Politicians: Diversity is what makes us great!

Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

What unions did was force companies to overpay employees. So of course when they left, wages went down. But Reagan having something to do with it just because of the traffic controllers is nothing but a myth.

First off, the American consumer no longer supported unions. We used to buy mostly American made products. With unions, those products cost more and more, so eventually the consumers went to cheaper foreign products, and still do today.

It was less Reagan's choice than it was American consumers. Companies were forced to compete with foreign labor, and you can't do that by hiring people to drive around on floor sweepers for 25 bucks an hour plus outstanding benefits.

Yes I do attack unions because as a person who worked in industry for over three decades, I've had plenty of experiences with them. In the day, if I delivered to a new company I've never been to before and knew nothing about, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not. I could write a book on my union experiences.

As for my politics, I consider myself to be 70% conservative and about 30% Libertarian, although I just consider myself conservative since that's where most of my values are. I would be a Libertarian if not for their stance on our military and recreational narcotics usage.

No doubt there were a lot of problems with unions many of them were run by organized crime to begin with....but the real problem was that we allowed so much cheap stuff to come into America...especially automobiles...but the list goes on and on.

That was what really screwed Ameican workers.

Unions accomplished a lot for American workers...anyone who does not know that is clueless...do a liittle research on the work conditions in the automobile industry before the unions came in...that should be an eye opener for anyone that is anti-union.

Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

You can't reform unions. You either have them or you don't. During the Bush years is when I experienced the most companies leaving our city and state. We lost a lot of customers over the years because of unions, and perhaps that's why I hold them responsible for the decline of our businesses.

Unions can definitely be reformed...but the decline you mention was caused by more than just unions ...as has been pointed out...cheap foreign products.

The government being unwilling to do back then what Trump is doing mow...putting tarriffs on cheap foreign products produced in many cases by slave labor.

In a nutshell companies must be able to make a profit...they cannot make enough of a profit if foreign companies are allow to undersell them in America...with or without unions Ameican companies cannot compete with cheap foreign labor which in many cases amounts to slave labor.
Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

What unions did was force companies to overpay employees. So of course when they left, wages went down. But Reagan having something to do with it just because of the traffic controllers is nothing but a myth.

First off, the American consumer no longer supported unions. We used to buy mostly American made products. With unions, those products cost more and more, so eventually the consumers went to cheaper foreign products, and still do today.

It was less Reagan's choice than it was American consumers. Companies were forced to compete with foreign labor, and you can't do that by hiring people to drive around on floor sweepers for 25 bucks an hour plus outstanding benefits.

Yes I do attack unions because as a person who worked in industry for over three decades, I've had plenty of experiences with them. In the day, if I delivered to a new company I've never been to before and knew nothing about, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not. I could write a book on my union experiences.

As for my politics, I consider myself to be 70% conservative and about 30% Libertarian, although I just consider myself conservative since that's where most of my values are. I would be a Libertarian if not for their stance on our military and recreational narcotics usage.

No doubt there were a lot of problems with unions many of them were run by organized crime to begin with....but the real problem was that we allowed so much cheap stuff to come into America...especially automobiles...but the list goes on and on.

That was what really screwed Ameican workers.

Unions accomplished a lot for American workers...anyone who does not know that is clueless...do a liittle research on the work conditions in the automobile industry before the unions came in...that should be an eye opener for anyone that is anti-union.

Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

We need unions that actually look out for the White Working Class....which is not the case with unions these days and has not been the case for decades....that is one of the big reasons for the shredding of the white middle class...that combined with the government allowing cheap foreign stuff into America...especially automobiles.

I don't think it has anything to do with the unions. From my experiences, some companies replaced (or are in the process of replacing) their mostly white crew with blacks. Why? Because blacks are willing to work for less money.

The cost of living is usually lower where they live, so they can afford not to make as much as the white suburbanites. So the company offers jobs for lower wages that whites won't apply for. The blacks easily get the jobs and eventually whites are replaced.
What unions did was force companies to overpay employees. So of course when they left, wages went down. But Reagan having something to do with it just because of the traffic controllers is nothing but a myth.

First off, the American consumer no longer supported unions. We used to buy mostly American made products. With unions, those products cost more and more, so eventually the consumers went to cheaper foreign products, and still do today.

It was less Reagan's choice than it was American consumers. Companies were forced to compete with foreign labor, and you can't do that by hiring people to drive around on floor sweepers for 25 bucks an hour plus outstanding benefits.

Yes I do attack unions because as a person who worked in industry for over three decades, I've had plenty of experiences with them. In the day, if I delivered to a new company I've never been to before and knew nothing about, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not. I could write a book on my union experiences.

As for my politics, I consider myself to be 70% conservative and about 30% Libertarian, although I just consider myself conservative since that's where most of my values are. I would be a Libertarian if not for their stance on our military and recreational narcotics usage.

