Politicians: Diversity is what makes us great!

The children of muslims are a huge problem...they are easily radicalized...it has been documented.

That’s s why I said it would take 100 years. Any immigrant who raises their kid here and their kids go through public schools with the rest of us and their kids get jobs and they have kids, these people are not radicalized. A very small number of first generation get radicallized.

Do you know why we don’t have problems in Dearborn Michigan. Arab Americans arent cutt off from economic opportunities. The American Dream. They just pretty much keep to themselves but so do a lot of Jews.

So you are saying we have first generation Arab Americans that didn't become radicalized and committed terrorist attacks in the US?

Beyond that and getting back to immigration, I suggest you look up Birther Tourism. Countries are sending their pregnant women here to have children since they would be considered American citizens being born in our country. The mothers return to their countries with child, radicalize them there, and once they turn 18, can return to this country as an American citizen no questions asked. They can just walk on in like they were born in Idaho.

Republicans want to repeal birthright citizenship but the Democrats are willing to fight for it.
I would be all for repealing that.

If you are visiting so is your baby.

I love these extreme scenario because that’s exactly what the terrorists will try to do. Use our liberal weaknesses against us.

I also worry they will radicalize American born Arab women and then send them to the Middle East to have 3 terrorists each. Raise them radical and then bring them here to commit Bihar. How can we stop these American born women from bringing their kids back with them?

I don't think that happens all too often. I think the first step we need to take is to remove birthrights to babies born here. After we succeed in that, then perhaps look at other avenues.

So much talk, but no one even tries to amend the Constitution.

Correct, nobody tries. Just like nobody tries to amend guns being protected by the Constitution.

At one time we were not such a divided country. Today we are. So any attempt at amending any part of the Constitution would be impossible. Look at how the Democrats are against anything Trump is for unless it's a liberal kind of policy like letting prisoners out of jail.

However the Constitution can be re-interpreted. When we get enough power in the court, perhaps we can visit birthright citizenship since the amendment never intended for people to have such right. In fact the arguments against it were specifically about that.

Trump did bring up the problem though which is something no other leader has in the past.
The children of muslims are a huge problem...they are easily radicalized...it has been documented.

That’s s why I said it would take 100 years. Any immigrant who raises their kid here and their kids go through public schools with the rest of us and their kids get jobs and they have kids, these people are not radicalized. A very small number of first generation get radicallized.

Do you know why we don’t have problems in Dearborn Michigan. Arab Americans arent cutt off from economic opportunities. The American Dream. They just pretty much keep to themselves but so do a lot of Jews.

So you are saying we have first generation Arab Americans that didn't become radicalized and committed terrorist attacks in the US?

Beyond that and getting back to immigration, I suggest you look up Birther Tourism. Countries are sending their pregnant women here to have children since they would be considered American citizens being born in our country. The mothers return to their countries with child, radicalize them there, and once they turn 18, can return to this country as an American citizen no questions asked. They can just walk on in like they were born in Idaho.

Republicans want to repeal birthright citizenship but the Democrats are willing to fight for it.
I would be all for repealing that.

If you are visiting so is your baby.

I love these extreme scenario because that’s exactly what the terrorists will try to do. Use our liberal weaknesses against us.

I also worry they will radicalize American born Arab women and then send them to the Middle East to have 3 terrorists each. Raise them radical and then bring them here to commit Bihar. How can we stop these American born women from bringing their kids back with them?

I don't think that happens all too often. I think the first step we need to take is to remove birthrights to babies born here. After we succeed in that, then perhaps look at other avenues.

So much talk, but no one even tries to amend the Constitution.
It’s not a bad idea.
All one needs to do, to measure the impact of "diversity", is to look closely at the City of Chicago.

It was one of America's best and brightest before The Great Migration began.

The City has been slowly but steadily going down the $hitter ever since.

Fourth and fifth generation Welfare Queens and godless, soul-less Driveby Gang Shooters finished the place off.

Nowadays, it does little more than suck the life's blood (tax-money) out of the rest of the formerly great State of Illinois.

It's an albatross around the neck of the rest of the State; a financial cosmic Black Hole; a Train Wreck Extraordinaire.

Same with my city. At one time our population was almost a million people during the 50's. Today, it's less than 400,000 and still in decline.

But you're scared of immigrants.

Shouldn't I be? I see what they do once here. I see where they came from. I see how they conduct themselves and bring in diseases we wiped out decades ago. Did you know the percentage of immigrants on welfare is higher than the percentage of American born citizens?

Of course I'm scared of them. Any American should be.
Nothing. Since Reagan the rich have been winning and the American middle class has disappeared.

Ford, gm and Chrysler workers ruled flint Detroit and Saginaw. The world had never seen such a successful middle class. Republicans waged war on unions. Sent their jobs overseas.

Your desperation is duly noted.

Please show us all how you support your allegation that "SINCE President Ronald Reagan the rich have been winning and the American middle class has disappeared. You can't, so you're lying.

Even you know that it was the Auto Unions that destroyed the automakers. Then came Honda, Toyota, Mercedes, and however many other foreign automakers who located where? Any other state but Michigan.

As you know, it wasn't Republicans who destroyed unions, it was the unions that destroyed unions. Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama foolishly bailed out the auto companies. In fact, his purpose was not to bail out the auto companies, but rather to bail out the auto UNIONS. Had the auto companies gone through a usual bankruptcy procedure, the unions would have been destroyed.

