Politicians: Diversity is what makes us great!

New census confirms the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, countering an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population. The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations

And when that happens, it will be the end of the great experiment.

If America ever gets to the point where blacks predominate in the federal government....then it will mean absolute disaster.....I can think of a couple of ways to stop that...but too radical to get an objective view from this board.

I keep Trump informed of my radical opinions and a select other few.

I wouldn't worry about blacks exclusively. If minorities ever followed the anti-white theme of the Democrat party and MSM, we may very well have another civil war.

something has got to give...America cannot keep going the ways its going....white folk best be well armed and just as important organized....if you ever gonna do anything do it now...like organize or join a militia and have a plan for when the shit hits the fan.
as they are told by the 'law' enforcers that they can't drink a beer on their front porch because of a 'no open container' rule or law that is on the books .

I think in kalifornicate you canot even smoke in your own home unless it is pot.
Diversity is great so long as we are all capitalists. It doesn’t work if we are invaded by Islamic radicals or Socialists or both.

I’m still confused by that...tell me how I benefit when my neighbor moves in and cultural barriers stand between us?

If your neighbor is a Jew like me but we both like burgers, the NFL and believe in Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness then who cares if you celebrate Easter and I celebrate Passover.

I have never known Jews to cause problems for anyone.
Here’s the facts people...this shit isn’t rocket science
NONE OF US BENEFIT from diversity...NONE OF US are better off when our neighbor has nothing in common with us and can’t speak our language.....Simple shit!
My nearest neighbor is over a quarter of a mile away I have no idea who they are or how they live and I don't care either...Why, I don't want nosey, intolerant bitches like you in my business...

You sound like a moonshiner? What does a gallon of shine go for these days....i mean without the taxes. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
New census confirms the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, countering an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population. The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations

And when that happens, it will be the end of the great experiment.

If America ever gets to the point where blacks predominate in the federal government....then it will mean absolute disaster.....I can think of a couple of ways to stop that...but too radical to get an objective view from this board.

I keep Trump informed of my radical opinions and a select other few.

I wouldn't worry about blacks exclusively. If minorities ever followed the anti-white theme of the Democrat party and MSM, we may very well have another civil war.

something has got to give...America cannot keep going the ways its going....white folk best be well armed and just as important organized....if you ever gonna do anything do it now...like organize or join a militia and have a plan for when the shit hits the fan.

If it did happen, it wouldn't happen for some time when minorities get closer to our population and organize against whites.
My views on diversity may be biased, as I am a product of a foreign culture and upbringing. I say biased because having first hand experience has given me some undeniable insight into the common struggles undergone by any and all indigenous and migrating people. The struggles I am referring to include both the difficulty that brought about the initial drive for change as well as the after effects of the adaptation process. In my case the drive towards change came about as the sum of experiences that my family underwent while living in the former Soviet Union. It was precisely this sum of experiences that inspired, and encouraged my family to risk everything for a chance at a better life.

The opportunities created by the influx of diverse cultures are the various specialties and skills that people from other parts of the world bring to our society. America has been benefiting from its diverse make up since its inception. The greatest benefit of a diverse population is the enlightenment that can be derived from it by the populace as a whole. The benefits of vast diversity are no longer specific to one nation as it may have predominately existed in past history. Contemporary times have allowed us to see the effects of diversity on a global scale. It is no longer unusual to see nations once characterized by only a few major ethnic, racial and religious groups, evolving into a plethora of such groups or a microcosm of the world in its entirety. Much of these fairly recent changes can be attributed to technological advancements that have contributed to enhancements in educational opportunities and radical systematic overhauls throughout the world.

The greatest challenges brought on by greater diversity lay in how we adapt to such change. In many cases the additions of new populations have brought out the worst in people as well. It is just as much a part of human nature to embrace and include, as it is to expel and isolate. Adaptation (or lack there of) to diversity is nothing new. We can see countless examples of such shifts throughout history. Time and time again we see how important of a role economic stability plays in a nation’s ability to deal with increasing diversity. Diversity can very easily become viewed as a threat to society if it is accompanied by a lull in economic expansion. A diverse society can either use its differences to unite into a stronger whole or to fragment into a division of many, a nation of none.