No doubt there were a lot of problems with unions many of them were run by organized crime to begin with....but the real problem was that we allowed so much cheap stuff to come into America...especially automobiles...but the list goes on and on.

That was what really screwed Ameican workers.

Unions accomplished a lot for American workers...anyone who does not know that is clueless...do a liittle research on the work conditions in the automobile industry before the unions came in...that should be an eye opener for anyone that is anti-union.

Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

You can't reform unions. You either have them or you don't. During the Bush years is when I experienced the most companies leaving our city and state. We lost a lot of customers over the years because of unions, and perhaps that's why I hold them responsible for the decline of our businesses.

Unions can definitely be reformed...but the decline you mention was caused by more than just unions ...as has been pointed out...cheap foreign products.

The government being unwilling to do back then what Trump is doing mow...putting tarriffs on cheap foreign products produced in many cases by slave labor.

I'm not crazy about the tariffs, but I do agree they will put American companies on more of a completive edge.

Other than tariffs, we can't isolate our country and force Americans to buy their own products. It defeats the purpose of free enterprise.
The US is probably the most diverse nation on earth. Has been for a very long time.

Do you bigots hate your own country?

Diverse is one thing, a total takeover is another.

The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. Their long term goal is to wipe whites out of the picture so they can have a single-party country. When they do, the great experiment will be over. We will evolve into Socialism and eventually Communism not far behind it.

Why would you want that? Do you hate your country?
No doubt there were a lot of problems with unions many of them were run by organized crime to begin with....but the real problem was that we allowed so much cheap stuff to come into America...especially automobiles...but the list goes on and on.

That was what really screwed Ameican workers.

Unions accomplished a lot for American workers...anyone who does not know that is clueless...do a liittle research on the work conditions in the automobile industry before the unions came in...that should be an eye opener for anyone that is anti-union.

Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

You can't reform unions. You either have them or you don't. During the Bush years is when I experienced the most companies leaving our city and state. We lost a lot of customers over the years because of unions, and perhaps that's why I hold them responsible for the decline of our businesses.

Unions can definitely be reformed...but the decline you mention was caused by more than just unions ...as has been pointed out...cheap foreign products.

The government being unwilling to do back then what Trump is doing mow...putting tarriffs on cheap foreign products produced in many cases by slave labor.

I'm not crazy about the tariffs, but I do agree they will put American companies on more of a completive edge.

Other than tariffs, we can't isolate our country and force Americans to buy their own products. It defeats the purpose of free enterprise.

Yes.........the only way to make America competetive...is to protect our markets from cheap foreign (slave labor) products .

Then when a company is profitable the workers need a strong union in order to get a fair days pay for a faiir days work.

Business owners are by nature going to get the cheapest labor they can find in too many if not most cases...thus we must control our borders and keep out those who are willing work for slave wages and conditions.
The US is probably the most diverse nation on earth. Has been for a very long time.

Do you bigots hate your own country?

Diverse is one thing, a total takeover is another.

The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. Their long term goal is to wipe whites out of the picture so they can have a single-party country. When they do, the great experiment will be over. We will evolve into Socialism and eventually Communism not far behind it.

Why would you want that? Do you hate your country?

Absolutely correct.
Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

You can't reform unions. You either have them or you don't. During the Bush years is when I experienced the most companies leaving our city and state. We lost a lot of customers over the years because of unions, and perhaps that's why I hold them responsible for the decline of our businesses.

Unions can definitely be reformed...but the decline you mention was caused by more than just unions ...as has been pointed out...cheap foreign products.

The government being unwilling to do back then what Trump is doing mow...putting tarriffs on cheap foreign products produced in many cases by slave labor.

I'm not crazy about the tariffs, but I do agree they will put American companies on more of a completive edge.

Other than tariffs, we can't isolate our country and force Americans to buy their own products. It defeats the purpose of free enterprise.

Yes.........the only way to make America competetive...is to protect our markets from cheap foreign (slave labor) products .

Then when a company is profitable the workers need a strong union in order to get a fair days pay for a faiir days work.

Business owners are by nature going to get the cheapest labor they can find in too many if not most cases...thus we must control our borders and keep out those who are willing work for slave wages and conditions.

Then what you're talking about is isolationism which I'm not for. Border protection? I'm not only for that, I'm also for closing the border altogether. We have over 330 million people here, and that's more than we will ever need, especially in the future.
As a person who used to deliver to the auto plants in our state, I can tell you the most worthless working person is a UAW member.

The company I work for now stopped taking auto plant deliveries. It takes union people three to five times longer to unload a truck than most non-union companies. Yes, my employer charged detent time, but he couldn't afford to have drivers taking a half to three quarters of a day doing one delivery. We had many other customers to service. Those customers of ours depended on us being there, not playing union games at UAW plants.

