Politicians: Diversity is what makes us great!

Diversity, immigration and also illegal immigration is what made America what it is.

Einstein Jewish
Mohammed Ali Black Muslim
Steve Jobs Arab

And it is funny how some racists in here bash Latinos, blacks and other minorities and forget to mention the Italian Mafia, Irish mafia, KKK, neonazis, mass shooters, mass shooters, child molesters, white collar thieves, wall street thieves, biggest thieves of all the politicians that happened to be majority white.

These racists wanna tell us that America was all peace and bloom since it was created. BULLSHIT!!!
Diversity, immigration and also illegal immigration is what made America what it is.

Einstein Jewish
Mohammed Ali Black Muslim
Steve Jobs Arab

And it is funny how some racists in here bash Latinos, blacks and other minorities and forget to mention the Italian Mafia, Irish mafia, KKK, neonazis, mass shooters, mass shooters, child molesters, white collar thieves, wall street thieves, biggest thieves of all the politicians that happened to be majority white.

These racists wanna tell us that America was all peace and bloom since it was created. BULLSHIT!!!

no one will deny the wrongs of the past or what came over with some European immigrants.

and stop with the mass shooters bullshit .
THEY WERE WHITE .. i wonder why we dont hear much about them ....derp

1 white men.png
oh look non whites

ya already threw in class warfare why not throw in slavery to !!!! DERP
how about a successful black business man ?
his grandfather was a slave

The most famous trader of all was Tippu Tip, (Hamed bin Mohammed) a Swahili Arab son of a trader, and grandson of an African slave. He was born in Zanzibar of African Arab parentage and went on to establish a base West of Lake Tanganyika, linking up with Msiri. He and his men operated in an area stretching over a thousand miles from inland to the coast.

funny how the slave trade still operates

how about by some estimates a couple million whites enslaved by north african arabs

1 traitors.JPG

now tell us why we should hate ourselves and bow down to white morons like you along with your brown and black slaves that the left uses and abuse s
Diversity is communism at work, divide and conquor, ever hear of it? You better learn it or America is doomed. Historically, the world wanted to be like America, so they come here and then what? They want to change us to be like them, well, here's what I got to say, "Fuck you, in the nose, asshole".

Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.
My brothers company moved hq to Ireland to save taxes but operates here in Michigan. They hired 500 people. That’s pretty good for Michigan. Michigan doesn’t care what nationality those 500 are.

Well, they are Indians and Chinese. White men in Michigan are not qualified to do these jobs. So diversity does make us great

Are you suggesting the corporations are lying? Then maybe you should have thought about that before you voted republican.

So what you are saying is we need diversity because our educational system is failing us? Wouldn't the better solution be to address that problem instead so we wouldn't rely on foreigners to do these jobs?
Seems pretty simple to me ray. What are the job requirements when you look up these jobs on the internet. Go to school for that.

Why would you blame the educational system and not the idiots going to college for finance or communications or a history degree.

You want to blame everyone but yourselves. Ignorant white bastards.

It's because our colleges are failing us. Look, if we have to depend on foreigners to do jobs our people can't, then yes, part of that are the people, but most of it is our low quality colleges.

You can walk across the campus of an elite university and never hear a word of english [sic] spoken...

No you can’t.
Nothing. Since Reagan the rich have been winning and the American middle class has disappeared.

Ford, gm and Chrysler workers ruled flint Detroit and Saginaw. The world had never seen such a successful middle class. Republicans waged war on unions. Sent their jobs overseas.

Your desperation is duly noted.

Please show us all how you support your allegation that "SINCE President Ronald Reagan the rich have been winning and the American middle class has disappeared. You can't, so you're lying.

Even you know that it was the Auto Unions that destroyed the automakers. Then came Honda, Toyota, Mercedes, and however many other foreign automakers who located where? Any other state but Michigan.