I look at the value of diversity form the business standpoint. One of the most important ingredients for creative thinking is diversity. It's a fact that diverse teams produce more creative results than teams in which all members are from a similar background.

I've found that if you put a dozen people from different backgrounds, races, and cultures together you're going to get more creative ideas. This is increditably important in American today. We can't compete in the world without it.

There is diversity and then there is 'diversity' aka what democrats/liberals/socialists.progressives/marxists/elitists/ and even some p.c. republicans mean by diversity....when the above talk about the need for 'diversity' they are talking about Afreekans, mexicans and muslims. Which is a lot different than the kind of diversity you are referring to...theirs is a political or racial claim on that nomenclature yours being an intellectual one ----aka apples and oranges.

Anyhow you make some good points.
I'm not talking about poorest of poor, people without elementary school educations but I am talking about people from all cultures, even Africans and Mexicans. The more multicultural you make a business the better, providing they have the required skills. People of different cultures have different approaches to solving problems. They also have different skill sets and are able to provide useful insights into other cultures.
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New census confirms the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, countering an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population. The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations

And when that happens, it will be the end of the great experiment.

If America ever gets to the point where blacks predominate in the federal government....then it will mean absolute disaster.....I can think of a couple of ways to stop that...but too radical to get an objective view from this board.

I keep Trump informed of my radical opinions and a select other few.

I wouldn't worry about blacks exclusively. If minorities ever followed the anti-white theme of the Democrat party and MSM, we may very well have another civil war.

something has got to give...America cannot keep going the ways its going....white folk best be well armed and just as important organized....if you ever gonna do anything do it now...like organize or join a militia and have a plan for when the shit hits the fan.

If it did happen, it wouldn't happen for some time when minorities get closer to our population and organize against whites.

A race war has been going on against whites for decades.................Paul Sheehan: The Race War of Black against White. The Victims of Race Crime

New census confirms the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, countering an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population. The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations

And when that happens, it will be the end of the great experiment.

If America ever gets to the point where blacks predominate in the federal government....then it will mean absolute disaster.....I can think of a couple of ways to stop that...but too radical to get an objective view from this board.

I keep Trump informed of my radical opinions and a select other few.

I wouldn't worry about blacks exclusively. If minorities ever followed the anti-white theme of the Democrat party and MSM, we may very well have another civil war.

something has got to give...America cannot keep going the ways its going....white folk best be well armed and just as important organized....if you ever gonna do anything do it now...like organize or join a militia and have a plan for when the shit hits the fan.

If it did happen, it wouldn't happen for some time when minorities get closer to our population and organize against whites.
Diversity is great so long as we are all capitalists. It doesn’t work if we are invaded by Islamic radicals or Socialists or both.

I’m still confused by that...tell me how I benefit when my neighbor moves in and cultural barriers stand between us?

If your neighbor is a Jew like me but we both like burgers, the NFL and believe in Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness then who cares if you celebrate Easter and I celebrate Passover.

I have never known Jews to cause problems for anyone.

Because Jews and Christians and atheists mesh well.
The barest amount of research (that supports your bullshit) is what you rely on

At the same time, some of America’s most devastating anti-union violence has taken place in the South. As labor historian Bryant Simon points out, while proportionately fewer southerners than northerners joined unions, there is a clear history of Southern craft and industrial unionism, albeit with a dramatically different track record on strikes. “In the South (as opposed to the north), strike after strike in the biggest industries failed, and workers in these areas had trouble setting up permanent, strong unions.”3 This apparent contradiction is reflected in the fact that the South is home to both America’s most unionized state and one of its least unionized states. “The most unionized state in the United States is always West Virginia,” organizer Si Kahn told the GTRC, “and the least organized – the least unionized – state in the United States is always either North Carolina or South Carolina, depending on what day it is.