As for Reagan, he only went after one union in his eight years in office, and since that time, has been charged with the de-unionizaiton of the entire country. It's simply not true. Unions fell apart because companies were either leaving the state or the country just to get away from them. If anybody is to blame for the fall of unions in the US, it's the Democrats, because they gave unions way too much power.
Reagan was the beginning of the end. In the years union membership went from 35% to 10, wages have gone down.

If you are a libertarian type who thinks the free market will set a fair wage you are wrong. Unions keep wages up. You know how to attack them but you don’t have a clue how important they are.

I think unions aren’t as bad today as they were. But you attack them no matter what. Probably because you don’t understand their value.

Yes weve all seen bad union stories. Get over it. Corporations would love to do away with unions, labor laws, minimium wage, social security

Are you a libertarian?

What unions did was force companies to overpay employees. So of course when they left, wages went down. But Reagan having something to do with it just because of the traffic controllers is nothing but a myth.

First off, the American consumer no longer supported unions. We used to buy mostly American made products. With unions, those products cost more and more, so eventually the consumers went to cheaper foreign products, and still do today.

It was less Reagan's choice than it was American consumers. Companies were forced to compete with foreign labor, and you can't do that by hiring people to drive around on floor sweepers for 25 bucks an hour plus outstanding benefits.

Yes I do attack unions because as a person who worked in industry for over three decades, I've had plenty of experiences with them. In the day, if I delivered to a new company I've never been to before and knew nothing about, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not. I could write a book on my union experiences.

As for my politics, I consider myself to be 70% conservative and about 30% Libertarian, although I just consider myself conservative since that's where most of my values are. I would be a Libertarian if not for their stance on our military and recreational narcotics usage.

No doubt there were a lot of problems with unions many of them were run by organized crime to begin with....but the real problem was that we allowed so much cheap stuff to come into America...especially automobiles...but the list goes on and on.

That was what really screwed Ameican workers.

Unions accomplished a lot for American workers...anyone who does not know that is clueless...do a liittle research on the work conditions in the automobile industry before the unions came in...that should be an eye opener for anyone that is anti-union.

Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

Before all the cheap foreign goods started flooding in America we had a strong middle class...the companies were making good profits and could afford to pay good wages....perhaps here and there they were gouged somewhat by unions but the bottom line is that before the coming of cheap foreign goods and cheap foreign labor flooding into America both the companies and the workers were doing great.

You could go anywhere practically in the country and get a good paying job. and all that can be brought back and that is what Trump is trying to do...but he has much opposition because so many are ignorant and believe the crap the media pounds in to their skulls.

The question arises....why is the media so anti-trump...oh they claim he is a racist, that he is a misgogynist etc. Who wants to promote that crap? Does all this anti-trump hysteriia just come from liberals and their idocy or is someone else...promoting all this irrational and hysterical hatred of Trump....well of course hollywood is behind a lot of it ...but I think there are other powerful forces at work here...trying not only to undermine Trump but America as well.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

You can't reform unions. You either have them or you don't. During the Bush years is when I experienced the most companies leaving our city and state. We lost a lot of customers over the years because of unions, and perhaps that's why I hold them responsible for the decline of our businesses.

Unions can definitely be reformed...but the decline you mention was caused by more than just unions ...as has been pointed out...cheap foreign products.

The government being unwilling to do back then what Trump is doing mow...putting tarriffs on cheap foreign products produced in many cases by slave labor.

I'm not crazy about the tariffs, but I do agree they will put American companies on more of a completive edge.

Other than tariffs, we can't isolate our country and force Americans to buy their own products. It defeats the purpose of free enterprise.

Yes.........the only way to make America competetive...is to protect our markets from cheap foreign (slave labor) products .

Then when a company is profitable the workers need a strong union in order to get a fair days pay for a faiir days work.

Business owners are by nature going to get the cheapest labor they can find in too many if not most cases...thus we must control our borders and keep out those who are willing work for slave wages and conditions.

Then what you're talking about is isolationism which I'm not for. Border protection? I'm not only for that, I'm also for closing the border altogether. We have over 330 million people here, and that's more than we will ever need, especially in the future.

It is not isolationism...it is simply protecting our workers, our economy and our nation.

In order to compete with the likes of China, the EU and other nations...we must have a strong industrial capacity....especially to maintain our national security...look how quickly during WWII were were able to switch over from making automobiles to making tanks etc.

Without that industrial capacity we could not have won WWII.
No doubt there were a lot of problems with unions many of them were run by organized crime to begin with....but the real problem was that we allowed so much cheap stuff to come into America...especially automobiles...but the list goes on and on.

That was what really screwed Ameican workers.

Unions accomplished a lot for American workers...anyone who does not know that is clueless...do a liittle research on the work conditions in the automobile industry before the unions came in...that should be an eye opener for anyone that is anti-union.

Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

You can't reform unions. You either have them or you don't. During the Bush years is when I experienced the most companies leaving our city and state. We lost a lot of customers over the years because of unions, and perhaps that's why I hold them responsible for the decline of our businesses.

Unions can definitely be reformed...but the decline you mention was caused by more than just unions ...as has been pointed out...cheap foreign products.

The government being unwilling to do back then what Trump is doing mow...putting tarriffs on cheap foreign products produced in many cases by slave labor.

I'm not crazy about the tariffs, but I do agree they will put American companies on more of a completive edge.

Other than tariffs, we can't isolate our country and force Americans to buy their own products. It defeats the purpose of free enterprise.

Our goal first of all should be to protect America...in order to do that we must protect our economy and our workers.

As pointed out already...we cannot compete with cheap foreign labor or foreign slave labor...we cannot allow foreign nations to undermine our economy...that is what happened...and that is what Trump is trying to turn around aka MAGA...

America comes first....it must come first. Let other nation take care of themselves....we must take care of our own.

Free enterprise here at home is one thing...we should not be cutting our own throats by making foreigners rich...and that is what happened in China...they got rich at our expense...so rich they can afford to outspend us on military matters...and now you see how they threaten us....people need to wake up....America First!

Also ,,,,lest we forget we made the arabs rich by allowing them to organize and charge outrageous prices for their oil....now we have managed to get to the point where we can produce most of our energy and we are almost at the point where we do not need them anymore.

Also....we should recognize that rich arabs financed terrorism against western nations.

Which leads us back to the fact we must take care of our own...do not sacrifoce the welfare of our citiaens to make other peoples and nations rich...now the liberals in their delusion cannot undertand that...hence they are also enemies of Ameica.
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You can't reform unions. You either have them or you don't. During the Bush years is when I experienced the most companies leaving our city and state. We lost a lot of customers over the years because of unions, and perhaps that's why I hold them responsible for the decline of our businesses.

Unions can definitely be reformed...but the decline you mention was caused by more than just unions ...as has been pointed out...cheap foreign products.

The government being unwilling to do back then what Trump is doing mow...putting tarriffs on cheap foreign products produced in many cases by slave labor.

I'm not crazy about the tariffs, but I do agree they will put American companies on more of a completive edge.

Other than tariffs, we can't isolate our country and force Americans to buy their own products. It defeats the purpose of free enterprise.

Yes.........the only way to make America competetive...is to protect our markets from cheap foreign (slave labor) products .

Then when a company is profitable the workers need a strong union in order to get a fair days pay for a faiir days work.

Business owners are by nature going to get the cheapest labor they can find in too many if not most cases...thus we must control our borders and keep out those who are willing work for slave wages and conditions.

Then what you're talking about is isolationism which I'm not for. Border protection? I'm not only for that, I'm also for closing the border altogether. We have over 330 million people here, and that's more than we will ever need, especially in the future.

It is not isolationism...it is simply protecting our workers, our economy and our nation.

In order to compete with the likes of China, the EU and other nations...we must have a strong industrial capacity....especially to maintain our national security...look how quickly during WWII were were able to switch over from making automobiles to making tanks etc.

Without that industrial capacity we could not have won WWII.

You can't have a strong anything if the consumer refuses to support it.

Years ago when I went to my hardware store, the owner asked me about my profession. I asked if he knew somebody that wanted to get into trucking? He sadly said yes, it's me. I'm closing down.

At the time, a new Home Depot opened up about five miles away, and his claim was they were stealing all his customers. He said "I was always proud of my plumbing department. I went to Home Depot, and not only do they put my selection to shame, but the prices as well."

After he closed down, I was making a delivery to one of our customers. One of the workers who I knew lived in the area and approached me. He said "Hey! Did you hear the hardware store closed down at the plaza???" I told him I did. He said "That isn't right! How could he do that to us?"

So I asked: The last five times you needed hardware, where did you shop? He ashamedly said "Home Depot." I replied, that's why he closed down!
Unions can definitely be reformed...but the decline you mention was caused by more than just unions ...as has been pointed out...cheap foreign products.

The government being unwilling to do back then what Trump is doing mow...putting tarriffs on cheap foreign products produced in many cases by slave labor.

I'm not crazy about the tariffs, but I do agree they will put American companies on more of a completive edge.

Other than tariffs, we can't isolate our country and force Americans to buy their own products. It defeats the purpose of free enterprise.

Yes.........the only way to make America competetive...is to protect our markets from cheap foreign (slave labor) products .

Then when a company is profitable the workers need a strong union in order to get a fair days pay for a faiir days work.

Business owners are by nature going to get the cheapest labor they can find in too many if not most cases...thus we must control our borders and keep out those who are willing work for slave wages and conditions.

