Political Quiz

Not when it comes to social issues like abortion and gay marriage. It has everything to do with a person's point of view regarding some things.
No it doesn't. From your response, I sense that you are not a religious person. Because even in any given religion, there are those that are on the left, and those that are on the right. AKA conservatives and liberals.
The test questions must have been written by a Liberal pollster. They are too vague or leading. For example:
  1. People with a criminal history should not be able to vote. RE: what kind of criminal history? Marijuana possession? Counterfeiting? Arson? Other...? My answer would be different depending on what the criminal history was.
  2. It does not make sense to understand the motivations of terrorists because they are self-evidently evil. RE: Trying to understand Terrorist motivations is not tied to whether they are evil or not. They are an enemy and it always makes sense to understand your enemy. I would disagree but NOT because they are self-evidently evil.

Yes, but like I said before, if you get that much into the questions, then it will be a very LOOOONNNNGGGG quiz, and nobody here will take the time to actually take it. Would you take a half hour long political quiz?
I think the questions could be written clearly with no ambiguity but for some reason, they are not. Just like poll questions.
Not when it comes to social issues like abortion and gay marriage. It has everything to do with a person's point of view regarding some things.
No it doesnt'. From your response, I send that you are not a religious person. Because even in any given religion, there are those that are on the left, and those that are on the right. AKA conservatives and liberals.

Whatever. I say that religious beliefs affect people's point of view even when it comes to politics (sometimes especially when it comes to politics). Start a poll.
The test questions must have been written by a Liberal pollster. They are too vague or leading. For example:
  1. People with a criminal history should not be able to vote. RE: what kind of criminal history? Marijuana possession? Counterfeiting? Arson? Other...? My answer would be different depending on what the criminal history was.
  2. It does not make sense to understand the motivations of terrorists because they are self-evidently evil. RE: Trying to understand Terrorist motivations is not tied to whether they are evil or not. They are an enemy and it always makes sense to understand your enemy. I would disagree but NOT because they are self-evidently evil.

Yes, but like I said before, if you get that much into the questions, then it will be a very LOOOONNNNGGGG quiz, and nobody here will take the time to actually take it. Would you take a half hour long political quiz?
I have taken a 70 something question political quiz. I don't know for sure if it took a half an hour to finish, but it felt that long.

Anyone ever do eHarmony? I don't know how it is like now but 7 ? Years ago they made you do a million questions, take like a damn hour and the end it ask me if I was separated but still married ...

I was

It said see we don't deal with you types?

Say what?

Why did you say that on the first damn question I was so mad for wasting an hour
Not when it comes to social issues like abortion and gay marriage. It has everything to do with a person's point of view regarding some things.
No it doesnt'. From your response, I send that you are not a religious person. Because even in any given religion, there are those that are on the left, and those that are on the right. AKA conservatives and liberals.

Whatever. I say that religious beliefs affect people's point of view even when it comes to politics (sometimes especially when it comes to politics). Start a poll.
It does. It's just that different people are influenced by different aspects of their religion as far as politics go. I am figuring that Marc comes from a denomination that is heavy on the Social Gospel stuff, rather than the Fundamentalist Baptist influence on mine. So he votes left, and I vote right.
It does. It's just that different people are influenced by different aspects of their religion as far as politics go. I am figuring that Marc comes from a denomination that is heavy on the Social Gospel stuff, rather than the Fundamentalist Baptist influence on mine. So he votes left, and I vote right.
Your guess would be wrong.

BTW, the Bible is "heavy on the social gospel stuff"...look it up.
The long one I took called me a "Fascist Capitalist".... Whatever the hell that is.

Did it call you a basket of deplorables? :lol:
Nope. It just called me a Fascist Capitalist. Fascists weren't huge fans of free markets, though they did let some industries remain somewhat free if they felt they'd be run better privately than by the state. Economically, there is nothing fascist about me, socially I may have some agreement with fascists I guess. It was probably created by a leftist to give me some sort of weird label like that.

What liberal policies/ideas do you agree with?

I already told you in the other thread when you asked me! Mostly just social issues, gay marriage, abortion . . . . helping poor people in our own country. Mmmm, yeah that's probably about it.

I am more in the middle when it comes to taxation, regulations and things like that. Unlike some on the right, I am not for PURE capitalism. I think we need a healthy mix, BUT I don't trust government enough to give them such responsibilities.
I already told you in the other thread when you asked me! Mostly just social issues, gay marriage, abortion . . . . helping poor people in our own country. Mmmm, yeah that's probably about it.

I am more in the middle when it comes to taxation, regulations and things like that. Unlike some on the right, I am not for PURE capitalism. I think we need a healthy mix, BUT I don't trust government enough to give them such responsibilities.
Yeah, you did mention that, my bad.

So how many democrats have you voted for in your life?
It does. It's just that different people are influenced by different aspects of their religion as far as politics go. I am figuring that Marc comes from a denomination that is heavy on the Social Gospel stuff, rather than the Fundamentalist Baptist influence on mine. So he votes left, and I vote right.
Your guess would be wrong.

BTW, the Bible is "heavy on the social gospel stuff"...look it up.
The Bible is also heavy on the fundamentalist stuff.
I already told you in the other thread when you asked me! Mostly just social issues, gay marriage, abortion . . . . helping poor people in our own country. Mmmm, yeah that's probably about it.

I am more in the middle when it comes to taxation, regulations and things like that. Unlike some on the right, I am not for PURE capitalism. I think we need a healthy mix, BUT I don't trust government enough to give them such responsibilities.
Yeah, you did mention that, my bad.

So how many democrats have you voted for in your life?

None. I hate leftist policies and leftist politicians.
I have voted for two Democrats in my life, None for president though. The last one was recent, he was running for Sheriff and not that liberal other than wanting weed to be decriminalized. He was just better than the guy he would be replacing.
None. I hate leftist policies and leftist politicians.
So how can you be centrist then?

BTW, I knew that would be your answer. All your posts consist of rightwing talking points, including the far rightwing ones.

The partisanship drips from your every post, but yet you claim to be "Centrist." Even going so far as to post the wikipedia, or something, definition of it.

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The Bible is also heavy on the fundamentalist stuff.
So what does that tell you?
BTW, if it's in the Bible...it's fundamental.
What I mean is that for some people, certain parts of the bible speak to them more than others, and that is how religious views can influence your politics. If the social gospel aspect of the bible appeals to you most, then you'll probably vote more to the left than the right, as an example.

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