Before you whine about "all those lost jobs". Tell me how many fewer cars would have been built and sold in the United States.
Even with Toyota and Honda the people in those states are still struggling. The American middle class hardly exists now. Are you saving for retirement? Most of you are not. You appear middle class but you’ve taken a huge step backwards. Even with all those Toyota and Honda jobs.

The unions made America great. The corporations didn’t like the high cost so along with you they waged a war on unions. They mad3 too much.

So you don’t have it as good as they did. This is one of the many ways the rich got richer and the middle class got poorer.

Michigan is doing fine but we aren’t doing as well as our parents did. They worked for the big three. Not only did they make great pay they got pensions.

Toyota and Honda employees are just getting by. Most of the people who work in those plants aren’t even Toyota employees. Theyr3 sub contractors and temps.

Maga my ass

I was a member of the UAW once in St.Louis whilst going to college...the United Auto Workers...it was a great union at that time.

Unfortunately Unions now are not once what they are...most of them are phoney unions....look at how they follow the liberal line...supporting illegal immigrants....Reagan helped destroy the unions...another reason i do not like him.

As a person who used to deliver to the auto plants in our state, I can tell you the most worthless working person is a UAW member.

The company I work for now stopped taking auto plant deliveries. It takes union people three to five times longer to unload a truck than most non-union companies. Yes, my employer charged detent time, but he couldn't afford to have drivers taking a half to three quarters of a day doing one delivery. We had many other customers to service. Those customers of ours depended on us being there, not playing union games at UAW plants.

As for Reagan, he only went after one union in his eight years in office, and since that time, has been charged with the de-unionizaiton of the entire country. It's simply not true. Unions fell apart because companies were either leaving the state or the country just to get away from them. If anybody is to blame for the fall of unions in the US, it's the Democrats, because they gave unions way too much power.
Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

Unions today are a joke.....as phoney as the day is long....what used to be called company unions...as in they work with the company against their own members.

The only strong union I know of these days is the one for the police and they should not even be allowed to have one.

To understand just how phoney todays unions are you just need to understand that they support illegal immigration...that should tell you all you need to know.
Your desperation is duly noted.

Please show us all how you support your allegation that "SINCE President Ronald Reagan the rich have been winning and the American middle class has disappeared. You can't, so you're lying.

Even you know that it was the Auto Unions that destroyed the automakers. Then came Honda, Toyota, Mercedes, and however many other foreign automakers who located where? Any other state but Michigan.

As you know, it wasn't Republicans who destroyed unions, it was the unions that destroyed unions. Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama foolishly bailed out the auto companies. In fact, his purpose was not to bail out the auto companies, but rather to bail out the auto UNIONS. Had the auto companies gone through a usual bankruptcy procedure, the unions would have been destroyed.

Before you whine about "all those lost jobs". Tell me how many fewer cars would have been built and sold in the United States.
Even with Toyota and Honda the people in those states are still struggling. The American middle class hardly exists now. Are you saving for retirement? Most of you are not. You appear middle class but you’ve taken a huge step backwards. Even with all those Toyota and Honda jobs.

The unions made America great. The corporations didn’t like the high cost so along with you they waged a war on unions. They mad3 too much.

So you don’t have it as good as they did. This is one of the many ways the rich got richer and the middle class got poorer.

Michigan is doing fine but we aren’t doing as well as our parents did. They worked for the big three. Not only did they make great pay they got pensions.

Toyota and Honda employees are just getting by. Most of the people who work in those plants aren’t even Toyota employees. Theyr3 sub contractors and temps.

Maga my ass

I was a member of the UAW once in St.Louis whilst going to college...the United Auto Workers...it was a great union at that time.

Unfortunately Unions now are not once what they are...most of them are phoney unions....look at how they follow the liberal line...supporting illegal immigrants....Reagan helped destroy the unions...another reason i do not like him.

As a person who used to deliver to the auto plants in our state, I can tell you the most worthless working person is a UAW member.

The company I work for now stopped taking auto plant deliveries. It takes union people three to five times longer to unload a truck than most non-union companies. Yes, my employer charged detent time, but he couldn't afford to have drivers taking a half to three quarters of a day doing one delivery. We had many other customers to service. Those customers of ours depended on us being there, not playing union games at UAW plants.

As for Reagan, he only went after one union in his eight years in office, and since that time, has been charged with the de-unionizaiton of the entire country. It's simply not true. Unions fell apart because companies were either leaving the state or the country just to get away from them. If anybody is to blame for the fall of unions in the US, it's the Democrats, because they gave unions way too much power.
Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

What unions did was force companies to overpay employees. So of course when they left, wages went down. But Reagan having something to do with it just because of the traffic controllers is nothing but a myth.

First off, the American consumer no longer supported unions. We used to buy mostly American made products. With unions, those products cost more and more, so eventually the consumers went to cheaper foreign products, and still do today.

It was less Reagan's choice than it was American consumers. Companies were forced to compete with foreign labor, and you can't do that by hiring people to drive around on floor sweepers for 25 bucks an hour plus outstanding benefits.

Yes I do attack unions because as a person who worked in industry for over three decades, I've had plenty of experiences with them. In the day, if I delivered to a new company I've never been to before and knew nothing about, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not. I could write a book on my union experiences.

As for my politics, I consider myself to be 70% conservative and about 30% Libertarian, although I just consider myself conservative since that's where most of my values are. I would be a Libertarian if not for their stance on our military and recreational narcotics usage.
We all know those nightmare union stories. It’s almost a if the company gave into their unreasonable demands for awhile just so they could use it against them later.

Do you really want to protect this worthless worker? The union said yes.

The unions aren’t perfect but they are still important to the middle class imo. Look at unkotare. A union teacher. Do you think he would make more than $50k a year if it weren’t for the union?
Your desperation is duly noted.

