Politically, I find most Liberals intolerant of other's viewpoints.

This thread?

I agree. It is sad.

No, the viewpoints. Reverse them to about 6 years ago. Same bitching would be going on, just the sides would be switched:

This isn't what I see happening on tv. Just where is all of this "preaching" taking place? To me, it seems more like, "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY." Disagree with a _____ on any subject and they most often go into a rant about you being a ____, ____, ____, ____, and the list goes on and on. _____ are nothing more than bullies who cry when they can't get their way.

It's like MadLibs, except there's only 2 options to plug in.

I disagree... the din is incredible now.

i just responded to a post that blatantly lies about the "suggested" activities after listening to thepresident's speech; i just read one freaking lunatic who repeatedly called the president things like the "antichrist" and who makes overtly racist comments ... and another moron who called me an "obama worshipper" because i pointed out the insanity of another poster.

i've never had anyone explain to me why i should be "tolerant" of things like that. I thought Bush was the worst president we ever had... but when people were OTT about him, I called them on that, too.

I think you misunderstand what my point is. Go back 6 or 7 years ago. Your sentences:
i just read one freaking lunatic who repeatedly called the president things like the "antichrist" and who makes overtly racist comments ... and another moron who called me an "obama worshipper" because i pointed out the insanity of another poster.

Would then read:

i just read one freaking lunatic who repeatedly called the president things like the "antichrist" and who makes overtly bigotted comments ... and another moron who called me an "Bush worshipper" because i pointed out the insanity of another poster.

Same bitching is going on, just the sides are reversed.

ohhhhhhhhh... so people can say what they want? make whatever slurs they choose... state any misstatements they want...

and if people respond, THEY are the ones who are intolerant?


That's the partisan hack mindset in a nutshell, didn't you know?
"Disagree with me or call me on my bullshit du jour and you're just an intolerant (smear of choice) and pissing on my First Amendment cheerios. But when I call you a (insert smear of choice) for your views, I'm just exercising my First Amendment rights and doing my patriotic duty."
Radioman was right, same shit different day. *yawn*
like i said... if anyone called bush the anti-christ, i'd have told them they were just as stupid. and i think maybe we weren't "hearing" each others' point.

my point was about the irony of someone creating a thread to insult liberals and then complaining that liberals are intolerant about it.
like i said... If anyone called bush the anti-christ, i'd have told them they were just as stupid. And i think maybe we weren't "hearing" each others' point.

My point was about the irony of someone creating a thread to insult liberals and then complaining that liberals are intolerant about it.

like i said... if anyone called bush the anti-christ, i'd have told them they were just as stupid. and i think maybe we weren't "hearing" each others' point.

my point was about the irony of someone creating a thread to insult liberals and then complaining that liberals are intolerant about it.

ugh are you serious?

Im not trying to insult liberals, i'm merely pointing out the behavior i've been observing. And this behavior is increasing at an alarming rate.

I respect liberals and dont want to lose the respect for them they same way i lost respect for the cons over their reactions to the anti-bush stuff.

You're not helping, none of you are. All of you are reinforcing what i said :(
Do those who questioned Bush's motivations also question Obama's? If they do question, do they do so with the same level of suspiscion and vitiol? If not, they are political hacks. If so, they are responsible custodians of their voting franchise, but are probably pretty miserable individuals.

(I apologize in advance for the following, but you teed it up too perfectly)

/begin flame.

So then the conclusion that can be drawn is that liberals are either political hacks or miserable individuals.

/end flame.

sounds to me like you needed to do a thread on why people are generally intolerant today? you could have covered it with that...so it was your choose to slant it one way or another...now wasnt it?
like i said... if anyone called bush the anti-christ, i'd have told them they were just as stupid. and i think maybe we weren't "hearing" each others' point.

my point was about the irony of someone creating a thread to insult liberals and then complaining that liberals are intolerant about it.

ugh are you serious?

Im not trying to insult liberals, i'm merely pointing out the behavior i've been observing. And this behavior is increasing at an alarming rate.

I respect liberals and dont want to lose the respect for them they same way i lost respect for the cons over their reactions to the anti-bush stuff.

You're not helping, none of you are. All of you are reinforcing what i said :(

Helping? Why should we be expected to help you insult an entire group of people en masse as "intolerant" and "hypocritical", then claim when some of them disagree it's merely reaffirmation of your insults?
Are they expected to simply bow down and say, "You're absolutely correct, I am an intolerant hypocrite"? Would that help?
Sorry Pilgrim, but if you don't see the insults and hackery here that's not the libs' problem.
like i said... if anyone called bush the anti-christ, i'd have told them they were just as stupid. and i think maybe we weren't "hearing" each others' point.

my point was about the irony of someone creating a thread to insult liberals and then complaining that liberals are intolerant about it.

ugh are you serious?

