Politicians: Diversity is what makes us great!

veryone I knew growing up in Michigan knew that unions made the greatest middle class the world had ever seen. 1 in 5 men worked for the big three and they even raised the wages of the non union workers. Non union companies had to compete. Workers never made so much.

Republicans and corporations didn’t like this.

How have those unions worked out for Michigan? Detroit? Flint?
They worked out great. Michigan sucked after they left. America shouldn't have let them leave. And Toyota/Honda workers down south should organize.

The corporations won. And they didn't send their jobs to the dirty south where unions don't exist. Why not? Why did they bypass you and go to Mexico? I'd be ok if they moved to Kentucky not Chiwawa.

In rich countries, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, generation by generation

Across Western Europe and North America, the middle class is shrinking. With each new generation, a smaller share of the population find themselves earning middle incomes.

When the Baby Boomers were in their twenties, some 68% were in middle-income households. Only 60% of Millennials can say the same at a similar time in their lives.

middle incomes have increased by just 0.3% per year, on average, over the past decade. That's true in red states too. Unions brought wages up. No unions, no wage increases. NO coincidence.

The gradual hollowing out of the middle class is a complicated story. For example, in the US, the Pew Research Center found that America’s shrinking middle class is the result of some people slipping into lower income classes, but an even larger share of the population rising into the upper classes. However, these figures disguise intergenerational inequality. Research led by Harvard’s Raj Chetty has shown that social mobility is declining, as fewer children earn more than their parents.

Indeed, for each new generation in the OECD’s aggregate average, the middle class is getting smaller, the upper class is stable, and the lower class is expanding.

traditional middle-class jobs are threatened by automation, and it now takes more skills and more earners for a household to make it into the middle class. “The middle class used to be an aspiration. For many generations it meant the assurance of living in a comfortable house and affording a rewarding lifestyle,” the OECD said. “However, there are now signs that this bedrock of our democracies and economic growth is not as stable as in the past.”

Come on Trump MAGA!!!

The Party Of Filth And Foreigners has decided that an expanded underclass is better for America than is a healthy middle class. No country could plant 20-40 million bottom feeding thirdworlders among their population and be able to sustain a prosperous middle / working class.

Trump must be in the party of filth. Why not? He's the one who has benefitted the most from illegal workers.

McCain:There are jobs Americans won’t do for $50 an hour – like picking lettuce.


At Trump’s Florida Resort Empire, a Quiet Effort to Eliminate an Undocumented Work Force

Many of his employees have foreign passports.

Romanians serve dinner in lavish banquet halls. South Africans tend to guests at the spa. Britons bake elegant pastries. Most are young people hired as guest workers on special visas, living over the winter high season in a gated community with a sand volleyball pit and a movie theater. In the mornings, they dress in trim uniforms and are chauffeured by van over a bridge to the luxury compound six miles away in Palm Beach.

But that’s only part of the Trump resort work force in South Florida.

Alongside the foreign guest workers is another category of employees, mostly those who work on the pair of lush golf courses near Mar-a-Lago. Not offered apartments, they have been picked up by Trump contractors from groups of undocumented laborers at the side of the road; hired through staffing companies that assume responsibility for checking their immigration status; or brought onto the payroll with little apparent scrutiny of their Social Security cards and green cards, some of which are fake.

That second pool of immigrant labor is an embarrassing reality for a president who has railed against undocumented immigrants, one his company is scrambling to erase.

McShitStain said Americans won’t pick lettuce for $50 an hour...so that means they wouldn’t? Come on bud...extract your head from your ass once....you know better. Do you know how much weed, hookers and blow a Negro can buy with $50 an hour?

I’m gonna bet that’s an opinion piece authored by someone LefTarded since you provided no link to the ‘story’?

“Benefited the most”....I thought all your loony friends said Trump is broke?

Look bud, you, like all desperate LefTarded folks are being led around by the nose...you poor folks have voted for the Party Of Filth for decades, we’ve spent $22T on you and you’re still poor and struggling...weird huh?
How have those unions worked out for Michigan? Detroit? Flint?
They worked out great. Michigan sucked after they left. America shouldn't have let them leave. And Toyota/Honda workers down south should organize.

The corporations won. And they didn't send their jobs to the dirty south where unions don't exist. Why not? Why did they bypass you and go to Mexico? I'd be ok if they moved to Kentucky not Chiwawa.

In rich countries, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, generation by generation

Across Western Europe and North America, the middle class is shrinking. With each new generation, a smaller share of the population find themselves earning middle incomes.

When the Baby Boomers were in their twenties, some 68% were in middle-income households. Only 60% of Millennials can say the same at a similar time in their lives.

middle incomes have increased by just 0.3% per year, on average, over the past decade. That's true in red states too. Unions brought wages up. No unions, no wage increases. NO coincidence.

The gradual hollowing out of the middle class is a complicated story. For example, in the US, the Pew Research Center found that America’s shrinking middle class is the result of some people slipping into lower income classes, but an even larger share of the population rising into the upper classes. However, these figures disguise intergenerational inequality. Research led by Harvard’s Raj Chetty has shown that social mobility is declining, as fewer children earn more than their parents.

Indeed, for each new generation in the OECD’s aggregate average, the middle class is getting smaller, the upper class is stable, and the lower class is expanding.

traditional middle-class jobs are threatened by automation, and it now takes more skills and more earners for a household to make it into the middle class. “The middle class used to be an aspiration. For many generations it meant the assurance of living in a comfortable house and affording a rewarding lifestyle,” the OECD said. “However, there are now signs that this bedrock of our democracies and economic growth is not as stable as in the past.”

Come on Trump MAGA!!!

The Party Of Filth And Foreigners has decided that an expanded underclass is better for America than is a healthy middle class. No country could plant 20-40 million bottom feeding thirdworlders among their population and be able to sustain a prosperous middle / working class.
I don't know who the party of filth is but what I do know is that corporations benefit the most by flooding the market with low wage workers. Is the GOP the party of filth? They were in the 2000's and I suspect still are.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

This is what us liberals were saying in 2006. Back when cons were telling us they were just here doing jobs American's won't do.

