his parents and others who should have known bnetter, in the strongest possible terms. It is up to God and his victims to forgive him now but he should never be allowed around children without supervision and I pray that God will protect all the children who have contact with him, and that God cares for and comforts his victims who deserve, unlike Josh, our utmost respect and support. His actions deserved to be judged in court and now it's too late so his victims will never see justice which makes his crimes just that much worse. No one who molests a child should get away what what he has here and I pray that this travesty of justice is never again repeated.

Now that, my little infant, is the very opposite of what Huck said.

That's what a jackass Nazi like you would say. Of course, you also support exterminating all the Jews, so why would anyone even consider your imbecile opinion?

Also, I despise Huckabee, so I couldn't care less what he says. He doesn't speak for all Republicans just as you don't speak for all Democrats. You can be sure they are relieved about that.
The right never defended Josh Duggar, especially not after his crimes became public knowledge.
Total crap, but thanks. It's always good to see how you completely ignore reality.

Please quote a Republican defending Josh Duggar.
Mike Huckabee
May 22 at 9:42am ·
Janet and I want to affirm our support for the Duggar family. Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, 'inexcusable,' but that doesn’t mean 'unforgivable.' He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story. Good people make mistakes and do regrettable and even disgusting things. The reason that the law protects disclosure of many actions on the part of a minor is that the society has traditionally understood something that today’s blood-thirsty media does not understand—that being a minor means that one's judgement is not mature. No one needs to defend Josh’s actions as a teenager, but the fact that he confessed his sins to those he harmed, sought help, and has gone forward to live a responsible and circumspect life as an adult is testament to his family’s authenticity and humility. Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive bloodthirst, for there was no consideration of the fact that the victims wanted this to be left in the past and ultimately a judge had the information on file destroyed—not to protect Josh, but the innocent victims. Janet and I love Jim Bob and Michelle and their entire family. They are no more perfect a family than any family, but their Christian witness is not marred in our eyes because following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. We have been blessed to receive God’s love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our friends. In fact, it is such times as this, when real friends show up and stand up. Today, Janet and I want to show up and stand up for our friends. Let others run from them. We will run to them with our support.
Mike Huckabee - Janet and I want to affirm our support for... Facebook

That isn't defending Josh Duggar, Nazi.
Oh, it very much is, dumbass. Not defending him would have looked like this:

"What we have learned about what Josh did as a teenager, which he has admitted to, and did to his sisters while they were sleeping at times no less, is inexcusable and I wish to denounce his actions, and the fact that this was covered up by his parents and others who should have known bnetter, in the strongest possible terms. It is up to God and his victims to forgive him now but he should never be allowed around children without supervision and I pray that God will protect all the children who have contact with him, and that God cares for and comforts his victims who deserve, unlike Josh, our utmost respect and support. His actions deserved to be judged in court and now it's too late so his victims will never see justice which makes his crimes just that much worse. No one who molests a child should get away what what he has here and I pray that this travesty of justice is never again repeated.

Now that, my little infant, is the very opposite of what Huck said.

Also, the idea that turds like you give a shit about Josh's Victims is absurd. Left-wing turds like you went out of your way to publish sealed court records. The records were sealed to protect the victims. In your zeal to use Josh to attack Republicans you took a great big shit on the victims and stuck a hot poker in their wounds.

You are almost a much of a despicable piece of shit as Josh Dugger. He at least had the excuse of being a juvenile.

What's your excuse?
Total crap, but thanks. It's always good to see how you completely ignore reality.

Please quote a Republican defending Josh Duggar.
Mike Huckabee
May 22 at 9:42am ·
Janet and I want to affirm our support for the Duggar family. Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, 'inexcusable,' but that doesn’t mean 'unforgivable.' He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story. Good people make mistakes and do regrettable and even disgusting things. The reason that the law protects disclosure of many actions on the part of a minor is that the society has traditionally understood something that today’s blood-thirsty media does not understand—that being a minor means that one's judgement is not mature. No one needs to defend Josh’s actions as a teenager, but the fact that he confessed his sins to those he harmed, sought help, and has gone forward to live a responsible and circumspect life as an adult is testament to his family’s authenticity and humility. Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive bloodthirst, for there was no consideration of the fact that the victims wanted this to be left in the past and ultimately a judge had the information on file destroyed—not to protect Josh, but the innocent victims. Janet and I love Jim Bob and Michelle and their entire family. They are no more perfect a family than any family, but their Christian witness is not marred in our eyes because following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. We have been blessed to receive God’s love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our friends. In fact, it is such times as this, when real friends show up and stand up. Today, Janet and I want to show up and stand up for our friends. Let others run from them. We will run to them with our support.
Mike Huckabee - Janet and I want to affirm our support for... Facebook