Please show us all how you support your allegation that "SINCE President Ronald Reagan the rich have been winning and the American middle class has disappeared. You can't, so you're lying.

Even you know that it was the Auto Unions that destroyed the automakers. Then came Honda, Toyota, Mercedes, and however many other foreign automakers who located where? Any other state but Michigan.

As you know, it wasn't Republicans who destroyed unions, it was the unions that destroyed unions. Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama foolishly bailed out the auto companies. In fact, his purpose was not to bail out the auto companies, but rather to bail out the auto UNIONS. Had the auto companies gone through a usual bankruptcy procedure, the unions would have been destroyed.

Before you whine about "all those lost jobs". Tell me how many fewer cars would have been built and sold in the United States.
Even with Toyota and Honda the people in those states are still struggling. The American middle class hardly exists now. Are you saving for retirement? Most of you are not. You appear middle class but you’ve taken a huge step backwards. Even with all those Toyota and Honda jobs.

The unions made America great. The corporations didn’t like the high cost so along with you they waged a war on unions. They mad3 too much.

So you don’t have it as good as they did. This is one of the many ways the rich got richer and the middle class got poorer.

Michigan is doing fine but we aren’t doing as well as our parents did. They worked for the big three. Not only did they make great pay they got pensions.

Toyota and Honda employees are just getting by. Most of the people who work in those plants aren’t even Toyota employees. Theyr3 sub contractors and temps.

Maga my ass

I was a member of the UAW once in St.Louis whilst going to college...the United Auto Workers...it was a great union at that time.

Unfortunately Unions now are not once what they are...most of them are phoney unions....look at how they follow the liberal line...supporting illegal immigrants....Reagan helped destroy the unions...another reason i do not like him.

As a person who used to deliver to the auto plants in our state, I can tell you the most worthless working person is a UAW member.

The company I work for now stopped taking auto plant deliveries. It takes union people three to five times longer to unload a truck than most non-union companies. Yes, my employer charged detent time, but he couldn't afford to have drivers taking a half to three quarters of a day doing one delivery. We had many other customers to service. Those customers of ours depended on us being there, not playing union games at UAW plants.

As for Reagan, he only went after one union in his eight years in office, and since that time, has been charged with the de-unionizaiton of the entire country. It's simply not true. Unions fell apart because companies were either leaving the state or the country just to get away from them. If anybody is to blame for the fall of unions in the US, it's the Democrats, because they gave unions way too much power.
Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

Unions today are a joke.....as phoney as the day is long....what used to be called company unions...as in they work with the company against their own members.

The only strong union I know of these days is the one for the police and they should not even be allowed to have one.

To understand just how phoney todays unions are you just need to understand that they support illegal immigration...that should tell you all you need to know.
No unions don’t support illegal immigration
You can walk across the campus of an elite university and never hear a word of english [sic] spoken...

No you can’t.
You can walk into a lifetime fitness and the only members are foreigners. White Americans can’t afford it

It’s true. The whites go to cheap planet fitness with the blacks. Only Jews Arabs Chaldeans, Asians Indians Russians and I go to expensive lifetime fitness. $80 a month per person. You can’t afford that can you? It’s not in your budget.

If it weren’t for foreigners there’d be no lifetime fitness. A foreigner owns it.

The funniest part is that you are clueless as to what a fucking little fish you are.
I hit a nerve. Can’t even afford the family membership. That’s why they have places like planet fitness. Cheap. Judgement free zone for the peasants. Rabble. No hot tub or steam room
Your desperation is duly noted.

Please show us all how you support your allegation that "SINCE President Ronald Reagan the rich have been winning and the American middle class has disappeared. You can't, so you're lying.

Even you know that it was the Auto Unions that destroyed the automakers. Then came Honda, Toyota, Mercedes, and however many other foreign automakers who located where? Any other state but Michigan.

As you know, it wasn't Republicans who destroyed unions, it was the unions that destroyed unions. Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama foolishly bailed out the auto companies. In fact, his purpose was not to bail out the auto companies, but rather to bail out the auto UNIONS. Had the auto companies gone through a usual bankruptcy procedure, the unions would have been destroyed.

Before you whine about "all those lost jobs". Tell me how many fewer cars would have been built and sold in the United States.
Even with Toyota and Honda the people in those states are still struggling. The American middle class hardly exists now. Are you saving for retirement? Most of you are not. You appear middle class but you’ve taken a huge step backwards. Even with all those Toyota and Honda jobs.

The unions made America great. The corporations didn’t like the high cost so along with you they waged a war on unions. They mad3 too much.

So you don’t have it as good as they did. This is one of the many ways the rich got richer and the middle class got poorer.

Michigan is doing fine but we aren’t doing as well as our parents did. They worked for the big three. Not only did they make great pay they got pensions.

Toyota and Honda employees are just getting by. Most of the people who work in those plants aren’t even Toyota employees. Theyr3 sub contractors and temps.

Maga my ass

I was a member of the UAW once in St.Louis whilst going to college...the United Auto Workers...it was a great union at that time.

Unfortunately Unions now are not once what they are...most of them are phoney unions....look at how they follow the liberal line...supporting illegal immigrants....Reagan helped destroy the unions...another reason i do not like him.

As a person who used to deliver to the auto plants in our state, I can tell you the most worthless working person is a UAW member.

The company I work for now stopped taking auto plant deliveries. It takes union people three to five times longer to unload a truck than most non-union companies. Yes, my employer charged detent time, but he couldn't afford to have drivers taking a half to three quarters of a day doing one delivery. We had many other customers to service. Those customers of ours depended on us being there, not playing union games at UAW plants.