Then what you're talking about is isolationism which I'm not for. Border protection? I'm not only for that, I'm also for closing the border altogether. We have over 330 million people here, and that's more than we will ever need, especially in the future.

It is not isolationism...it is simply protecting our workers, our economy and our nation.

In order to compete with the likes of China, the EU and other nations...we must have a strong industrial capacity....especially to maintain our national security...look how quickly during WWII were were able to switch over from making automobiles to making tanks etc.

Without that industrial capacity we could not have won WWII.

You can't have a strong anything if the consumer refuses to support it.

Years ago when I went to my hardware store, the owner asked me about my profession. I asked if he knew somebody that wanted to get into trucking? He sadly said yes, it's me. I'm closing down.

At the time, a new Home Depot opened up about five miles away, and his claim was they were stealing all his customers. He said "I was always proud of my plumbing department. I went to Home Depot, and not only do they put my selection to shame, but the prices as well."

After he closed down, I was making a delivery to one of our customers. One of the workers who I knew lived in the area and approached me. He said "Hey! Did you hear the hardware store closed down at the plaza???" I told him I did. He said "That isn't right! How could he do that to us?"

So I asked: The last five times you needed hardware, where did you shop? He ashamedly said "Home Depot." I replied, that's why he closed down!

The consumere would not have that power if we restrict foreign goods coming in here at prices so cheap the consumers will rush to buy the foreign crap....very true that consumers are not patriotic enough...at least most of them...to buy American when American stuff is more expensive...hence eliminate the cheap foreign stuff and they have no power to destroy our workers and the middle class as well as American business owners.
Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

You can't reform unions. You either have them or you don't. During the Bush years is when I experienced the most companies leaving our city and state. We lost a lot of customers over the years because of unions, and perhaps that's why I hold them responsible for the decline of our businesses.

Unions can definitely be reformed...but the decline you mention was caused by more than just unions ...as has been pointed out...cheap foreign products.

The government being unwilling to do back then what Trump is doing mow...putting tarriffs on cheap foreign products produced in many cases by slave labor.

I'm not crazy about the tariffs, but I do agree they will put American companies on more of a completive edge.

Other than tariffs, we can't isolate our country and force Americans to buy their own products. It defeats the purpose of free enterprise.

Our goal first of all should be to protect America...in order to do that we must protect our economy and our workers.

As pointed out already...we cannot compete with cheap foreign labor or foreign slave labor...we cannot allow foreign nations to undermine our economy...that is what happened...and that is what Trump is trying to turn around aka MAGA...

America comes first....it must come first. Let other nation take care of themselves....we must take care of our own.

Free enterprise here at home is one thing...we should not be cutting our own throats by making foreigners rich...and that is what happened in China...they got rich at our expense...so rich they can afford to outspend us on military matters...and now you see how they threaten us....people need to wake up....America First!

Also ,,,,lest we forget we made the arabs rich by allowing them to organize and charge outrageous prices for their oil....now we have managed to get to the point where we can produce most of our energy and we are almost at the point where we do not need them anymore.

Also....we should recognize that rich arabs financed terrorism against western nations.

Which leads us back to the fact we must take care of our own...do not sacrifoce the welfare of our citiaens to make other peoples and nations rich...now the liberals in their delusion cannot undertand that...hence they are also enemies of Ameica.

Actually you can protect American workers. It boils down to government, taxation, and keeping unions out of industry.

Trump brought industry back by removing job killing regulations and decreasing taxes. Getting rid of Commie Care is a huge advantage as well.

Even though foreign labor is cheaper and always will be, transportation costs and customer location plays a huge role. If those costs are lower than making products ourselves, companies opt for foreign products. If the cost is the same or higher, they opt for American made products.

Now that taxes are lower, fuel is cheaper, it makes more sense for industry to buy American products. That's why we now have more jobs than workers to fill them.
I'm not crazy about the tariffs, but I do agree they will put American companies on more of a completive edge.

Other than tariffs, we can't isolate our country and force Americans to buy their own products. It defeats the purpose of free enterprise.

Yes.........the only way to make America competetive...is to protect our markets from cheap foreign (slave labor) products .

Then when a company is profitable the workers need a strong union in order to get a fair days pay for a faiir days work.

Business owners are by nature going to get the cheapest labor they can find in too many if not most cases...thus we must control our borders and keep out those who are willing work for slave wages and conditions.

Then what you're talking about is isolationism which I'm not for. Border protection? I'm not only for that, I'm also for closing the border altogether. We have over 330 million people here, and that's more than we will ever need, especially in the future.

It is not isolationism...it is simply protecting our workers, our economy and our nation.

In order to compete with the likes of China, the EU and other nations...we must have a strong industrial capacity....especially to maintain our national security...look how quickly during WWII were were able to switch over from making automobiles to making tanks etc.