That isn't defending Josh Duggar, Nazi.
Oh, it very much is, dumbass. Not defending him would have looked like this:

"What we have learned about what Josh did as a teenager, which he has admitted to, and did to his sisters while they were sleeping at times no less, is inexcusable and I wish to denounce his actions, and the fact that this was covered up by his parents and others who should have known bnetter, in the strongest possible terms. It is up to God and his victims to forgive him now but he should never be allowed around children without supervision and I pray that God will protect all the children who have contact with him, and that God cares for and comforts his victims who deserve, unlike Josh, our utmost respect and support. His actions deserved to be judged in court and now it's too late so his victims will never see justice which makes his crimes just that much worse. No one who molests a child should get away what what he has here and I pray that this travesty of justice is never again repeated.

Now that, my little infant, is the very opposite of what Huck said.

That's what a jackass Nazi like you would say. Of course, you also support exterminating all the Jews, so why would anyone even consider your imbecile opinion?

Also, I despise Huckabee, so I couldn't care less what he says. He doesn't speak for all Republicans just as you don't speak for all Democrats. You can be sure they are relieved about that.
Be careful what ask for, dumbass.
Total crap, but thanks. It's always good to see how you completely ignore reality.

Please quote a Republican defending Josh Duggar.
Mike Huckabee
May 22 at 9:42am ·
Janet and I want to affirm our support for the Duggar family. Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, 'inexcusable,' but that doesn’t mean 'unforgivable.' He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story. Good people make mistakes and do regrettable and even disgusting things. The reason that the law protects disclosure of many actions on the part of a minor is that the society has traditionally understood something that today’s blood-thirsty media does not understand—that being a minor means that one's judgement is not mature. No one needs to defend Josh’s actions as a teenager, but the fact that he confessed his sins to those he harmed, sought help, and has gone forward to live a responsible and circumspect life as an adult is testament to his family’s authenticity and humility. Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive bloodthirst, for there was no consideration of the fact that the victims wanted this to be left in the past and ultimately a judge had the information on file destroyed—not to protect Josh, but the innocent victims. Janet and I love Jim Bob and Michelle and their entire family. They are no more perfect a family than any family, but their Christian witness is not marred in our eyes because following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. We have been blessed to receive God’s love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our friends. In fact, it is such times as this, when real friends show up and stand up. Today, Janet and I want to show up and stand up for our friends. Let others run from them. We will run to them with our support.
Mike Huckabee - Janet and I want to affirm our support for... Facebook

That isn't defending Josh Duggar, Nazi.
Oh, it very much is, dumbass. Not defending him would have looked like this:

"What we have learned about what Josh did as a teenager, which he has admitted to, and did to his sisters while they were sleeping at times no less, is inexcusable and I wish to denounce his actions, and the fact that this was covered up by his parents and others who should have known bnetter, in the strongest possible terms. It is up to God and his victims to forgive him now but he should never be allowed around children without supervision and I pray that God will protect all the children who have contact with him, and that God cares for and comforts his victims who deserve, unlike Josh, our utmost respect and support. His actions deserved to be judged in court and now it's too late so his victims will never see justice which makes his crimes just that much worse. No one who molests a child should get away what what he has here and I pray that this travesty of justice is never again repeated.

Now that, my little infant, is the very opposite of what Huck said.

Also, the idea that turds like you give a shit about Josh's Victims is absurd. Left-wing turds like you went out of your way to publish sealed court records. The records were sealed to protect the victims. In your zeal to use Josh to attack Republicans you took a great big shit on the victims and stuck a hot poker in their wounds.

You are almost a much of a despicable piece of shit as Josh Dugger. He at least had the excuse of being a juvenile.

What's your excuse?
Are you accusing me of child molestation?

And the records weren't sealed. Had this not been covered up by the family they likely would have been.
Please quote a Republican defending Josh Duggar.
Mike Huckabee
May 22 at 9:42am ·
Janet and I want to affirm our support for the Duggar family. Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, 'inexcusable,' but that doesn’t mean 'unforgivable.' He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story. Good people make mistakes and do regrettable and even disgusting things. The reason that the law protects disclosure of many actions on the part of a minor is that the society has traditionally understood something that today’s blood-thirsty media does not understand—that being a minor means that one's judgement is not mature. No one needs to defend Josh’s actions as a teenager, but the fact that he confessed his sins to those he harmed, sought help, and has gone forward to live a responsible and circumspect life as an adult is testament to his family’s authenticity and humility. Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive bloodthirst, for there was no consideration of the fact that the victims wanted this to be left in the past and ultimately a judge had the information on file destroyed—not to protect Josh, but the innocent victims. Janet and I love Jim Bob and Michelle and their entire family. They are no more perfect a family than any family, but their Christian witness is not marred in our eyes because following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. We have been blessed to receive God’s love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our friends. In fact, it is such times as this, when real friends show up and stand up. Today, Janet and I want to show up and stand up for our friends. Let others run from them. We will run to them with our support.
Mike Huckabee - Janet and I want to affirm our support for... Facebook