Note I WAS talking about the textile industry in North Carolina...not New England


From your source:

Labor organizing in the American South
Despite its reputation as a region hostile to unions, the American South has seen some of the most persistent and creative organizing activities in the United States. For more than a century, West Virginia mine workers, the Industrial Workers of the World (known as the Wobblies) in Louisiana’s timber groves, tenant farmers and North Carolina’s textile workers have all established landmarks for union organizing that benefited American workers as a whole.

In some cases, both whites and blacks were members and union officers. By 1920, over a quarter of the 420,000 textile workers in the United States belonged to unions, roughly half of them in the South.1 Far from a homogenous collection of passive, racially divided workers, Southern workers united across gender and racial lines to confront some of the most powerful industries in the region, even in defeat gaining crucial advances in pay and working conditions.
From my link

the least unionized – state in the United States is always either North Carolina or South Carolina, depending on what day it is.

So your idiot claim is that unions...in the least unionized state in the nation...drove the textile industry out of North Carolina.


Of course that very same textile industry MOVED to North Carolina to escape from New England unions...and then moved overseas in search of ever cheaper labor but hey...history means nothing to partisans like you
They worked out great. Michigan sucked after they left. America shouldn't have let them leave. And Toyota/Honda workers down south should organize.

The corporations won. And they didn't send their jobs to the dirty south where unions don't exist. Why not? Why did they bypass you and go to Mexico? I'd be ok if they moved to Kentucky not Chiwawa.

In rich countries, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, generation by generation

Across Western Europe and North America, the middle class is shrinking. With each new generation, a smaller share of the population find themselves earning middle incomes.

When the Baby Boomers were in their twenties, some 68% were in middle-income households. Only 60% of Millennials can say the same at a similar time in their lives.

middle incomes have increased by just 0.3% per year, on average, over the past decade. That's true in red states too. Unions brought wages up. No unions, no wage increases. NO coincidence.

The gradual hollowing out of the middle class is a complicated story. For example, in the US, the Pew Research Center found that America’s shrinking middle class is the result of some people slipping into lower income classes, but an even larger share of the population rising into the upper classes. However, these figures disguise intergenerational inequality. Research led by Harvard’s Raj Chetty has shown that social mobility is declining, as fewer children earn more than their parents.

Indeed, for each new generation in the OECD’s aggregate average, the middle class is getting smaller, the upper class is stable, and the lower class is expanding.

traditional middle-class jobs are threatened by automation, and it now takes more skills and more earners for a household to make it into the middle class. “The middle class used to be an aspiration. For many generations it meant the assurance of living in a comfortable house and affording a rewarding lifestyle,” the OECD said. “However, there are now signs that this bedrock of our democracies and economic growth is not as stable as in the past.”

Come on Trump MAGA!!!

ALL THIS, and I asked but one, easy question. I'll ask it again since you refused to answer the first time.

"How have those unions worked out for Michigan? Detroit? Flint?"

By the way, the unions did not leave Michigan, Detroit or Flint. The unions are still there, it's the JOBS that left.

How is that possible? If the union is here then so are the jobs.

With or without unions, those corporations were going to go to Mexico to get it cheaper. That's why they didn't go to Texas or Mississippi.

How did the unions work out? They worked out great. Most of my friends parents worked for the big three. Those union jobs helped pay our way through college. My dad is financially stable because of the pay he got. Michigan was the American dream.

How are Michiganders doing now that all those union jobs are gone? No nearly as good. Neither are you in whatever state you live in. The world had never seen such a big happy rich middle class before and never will again despite your efforts to maga.

You see you fucking idiot, workers/labor won't do nearly as good without unions.

How are unions doing here up north?

Eligible workers will receive their 2018 profit sharingchecks on March 14. Since 2015, Ford has paid an average of $40,000 to each individual working under the Chicago contract with the United Auto Workers. The contract expires this year, with negotiations set to begin this summer, Felker said.Jan 24, 2019
Chicago Ford plant workers to get $7,600 profit-sharing checks

How about Toyota employees? They don't get profit sharing.

Like its domestic rivals, Toyota is bracing for a possible rise in U.S. auto import tariffs, which could cloud its outlook as tariffs would raise the cost of selling vehicles in one of its biggest markets.