As for Reagan, he only went after one union in his eight years in office, and since that time, has been charged with the de-unionizaiton of the entire country. It's simply not true. Unions fell apart because companies were either leaving the state or the country just to get away from them. If anybody is to blame for the fall of unions in the US, it's the Democrats, because they gave unions way too much power.
Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

What unions did was force companies to overpay employees. So of course when they left, wages went down. But Reagan having something to do with it just because of the traffic controllers is nothing but a myth.

First off, the American consumer no longer supported unions. We used to buy mostly American made products. With unions, those products cost more and more, so eventually the consumers went to cheaper foreign products, and still do today.

It was less Reagan's choice than it was American consumers. Companies were forced to compete with foreign labor, and you can't do that by hiring people to drive around on floor sweepers for 25 bucks an hour plus outstanding benefits.

Yes I do attack unions because as a person who worked in industry for over three decades, I've had plenty of experiences with them. In the day, if I delivered to a new company I've never been to before and knew nothing about, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not. I could write a book on my union experiences.

As for my politics, I consider myself to be 70% conservative and about 30% Libertarian, although I just consider myself conservative since that's where most of my values are. I would be a Libertarian if not for their stance on our military and recreational narcotics usage.

No doubt there were a lot of problems with unions many of them were run by organized crime to begin with....but the real problem was that we allowed so much cheap stuff to come into America...especially automobiles...but the list goes on and on.

That was what really screwed Ameican workers.

Unions accomplished a lot for American workers...anyone who does not know that is clueless...do a liittle research on the work conditions in the automobile industry before the unions came in...that should be an eye opener for anyone that is anti-union.
Even with Toyota and Honda the people in those states are still struggling. The American middle class hardly exists now. Are you saving for retirement? Most of you are not. You appear middle class but you’ve taken a huge step backwards. Even with all those Toyota and Honda jobs.

The unions made America great. The corporations didn’t like the high cost so along with you they waged a war on unions. They mad3 too much.

So you don’t have it as good as they did. This is one of the many ways the rich got richer and the middle class got poorer.

Michigan is doing fine but we aren’t doing as well as our parents did. They worked for the big three. Not only did they make great pay they got pensions.

Toyota and Honda employees are just getting by. Most of the people who work in those plants aren’t even Toyota employees. Theyr3 sub contractors and temps.

Maga my ass

I was a member of the UAW once in St.Louis whilst going to college...the United Auto Workers...it was a great union at that time.

Unfortunately Unions now are not once what they are...most of them are phoney unions....look at how they follow the liberal line...supporting illegal immigrants....Reagan helped destroy the unions...another reason i do not like him.

As a person who used to deliver to the auto plants in our state, I can tell you the most worthless working person is a UAW member.

The company I work for now stopped taking auto plant deliveries. It takes union people three to five times longer to unload a truck than most non-union companies. Yes, my employer charged detent time, but he couldn't afford to have drivers taking a half to three quarters of a day doing one delivery. We had many other customers to service. Those customers of ours depended on us being there, not playing union games at UAW plants.

As for Reagan, he only went after one union in his eight years in office, and since that time, has been charged with the de-unionizaiton of the entire country. It's simply not true. Unions fell apart because companies were either leaving the state or the country just to get away from them. If anybody is to blame for the fall of unions in the US, it's the Democrats, because they gave unions way too much power.
Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

What unions did was force companies to overpay employees. So of course when they left, wages went down. But Reagan having something to do with it just because of the traffic controllers is nothing but a myth.

First off, the American consumer no longer supported unions. We used to buy mostly American made products. With unions, those products cost more and more, so eventually the consumers went to cheaper foreign products, and still do today.

It was less Reagan's choice than it was American consumers. Companies were forced to compete with foreign labor, and you can't do that by hiring people to drive around on floor sweepers for 25 bucks an hour plus outstanding benefits.

Yes I do attack unions because as a person who worked in industry for over three decades, I've had plenty of experiences with them. In the day, if I delivered to a new company I've never been to before and knew nothing about, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not. I could write a book on my union experiences.

As for my politics, I consider myself to be 70% conservative and about 30% Libertarian, although I just consider myself conservative since that's where most of my values are. I would be a Libertarian if not for their stance on our military and recreational narcotics usage.
We all know those nightmare union stories. It’s almost a if the company gave into their unreasonable demands for awhile just so they could use it against them later.

Do you really want to protect this worthless worker? The union said yes.

The unions aren’t perfect but they are still important to the middle class imo. Look at unkotare. A union teacher. Do you think he would make more than $50k a year if it weren’t for the union?

No he would not. Why? Because there are more teachers than there are teaching jobs. The rule of supply and demand would not allow him to be paid that kind of money, so the taxpayers are hostage because of unions, just like company owners were years ago.

Companies were forced to give into unions. It was either give them what they want, or they walked off the job and stopped your business. Because of violence, many people were scared to cross picket lines and do the jobs instead of the union workers. So what choice did businesses have at the time?
Even with Toyota and Honda the people in those states are still struggling. The American middle class hardly exists now. Are you saving for retirement? Most of you are not. You appear middle class but you’ve taken a huge step backwards. Even with all those Toyota and Honda jobs.

The unions made America great. The corporations didn’t like the high cost so along with you they waged a war on unions. They mad3 too much.

So you don’t have it as good as they did. This is one of the many ways the rich got richer and the middle class got poorer.