That isn't defending Josh Duggar, Nazi.
Oh, it very much is, dumbass. Not defending him would have looked like this:

"What we have learned about what Josh did as a teenager, which he has admitted to, and did to his sisters while they were sleeping at times no less, is inexcusable and I wish to denounce his actions, and the fact that this was covered up by his parents and others who should have known bnetter, in the strongest possible terms. It is up to God and his victims to forgive him now but he should never be allowed around children without supervision and I pray that God will protect all the children who have contact with him, and that God cares for and comforts his victims who deserve, unlike Josh, our utmost respect and support. His actions deserved to be judged in court and now it's too late so his victims will never see justice which makes his crimes just that much worse. No one who molests a child should get away what what he has here and I pray that this travesty of justice is never again repeated.

Now that, my little infant, is the very opposite of what Huck said.

That's what a jackass Nazi like you would say. Of course, you also support exterminating all the Jews, so why would anyone even consider your imbecile opinion?

Also, I despise Huckabee, so I couldn't care less what he says. He doesn't speak for all Republicans just as you don't speak for all Democrats. You can be sure they are relieved about that.
Be careful what ask for, dumbass.

What did I ask for, Nazi?
Please quote a Republican defending Josh Duggar.
Mike Huckabee
May 22 at 9:42am ·
Janet and I want to affirm our support for the Duggar family. Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, 'inexcusable,' but that doesn’t mean 'unforgivable.' He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story. Good people make mistakes and do regrettable and even disgusting things. The reason that the law protects disclosure of many actions on the part of a minor is that the society has traditionally understood something that today’s blood-thirsty media does not understand—that being a minor means that one's judgement is not mature. No one needs to defend Josh’s actions as a teenager, but the fact that he confessed his sins to those he harmed, sought help, and has gone forward to live a responsible and circumspect life as an adult is testament to his family’s authenticity and humility. Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive bloodthirst, for there was no consideration of the fact that the victims wanted this to be left in the past and ultimately a judge had the information on file destroyed—not to protect Josh, but the innocent victims. Janet and I love Jim Bob and Michelle and their entire family. They are no more perfect a family than any family, but their Christian witness is not marred in our eyes because following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. We have been blessed to receive God’s love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our friends. In fact, it is such times as this, when real friends show up and stand up. Today, Janet and I want to show up and stand up for our friends. Let others run from them. We will run to them with our support.
Mike Huckabee - Janet and I want to affirm our support for... Facebook

That isn't defending Josh Duggar, Nazi.
Oh, it very much is, dumbass. Not defending him would have looked like this:

"What we have learned about what Josh did as a teenager, which he has admitted to, and did to his sisters while they were sleeping at times no less, is inexcusable and I wish to denounce his actions, and the fact that this was covered up by his parents and others who should have known bnetter, in the strongest possible terms. It is up to God and his victims to forgive him now but he should never be allowed around children without supervision and I pray that God will protect all the children who have contact with him, and that God cares for and comforts his victims who deserve, unlike Josh, our utmost respect and support. His actions deserved to be judged in court and now it's too late so his victims will never see justice which makes his crimes just that much worse. No one who molests a child should get away what what he has here and I pray that this travesty of justice is never again repeated.

Now that, my little infant, is the very opposite of what Huck said.

Also, the idea that turds like you give a shit about Josh's Victims is absurd. Left-wing turds like you went out of your way to publish sealed court records. The records were sealed to protect the victims. In your zeal to use Josh to attack Republicans you took a great big shit on the victims and stuck a hot poker in their wounds.

You are almost a much of a despicable piece of shit as Josh Dugger. He at least had the excuse of being a juvenile.

What's your excuse?
Are you accusing me of child molestation?

And the records weren't sealed. Had this not been covered up by the family they likely would have been.