The U.S. in May launched an investigation into whether imported vehicles pose a national security threat, and President Donald Trump has repeatedly called for tariffs of up to 25 percent.

Toyota, which sells more cars in the U.S. than any other Japanese automaker, locally produces roughly half of all of the vehicles sold in the country. It imports the balance mainly from Japan, Canada and Mexico.

Its share of localized production is lower than the 75 percent of Honda Motor and 60 percent of Nissan Motor.

Toyota has been a vocal opponent of tariffs, arguing that 25 percent would increase the cost of its U.S.-made Camry sedan, Tundra pick-up truck and Sienna minivan by up to $3,000 per vehicle.

You white men don't realize if we had to rely on your little penis' this country would be doomed again

New census confirms the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, countering an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population. The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations

Because minorities as a group are younger than whites, the minority white tipping point comes earlier for younger age groups. As shown in Figure 3, the new census projections indicate that, for youth under 18–the post-millennial population–minorities will outnumber whites in 2020. For those age 18-29–members of the younger labor force and voting age populations–the tipping point will occur in 2027.

Clearly it is the growth of the nation’s youthful minority population–attributable to a combination of past and present immigration and births among younger minority groups–that is keeping the nation from aging even faster than would otherwise be the case.

Figure 4 makes clear how important minority populations will become for the nation’s youth even through 2060. At that point in time, the census projects whites will comprise only 36 percent of the under age 18 population, with Hispanics accounting for 32 percent.

Minorities will be the source of all of the growth in the nation’s youth and working age population, most of the growth in its voters, and much of the growth in its consumers and tax base as far into the future as we can see. Hence, the more rapidly growing, largely white senior population will be increasingly dependent on their contributions to the economy and to government programs such as Medicare and Social Security. This suggests the necessity for continued investments in the nation’s diverse youth and young adults as the population continues to age.

Your desperation is duly noted!


Is cognitive dissonance starting to kick in?
veryone I knew growing up in Michigan knew that unions made the greatest middle class the world had ever seen. 1 in 5 men worked for the big three and they even raised the wages of the non union workers. Non union companies had to compete. Workers never made so much.

Republicans and corporations didn’t like this.

How have those unions worked out for Michigan? Detroit? Flint?
They worked out great. Michigan sucked after they left. America shouldn't have let them leave. And Toyota/Honda workers down south should organize.

The corporations won. And they didn't send their jobs to the dirty south where unions don't exist. Why not? Why did they bypass you and go to Mexico? I'd be ok if they moved to Kentucky not Chiwawa.

In rich countries, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, generation by generation

Across Western Europe and North America, the middle class is shrinking. With each new generation, a smaller share of the population find themselves earning middle incomes.

When the Baby Boomers were in their twenties, some 68% were in middle-income households. Only 60% of Millennials can say the same at a similar time in their lives.

middle incomes have increased by just 0.3% per year, on average, over the past decade. That's true in red states too. Unions brought wages up. No unions, no wage increases. NO coincidence.

The gradual hollowing out of the middle class is a complicated story. For example, in the US, the Pew Research Center found that America’s shrinking middle class is the result of some people slipping into lower income classes, but an even larger share of the population rising into the upper classes. However, these figures disguise intergenerational inequality. Research led by Harvard’s Raj Chetty has shown that social mobility is declining, as fewer children earn more than their parents.

Indeed, for each new generation in the OECD’s aggregate average, the middle class is getting smaller, the upper class is stable, and the lower class is expanding.

traditional middle-class jobs are threatened by automation, and it now takes more skills and more earners for a household to make it into the middle class. “The middle class used to be an aspiration. For many generations it meant the assurance of living in a comfortable house and affording a rewarding lifestyle,” the OECD said. “However, there are now signs that this bedrock of our democracies and economic growth is not as stable as in the past.”

Come on Trump MAGA!!!

The Party Of Filth And Foreigners has decided that an expanded underclass is better for America than is a healthy middle class. No country could plant 20-40 million bottom feeding thirdworlders among their population and be able to sustain a prosperous middle / working class.