The Party Of Filth And Foreigners would be the Party that lowlifes, degenerates, weirdos and foreigners would vote for...have you looked at votership demos lately?
It’s odd that you want to talk about and go on the Party philosophy and ideals from decades ago...The current platforms and ideals don’t matter to you but those from years ago do? That’s fucking weird.

Who are these “corporations” you continue to cite? Are we talking about all those Liberal corporations in blue shitholes...the ones you people are always telling us that keep our nation economically relevant?[/QUOTE
I'm talking about Trump corporations

Many of his employees have foreign passports.

Romanians serve dinner in lavish banquet halls. South Africans tend to guests at the spa. Britons bake elegant pastries. Most are young people hired as guest workers on special visas, living over the winter high season in a gated community with a sand volleyball pit and a movie theater. In the mornings, they dress in trim uniforms and are chauffeured by van over a bridge to the luxury compound six miles away in Palm Beach.

But that’s only part of the Trump resort work force in South Florida.

Alongside the foreign guest workers is another category of employees, mostly those who work on the pair of lush golf courses near Mar-a-Lago. Not offered apartments, they have been picked up by Trump contractors from groups of undocumented laborers at the side of the road; hired through staffing companies that assume responsibility for checking their immigration status; or brought onto the payroll with little apparent scrutiny of their Social Security cards and green cards, some of which are fake.

That second pool of immigrant labor is an embarrassing reality for a president who has railed against undocumented immigrants, one his company is scrambling to erase.

And this Republican owned farm
Man charged in Tibbetts' death worked at Iowa farm linked to prominent Republican
How have those unions worked out for Michigan? Detroit? Flint?
They worked out great. Michigan sucked after they left. America shouldn't have let them leave. And Toyota/Honda workers down south should organize.

The corporations won. And they didn't send their jobs to the dirty south where unions don't exist. Why not? Why did they bypass you and go to Mexico? I'd be ok if they moved to Kentucky not Chiwawa.

In rich countries, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, generation by generation

Across Western Europe and North America, the middle class is shrinking. With each new generation, a smaller share of the population find themselves earning middle incomes.

When the Baby Boomers were in their twenties, some 68% were in middle-income households. Only 60% of Millennials can say the same at a similar time in their lives.

middle incomes have increased by just 0.3% per year, on average, over the past decade. That's true in red states too. Unions brought wages up. No unions, no wage increases. NO coincidence.

The gradual hollowing out of the middle class is a complicated story. For example, in the US, the Pew Research Center found that America’s shrinking middle class is the result of some people slipping into lower income classes, but an even larger share of the population rising into the upper classes. However, these figures disguise intergenerational inequality. Research led by Harvard’s Raj Chetty has shown that social mobility is declining, as fewer children earn more than their parents.

Indeed, for each new generation in the OECD’s aggregate average, the middle class is getting smaller, the upper class is stable, and the lower class is expanding.

traditional middle-class jobs are threatened by automation, and it now takes more skills and more earners for a household to make it into the middle class. “The middle class used to be an aspiration. For many generations it meant the assurance of living in a comfortable house and affording a rewarding lifestyle,” the OECD said. “However, there are now signs that this bedrock of our democracies and economic growth is not as stable as in the past.”

Come on Trump MAGA!!!

The Party Of Filth And Foreigners has decided that an expanded underclass is better for America than is a healthy middle class. No country could plant 20-40 million bottom feeding thirdworlders among their population and be able to sustain a prosperous middle / working class.
I don't know who the party of filth is but what I do know is that corporations benefit the most by flooding the market with low wage workers. Is the GOP the party of filth? They were in the 2000's and I suspect still are.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

This is what us liberals were saying in 2006. Back when cons were telling us they were just here doing jobs American's won't do.

The Party Of Filth And Foreigners would be the Party that lowlifes, degenerates, weirdos and foreigners would vote for...have you looked at votership demos lately?
It’s odd that you want to talk about and go on the Party philosophy and ideals from decades ago...The current platforms and ideals don’t matter to you but those from years ago do? That’s fucking weird.

Who are these “corporations” you continue to cite? Are we talking about all those Liberal corporations in blue shitholes...the ones you people are always telling us that keep our nation economically relevant?

Who are these corporations?

I'm talking about Trump corporations. Many of his employees have foreign passports.

Romanians serve dinner in lavish banquet halls. South Africans tend to guests at the spa. Britons bake elegant pastries. Most are young people hired as guest workers on special visas, living over the winter high season in a gated community with a sand volleyball pit and a movie theater. In the mornings, they dress in trim uniforms and are chauffeured by van over a bridge to the luxury compound six miles away in Palm Beach.

But that’s only part of the Trump resort work force in South Florida.

Alongside the foreign guest workers is another category of employees, mostly those who work on the pair of lush golf courses near Mar-a-Lago. Not offered apartments, they have been picked up by Trump contractors from groups of undocumented laborers at the side of the road; hired through staffing companies that assume responsibility for checking their immigration status; or brought onto the payroll with little apparent scrutiny of their Social Security cards and green cards, some of which are fake.

That second pool of immigrant labor is an embarrassing reality for a president who has railed against undocumented immigrants, one his company is scrambling to erase.

And this Republican owned farm
Man charged in Tibbetts' death worked at Iowa farm linked to prominent Republican

Enlighten yourself bud...step out of that desperate state of mind you’re in...think straight...look at motive.
veryone I knew growing up in Michigan knew that unions made the greatest middle class the world had ever seen. 1 in 5 men worked for the big three and they even raised the wages of the non union workers. Non union companies had to compete. Workers never made so much.

Republicans and corporations didn’t like this.

How have those unions worked out for Michigan? Detroit? Flint?
They worked out great. Michigan sucked after they left. America shouldn't have let them leave. And Toyota/Honda workers down south should organize.

The corporations won. And they didn't send their jobs to the dirty south where unions don't exist. Why not? Why did they bypass you and go to Mexico? I'd be ok if they moved to Kentucky not Chiwawa.

In rich countries, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, generation by generation

Across Western Europe and North America, the middle class is shrinking. With each new generation, a smaller share of the population find themselves earning middle incomes.