The records were sealed, you fucking Nazi dumbass. The records in Juvenile cases are always sealed because they are just children who don't deserve to have their lives ruined by scumbags of your ilk.
Mike Huckabee
May 22 at 9:42am ·
Janet and I want to affirm our support for the Duggar family. Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, 'inexcusable,' but that doesn’t mean 'unforgivable.' He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story. Good people make mistakes and do regrettable and even disgusting things. The reason that the law protects disclosure of many actions on the part of a minor is that the society has traditionally understood something that today’s blood-thirsty media does not understand—that being a minor means that one's judgement is not mature. No one needs to defend Josh’s actions as a teenager, but the fact that he confessed his sins to those he harmed, sought help, and has gone forward to live a responsible and circumspect life as an adult is testament to his family’s authenticity and humility. Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive bloodthirst, for there was no consideration of the fact that the victims wanted this to be left in the past and ultimately a judge had the information on file destroyed—not to protect Josh, but the innocent victims. Janet and I love Jim Bob and Michelle and their entire family. They are no more perfect a family than any family, but their Christian witness is not marred in our eyes because following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. We have been blessed to receive God’s love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our friends. In fact, it is such times as this, when real friends show up and stand up. Today, Janet and I want to show up and stand up for our friends. Let others run from them. We will run to them with our support.
Mike Huckabee - Janet and I want to affirm our support for... Facebook

That isn't defending Josh Duggar, Nazi.
Oh, it very much is, dumbass. Not defending him would have looked like this:

"What we have learned about what Josh did as a teenager, which he has admitted to, and did to his sisters while they were sleeping at times no less, is inexcusable and I wish to denounce his actions, and the fact that this was covered up by his parents and others who should have known bnetter, in the strongest possible terms. It is up to God and his victims to forgive him now but he should never be allowed around children without supervision and I pray that God will protect all the children who have contact with him, and that God cares for and comforts his victims who deserve, unlike Josh, our utmost respect and support. His actions deserved to be judged in court and now it's too late so his victims will never see justice which makes his crimes just that much worse. No one who molests a child should get away what what he has here and I pray that this travesty of justice is never again repeated.

Now that, my little infant, is the very opposite of what Huck said.

That's what a jackass Nazi like you would say. Of course, you also support exterminating all the Jews, so why would anyone even consider your imbecile opinion?

Also, I despise Huckabee, so I couldn't care less what he says. He doesn't speak for all Republicans just as you don't speak for all Democrats. You can be sure they are relieved about that.
Be careful what ask for, dumbass.

What did I ask for, Nazi?
A Repub supporting a child molester.
Mike Huckabee
May 22 at 9:42am ·
Janet and I want to affirm our support for the Duggar family. Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, 'inexcusable,' but that doesn’t mean 'unforgivable.' He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story. Good people make mistakes and do regrettable and even disgusting things. The reason that the law protects disclosure of many actions on the part of a minor is that the society has traditionally understood something that today’s blood-thirsty media does not understand—that being a minor means that one's judgement is not mature. No one needs to defend Josh’s actions as a teenager, but the fact that he confessed his sins to those he harmed, sought help, and has gone forward to live a responsible and circumspect life as an adult is testament to his family’s authenticity and humility. Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive bloodthirst, for there was no consideration of the fact that the victims wanted this to be left in the past and ultimately a judge had the information on file destroyed—not to protect Josh, but the innocent victims. Janet and I love Jim Bob and Michelle and their entire family. They are no more perfect a family than any family, but their Christian witness is not marred in our eyes because following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. We have been blessed to receive God’s love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our friends. In fact, it is such times as this, when real friends show up and stand up. Today, Janet and I want to show up and stand up for our friends. Let others run from them. We will run to them with our support.
Mike Huckabee - Janet and I want to affirm our support for... Facebook

That isn't defending Josh Duggar, Nazi.
Oh, it very much is, dumbass. Not defending him would have looked like this:

"What we have learned about what Josh did as a teenager, which he has admitted to, and did to his sisters while they were sleeping at times no less, is inexcusable and I wish to denounce his actions, and the fact that this was covered up by his parents and others who should have known bnetter, in the strongest possible terms. It is up to God and his victims to forgive him now but he should never be allowed around children without supervision and I pray that God will protect all the children who have contact with him, and that God cares for and comforts his victims who deserve, unlike Josh, our utmost respect and support. His actions deserved to be judged in court and now it's too late so his victims will never see justice which makes his crimes just that much worse. No one who molests a child should get away what what he has here and I pray that this travesty of justice is never again repeated.

Now that, my little infant, is the very opposite of what Huck said.

Also, the idea that turds like you give a shit about Josh's Victims is absurd. Left-wing turds like you went out of your way to publish sealed court records. The records were sealed to protect the victims. In your zeal to use Josh to attack Republicans you took a great big shit on the victims and stuck a hot poker in their wounds.

You are almost a much of a despicable piece of shit as Josh Dugger. He at least had the excuse of being a juvenile.

What's your excuse?
Are you accusing me of child molestation?

And the records weren't sealed. Had this not been covered up by the family they likely would have been.

The records were sealed, you fucking Nazi dumbass. The records in Juvenile cases are always sealed because they are just children who don't deserve to have their lives ruined by scumbags of your ilk.
You are entirely wrong.

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