Without that industrial capacity we could not have won WWII.

You can't have a strong anything if the consumer refuses to support it.

Years ago when I went to my hardware store, the owner asked me about my profession. I asked if he knew somebody that wanted to get into trucking? He sadly said yes, it's me. I'm closing down.

At the time, a new Home Depot opened up about five miles away, and his claim was they were stealing all his customers. He said "I was always proud of my plumbing department. I went to Home Depot, and not only do they put my selection to shame, but the prices as well."

After he closed down, I was making a delivery to one of our customers. One of the workers who I knew lived in the area and approached me. He said "Hey! Did you hear the hardware store closed down at the plaza???" I told him I did. He said "That isn't right! How could he do that to us?"

So I asked: The last five times you needed hardware, where did you shop? He ashamedly said "Home Depot." I replied, that's why he closed down!

The consumere would not have that power if we restrict foreign goods coming in here at prices so cheap the consumers will rush to buy the foreign crap....very true that consumers are not patriotic enough...at least most of them...to buy American when American stuff is more expensive...hence eliminate the cheap foreign stuff and they have no power to destroy our workers and the middle class as well as American business owners.

Go to Japan are any other asian nation and see how they protect their markets they are very savvy business people...they understand how important it is to protect your own markets...they have taken advantage of us for decades...Trump want to stop that...yet so many attack him...I ask again who is really behind all this hysterical and irrational hatred of Trump...I am convinced it is not just liberals.
I'm not crazy about the tariffs, but I do agree they will put American companies on more of a completive edge.

Other than tariffs, we can't isolate our country and force Americans to buy their own products. It defeats the purpose of free enterprise.

Yes.........the only way to make America competetive...is to protect our markets from cheap foreign (slave labor) products .

Then when a company is profitable the workers need a strong union in order to get a fair days pay for a faiir days work.

Business owners are by nature going to get the cheapest labor they can find in too many if not most cases...thus we must control our borders and keep out those who are willing work for slave wages and conditions.

Then what you're talking about is isolationism which I'm not for. Border protection? I'm not only for that, I'm also for closing the border altogether. We have over 330 million people here, and that's more than we will ever need, especially in the future.

It is not isolationism...it is simply protecting our workers, our economy and our nation.

In order to compete with the likes of China, the EU and other nations...we must have a strong industrial capacity....especially to maintain our national security...look how quickly during WWII were were able to switch over from making automobiles to making tanks etc.

Without that industrial capacity we could not have won WWII.

You can't have a strong anything if the consumer refuses to support it.

Years ago when I went to my hardware store, the owner asked me about my profession. I asked if he knew somebody that wanted to get into trucking? He sadly said yes, it's me. I'm closing down.

At the time, a new Home Depot opened up about five miles away, and his claim was they were stealing all his customers. He said "I was always proud of my plumbing department. I went to Home Depot, and not only do they put my selection to shame, but the prices as well."

After he closed down, I was making a delivery to one of our customers. One of the workers who I knew lived in the area and approached me. He said "Hey! Did you hear the hardware store closed down at the plaza???" I told him I did. He said "That isn't right! How could he do that to us?"

So I asked: The last five times you needed hardware, where did you shop? He ashamedly said "Home Depot." I replied, that's why he closed down!

The consumere would not have that power if we restrict foreign goods coming in here at prices so cheap the consumers will rush to buy the foreign crap....very true that consumers are not patriotic enough...at least most of them...to buy American when American stuff is more expensive...hence eliminate the cheap foreign stuff and they have no power to destroy our workers and the middle class as well as American business owners.

Which is isolationism.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

You can't reform unions. You either have them or you don't. During the Bush years is when I experienced the most companies leaving our city and state. We lost a lot of customers over the years because of unions, and perhaps that's why I hold them responsible for the decline of our businesses.

Unions can definitely be reformed...but the decline you mention was caused by more than just unions ...as has been pointed out...cheap foreign products.

The government being unwilling to do back then what Trump is doing mow...putting tarriffs on cheap foreign products produced in many cases by slave labor.

I'm not crazy about the tariffs, but I do agree they will put American companies on more of a completive edge.

Other than tariffs, we can't isolate our country and force Americans to buy their own products. It defeats the purpose of free enterprise.

Our goal first of all should be to protect America...in order to do that we must protect our economy and our workers.

As pointed out already...we cannot compete with cheap foreign labor or foreign slave labor...we cannot allow foreign nations to undermine our economy...that is what happened...and that is what Trump is trying to turn around aka MAGA...

America comes first....it must come first. Let other nation take care of themselves....we must take care of our own.

Free enterprise here at home is one thing...we should not be cutting our own throats by making foreigners rich...and that is what happened in China...they got rich at our expense...so rich they can afford to outspend us on military matters...and now you see how they threaten us....people need to wake up....America First!