When the Baby Boomers were in their twenties, some 68% were in middle-income households. Only 60% of Millennials can say the same at a similar time in their lives.

middle incomes have increased by just 0.3% per year, on average, over the past decade. That's true in red states too. Unions brought wages up. No unions, no wage increases. NO coincidence.

The gradual hollowing out of the middle class is a complicated story. For example, in the US, the Pew Research Center found that America’s shrinking middle class is the result of some people slipping into lower income classes, but an even larger share of the population rising into the upper classes. However, these figures disguise intergenerational inequality. Research led by Harvard’s Raj Chetty has shown that social mobility is declining, as fewer children earn more than their parents.

Indeed, for each new generation in the OECD’s aggregate average, the middle class is getting smaller, the upper class is stable, and the lower class is expanding.

traditional middle-class jobs are threatened by automation, and it now takes more skills and more earners for a household to make it into the middle class. “The middle class used to be an aspiration. For many generations it meant the assurance of living in a comfortable house and affording a rewarding lifestyle,” the OECD said. “However, there are now signs that this bedrock of our democracies and economic growth is not as stable as in the past.”

Come on Trump MAGA!!!

The Party Of Filth And Foreigners has decided that an expanded underclass is better for America than is a healthy middle class. No country could plant 20-40 million bottom feeding thirdworlders among their population and be able to sustain a prosperous middle / working class.

Trump must be in the party of filth. Why not? He's the one who has benefitted the most from illegal workers.

McCain:There are jobs Americans won’t do for $50 an hour – like picking lettuce.


At Trump’s Florida Resort Empire, a Quiet Effort to Eliminate an Undocumented Work Force

Many of his employees have foreign passports.

Romanians serve dinner in lavish banquet halls. South Africans tend to guests at the spa. Britons bake elegant pastries. Most are young people hired as guest workers on special visas, living over the winter high season in a gated community with a sand volleyball pit and a movie theater. In the mornings, they dress in trim uniforms and are chauffeured by van over a bridge to the luxury compound six miles away in Palm Beach.

But that’s only part of the Trump resort work force in South Florida.

Alongside the foreign guest workers is another category of employees, mostly those who work on the pair of lush golf courses near Mar-a-Lago. Not offered apartments, they have been picked up by Trump contractors from groups of undocumented laborers at the side of the road; hired through staffing companies that assume responsibility for checking their immigration status; or brought onto the payroll with little apparent scrutiny of their Social Security cards and green cards, some of which are fake.

That second pool of immigrant labor is an embarrassing reality for a president who has railed against undocumented immigrants, one his company is scrambling to erase.

McShitStain said Americans won’t pick lettuce for $50 an hour...so that means they wouldn’t? Come on bud...extract your head from your ass once....you know better. Do you know how much weed, hookers and blow a Negro can buy with $50 an hour?

I’m gonna bet that’s an opinion piece authored by someone LefTarded since you provided no link to the ‘story’?

“Benefited the most”....I thought all your loony friends said Trump is broke?

Look bud, you, like all desperate LefTarded folks are being led around by the nose...you poor folks have voted for the Party Of Filth for decades, we’ve spent $22T on you and you’re still poor and struggling...weird huh?

Did I say that American's wouldn't pick lettuce because John McCain said they wouldn't? Is that what you thought I said? No wonder it's impossible to talk to Republicans. They hear what they want to hear.

After saying what he said, John McCain became the Republican nominee for President. Clearly Republican voters didn't have a problem with what McCain said. Us liberals did.

Now you want to distance yourself from the guy you wanted to make POTUS? Too fucking late bitch.
They worked out great. Michigan sucked after they left. America shouldn't have let them leave. And Toyota/Honda workers down south should organize.

The corporations won. And they didn't send their jobs to the dirty south where unions don't exist. Why not? Why did they bypass you and go to Mexico? I'd be ok if they moved to Kentucky not Chiwawa.

In rich countries, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, generation by generation

Across Western Europe and North America, the middle class is shrinking. With each new generation, a smaller share of the population find themselves earning middle incomes.

When the Baby Boomers were in their twenties, some 68% were in middle-income households. Only 60% of Millennials can say the same at a similar time in their lives.

middle incomes have increased by just 0.3% per year, on average, over the past decade. That's true in red states too. Unions brought wages up. No unions, no wage increases. NO coincidence.

The gradual hollowing out of the middle class is a complicated story. For example, in the US, the Pew Research Center found that America’s shrinking middle class is the result of some people slipping into lower income classes, but an even larger share of the population rising into the upper classes. However, these figures disguise intergenerational inequality. Research led by Harvard’s Raj Chetty has shown that social mobility is declining, as fewer children earn more than their parents.

Indeed, for each new generation in the OECD’s aggregate average, the middle class is getting smaller, the upper class is stable, and the lower class is expanding.

traditional middle-class jobs are threatened by automation, and it now takes more skills and more earners for a household to make it into the middle class. “The middle class used to be an aspiration. For many generations it meant the assurance of living in a comfortable house and affording a rewarding lifestyle,” the OECD said. “However, there are now signs that this bedrock of our democracies and economic growth is not as stable as in the past.”

Come on Trump MAGA!!!

The Party Of Filth And Foreigners has decided that an expanded underclass is better for America than is a healthy middle class. No country could plant 20-40 million bottom feeding thirdworlders among their population and be able to sustain a prosperous middle / working class.
I don't know who the party of filth is but what I do know is that corporations benefit the most by flooding the market with low wage workers. Is the GOP the party of filth? They were in the 2000's and I suspect still are.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

This is what us liberals were saying in 2006. Back when cons were telling us they were just here doing jobs American's won't do.

The Party Of Filth And Foreigners would be the Party that lowlifes, degenerates, weirdos and foreigners would vote for...have you looked at votership demos lately?
It’s odd that you want to talk about and go on the Party philosophy and ideals from decades ago...The current platforms and ideals don’t matter to you but those from years ago do? That’s fucking weird.

Who are these “corporations” you continue to cite? Are we talking about all those Liberal corporations in blue shitholes...the ones you people are always telling us that keep our nation economically relevant?[/QUOTE
I'm talking about Trump corporations

Many of his employees have foreign passports.

