Political Quiz

I know that these have been posted before, but we do have some new members and people's views can change (rarely), so I wanted to post another political quiz for us to take. Please take it and post your results! Don't be shy! ;)

Political Spectrum Quiz - Your Political Label

My results . . . .

Your results for the Political Spectrum Quiz are displayed below. We also created some cool maps based off this quiz.

You are a centrist moderate social libertarian.
Left: 0.76, Libertarian: 2.59


I took it but alot of the questions are misleading, like with the Union question, yes unions were great in the 1900s, but they were not the only thing that created the middle class after the world was in ruins in 1945


You are a center-right social moderate.
Right: 2.09, Authoritarian: 0.49


Foreign Policy:
On the left side are pacifists and anti-war activists. On the right side are those who want a strong military that intervenes around the world. You scored: 8.76


Where are you in the culture war? On the liberal side, or the conservative side? This scale may apply more to the US than other countries. You scored: 4.17

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Why does it always have to be a left versus right thing? How about just leaving the people the fuck alone? How about having referees (that we elect) that keep the game of life even half way "fair" instead of rigging it on one side or the other? I decide my worth.....I certainly don't need some incorporated entity that we refer to as the federal "gubermint" to decide what is best for me.We have the left that believes that a benevolent ruling class (that takes it's proper share while redistributing the earnings of others) to the right wing that says just let the game play out even though the uber rich that have already gamed the system have an incredibly unfair advantage via exploitation. There has got to be some kind of middle ground.
"Why does it have to be left and right?"

Uhm...that's what this thread is about, determining where on the left or right you are.

Why are you so triggered?

I know that these have been posted before, but we do have some new members and people's views can change (rarely), so I wanted to post another political quiz for us to take. Please take it and post your results! Don't be shy! ;)

Political Spectrum Quiz - Your Political Label

My results . . . .

Your results for the Political Spectrum Quiz are displayed below. We also created some cool maps based off this quiz.

You are a centrist moderate social libertarian.
Left: 0.76, Libertarian: 2.59


I took it but alot of the questions are misleading, like with the Union question, yes unions were great in the 1900s, but they were not the only thing that created the middle class after the world was in ruins in 1945


You are a center-right social moderate.
Right: 2.09, Authoritarian: 0.49

View attachment 170701

I know that these have been posted before, but we do have some new members and people's views can change (rarely), so I wanted to post another political quiz for us to take. Please take it and post your results! Don't be shy! ;)

Political Spectrum Quiz - Your Political Label

My results . . . .

Your results for the Political Spectrum Quiz are displayed below. We also created some cool maps based off this quiz.

You are a centrist moderate social libertarian.
Left: 0.76, Libertarian: 2.59


I took it but alot of the questions are misleading, like with the Union question, yes unions were great in the 1900s, but they were not the only thing that created the middle class after the world was in ruins in 1945


You are a center-right social moderate.
Right: 2.09, Authoritarian: 0.49

View attachment 170701

Yeah, some of the questions and statements don't provide me with the option that best fits my stances on them.
That depends on whether they are religious or not in a lot of cases, I suppose. There are plenty of people on the right who are pro choice and don't care at all about gay marriage.
It has nothing to do w/religion.

I'm very religious, yet, not in agreement with the majority of those that claim they are "Christian Conservatives"

Politics has nothing to do w/religion. It has to do w/one's personal temperament, education (and IQ), background and education.
Can we take that answer as "I dont"? Bush 1 was Moderate at best, and so was Bush 2, and I'm willing to bet you liked neither.
So I take it you consider yourself to be more to the right than both of them were, and/or they weren't far to the right enough for your comfort...yes?

Why does it always have to be a left versus right thing? How about just leaving the people the fuck alone? How about having referees (that we elect) that keep the game of life even half way "fair" instead of rigging it on one side or the other? I decide my worth.....I certainly don't need some incorporated entity that we refer to as the federal "gubermint" to decide what is best for me.We have the left that believes that a benevolent ruling class (that takes it's proper share while redistributing the earnings of others) to the right wing that says just let the game play out even though the uber rich that have already gamed the system have an incredibly unfair advantage via exploitation. There has got to be some kind of middle ground.
Why are you so triggered?