Also ,,,,lest we forget we made the arabs rich by allowing them to organize and charge outrageous prices for their oil....now we have managed to get to the point where we can produce most of our energy and we are almost at the point where we do not need them anymore.

Also....we should recognize that rich arabs financed terrorism against western nations.

Which leads us back to the fact we must take care of our own...do not sacrifoce the welfare of our citiaens to make other peoples and nations rich...now the liberals in their delusion cannot undertand that...hence they are also enemies of Ameica.

Actually you can protect American workers. It boils down to government, taxation, and keeping unions out of industry.

Trump brought industry back by removing job killing regulations and decreasing taxes. Getting rid of Commie Care is a huge advantage as well.

Even though foreign labor is cheaper and always will be, transportation costs and customer location plays a huge role. If those costs are lower than making products ourselves, companies opt for foreign products. If the cost is the same or higher, they opt for American made products.

Now that taxes are lower, fuel is cheaper, it makes more sense for industry to buy American products. That's why we now have more jobs than workers to fill them.

We have made a lot of progress under Trump but much remains to be done especially to set up fair trade deals with China, Japan, Mexico and so forth.

Trump is under constant attack...he could be brought down, he could be assasinated or he could lose the next election...so we cannot depend solely on Trump...first thing the people must be educated on the importance of America First...not an easy thing to do when political correctness dominates...aka cultural marxism aka everyone wants free stuff.

There aint so Santa Claus...democrats do not understnd that.

All of what you mention above makes sense as in regarding reducing business overhead, taxes, regulation etc.

Trump indeed has made a lot of progress with all that...but we also simply cannot allow foreign nations to flood our markets with their cheap stuff...a lot of which is just pure junk anyhow...ever bought a bicycle at WalMart? I got a brand new one from a friend who never rode it and just wanted to get rid of it...a new bike never ridden...I rode it about two miles hit a bump in the sidewalk and the front rim collapsed. The chinese have perfected the art of making fake stuff.
Yes.........the only way to make America competetive...is to protect our markets from cheap foreign (slave labor) products .

Then when a company is profitable the workers need a strong union in order to get a fair days pay for a faiir days work.

Business owners are by nature going to get the cheapest labor they can find in too many if not most cases...thus we must control our borders and keep out those who are willing work for slave wages and conditions.

Then what you're talking about is isolationism which I'm not for. Border protection? I'm not only for that, I'm also for closing the border altogether. We have over 330 million people here, and that's more than we will ever need, especially in the future.

It is not isolationism...it is simply protecting our workers, our economy and our nation.

In order to compete with the likes of China, the EU and other nations...we must have a strong industrial capacity....especially to maintain our national security...look how quickly during WWII were were able to switch over from making automobiles to making tanks etc.

Without that industrial capacity we could not have won WWII.

You can't have a strong anything if the consumer refuses to support it.

Years ago when I went to my hardware store, the owner asked me about my profession. I asked if he knew somebody that wanted to get into trucking? He sadly said yes, it's me. I'm closing down.

At the time, a new Home Depot opened up about five miles away, and his claim was they were stealing all his customers. He said "I was always proud of my plumbing department. I went to Home Depot, and not only do they put my selection to shame, but the prices as well."

After he closed down, I was making a delivery to one of our customers. One of the workers who I knew lived in the area and approached me. He said "Hey! Did you hear the hardware store closed down at the plaza???" I told him I did. He said "That isn't right! How could he do that to us?"

So I asked: The last five times you needed hardware, where did you shop? He ashamedly said "Home Depot." I replied, that's why he closed down!

The consumere would not have that power if we restrict foreign goods coming in here at prices so cheap the consumers will rush to buy the foreign crap....very true that consumers are not patriotic enough...at least most of them...to buy American when American stuff is more expensive...hence eliminate the cheap foreign stuff and they have no power to destroy our workers and the middle class as well as American business owners.

Which is isolationism.

Not in tne strict sense of the term...True isolationism is when you refuse to get involved with other nations like in WWII --we were letting nazi germany overrun europe....because the people did not want to get involved did not want to go to war...not understanding the necessity of it...but I have no problem with anyone calling it that or whatever you want...the fact remains we must take care of our own first.

What is isolationism at DuckDuckGo
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I forgot to reply to the part about needing to keep unions out...you can do that for a little while but buiness owners tend to be greedy...even if they are making a good profit they do not want to share enough of that with the workers...hence the need for good unions.

Organized crime must be kept out of the unions...corruption must be kept out but all that can be accomplished without destroying unions or prohibiting them...they must be allowed to operate...for the sake of the workers. Without the unions we would never have gotten such a fantastic middle class that existed before the coming of cheap foreign stuff.
Then what you're talking about is isolationism which I'm not for. Border protection? I'm not only for that, I'm also for closing the border altogether. We have over 330 million people here, and that's more than we will ever need, especially in the future.