Michigan is doing fine but we aren’t doing as well as our parents did. They worked for the big three. Not only did they make great pay they got pensions.

Toyota and Honda employees are just getting by. Most of the people who work in those plants aren’t even Toyota employees. Theyr3 sub contractors and temps.

Maga my ass

I was a member of the UAW once in St.Louis whilst going to college...the United Auto Workers...it was a great union at that time.

Unfortunately Unions now are not once what they are...most of them are phoney unions....look at how they follow the liberal line...supporting illegal immigrants....Reagan helped destroy the unions...another reason i do not like him.

As a person who used to deliver to the auto plants in our state, I can tell you the most worthless working person is a UAW member.

The company I work for now stopped taking auto plant deliveries. It takes union people three to five times longer to unload a truck than most non-union companies. Yes, my employer charged detent time, but he couldn't afford to have drivers taking a half to three quarters of a day doing one delivery. We had many other customers to service. Those customers of ours depended on us being there, not playing union games at UAW plants.

As for Reagan, he only went after one union in his eight years in office, and since that time, has been charged with the de-unionizaiton of the entire country. It's simply not true. Unions fell apart because companies were either leaving the state or the country just to get away from them. If anybody is to blame for the fall of unions in the US, it's the Democrats, because they gave unions way too much power.
Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

What unions did was force companies to overpay employees. So of course when they left, wages went down. But Reagan having something to do with it just because of the traffic controllers is nothing but a myth.

First off, the American consumer no longer supported unions. We used to buy mostly American made products. With unions, those products cost more and more, so eventually the consumers went to cheaper foreign products, and still do today.

It was less Reagan's choice than it was American consumers. Companies were forced to compete with foreign labor, and you can't do that by hiring people to drive around on floor sweepers for 25 bucks an hour plus outstanding benefits.

Yes I do attack unions because as a person who worked in industry for over three decades, I've had plenty of experiences with them. In the day, if I delivered to a new company I've never been to before and knew nothing about, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not. I could write a book on my union experiences.

As for my politics, I consider myself to be 70% conservative and about 30% Libertarian, although I just consider myself conservative since that's where most of my values are. I would be a Libertarian if not for their stance on our military and recreational narcotics usage.

No doubt there were a lot of problems with unions many of them were run by organized crime to begin with....but the real problem was that we allowed so much cheap stuff to come into America...especially automobiles...but the list goes on and on.

That was what really screwed Ameican workers.

Unions accomplished a lot for American workers...anyone who does not know that is clueless...do a liittle research on the work conditions in the automobile industry before the unions came in...that should be an eye opener for anyone that is anti-union.
Everyone I knew growing up in Michigan knew that unions made the greatest middle class the world had ever seen. 1 in 5 men worked for the big three and they even raised the wages of the non union workers. Non union companies had to compete. Workers never made so much.

Republicans and corporations didn’t like this.
I was a member of the UAW once in St.Louis whilst going to college...the United Auto Workers...it was a great union at that time.

Unfortunately Unions now are not once what they are...most of them are phoney unions....look at how they follow the liberal line...supporting illegal immigrants....Reagan helped destroy the unions...another reason i do not like him.

As a person who used to deliver to the auto plants in our state, I can tell you the most worthless working person is a UAW member.

The company I work for now stopped taking auto plant deliveries. It takes union people three to five times longer to unload a truck than most non-union companies. Yes, my employer charged detent time, but he couldn't afford to have drivers taking a half to three quarters of a day doing one delivery. We had many other customers to service. Those customers of ours depended on us being there, not playing union games at UAW plants.

As for Reagan, he only went after one union in his eight years in office, and since that time, has been charged with the de-unionizaiton of the entire country. It's simply not true. Unions fell apart because companies were either leaving the state or the country just to get away from them. If anybody is to blame for the fall of unions in the US, it's the Democrats, because they gave unions way too much power.
Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

What unions did was force companies to overpay employees. So of course when they left, wages went down. But Reagan having something to do with it just because of the traffic controllers is nothing but a myth.

First off, the American consumer no longer supported unions. We used to buy mostly American made products. With unions, those products cost more and more, so eventually the consumers went to cheaper foreign products, and still do today.

It was less Reagan's choice than it was American consumers. Companies were forced to compete with foreign labor, and you can't do that by hiring people to drive around on floor sweepers for 25 bucks an hour plus outstanding benefits.

Yes I do attack unions because as a person who worked in industry for over three decades, I've had plenty of experiences with them. In the day, if I delivered to a new company I've never been to before and knew nothing about, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not. I could write a book on my union experiences.

As for my politics, I consider myself to be 70% conservative and about 30% Libertarian, although I just consider myself conservative since that's where most of my values are. I would be a Libertarian if not for their stance on our military and recreational narcotics usage.
We all know those nightmare union stories. It’s almost a if the company gave into their unreasonable demands for awhile just so they could use it against them later.

Do you really want to protect this worthless worker? The union said yes.

The unions aren’t perfect but they are still important to the middle class imo. Look at unkotare. A union teacher. Do you think he would make more than $50k a year if it weren’t for the union?

No he would not. Why? Because there are more teachers than there are teaching jobs. The rule of supply and demand would not allow him to be paid that kind of money, so the taxpayers are hostage because of unions, just like company owners were years ago.

Companies were forced to give into unions. It was either give them what they want, or they walked off the job and stopped your business. Because of violence, many people were scared to cross picket lines and do the jobs instead of the union workers. So what choice did businesses have at the time?
I can’t deny unions go too far but they still are an important force for labor.
Even with Toyota and Honda the people in those states are still struggling. The American middle class hardly exists now. Are you saving for retirement? Most of you are not. You appear middle class but you’ve taken a huge step backwards. Even with all those Toyota and Honda jobs.