Romanians serve dinner in lavish banquet halls. South Africans tend to guests at the spa. Britons bake elegant pastries. Most are young people hired as guest workers on special visas, living over the winter high season in a gated community with a sand volleyball pit and a movie theater. In the mornings, they dress in trim uniforms and are chauffeured by van over a bridge to the luxury compound six miles away in Palm Beach.

But that’s only part of the Trump resort work force in South Florida.

Alongside the foreign guest workers is another category of employees, mostly those who work on the pair of lush golf courses near Mar-a-Lago. Not offered apartments, they have been picked up by Trump contractors from groups of undocumented laborers at the side of the road; hired through staffing companies that assume responsibility for checking their immigration status; or brought onto the payroll with little apparent scrutiny of their Social Security cards and green cards, some of which are fake.

That second pool of immigrant labor is an embarrassing reality for a president who has railed against undocumented immigrants, one his company is scrambling to erase.

And this Republican owned farm
Man charged in Tibbetts' death worked at Iowa farm linked to prominent Republican
They worked out great. Michigan sucked after they left. America shouldn't have let them leave. And Toyota/Honda workers down south should organize.

The corporations won. And they didn't send their jobs to the dirty south where unions don't exist. Why not? Why did they bypass you and go to Mexico? I'd be ok if they moved to Kentucky not Chiwawa.

In rich countries, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, generation by generation

Across Western Europe and North America, the middle class is shrinking. With each new generation, a smaller share of the population find themselves earning middle incomes.

When the Baby Boomers were in their twenties, some 68% were in middle-income households. Only 60% of Millennials can say the same at a similar time in their lives.

middle incomes have increased by just 0.3% per year, on average, over the past decade. That's true in red states too. Unions brought wages up. No unions, no wage increases. NO coincidence.

The gradual hollowing out of the middle class is a complicated story. For example, in the US, the Pew Research Center found that America’s shrinking middle class is the result of some people slipping into lower income classes, but an even larger share of the population rising into the upper classes. However, these figures disguise intergenerational inequality. Research led by Harvard’s Raj Chetty has shown that social mobility is declining, as fewer children earn more than their parents.

Indeed, for each new generation in the OECD’s aggregate average, the middle class is getting smaller, the upper class is stable, and the lower class is expanding.

traditional middle-class jobs are threatened by automation, and it now takes more skills and more earners for a household to make it into the middle class. “The middle class used to be an aspiration. For many generations it meant the assurance of living in a comfortable house and affording a rewarding lifestyle,” the OECD said. “However, there are now signs that this bedrock of our democracies and economic growth is not as stable as in the past.”

Come on Trump MAGA!!!

The Party Of Filth And Foreigners has decided that an expanded underclass is better for America than is a healthy middle class. No country could plant 20-40 million bottom feeding thirdworlders among their population and be able to sustain a prosperous middle / working class.
I don't know who the party of filth is but what I do know is that corporations benefit the most by flooding the market with low wage workers. Is the GOP the party of filth? They were in the 2000's and I suspect still are.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

This is what us liberals were saying in 2006. Back when cons were telling us they were just here doing jobs American's won't do.

The Party Of Filth And Foreigners would be the Party that lowlifes, degenerates, weirdos and foreigners would vote for...have you looked at votership demos lately?
It’s odd that you want to talk about and go on the Party philosophy and ideals from decades ago...The current platforms and ideals don’t matter to you but those from years ago do? That’s fucking weird.

Who are these “corporations” you continue to cite? Are we talking about all those Liberal corporations in blue shitholes...the ones you people are always telling us that keep our nation economically relevant?

Who are these corporations?

I'm talking about Trump corporations. Many of his employees have foreign passports.

Romanians serve dinner in lavish banquet halls. South Africans tend to guests at the spa. Britons bake elegant pastries. Most are young people hired as guest workers on special visas, living over the winter high season in a gated community with a sand volleyball pit and a movie theater. In the mornings, they dress in trim uniforms and are chauffeured by van over a bridge to the luxury compound six miles away in Palm Beach.

But that’s only part of the Trump resort work force in South Florida.

Alongside the foreign guest workers is another category of employees, mostly those who work on the pair of lush golf courses near Mar-a-Lago. Not offered apartments, they have been picked up by Trump contractors from groups of undocumented laborers at the side of the road; hired through staffing companies that assume responsibility for checking their immigration status; or brought onto the payroll with little apparent scrutiny of their Social Security cards and green cards, some of which are fake.

That second pool of immigrant labor is an embarrassing reality for a president who has railed against undocumented immigrants, one his company is scrambling to erase.

And this Republican owned farm
Man charged in Tibbetts' death worked at Iowa farm linked to prominent Republican

Enlighten yourself bud...step out of that desperate state of mind you’re in...think straight...look at motive.
What are you suggesting? Say it.
The Party Of Filth And Foreigners has decided that an expanded underclass is better for America than is a healthy middle class. No country could plant 20-40 million bottom feeding thirdworlders among their population and be able to sustain a prosperous middle / working class.
I don't know who the party of filth is but what I do know is that corporations benefit the most by flooding the market with low wage workers. Is the GOP the party of filth? They were in the 2000's and I suspect still are.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

This is what us liberals were saying in 2006. Back when cons were telling us they were just here doing jobs American's won't do.

The Party Of Filth And Foreigners would be the Party that lowlifes, degenerates, weirdos and foreigners would vote for...have you looked at votership demos lately?
It’s odd that you want to talk about and go on the Party philosophy and ideals from decades ago...The current platforms and ideals don’t matter to you but those from years ago do? That’s fucking weird.

Who are these “corporations” you continue to cite? Are we talking about all those Liberal corporations in blue shitholes...the ones you people are always telling us that keep our nation economically relevant?[/QUOTE
I'm talking about Trump corporations

Many of his employees have foreign passports.

Romanians serve dinner in lavish banquet halls. South Africans tend to guests at the spa. Britons bake elegant pastries. Most are young people hired as guest workers on special visas, living over the winter high season in a gated community with a sand volleyball pit and a movie theater. In the mornings, they dress in trim uniforms and are chauffeured by van over a bridge to the luxury compound six miles away in Palm Beach.