Im not trying to insult liberals, i'm merely pointing out the behavior i've been observing. And this behavior is increasing at an alarming rate.

I respect liberals and dont want to lose the respect for them they same way i lost respect for the cons over their reactions to the anti-bush stuff.

You're not helping, none of you are. All of you are reinforcing what i said :(

let me help ya out here...go fuck yourself! you elected to slant the thread...now live with it.
Attack the poster and ignore the point.

Kudos guys, kudos.

EDIT: Oh i didn't say ALL liberals, i thought i might have by mistake but i didn't. whew

sounds to me like you needed to do a thread on why people are generally intolerant today? you could have covered it with that...so it was your choose to slant it one way or another...now wasnt it?

i take issue with hypocracy, which is where the direction toward the liberals comes from.

Practice what they preach or stop calling themselves tolerant.
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sounds to me like you needed to do a thread on why people are generally intolerant today? you could have covered it with that...so it was your choose to slant it one way or another...now wasnt it?
Maybe he's feeling guilty that he is intolerant of troofers and Obama making a speech to school children. :eusa_whistle:
you inject personal opinion....you receive exactly that back...isnt the op all personal opinion? yet now you want facts to dispute your personal opinion? que surprise....
Tolerance is all well and good but when the forces of reaction are mounting attacks then "tolerance" is just another word for "milquetoast". It isn't intolerant to engage anyone in discussion, even when the discussion gets somewhat heated. It's just a dialectic, a conversation.....okay, a LOUD conversation at times :D

It's a bit silly when we chuck around insults (although at times it can be quite funny I have to admit) and it usually signals an exhaustion of points on all sides of the discussion. But, I have to say, if I get shit thrown at me, I'll throw it right back. If that's intolerant then I'm intolerant. Jeez if I didn't hold my values and opinions strongly I'd not bother posting. Same goes for everyone else I would think.
sounds to me like you needed to do a thread on why people are generally intolerant today? you could have covered it with that...so it was your choose to slant it one way or another...now wasnt it?
Maybe he's feeling guilty that he is intolerant of troofers and Obama making a speech to school children. :eusa_whistle:

whats wrong with the president speaking to schoolkids about the importance of education?

Didn't reagan and bush sr do that too?

Oh my the assumptions one makes.

i think 9/11 trufers are as off base as the birfers
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you inject personal opinion....you receive exactly that back...isnt the op all personal opinion? yet now you want facts to dispute your personal opinion? que surprise....

Tu ne parle pas francais s'il te plait :lol:

I would love my opinion to become wrong, why do you think i posted this random thought.

I am hoping to remind liberals of one of their values which i strive to so they dont continue on this path of hypocracy.

Its just sad when some in the forum who consider themselves liberal just call me bullshit.

A true liberal would have said "you are right SOME of the people who identify as liberals are total hypocrites, much like many conservatives who do x, y, or z. I hope that they can take a step back and look at the opposition with an open mind from time to time and realize that those they disagree with have more in common with them than normally thought. In fact their opinions and values, while different from our own, have merit and value to them and we should respect that."

I know i know its asking a lot, but you have to dream big.
it becomes hard for either side to be tolerant, of the intolerant....i try my best, but sometimes intolerance is too overbearing to be tolerant of it.
you inject personal opinion....you receive exactly that back...isnt the op all personal opinion? yet now you want facts to dispute your personal opinion? que surprise....

Tu ne parle pas francais s'il te plait :lol:

I would love my opinion to become wrong, why do you think i posted this random thought.

I am hoping to remind liberals of one of their values which i strive to so they dont continue on this path of hypocracy.

Its just sad when some in the forum who consider themselves liberal just call me bullshit.

A true liberal would have said "you are right SOME of the people who identify as liberals are total hypocrites, much like many conservatives who do x, y, or z. I hope that they can take a step back and look at the opposition with an open mind from time to time and realize that those they disagree with have more in common with them than normally thought. In fact their opinions and values, while different from our own, have merit and value to them and we should respect that."

I know i know its asking a lot, but you have to dream big.

People respond to the condescending tone of the thread, Pilgrim. You should know that by now. You set up yet another stereotypical slam on the "majority" of "liberals" and yet another dumb hack "the other side is __________" thread that springs up by the dozen on forums daily. I think you're smart enough to know it if it wasn't in your own intolerant blind spot. Nobody's perfect. Just own it and move on. If I didn't think you could be better than that, I wouldn't waste my finger pads. ;)

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