The unions made America great. The corporations didn’t like the high cost so along with you they waged a war on unions. They mad3 too much.

So you don’t have it as good as they did. This is one of the many ways the rich got richer and the middle class got poorer.

Michigan is doing fine but we aren’t doing as well as our parents did. They worked for the big three. Not only did they make great pay they got pensions.

Toyota and Honda employees are just getting by. Most of the people who work in those plants aren’t even Toyota employees. Theyr3 sub contractors and temps.

Maga my ass

I was a member of the UAW once in St.Louis whilst going to college...the United Auto Workers...it was a great union at that time.

Unfortunately Unions now are not once what they are...most of them are phoney unions....look at how they follow the liberal line...supporting illegal immigrants....Reagan helped destroy the unions...another reason i do not like him.

As a person who used to deliver to the auto plants in our state, I can tell you the most worthless working person is a UAW member.

The company I work for now stopped taking auto plant deliveries. It takes union people three to five times longer to unload a truck than most non-union companies. Yes, my employer charged detent time, but he couldn't afford to have drivers taking a half to three quarters of a day doing one delivery. We had many other customers to service. Those customers of ours depended on us being there, not playing union games at UAW plants.

As for Reagan, he only went after one union in his eight years in office, and since that time, has been charged with the de-unionizaiton of the entire country. It's simply not true. Unions fell apart because companies were either leaving the state or the country just to get away from them. If anybody is to blame for the fall of unions in the US, it's the Democrats, because they gave unions way too much power.
Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

What unions did was force companies to overpay employees. So of course when they left, wages went down. But Reagan having something to do with it just because of the traffic controllers is nothing but a myth.

First off, the American consumer no longer supported unions. We used to buy mostly American made products. With unions, those products cost more and more, so eventually the consumers went to cheaper foreign products, and still do today.

It was less Reagan's choice than it was American consumers. Companies were forced to compete with foreign labor, and you can't do that by hiring people to drive around on floor sweepers for 25 bucks an hour plus outstanding benefits.

Yes I do attack unions because as a person who worked in industry for over three decades, I've had plenty of experiences with them. In the day, if I delivered to a new company I've never been to before and knew nothing about, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not. I could write a book on my union experiences.

As for my politics, I consider myself to be 70% conservative and about 30% Libertarian, although I just consider myself conservative since that's where most of my values are. I would be a Libertarian if not for their stance on our military and recreational narcotics usage.

No doubt there were a lot of problems with unions many of them were run by organized crime to begin with....but the real problem was that we allowed so much cheap stuff to come into America...especially automobiles...but the list goes on and on.

That was what really screwed Ameican workers.

Unions accomplished a lot for American workers...anyone who does not know that is clueless...do a liittle research on the work conditions in the automobile industry before the unions came in...that should be an eye opener for anyone that is anti-union.

Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The only strong union I know of these days is the one for the police and they should not even be allowed to have one.

Actually any government union is very strong. While statistically they make about the same (or sometimes less) than their counterparts in the private sector, they also have much better benefits as well.
Even with Toyota and Honda the people in those states are still struggling. The American middle class hardly exists now. Are you saving for retirement? Most of you are not. You appear middle class but you’ve taken a huge step backwards. Even with all those Toyota and Honda jobs.

The unions made America great. The corporations didn’t like the high cost so along with you they waged a war on unions. They mad3 too much.

So you don’t have it as good as they did. This is one of the many ways the rich got richer and the middle class got poorer.

Michigan is doing fine but we aren’t doing as well as our parents did. They worked for the big three. Not only did they make great pay they got pensions.

Toyota and Honda employees are just getting by. Most of the people who work in those plants aren’t even Toyota employees. Theyr3 sub contractors and temps.

Maga my ass

I was a member of the UAW once in St.Louis whilst going to college...the United Auto Workers...it was a great union at that time.

Unfortunately Unions now are not once what they are...most of them are phoney unions....look at how they follow the liberal line...supporting illegal immigrants....Reagan helped destroy the unions...another reason i do not like him.

As a person who used to deliver to the auto plants in our state, I can tell you the most worthless working person is a UAW member.

The company I work for now stopped taking auto plant deliveries. It takes union people three to five times longer to unload a truck than most non-union companies. Yes, my employer charged detent time, but he couldn't afford to have drivers taking a half to three quarters of a day doing one delivery. We had many other customers to service. Those customers of ours depended on us being there, not playing union games at UAW plants.

As for Reagan, he only went after one union in his eight years in office, and since that time, has been charged with the de-unionizaiton of the entire country. It's simply not true. Unions fell apart because companies were either leaving the state or the country just to get away from them. If anybody is to blame for the fall of unions in the US, it's the Democrats, because they gave unions way too much power.
Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

Unions today are a joke.....as phoney as the day is long....what used to be called company unions...as in they work with the company against their own members.

The only strong union I know of these days is the one for the police and they should not even be allowed to have one.

To understand just how phoney todays unions are you just need to understand that they support illegal immigration...that should tell you all you need to know.
No unions don’t support illegal immigration
Even with Toyota and Honda the people in those states are still struggling. The American middle class hardly exists now. Are you saving for retirement? Most of you are not. You appear middle class but you’ve taken a huge step backwards. Even with all those Toyota and Honda jobs.

The unions made America great. The corporations didn’t like the high cost so along with you they waged a war on unions. They mad3 too much.

So you don’t have it as good as they did. This is one of the many ways the rich got richer and the middle class got poorer.