But that’s only part of the Trump resort work force in South Florida.

Alongside the foreign guest workers is another category of employees, mostly those who work on the pair of lush golf courses near Mar-a-Lago. Not offered apartments, they have been picked up by Trump contractors from groups of undocumented laborers at the side of the road; hired through staffing companies that assume responsibility for checking their immigration status; or brought onto the payroll with little apparent scrutiny of their Social Security cards and green cards, some of which are fake.

That second pool of immigrant labor is an embarrassing reality for a president who has railed against undocumented immigrants, one his company is scrambling to erase.

And this Republican owned farm
Man charged in Tibbetts' death worked at Iowa farm linked to prominent Republican
The Party Of Filth And Foreigners has decided that an expanded underclass is better for America than is a healthy middle class. No country could plant 20-40 million bottom feeding thirdworlders among their population and be able to sustain a prosperous middle / working class.
I don't know who the party of filth is but what I do know is that corporations benefit the most by flooding the market with low wage workers. Is the GOP the party of filth? They were in the 2000's and I suspect still are.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

This is what us liberals were saying in 2006. Back when cons were telling us they were just here doing jobs American's won't do.

The Party Of Filth And Foreigners would be the Party that lowlifes, degenerates, weirdos and foreigners would vote for...have you looked at votership demos lately?
It’s odd that you want to talk about and go on the Party philosophy and ideals from decades ago...The current platforms and ideals don’t matter to you but those from years ago do? That’s fucking weird.

Who are these “corporations” you continue to cite? Are we talking about all those Liberal corporations in blue shitholes...the ones you people are always telling us that keep our nation economically relevant?

Who are these corporations?

I'm talking about Trump corporations. Many of his employees have foreign passports.

Romanians serve dinner in lavish banquet halls. South Africans tend to guests at the spa. Britons bake elegant pastries. Most are young people hired as guest workers on special visas, living over the winter high season in a gated community with a sand volleyball pit and a movie theater. In the mornings, they dress in trim uniforms and are chauffeured by van over a bridge to the luxury compound six miles away in Palm Beach.

But that’s only part of the Trump resort work force in South Florida.

Alongside the foreign guest workers is another category of employees, mostly those who work on the pair of lush golf courses near Mar-a-Lago. Not offered apartments, they have been picked up by Trump contractors from groups of undocumented laborers at the side of the road; hired through staffing companies that assume responsibility for checking their immigration status; or brought onto the payroll with little apparent scrutiny of their Social Security cards and green cards, some of which are fake.

That second pool of immigrant labor is an embarrassing reality for a president who has railed against undocumented immigrants, one his company is scrambling to erase.

And this Republican owned farm
Man charged in Tibbetts' death worked at Iowa farm linked to prominent Republican

Enlighten yourself bud...step out of that desperate state of mind you’re in...think straight...look at motive.
What are you suggesting? Say it.

Fools like to pretend that every illegal cockroach works for a Republican farmer and handles the ballsacks of cattle all day...you know, “doing those jobs that Americans won’t do”.....the graph above shows you that’s simply not true. The cockroaches work the jobs that Americans have always worked...they just work without ever bitching, without expecting conditions be met, without suing over poor conditions...and they offer a free BJ after every shift if it means keeping their job....they’re modern day slaves and it’s your Party who insists these foreign cockroaches continue to migrate here and fuck over real Americans.
Fuck your...but, but, but....10 years ago bullshit....TODAY your party is begging thirdworld filth to replace you...you’re just too ignorant or stubborn to allow yourself to see it.
Last edited:
Differences are not inherently beneficial
The need to be forced to absorb them is dubious

Yes...for sure.

Still too many folks want to include Europeans in the diverse column....they are our people...our cousins so to speak....Europeans assimilate easily, are of similar religious beliefs as Ameicans, are educated, many with needed skills, intelligent and highly motivated to be Real Americans unlike the hordes from 3rd world countries that the democrats opened the floodgates for.

We need to change our immigration policies back to what they were previous to 1965...when they favored Europeans.

We do not need more mexicans we need less...we should work with them and try and improve conditions in Mexico...they are right on our border and we do not need a failed state right on our border.

We have too many blacks already and they are a problem...yet the democrats want to bring more in...ridiculous to the extreme.

Muslims? I should not even have to explain this...great difficulty in assimilating, highly itolerant people, many of them support terrorism or have relatives and friends that are terrorists.

And..........futhamoe....boyos.............their children are even a bigger problem.......as previously pointed out they are easily radicalized.

Islam is not a religion of peace ....there is no place in America for islam....it should be banned...a danger to the world. A satannic relilgion in essence.
No doubt there were a lot of problems with unions many of them were run by organized crime to begin with....but the real problem was that we allowed so much cheap stuff to come into America...especially automobiles...but the list goes on and on.

That was what really screwed Ameican workers.

Unions accomplished a lot for American workers...anyone who does not know that is clueless...do a liittle research on the work conditions in the automobile industry before the unions came in...that should be an eye opener for anyone that is anti-union.

Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

We need unions that actually look out for the White Working Class....which is not the case with unions these days and has not been the case for decades....that is one of the big reasons for the shredding of the white middle class...that combined with the government allowing cheap foreign stuff into America...especially automobiles.

I don't think it has anything to do with the unions. From my experiences, some companies replaced (or are in the process of replacing) their mostly white crew with blacks. Why? Because blacks are willing to work for less money.

The cost of living is usually lower where they live, so they can afford not to make as much as the white suburbanites. So the company offers jobs for lower wages that whites won't apply for. The blacks easily get the jobs and eventually whites are replaced.

I don't care if black Americans get the jobs. Better than Mexicans or Chinese. Same way I wish Ford would have moved to Kentucky instead of Mexico. At least in Kentucky Americans are the ones being paid. They may not be wages I would be happy with but they seem to be happy with them.

And Ray, stop crying that you can't pick cotton anymore because farmers hire mexican and blacks who do it better and cheaper. Go do something else.