As you know, it wasn't Republicans who destroyed unions, it was the unions that destroyed unions. Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama foolishly bailed out the auto companies. In fact, his purpose was not to bail out the auto companies, but rather to bail out the auto UNIONS. Had the auto companies gone through a usual bankruptcy procedure, the unions would have been destroyed.

Before you whine about "all those lost jobs". Tell me how many fewer cars would have been built and sold in the United States.
Even with Toyota and Honda the people in those states are still struggling. The American middle class hardly exists now. Are you saving for retirement? Most of you are not. You appear middle class but you’ve taken a huge step backwards. Even with all those Toyota and Honda jobs.

The unions made America great. The corporations didn’t like the high cost so along with you they waged a war on unions. They mad3 too much.

So you don’t have it as good as they did. This is one of the many ways the rich got richer and the middle class got poorer.

Michigan is doing fine but we aren’t doing as well as our parents did. They worked for the big three. Not only did they make great pay they got pensions.

Toyota and Honda employees are just getting by. Most of the people who work in those plants aren’t even Toyota employees. Theyr3 sub contractors and temps.

Maga my ass

I was a member of the UAW once in St.Louis whilst going to college...the United Auto Workers...it was a great union at that time.

Unfortunately Unions now are not once what they are...most of them are phoney unions....look at how they follow the liberal line...supporting illegal immigrants....Reagan helped destroy the unions...another reason i do not like him.
Wages aren’t what they were either. Connect the dots.

And republicans convinced you it was necessary because unions had it too good. You even believe they are unnecessary. I can’t fix this level of stupidity
Yea but what made us great was the combination English, French, Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs.

For example it wasn’t an American who invented the atomic bomb. If it wasn’t for diversity you’d be speaking German.

English, French, Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs. For the most part, all of those nationalities have merged into Americans. As a separate race, Asians are more to themselves and are highly successful. Indians were promised if they gave us their guns, we would take care of them and we know that is an utter failure.

As you know, Julius R. Oppenheimer, an American, is the Father of the Atomic Bomb. That had nothing to do with speaking German. That being the case, I have no clue about what you mean by us would be speaking German were it not for Diversity.
I thought we had to steal scientists from Germany to develop the atomic bomb. No?
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.
My brothers company moved hq to Ireland to save taxes but operates here in Michigan. They hired 500 people. That’s pretty good for Michigan. Michigan doesn’t care what nationality those 500 are.

Well, they are Indians and Chinese. White men in Michigan are not qualified to do these jobs. So diversity does make us great

Are you suggesting the corporations are lying? Then maybe you should have thought about that before you voted republican.

So what you are saying is we need diversity because our educational system is failing us? Wouldn't the better solution be to address that problem instead so we wouldn't rely on foreigners to do these jobs?
Seems pretty simple to me ray. What are the job requirements when you look up these jobs on the internet. Go to school for that.

Why would you blame the educational system and not the idiots going to college for finance or communications or a history degree.

You want to blame everyone but yourselves. Ignorant white bastards.

It's because our colleges are failing us. Look, if we have to depend on foreigners to do jobs our people can't, then yes, part of that are the people, but most of it is our low quality colleges.

You can walk across the campus of an elite university and never hear a word of english spoken...wealthy foreigners have taken up many,many slots in our most prestigious schools whilst Americans with a high i.q. but inadequate funding and no connections to these elite schools are left out in the cold.
You guys didn’t care when it was poor Americans getting screwed over by rich Americans. Now you care because foreigners are being favored? Do you know how much more they pay to come to our universities?

Aren’t you in favor of for profit organizations charging as much as they can?

Plenty of other schools you can go to.

What do you want the universities to do?
My brothers company moved hq to Ireland to save taxes but operates here in Michigan. They hired 500 people. That’s pretty good for Michigan. Michigan doesn’t care what nationality those 500 are.

Well, they are Indians and Chinese. White men in Michigan are not qualified to do these jobs. So diversity does make us great

Are you suggesting the corporations are lying? Then maybe you should have thought about that before you voted republican.