Michigan is doing fine but we aren’t doing as well as our parents did. They worked for the big three. Not only did they make great pay they got pensions.

Toyota and Honda employees are just getting by. Most of the people who work in those plants aren’t even Toyota employees. Theyr3 sub contractors and temps.

Maga my ass

I was a member of the UAW once in St.Louis whilst going to college...the United Auto Workers...it was a great union at that time.

Unfortunately Unions now are not once what they are...most of them are phoney unions....look at how they follow the liberal line...supporting illegal immigrants....Reagan helped destroy the unions...another reason i do not like him.

As a person who used to deliver to the auto plants in our state, I can tell you the most worthless working person is a UAW member.

The company I work for now stopped taking auto plant deliveries. It takes union people three to five times longer to unload a truck than most non-union companies. Yes, my employer charged detent time, but he couldn't afford to have drivers taking a half to three quarters of a day doing one delivery. We had many other customers to service. Those customers of ours depended on us being there, not playing union games at UAW plants.

As for Reagan, he only went after one union in his eight years in office, and since that time, has been charged with the de-unionizaiton of the entire country. It's simply not true. Unions fell apart because companies were either leaving the state or the country just to get away from them. If anybody is to blame for the fall of unions in the US, it's the Democrats, because they gave unions way too much power.
Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

Unions today are a joke.....as phoney as the day is long....what used to be called company unions...as in they work with the company against their own members.

The only strong union I know of these days is the one for the police and they should not even be allowed to have one.

To understand just how phoney todays unions are you just need to understand that they support illegal immigration...that should tell you all you need to know.
No unions don’t support illegal immigration

bo, post: 22487756, member: 11281"]Even with Toyota and Honda the people in those states are still struggling. The American middle class hardly exists now. Are you saving for retirement? Most of you are not. You appear middle class but you’ve taken a huge step backwards. Even with all those Toyota and Honda jobs.

The unions made America great. The corporations didn’t like the high cost so along with you they waged a war on unions. They mad3 too much.

So you don’t have it as good as they did. This is one of the many ways the rich got richer and the middle class got poorer.

Michigan is doing fine but we aren’t doing as well as our parents did. They worked for the big three. Not only did they make great pay they got pensions.

Toyota and Honda employees are just getting by. Most of the people who work in those plants aren’t even Toyota employees. Theyr3 sub contractors and temps.

Maga my ass

I was a member of the UAW once in St.Louis whilst going to college...the United Auto Workers...it was a great union at that time.

Unfortunately Unions now are not once what they are...most of them are phoney unions....look at how they follow the liberal line...supporting illegal immigrants....Reagan helped destroy the unions...another reason i do not like him.

As a person who used to deliver to the auto plants in our state, I can tell you the most worthless working person is a UAW member.

The company I work for now stopped taking auto plant deliveries. It takes union people three to five times longer to unload a truck than most non-union companies. Yes, my employer charged detent time, but he couldn't afford to have drivers taking a half to three quarters of a day doing one delivery. We had many other customers to service. Those customers of ours depended on us being there, not playing union games at UAW plants.

As for Reagan, he only went after one union in his eight years in office, and since that time, has been charged with the de-unionizaiton of the entire country. It's simply not true. Unions fell apart because companies were either leaving the state or the country just to get away from them. If anybody is to blame for the fall of unions in the US, it's the Democrats, because they gave unions way too much power.
Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

Unions today are a joke.....as phoney as the day is long....what used to be called company unions...as in they work with the company against their own members.

The only strong union I know of these days is the one for the police and they should not even be allowed to have one.

To understand just how phoney todays unions are you just need to understand that they support illegal immigration...that should tell you all you need to know.[/QUOTE]
No unions don’t support illegal immigration[/QUOTE]

Unions’ support for illegal aliens harms workers | OFIR - Oregonians for Immigration Reform | letter illegal aliens crime immigrants workers

How Labor Learned to Love Immigration
I was a member of the UAW once in St.Louis whilst going to college...the United Auto Workers...it was a great union at that time.

Unfortunately Unions now are not once what they are...most of them are phoney unions....look at how they follow the liberal line...supporting illegal immigrants....Reagan helped destroy the unions...another reason i do not like him.

As a person who used to deliver to the auto plants in our state, I can tell you the most worthless working person is a UAW member.

The company I work for now stopped taking auto plant deliveries. It takes union people three to five times longer to unload a truck than most non-union companies. Yes, my employer charged detent time, but he couldn't afford to have drivers taking a half to three quarters of a day doing one delivery. We had many other customers to service. Those customers of ours depended on us being there, not playing union games at UAW plants.

As for Reagan, he only went after one union in his eight years in office, and since that time, has been charged with the de-unionizaiton of the entire country. It's simply not true. Unions fell apart because companies were either leaving the state or the country just to get away from them. If anybody is to blame for the fall of unions in the US, it's the Democrats, because they gave unions way too much power.
Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

What unions did was force companies to overpay employees. So of course when they left, wages went down. But Reagan having something to do with it just because of the traffic controllers is nothing but a myth.

First off, the American consumer no longer supported unions. We used to buy mostly American made products. With unions, those products cost more and more, so eventually the consumers went to cheaper foreign products, and still do today.

It was less Reagan's choice than it was American consumers. Companies were forced to compete with foreign labor, and you can't do that by hiring people to drive around on floor sweepers for 25 bucks an hour plus outstanding benefits.

Yes I do attack unions because as a person who worked in industry for over three decades, I've had plenty of experiences with them. In the day, if I delivered to a new company I've never been to before and knew nothing about, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not. I could write a book on my union experiences.