In fact, I think Mexican truckers will drive circles around you and for much less than you make. And that's good for corporations and shareholders. You're a shareholder too right? You have a 401K? Then you should want the cheap labor. You as a white man can go find work more suite to you. Sorry the cotton gin was invented too.

When did I say anything about picking cotton?

Ask any American driver about foreign drivers and then come back and tell me they run circles around us. These third world morons sneak in here with drivers licenses from Mexico, Canada, or a host of other places and are allowed to run our roads. Unlike Americans who have to be trained and tested before getting a CDL, these people walk right in and granted reciprocity no questions asked. Trust me, they don’t know how to drive because they’ve never had any training. They are a danger to American motorists, and most are too stupid to learn.

Before foreigners got here, we could go back to our trucks to do paperwork, clean our windows and mirrors, look up our next stop, do a host of things while getting loaded or unloaded. Now more and more companies are demanding drivers stay inside because some MF dumb foreigner drove away while the tow motor driver was still unloading the truck. And yes, Americans have gotten seriously injured or killed when some idiot does that. They are so Fn lazy and stupid they won’t get out of the truck to make sure the process is complete, the dock plate is down, and the dock door is closed.

So now we need to spend extra time to do those things all because of dumb foreigners that shouldn’t be here in the first place.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

We need unions that actually look out for the White Working Class....which is not the case with unions these days and has not been the case for decades....that is one of the big reasons for the shredding of the white middle class...that combined with the government allowing cheap foreign stuff into America...especially automobiles.

I don't think it has anything to do with the unions. From my experiences, some companies replaced (or are in the process of replacing) their mostly white crew with blacks. Why? Because blacks are willing to work for less money.

The cost of living is usually lower where they live, so they can afford not to make as much as the white suburbanites. So the company offers jobs for lower wages that whites won't apply for. The blacks easily get the jobs and eventually whites are replaced.

I don't care if black Americans get the jobs. Better than Mexicans or Chinese. Same way I wish Ford would have moved to Kentucky instead of Mexico. At least in Kentucky Americans are the ones being paid. They may not be wages I would be happy with but they seem to be happy with them.

And Ray, stop crying that you can't pick cotton anymore because farmers hire mexican and blacks who do it better and cheaper. Go do something else.

In fact, I think Mexican truckers will drive circles around you and for much less than you make. And that's good for corporations and shareholders. You're a shareholder too right? You have a 401K? Then you should want the cheap labor. You as a white man can go find work more suite to you. Sorry the cotton gin was invented too.

When did I say anything about picking cotton?

Ask any American driver about foreign drivers and then come back and tell me they run circles around us. These third world morons sneak in here with drivers licenses from Mexico, Canada, or a host of other places and are allowed to run our roads. Unlike Americans who have to be trained and tested before getting a CDL, these people walk right in and granted reciprocity no questions asked. Trust me, they don’t know how to drive because they’ve never had any training. They are a danger to American motorists, and most are too stupid to learn.

Before foreigners got here, we could go back to our trucks to do paperwork, clean our windows and mirrors, look up our next stop, do a host of things while getting loaded or unloaded. Now more and more companies are demanding drivers stay inside because some MF dumb foreigner drove away while the tow motor driver was still unloading the truck. And yes, Americans have gotten seriously injured or killed when some idiot does that. They are so Fn lazy and stupid they won’t get out of the truck to make sure the process is complete, the dock plate is down, and the dock door is closed.

So now we need to spend extra time to do those things all because of dumb foreigners that shouldn’t be here in the first place.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Who is granting reciprocity no questions asked?
No reason for diversity in the USA in my opinion . It simply leads to having to deal with foreign ways and foreign thinking . [see 'ilham omar' and 'talib' and their Imported 'somali' electors ] . And then laws , rules and regulations change to accommodate diversity. Many foreigners for example want to modify American Gun Rights and Freedom of Speech in the USA . I see that as a poor trade just to have a 'somali' killer/murderer ' on the Minnesota police force .

You white men don't realize if we had to rely on your little penis' this country would be doomed again

New census confirms the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, countering an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population. The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations

Because minorities as a group are younger than whites, the minority white tipping point comes earlier for younger age groups. As shown in Figure 3, the new census projections indicate that, for youth under 18–the post-millennial population–minorities will outnumber whites in 2020. For those age 18-29–members of the younger labor force and voting age populations–the tipping point will occur in 2027.

Clearly it is the growth of the nation’s youthful minority population–attributable to a combination of past and present immigration and births among younger minority groups–that is keeping the nation from aging even faster than would otherwise be the case.

Figure 4 makes clear how important minority populations will become for the nation’s youth even through 2060. At that point in time, the census projects whites will comprise only 36 percent of the under age 18 population, with Hispanics accounting for 32 percent.

Minorities will be the source of all of the growth in the nation’s youth and working age population, most of the growth in its voters, and much of the growth in its consumers and tax base as far into the future as we can see. Hence, the more rapidly growing, largely white senior population will be increasingly dependent on their contributions to the economy and to government programs such as Medicare and Social Security. This suggests the necessity for continued investments in the nation’s diverse youth and young adults as the population continues to age.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

We need unions that actually look out for the White Working Class....which is not the case with unions these days and has not been the case for decades....that is one of the big reasons for the shredding of the white middle class...that combined with the government allowing cheap foreign stuff into America...especially automobiles.

I don't think it has anything to do with the unions. From my experiences, some companies replaced (or are in the process of replacing) their mostly white crew with blacks. Why? Because blacks are willing to work for less money.

The cost of living is usually lower where they live, so they can afford not to make as much as the white suburbanites. So the company offers jobs for lower wages that whites won't apply for. The blacks easily get the jobs and eventually whites are replaced.

I don't care if black Americans get the jobs. Better than Mexicans or Chinese. Same way I wish Ford would have moved to Kentucky instead of Mexico. At least in Kentucky Americans are the ones being paid. They may not be wages I would be happy with but they seem to be happy with them.

And Ray, stop crying that you can't pick cotton anymore because farmers hire mexican and blacks who do it better and cheaper. Go do something else.