It is not isolationism...it is simply protecting our workers, our economy and our nation.

In order to compete with the likes of China, the EU and other nations...we must have a strong industrial capacity....especially to maintain our national security...look how quickly during WWII were were able to switch over from making automobiles to making tanks etc.

Without that industrial capacity we could not have won WWII.

You can't have a strong anything if the consumer refuses to support it.

Years ago when I went to my hardware store, the owner asked me about my profession. I asked if he knew somebody that wanted to get into trucking? He sadly said yes, it's me. I'm closing down.

At the time, a new Home Depot opened up about five miles away, and his claim was they were stealing all his customers. He said "I was always proud of my plumbing department. I went to Home Depot, and not only do they put my selection to shame, but the prices as well."

After he closed down, I was making a delivery to one of our customers. One of the workers who I knew lived in the area and approached me. He said "Hey! Did you hear the hardware store closed down at the plaza???" I told him I did. He said "That isn't right! How could he do that to us?"

So I asked: The last five times you needed hardware, where did you shop? He ashamedly said "Home Depot." I replied, that's why he closed down!

The consumere would not have that power if we restrict foreign goods coming in here at prices so cheap the consumers will rush to buy the foreign crap....very true that consumers are not patriotic enough...at least most of them...to buy American when American stuff is more expensive...hence eliminate the cheap foreign stuff and they have no power to destroy our workers and the middle class as well as American business owners.

Which is isolationism.

Not in tne strict sense of the term...True isolationism is when you refuse to get involved with other nations like in WWII --we were letting nazi germany overrun europe....because the people did not want to get involved did not want to go to war...not understanding the necessity of it...but I have no problem with anyone calling it that or whatever you want...the fact remains we must take care of our own first.

What you are suggesting is to remove all reasonable competition to force Americans to buy American made products. I'm sorry, but that is the definition of isolationism.

Instead of getting long winded about this, I suggest you read this very short piece by economist Professor Walter E Williams. It clearly explains the advantage of international trade. The article is over ten years old, but the statistics Professor Williams offers are unchallenged, and many of the principals are still valid today.

Foreign Trade Angst
It is not isolationism...it is simply protecting our workers, our economy and our nation.

In order to compete with the likes of China, the EU and other nations...we must have a strong industrial capacity....especially to maintain our national security...look how quickly during WWII were were able to switch over from making automobiles to making tanks etc.

Without that industrial capacity we could not have won WWII.

You can't have a strong anything if the consumer refuses to support it.

Years ago when I went to my hardware store, the owner asked me about my profession. I asked if he knew somebody that wanted to get into trucking? He sadly said yes, it's me. I'm closing down.

At the time, a new Home Depot opened up about five miles away, and his claim was they were stealing all his customers. He said "I was always proud of my plumbing department. I went to Home Depot, and not only do they put my selection to shame, but the prices as well."

After he closed down, I was making a delivery to one of our customers. One of the workers who I knew lived in the area and approached me. He said "Hey! Did you hear the hardware store closed down at the plaza???" I told him I did. He said "That isn't right! How could he do that to us?"

So I asked: The last five times you needed hardware, where did you shop? He ashamedly said "Home Depot." I replied, that's why he closed down!

The consumere would not have that power if we restrict foreign goods coming in here at prices so cheap the consumers will rush to buy the foreign crap....very true that consumers are not patriotic enough...at least most of them...to buy American when American stuff is more expensive...hence eliminate the cheap foreign stuff and they have no power to destroy our workers and the middle class as well as American business owners.

Which is isolationism.

Not in tne strict sense of the term...True isolationism is when you refuse to get involved with other nations like in WWII --we were letting nazi germany overrun europe....because the people did not want to get involved did not want to go to war...not understanding the necessity of it...but I have no problem with anyone calling it that or whatever you want...the fact remains we must take care of our own first.

What you are suggesting is to remove all reasonable competition to force Americans to buy American made products. I'm sorry, but that is the definition of isolationism.

Instead of getting long winded about this, I suggest you read this very short piece by economist Professor Walter E Williams. It clearly explains the advantage of international trade. The article is over ten years old, but the statistics Professor Williams offers are unchallenged, and many of the principals are still valid today.

Foreign Trade Angst

I posted the definition of Isolationism above somewhere....again...........
  • n.
    A national policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other countries.
  • n.
    The doctrine or policy of minimal participation by one's country in international economic and political relations, specifically by not entering into alliances or other international agreements, in order to avoid becoming entangled in foreign wars, and to be able to devote the nation's energies primarily to advancing its own domestic interests.
  • n.
    A national (or group) policy of non-interaction with other nations (or groups).

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