So what you are saying is we need diversity because our educational system is failing us? Wouldn't the better solution be to address that problem instead so we wouldn't rely on foreigners to do these jobs?
Seems pretty simple to me ray. What are the job requirements when you look up these jobs on the internet. Go to school for that.

Why would you blame the educational system and not the idiots going to college for finance or communications or a history degree.

You want to blame everyone but yourselves. Ignorant white bastards.

It's because our colleges are failing us. Look, if we have to depend on foreigners to do jobs our people can't, then yes, part of that are the people, but most of it is our low quality colleges.

You can walk across the campus of an elite university and never hear a word of english [sic] spoken...

No you can’t.
You can walk into a lifetime fitness and the only members are foreigners. White Americans can’t afford it
Brown people would and could destroy the world if we allowed them to.
-------------------------------------- [chuckle] yeah , fureigners , mostly adults with their already formed foreign ways of thinking and already formed loyalties just need more VETTING as i roll my eyes [chuckle] !!

Vetting is not what I advocate...impossible to do anyhow for the most part. All these people from 3rd world nations have no available records for us to use as a background search.

The only muslims that could be vetted are those who are in our terror data base...which is far from comprehensive...we might be able to catch a few.

However Europeans could be vetted quite easily but they are the ones least in need of it.

What I suggest is we go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965

How about giving them lie detector tests?
---------------------------- WHY would i want them eh ?? And why would i want foreigners in the USA even if they are he nicest people in the world . They grew up as foreigners , they think like foreigners and i generally don't like foreigners with their foreign ideas and ways of thinking , cultures , traditions and non Western ways , etc , etc . Plus i can't understand why the USA needs more people when it already has 320 million legal residents in 2010 census plus millions of illegals .

My parents were immigrants. Came here legally. They assimilated. Pay a ton in taxes. Had me and now I have kids too. All Americans. There are some good strong immigrants that can make this country better. We are Jews. For whatever that’s worth to you.

The problem with Jewish Americans is that the great majority of them are liberal...not understanding for some reason that liberals are the modern day anti-semites.

Jewish immigrants have a lot to contribute and they have congtributed a lot.

Yet our govenment policy is to make the best immigrants wait whilst giving preferance to muslims, africans and other third world immigrants who have trouble assimilating and even if they do ...in too many cases their children are radicalized.

They are and that annoys me but many like my parents are leaving the party. Hopefully many more soon.
Ray said diversity didn’t have anything to do with making us great. I have to disagree with that. That’s what this is about. Do any of you u agree with that?

Speaking strictly statistics, diversity has been harmful. Morally, that's a different matter.
Yea but what made us great was the combination of English, French,Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs.

For example it wasn’t an American who invented the atomic bomb. If it wasn’t for diversity you’d be speaking German.

Nonsense...but I have no problem with Jews except for liberal american jews.

Yes Einstein made the Atomic Bomb possible...but the rosenbergs betrayed us and gave it to the russians...and then b. clinton allowed the chinese into los alamos and they stole our modern nuclear secrets...and now they have nukes aimed at L.A. thanx to bill clinton
And trump is selling the saudis nuclear technology. The murderous regime. I wouldn’t trust them.

Isn’t trump selling russia uranium? Of course. Payback for 2016 and because putin has a tape of trump with a Russian prostitute peeing on a bed obama slept in.

liar liar pants on fire

So you don't know this stuff? No wonder you come across as stupid and uninformed.

Jared Kushner Still Won’t Hold Saudi Crown Prince Accountable For Jamal Khashoggi
The White House adviser told Axios he’s noncommittal on holding Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman responsible for the journalist’s murder.

The Trump administration is eager to sell nuclear reactors to Saudi Arabia. But why? - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Energy Secretary Rick Perry approved six secret authorizations for companies to do preliminary work on a Saudi nuclear deal without congressional oversight.

House Oversight Committee, released in February; the report cited whistleblowers who had warned that the White House was trying to rush the transfer of nuclear technology to the Kingdom.