In fact, I think Mexican truckers will drive circles around you and for much less than you make. And that's good for corporations and shareholders. You're a shareholder too right? You have a 401K? Then you should want the cheap labor. You as a white man can go find work more suite to you. Sorry the cotton gin was invented too.

When did I say anything about picking cotton?

Ask any American driver about foreign drivers and then come back and tell me they run circles around us. These third world morons sneak in here with drivers licenses from Mexico, Canada, or a host of other places and are allowed to run our roads. Unlike Americans who have to be trained and tested before getting a CDL, these people walk right in and granted reciprocity no questions asked. Trust me, they don’t know how to drive because they’ve never had any training. They are a danger to American motorists, and most are too stupid to learn.

Before foreigners got here, we could go back to our trucks to do paperwork, clean our windows and mirrors, look up our next stop, do a host of things while getting loaded or unloaded. Now more and more companies are demanding drivers stay inside because some MF dumb foreigner drove away while the tow motor driver was still unloading the truck. And yes, Americans have gotten seriously injured or killed when some idiot does that. They are so Fn lazy and stupid they won’t get out of the truck to make sure the process is complete, the dock plate is down, and the dock door is closed.

So now we need to spend extra time to do those things all because of dumb foreigners that shouldn’t be here in the first place.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Who is granting reciprocity no questions asked?

Apparently our government, because there is no way most of these foreigners could have possibly passed our test. We advance our straight truck drivers instead of hiring new tractor-trailer drivers. And while it's been many years since I took my test, I know what our guys have to go through to pass. Trust me, you better know how to drive that vehicle pretty good before you can even think about taking the test.
New census confirms the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, countering an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population. The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations

And when that happens, it will be the end of the great experiment.
This great experiment is BASED on diversity, morons.

We are probably the most diverse nation on earth
They worked out great. Michigan sucked after they left. America shouldn't have let them leave. And Toyota/Honda workers down south should organize.

The corporations won. And they didn't send their jobs to the dirty south where unions don't exist. Why not? Why did they bypass you and go to Mexico? I'd be ok if they moved to Kentucky not Chiwawa.

In rich countries, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, generation by generation

Across Western Europe and North America, the middle class is shrinking. With each new generation, a smaller share of the population find themselves earning middle incomes.

When the Baby Boomers were in their twenties, some 68% were in middle-income households. Only 60% of Millennials can say the same at a similar time in their lives.

middle incomes have increased by just 0.3% per year, on average, over the past decade. That's true in red states too. Unions brought wages up. No unions, no wage increases. NO coincidence.

The gradual hollowing out of the middle class is a complicated story. For example, in the US, the Pew Research Center found that America’s shrinking middle class is the result of some people slipping into lower income classes, but an even larger share of the population rising into the upper classes. However, these figures disguise intergenerational inequality. Research led by Harvard’s Raj Chetty has shown that social mobility is declining, as fewer children earn more than their parents.

Indeed, for each new generation in the OECD’s aggregate average, the middle class is getting smaller, the upper class is stable, and the lower class is expanding.

traditional middle-class jobs are threatened by automation, and it now takes more skills and more earners for a household to make it into the middle class. “The middle class used to be an aspiration. For many generations it meant the assurance of living in a comfortable house and affording a rewarding lifestyle,” the OECD said. “However, there are now signs that this bedrock of our democracies and economic growth is not as stable as in the past.”

Come on Trump MAGA!!!

ALL THIS, and I asked but one, easy question. I'll ask it again since you refused to answer the first time.

"How have those unions worked out for Michigan? Detroit? Flint?"

By the way, the unions did not leave Michigan, Detroit or Flint. The unions are still there, it's the JOBS that left.
What unions did was force companies to overpay employees. So of course when they left, wages went down. But Reagan having something to do with it just because of the traffic controllers is nothing but a myth.

First off, the American consumer no longer supported unions. We used to buy mostly American made products. With unions, those products cost more and more, so eventually the consumers went to cheaper foreign products, and still do today.

It was less Reagan's choice than it was American consumers. Companies were forced to compete with foreign labor, and you can't do that by hiring people to drive around on floor sweepers for 25 bucks an hour plus outstanding benefits.

Yes I do attack unions because as a person who worked in industry for over three decades, I've had plenty of experiences with them. In the day, if I delivered to a new company I've never been to before and knew nothing about, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not. I could write a book on my union experiences.

As for my politics, I consider myself to be 70% conservative and about 30% Libertarian, although I just consider myself conservative since that's where most of my values are. I would be a Libertarian if not for their stance on our military and recreational narcotics usage.

No doubt there were a lot of problems with unions many of them were run by organized crime to begin with....but the real problem was that we allowed so much cheap stuff to come into America...especially automobiles...but the list goes on and on.

That was what really screwed Ameican workers.

Unions accomplished a lot for American workers...anyone who does not know that is clueless...do a liittle research on the work conditions in the automobile industry before the unions came in...that should be an eye opener for anyone that is anti-union.

Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

You can't reform unions. You either have them or you don't. During the Bush years is when I experienced the most companies leaving our city and state. We lost a lot of customers over the years because of unions, and perhaps that's why I hold them responsible for the decline of our businesses.

In rich countries, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, generation by generation

How come these things are all true in non union states too then? You would think the middle class would be shrinking in blue union states but booming in red right to work states.

I don't know what a non-union state is. I never heard of such a thing.
veryone I knew growing up in Michigan knew that unions made the greatest middle class the world had ever seen. 1 in 5 men worked for the big three and they even raised the wages of the non union workers. Non union companies had to compete. Workers never made so much.

Republicans and corporations didn’t like this.

How have those unions worked out for Michigan? Detroit? Flint?
They worked out great. Michigan sucked after they left. America shouldn't have let them leave. And Toyota/Honda workers down south should organize.

The corporations won. And they didn't send their jobs to the dirty south where unions don't exist. Why not? Why did they bypass you and go to Mexico? I'd be ok if they moved to Kentucky not Chiwawa.

In rich countries, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, generation by generation

Across Western Europe and North America, the middle class is shrinking. With each new generation, a smaller share of the population find themselves earning middle incomes.