Triggered? How so? I know more than you.....I understand the nature of the cage....you...not so much.
I will never acquiesce to the ways of leftardism nor will I stop speaking out about crony capitalism. Bring some game, "home slice"....thus far you are not impressing me nor are you persuading me.

Hope this helps!
That depends on whether they are religious or not in a lot of cases, I suppose. There are plenty of people on the right who are pro choice and don't care at all about gay marriage.
It has nothing to do w/religion.

I'm very religious, yet, not in agreement with the majority of those that claim they are "Christian Conservatives"

Politics has nothing to do w/religion. It has to do w/one's personal temperament, education (and IQ), background and education.

So? What is a "Christian liberal" or someone of faith that has left leaning views?
That depends on whether they are religious or not in a lot of cases, I suppose. There are plenty of people on the right who are pro choice and don't care at all about gay marriage.
It has nothing to do w/religion.

I'm very religious, yet, not in agreement with the majority of those that claim they are "Christian Conservatives"

Politics has nothing to do w/religion. It has to do w/one's personal temperament, education (and IQ), background and education.
I'm surprised to see a black man acknowledge the validity of IQ....most I run into seem to think IQ tests exist to make blacks feel inferior or something. As if there are zero blacks that score high in IQ or something.
That depends on whether they are religious or not in a lot of cases, I suppose. There are plenty of people on the right who are pro choice and don't care at all about gay marriage.
It has nothing to do w/religion.

I'm very religious, yet, not in agreement with the majority of those that claim they are "Christian Conservatives"

Politics has nothing to do w/religion. It has to do w/one's personal temperament, education (and IQ), background and education.

Not when it comes to social issues like abortion and gay marriage. It has everything to do with a person's point of view regarding some things.
The test questions must have been written by a Liberal pollster. They are too vague or leading. For example:
  1. People with a criminal history should not be able to vote. RE: what kind of criminal history? Marijuana possession? Counterfeiting? Arson? Other...? My answer would be different depending on what the criminal history was.
  2. It does not make sense to understand the motivations of terrorists because they are self-evidently evil. RE: Trying to understand Terrorist motivations is not tied to whether they are evil or not. They are an enemy and it always makes sense to understand your enemy. I would disagree but NOT because they are self-evidently evil.
The test questions must have been written by a Liberal pollster. They are too vague or leading. For example:
  1. People with a criminal history should not be able to vote. RE: what kind of criminal history? Marijuana possession? Counterfeiting? Arson? Other...? My answer would be different depending on what the criminal history was.
  2. It does not make sense to understand the motivations of terrorists because they are self-evidently evil. RE: Trying to understand Terrorist motivations is not tied to whether they are evil or not. They are an enemy and it always makes sense to understand your enemy. I would disagree but NOT because they are self-evidently evil.

Yes, but like I said before, if you get that much into the questions, then it will be a very LOOOONNNNGGGG quiz, and nobody here will take the time to actually take it. Would you take a half hour long political quiz?
See, MarcATL is into divisiveness....you have to be on one side or the other.....either or. If you are not a full blown commie? Then YOU are an enemy.....divide and conquer.
The test questions must have been written by a Liberal pollster. They are too vague or leading. For example:
  1. People with a criminal history should not be able to vote. RE: what kind of criminal history? Marijuana possession? Counterfeiting? Arson? Other...? My answer would be different depending on what the criminal history was.
  2. It does not make sense to understand the motivations of terrorists because they are self-evidently evil. RE: Trying to understand Terrorist motivations is not tied to whether they are evil or not. They are an enemy and it always makes sense to understand your enemy. I would disagree but NOT because they are self-evidently evil.

Yes, but like I said before, if you get that much into the questions, then it will be a very LOOOONNNNGGGG quiz, and nobody here will take the time to actually take it. Would you take a half hour long political quiz?
I have taken a 70 something question political quiz. I don't know for sure if it took a half an hour to finish, but it felt that long.

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