As for my politics, I consider myself to be 70% conservative and about 30% Libertarian, although I just consider myself conservative since that's where most of my values are. I would be a Libertarian if not for their stance on our military and recreational narcotics usage.

No doubt there were a lot of problems with unions many of them were run by organized crime to begin with....but the real problem was that we allowed so much cheap stuff to come into America...especially automobiles...but the list goes on and on.

That was what really screwed Ameican workers.

Unions accomplished a lot for American workers...anyone who does not know that is clueless...do a liittle research on the work conditions in the automobile industry before the unions came in...that should be an eye opener for anyone that is anti-union.

Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is
veryone I knew growing up in Michigan knew that unions made the greatest middle class the world had ever seen. 1 in 5 men worked for the big three and they even raised the wages of the non union workers. Non union companies had to compete. Workers never made so much.

Republicans and corporations didn’t like this.

How have those unions worked out for Michigan? Detroit? Flint?
As a person who used to deliver to the auto plants in our state, I can tell you the most worthless working person is a UAW member.

The company I work for now stopped taking auto plant deliveries. It takes union people three to five times longer to unload a truck than most non-union companies. Yes, my employer charged detent time, but he couldn't afford to have drivers taking a half to three quarters of a day doing one delivery. We had many other customers to service. Those customers of ours depended on us being there, not playing union games at UAW plants.

As for Reagan, he only went after one union in his eight years in office, and since that time, has been charged with the de-unionizaiton of the entire country. It's simply not true. Unions fell apart because companies were either leaving the state or the country just to get away from them. If anybody is to blame for the fall of unions in the US, it's the Democrats, because they gave unions way too much power.
Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

What unions did was force companies to overpay employees. So of course when they left, wages went down. But Reagan having something to do with it just because of the traffic controllers is nothing but a myth.

First off, the American consumer no longer supported unions. We used to buy mostly American made products. With unions, those products cost more and more, so eventually the consumers went to cheaper foreign products, and still do today.

It was less Reagan's choice than it was American consumers. Companies were forced to compete with foreign labor, and you can't do that by hiring people to drive around on floor sweepers for 25 bucks an hour plus outstanding benefits.

Yes I do attack unions because as a person who worked in industry for over three decades, I've had plenty of experiences with them. In the day, if I delivered to a new company I've never been to before and knew nothing about, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not. I could write a book on my union experiences.

As for my politics, I consider myself to be 70% conservative and about 30% Libertarian, although I just consider myself conservative since that's where most of my values are. I would be a Libertarian if not for their stance on our military and recreational narcotics usage.

No doubt there were a lot of problems with unions many of them were run by organized crime to begin with....but the real problem was that we allowed so much cheap stuff to come into America...especially automobiles...but the list goes on and on.

That was what really screwed Ameican workers.

Unions accomplished a lot for American workers...anyone who does not know that is clueless...do a liittle research on the work conditions in the automobile industry before the unions came in...that should be an eye opener for anyone that is anti-union.

Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

You can't reform unions. You either have them or you don't. During the Bush years is when I experienced the most companies leaving our city and state. We lost a lot of customers over the years because of unions, and perhaps that's why I hold them responsible for the decline of our businesses.
As a person who used to deliver to the auto plants in our state, I can tell you the most worthless working person is a UAW member.

The company I work for now stopped taking auto plant deliveries. It takes union people three to five times longer to unload a truck than most non-union companies. Yes, my employer charged detent time, but he couldn't afford to have drivers taking a half to three quarters of a day doing one delivery. We had many other customers to service. Those customers of ours depended on us being there, not playing union games at UAW plants.

As for Reagan, he only went after one union in his eight years in office, and since that time, has been charged with the de-unionizaiton of the entire country. It's simply not true. Unions fell apart because companies were either leaving the state or the country just to get away from them. If anybody is to blame for the fall of unions in the US, it's the Democrats, because they gave unions way too much power.
Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

What unions did was force companies to overpay employees. So of course when they left, wages went down. But Reagan having something to do with it just because of the traffic controllers is nothing but a myth.

First off, the American consumer no longer supported unions. We used to buy mostly American made products. With unions, those products cost more and more, so eventually the consumers went to cheaper foreign products, and still do today.

It was less Reagan's choice than it was American consumers. Companies were forced to compete with foreign labor, and you can't do that by hiring people to drive around on floor sweepers for 25 bucks an hour plus outstanding benefits.

Yes I do attack unions because as a person who worked in industry for over three decades, I've had plenty of experiences with them. In the day, if I delivered to a new company I've never been to before and knew nothing about, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not. I could write a book on my union experiences.

As for my politics, I consider myself to be 70% conservative and about 30% Libertarian, although I just consider myself conservative since that's where most of my values are. I would be a Libertarian if not for their stance on our military and recreational narcotics usage.

No doubt there were a lot of problems with unions many of them were run by organized crime to begin with....but the real problem was that we allowed so much cheap stuff to come into America...especially automobiles...but the list goes on and on.

That was what really screwed Ameican workers.

Unions accomplished a lot for American workers...anyone who does not know that is clueless...do a liittle research on the work conditions in the automobile industry before the unions came in...that should be an eye opener for anyone that is anti-union.

Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

We need unions that actually look out for the White Working Class....which is not the case with unions these days and has not been the case for decades....that is one of the big reasons for the shredding of the white middle class...that combined with the government allowing cheap foreign stuff into America...especially automobiles.
The US is probably the most diverse nation on earth. Has been for a very long time.

Do you bigots hate your own country?

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