When the Baby Boomers were in their twenties, some 68% were in middle-income households. Only 60% of Millennials can say the same at a similar time in their lives.

middle incomes have increased by just 0.3% per year, on average, over the past decade. That's true in red states too. Unions brought wages up. No unions, no wage increases. NO coincidence.

The gradual hollowing out of the middle class is a complicated story. For example, in the US, the Pew Research Center found that America’s shrinking middle class is the result of some people slipping into lower income classes, but an even larger share of the population rising into the upper classes. However, these figures disguise intergenerational inequality. Research led by Harvard’s Raj Chetty has shown that social mobility is declining, as fewer children earn more than their parents.

Indeed, for each new generation in the OECD’s aggregate average, the middle class is getting smaller, the upper class is stable, and the lower class is expanding.

traditional middle-class jobs are threatened by automation, and it now takes more skills and more earners for a household to make it into the middle class. “The middle class used to be an aspiration. For many generations it meant the assurance of living in a comfortable house and affording a rewarding lifestyle,” the OECD said. “However, there are now signs that this bedrock of our democracies and economic growth is not as stable as in the past.”

Come on Trump MAGA!!!

The Party Of Filth And Foreigners has decided that an expanded underclass is better for America than is a healthy middle class. No country could plant 20-40 million bottom feeding thirdworlders among their population and be able to sustain a prosperous middle / working class.

Trump must be in the party of filth. Why not? He's the one who has benefitted the most from illegal workers.

McCain:There are jobs Americans won’t do for $50 an hour – like picking lettuce.


At Trump’s Florida Resort Empire, a Quiet Effort to Eliminate an Undocumented Work Force

Many of his employees have foreign passports.

Romanians serve dinner in lavish banquet halls. South Africans tend to guests at the spa. Britons bake elegant pastries. Most are young people hired as guest workers on special visas, living over the winter high season in a gated community with a sand volleyball pit and a movie theater. In the mornings, they dress in trim uniforms and are chauffeured by van over a bridge to the luxury compound six miles away in Palm Beach.

But that’s only part of the Trump resort work force in South Florida.

Alongside the foreign guest workers is another category of employees, mostly those who work on the pair of lush golf courses near Mar-a-Lago. Not offered apartments, they have been picked up by Trump contractors from groups of undocumented laborers at the side of the road; hired through staffing companies that assume responsibility for checking their immigration status; or brought onto the payroll with little apparent scrutiny of their Social Security cards and green cards, some of which are fake.

That second pool of immigrant labor is an embarrassing reality for a president who has railed against undocumented immigrants, one his company is scrambling to erase.

It seems to me that a great way to have your post ignored is to post it in all bold letters and in some giant font.

Besides, screaming only serves to emphasize the fact that you have lost the argument, are childishly angry acting out. Oh...riiiigghhhhhtttt! :D
Who are these corporations?

I'm talking about Trump corporations. Many of his employees have foreign passports.

How many workers are there in all the corporations baring the Trump name? Are you counting in the word "many" workers at Trump corporations in other countries?
They worked out great. Michigan sucked after they left. America shouldn't have let them leave. And Toyota/Honda workers down south should organize.

The corporations won. And they didn't send their jobs to the dirty south where unions don't exist. Why not? Why did they bypass you and go to Mexico? I'd be ok if they moved to Kentucky not Chiwawa.

In rich countries, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, generation by generation

Across Western Europe and North America, the middle class is shrinking. With each new generation, a smaller share of the population find themselves earning middle incomes.

When the Baby Boomers were in their twenties, some 68% were in middle-income households. Only 60% of Millennials can say the same at a similar time in their lives.

middle incomes have increased by just 0.3% per year, on average, over the past decade. That's true in red states too. Unions brought wages up. No unions, no wage increases. NO coincidence.

The gradual hollowing out of the middle class is a complicated story. For example, in the US, the Pew Research Center found that America’s shrinking middle class is the result of some people slipping into lower income classes, but an even larger share of the population rising into the upper classes. However, these figures disguise intergenerational inequality. Research led by Harvard’s Raj Chetty has shown that social mobility is declining, as fewer children earn more than their parents.

Indeed, for each new generation in the OECD’s aggregate average, the middle class is getting smaller, the upper class is stable, and the lower class is expanding.

traditional middle-class jobs are threatened by automation, and it now takes more skills and more earners for a household to make it into the middle class. “The middle class used to be an aspiration. For many generations it meant the assurance of living in a comfortable house and affording a rewarding lifestyle,” the OECD said. “However, there are now signs that this bedrock of our democracies and economic growth is not as stable as in the past.”

Come on Trump MAGA!!!

ALL THIS, and I asked but one, easy question. I'll ask it again since you refused to answer the first time.

"How have those unions worked out for Michigan? Detroit? Flint?"

By the way, the unions did not leave Michigan, Detroit or Flint. The unions are still there, it's the JOBS that left.
So you're blaming unions for the fact that the auto industry isn't what it was?

I wonder why the textile industry in North Carolina all but disappeared....they weren't union
You white men don't realize if we had to rely on your little penis' this country would be doomed again

New census confirms the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, countering an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population. The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations

Because minorities as a group are younger than whites, the minority white tipping point comes earlier for younger age groups. As shown in Figure 3, the new census projections indicate that, for youth under 18–the post-millennial population–minorities will outnumber whites in 2020. For those age 18-29–members of the younger labor force and voting age populations–the tipping point will occur in 2027.

Clearly it is the growth of the nation’s youthful minority population–attributable to a combination of past and present immigration and births among younger minority groups–that is keeping the nation from aging even faster than would otherwise be the case.

Figure 4 makes clear how important minority populations will become for the nation’s youth even through 2060. At that point in time, the census projects whites will comprise only 36 percent of the under age 18 population, with Hispanics accounting for 32 percent.

Minorities will be the source of all of the growth in the nation’s youth and working age population, most of the growth in its voters, and much of the growth in its consumers and tax base as far into the future as we can see. Hence, the more rapidly growing, largely white senior population will be increasingly dependent on their contributions to the economy and to government programs such as Medicare and Social Security. This suggests the necessity for continued investments in the nation’s diverse youth and young adults as the population continues to age.

Your desperation is duly noted!


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