Politician Who Colluded With And PAID Foreign Spies & Russians Claim Victim Status of Russian Plot


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hillary Clinton, who colluded with and PAID a Trump-Hating foreign Spy and Russians for their help in altering the election in 2016 is publicly declaring SHE is a 'Targeted VICTIM' of a Russian Plot.


One of the funniest things about this is that she ISN'T wrong. The funny part is in her rush to climb into bed with Ukrainians, Trump-hating foreign British Spies, and the Russians in order to get anything on Trump she could use to alter the 2016 election, she was ignorantly oblivious to the concept that while helping her they did not want her to win any more than they did Trump.

The partisans have been so blinded by hate for the opposing candidate / politician that they have been oblivious to the fact that Putin and Russia did not / do not benefit nearly as much from either candidate winning as they do from creating utter chaos / undermining the US govt as has been done the last 3 years.

Political division and partisan hate has been initiated and nurtured to the point where the country is completely divided, the government has ground to a halt focused on nothing but dragging the President from the WH and undermining the govt of the United States.

The US is NOT focused on the threats of China, Iran, NK, the on-going invasion from our southern border, the $23+ Trillion debt etc....it is consumed with this on-going coup, fending off the coup, and partisanship so deep it is tearing apart the machine (US govt) from the inside......

And our enemies - especially Russia / Putin who began their counter-intel / interference Ops and psychological warfare at least back as early as 2014, when Barry learned of it and did nothing to stop it - are sitting back celebrating the melt-down this country / govt is having.

And corrupt, self-centered Hillary is STILL too f*ing ignorant to recognize it....she is just focused on claiming SHE is the only victim and on blaming the Russians for her loss.

Hillary Clinton warns Dems about impeachment push, says she was 'target of a Russian plot'

Trump’s treasons have little to do with Hillary
Your insanity has very little to do with anything. What do you NOT understand about Mueller's FAILURE to prove GUILT regarding Trump and Russian collusion and Obstruction? Again, it is NOT your inability to understand, it is your butt-hurt IDS-induced insanity and denial of all the evidence of Hillary's crimes.
They don't care about Hitlery's crimes.

In fact they firmly believe she's as pure as the driven snow.

She better hope Putting doesn't decide to off her stupid ass because if anyone could, it would be a killer like him.

He hates her with a passion and it wouldn't have mattered who her opponent was in 2016 he would have done the same thing.

If I were her I'd shut my stupid mouth and hide.

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