Some despair at the very idea of transferring such sensitive technology to a regime known to have been involved in the gruesome murder of a prominent US-based journalist and to have led a bloody war in Yemen.

But for Saudi Arabia, the obvious switch is to solar energy, which also doesn’t result in carbon emissions and can be used to reduce domestic consumption of oil and gas. The limited efforts in installing solar power capacity on the part of the Saudi government suggest that climate action and economics may not be the driving motivations for its extensive nuclear energy plan. Indeed, members of the Saudi regime have, on other occasions, made it clear that their interests in nuclear energy derive from the idea that it would help them acquire the capability to make nuclear weapons and match Iran, whose regional status is seen to have risen as a result of its uranium enrichment program
Dave Morrison jumps into the race fray ...black nosing ...tee hee
but he makes a couple good points about winners and losers

yep it fits op thread

To some extent, whites really are responsible for black failure — more specifically, white liberals are. They oppress blacks by holding them to lower standards. It has reached the point of educrats systematically raising the grades of black students. They do the same thing with college entrance exams (see here and here).

This benefits no one except condescending virtue signalers and professional guilt enablers. Dave Morrison has a term for this self-serving bigotry of low expectations: black-nosing.

watch it before youtube bans it
Diversity is communism at work, divide and conquor, ever hear of it? You better learn it or America is doomed. Historically, the world wanted to be like America, so they come here and then what? They want to change us to be like them, well, here's what I got to say, "Fuck you, in the nose, asshole".

Yea but what made us great was the combination English, French, Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs.

For example it wasn’t an American who invented the atomic bomb. If it wasn’t for diversity you’d be speaking German.

English, French, Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs. For the most part, all of those nationalities have merged into Americans. As a separate race, Asians are more to themselves and are highly successful. Indians were promised if they gave us their guns, we would take care of them and we know that is an utter failure.

As you know, Julius R. Oppenheimer, an American, is the Father of the Atomic Bomb. That had nothing to do with speaking German. That being the case, I have no clue about what you mean by us would be speaking German were it not for Diversity.
I thought we had to steal scientists from Germany to develop the atomic bomb. No?

After we defeated Germany a lot of their scientists came to America that was after we already had developed the bombed and dropped it on Japan. aka operation paperclip
Vetting is not what I advocate...impossible to do anyhow for the most part. All these people from 3rd world nations have no available records for us to use as a background search.

The only muslims that could be vetted are those who are in our terror data base...which is far from comprehensive...we might be able to catch a few.

However Europeans could be vetted quite easily but they are the ones least in need of it.

What I suggest is we go back to the immigration policy we had before 1965

How about giving them lie detector tests?
---------------------------- WHY would i want them eh ?? And why would i want foreigners in the USA even if they are he nicest people in the world . They grew up as foreigners , they think like foreigners and i generally don't like foreigners with their foreign ideas and ways of thinking , cultures , traditions and non Western ways , etc , etc . Plus i can't understand why the USA needs more people when it already has 320 million legal residents in 2010 census plus millions of illegals .

My parents were immigrants. Came here legally. They assimilated. Pay a ton in taxes. Had me and now I have kids too. All Americans. There are some good strong immigrants that can make this country better. We are Jews. For whatever that’s worth to you.

The problem with Jewish Americans is that the great majority of them are liberal...not understanding for some reason that liberals are the modern day anti-semites.

Jewish immigrants have a lot to contribute and they have congtributed a lot.

Yet our govenment policy is to make the best immigrants wait whilst giving preferance to muslims, africans and other third world immigrants who have trouble assimilating and even if they do ...in too many cases their children are radicalized.

They are and that annoys me but many like my parents are leaving the party. Hopefully many more soon.

That is good to hear, there has never been a President that was a greater supporter of Jews and Israel than President Trump.
Diversity is communism at work, divide and conquor, ever hear of it? You better learn it or America is doomed. Historically, the world wanted to be like America, so they come here and then what? They want to change us to be like them, well, here's what I got to say, "Fuck you, in the nose, asshole".

Yea but what made us great was the combination English, French, Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs.

For example it wasn’t an American who invented the atomic bomb. If it wasn’t for diversity you’d be speaking German.

English, French, Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs. For the most part, all of those nationalities have merged into Americans. As a separate race, Asians are more to themselves and are highly successful. Indians were promised if they gave us their guns, we would take care of them and we know that is an utter failure.

As you know, Julius R. Oppenheimer, an American, is the Father of the Atomic Bomb. That had nothing to do with speaking German. That being the case, I have no clue about what you mean by us would be speaking German were it not for Diversity.
I thought we had to steal scientists from Germany to develop the atomic bomb. No?

After we defeated Germany a lot of their scientists came to America that was after we already had developed the bombed and dropped it on Japan. aka operation paperclip


Over one hundred scientists who had fled from the Nazis contributed immeasurably to the effort. America benefited by being one of the few countries during these dark years before and during World War II that opened its doors to these refugees.

The "Martians," four brilliant scientists who were born in the same neighborhood in Budapest, Hungary, allegedly earned their nickname from Enrico Fermi. A refugee from Italy himself, Fermi quipped that there must have been a spaceship from Mars that landed in Budapest, dropping off the extraordinarily gifted Edward Teller, Eugene Wigner, John von Neumann, and Leo Szilard.

The British mission, led by Sir James Chadwick, also made very important contributions. Well versed in experimental physics, the 20-plus members of the British mission in Los Alamos were instrumental in translating the abstract notions of the theorists into reality.
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.

Cosmetic differences don't matter......race, for example. What matters is unity in believing in the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, respect for the rule of law, an understanding of capitalism and our values and culture regardless of where you may have started your life, either here or in another country. Coming here from Mexico, or France, and pushing the same policies here that have wrecked those countries is the diversity that destroys a country......
Diversity is communism at work, divide and conquor, ever hear of it? You better learn it or America is doomed. Historically, the world wanted to be like America, so they come here and then what? They want to change us to be like them, well, here's what I got to say, "Fuck you, in the nose, asshole".

Yea but what made us great was the combination English, French, Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs.

For example it wasn’t an American who invented the atomic bomb. If it wasn’t for diversity you’d be speaking German.

English, French, Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs. For the most part, all of those nationalities have merged into Americans. As a separate race, Asians are more to themselves and are highly successful. Indians were promised if they gave us their guns, we would take care of them and we know that is an utter failure.

As you know, Julius R. Oppenheimer, an American, is the Father of the Atomic Bomb. That had nothing to do with speaking German. That being the case, I have no clue about what you mean by us would be speaking German were it not for Diversity.
I thought we had to steal scientists from Germany to develop the atomic bomb. No?

After we defeated Germany a lot of their scientists came to America that was after we already had developed the bombed and dropped it on Japan. aka operation paperclip


Over one hundred scientists who had fled from the Nazis contributed immeasurably to the effort. America benefited by being one of the few countries during these dark years before and during World War II that opened its doors to these refugees.

The "Martians," four brilliant scientists who were born in the same neighborhood in Budapest, Hungary, allegedly earned their nickname from Enrico Fermi. A refugee from Italy himself, Fermi quipped that there must have been a spaceship from Mars that landed in Budapest, dropping off the extraordinarily gifted Edward Teller, Eugene Wigner, John von Neumann, and Leo Szilard.

The British mission, led by Sir James Chadwick, also made very important contributions. Well versed in experimental physics, the 20-plus members of the British mission in Los Alamos were instrumental in translating the abstract notions of the theorists into reality.

Well, of course a lot of scientists fled Germany

to escape the Nazis...including Einstein...but when you referred to the 'stolen' scientists I assumed you were referring to 'operation paperclip' when after the defeat of Germany we 'stole' a lot of german scientists from under the noses of the Russians who had their own program to confiscate nazi scientists.
Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program to Bring Nazi Scientists to America — Central Intelligence Agency

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