Trump must be in the party of filth. Why not? He's the one who has benefitted the most from illegal workers.

McCain:There are jobs Americans won’t do for $50 an hour – like picking lettuce.


At Trump’s Florida Resort Empire, a Quiet Effort to Eliminate an Undocumented Work Force

Many of his employees have foreign passports.

Romanians serve dinner in lavish banquet halls. South Africans tend to guests at the spa. Britons bake elegant pastries. Most are young people hired as guest workers on special visas, living over the winter high season in a gated community with a sand volleyball pit and a movie theater. In the mornings, they dress in trim uniforms and are chauffeured by van over a bridge to the luxury compound six miles away in Palm Beach.

But that’s only part of the Trump resort work force in South Florida.

Alongside the foreign guest workers is another category of employees, mostly those who work on the pair of lush golf courses near Mar-a-Lago. Not offered apartments, they have been picked up by Trump contractors from groups of undocumented laborers at the side of the road; hired through staffing companies that assume responsibility for checking their immigration status; or brought onto the payroll with little apparent scrutiny of their Social Security cards and green cards, some of which are fake.

That second pool of immigrant labor is an embarrassing reality for a president who has railed against undocumented immigrants, one his company is scrambling to erase.

It seems to me that a great way to have your post ignored is to post it in all bold letters and in some giant font.

Besides, screaming only serves to emphasize the fact that you have lost the argument, are childishly angry acting out. Oh...riiiigghhhhhtttt! :D

I love it how you declare that you win arguments. LOL.

McCain:There are jobs Americans won’t do for $50 an hour – like picking lettuce.


At Trump’s Florida Resort Empire, a Quiet Effort to Eliminate an Undocumented Work Force

Many of his employees have foreign passports.

Romanians serve dinner in lavish banquet halls. South Africans tend to guests at the spa. Britons bake elegant pastries. Most are young people hired as guest workers on special visas, living over the winter high season in a gated community with a sand volleyball pit and a movie theater. In the mornings, they dress in trim uniforms and are chauffeured by van over a bridge to the luxury compound six miles away in Palm Beach.

But that’s only part of the Trump resort work force in South Florida.

Alongside the foreign guest workers is another category of employees, mostly those who work on the pair of lush golf courses near Mar-a-Lago. Not offered apartments, they have been picked up by Trump contractors from groups of undocumented laborers at the side of the road; hired through staffing companies that assume responsibility for checking their immigration status; or brought onto the payroll with little apparent scrutiny of their Social Security cards and green cards, some of which are fake.

That second pool of immigrant labor is an embarrassing reality for a president who has railed against undocumented immigrants, one his company is scrambling to erase.
imported people tear that USA apart from the inside out . See 'ilham omar' --- talib and her voters and supportersin Minnesota Slade . See the 'import from 'morocco' that is on this board and who is a Gun Control Advocate Slade ,
And no, immigrants do not tear us apart, they make us great. You’re going to live a very frustrated life with that perspective of yours.

So politicians and Slade3200 tell us that diversity makes us great...Slade, you must have missed this thread...tell us, how do good, real Americans benefit from diversity?
imported people tear that USA apart from the inside out . See 'ilham omar' --- talib and her voters and supportersin Minnesota Slade . See the 'import from 'morocco' that is on this board and who is a Gun Control Advocate Slade ,
And no, immigrants do not tear us apart, they make us great. You’re going to live a very frustrated life with that perspective of yours.

So politicians and Slade3200 tell us that diversity makes us great...Slade, you must have missed this thread...tell us, how do good, real Americans benefit by diversity?
I believe we are all enriched when we learn about and expose ourselves to the variety of cultures, traditions and philosophy’s that have been practiced for centuries from all around the world. It gives us more choices and tools in our belts to carve the path for ourselves that we want to follow. In a sense it makes us more free, more enlightened. Thanks for asking
imported people tear that USA apart from the inside out . See 'ilham omar' --- talib and her voters and supportersin Minnesota Slade . See the 'import from 'morocco' that is on this board and who is a Gun Control Advocate Slade ,
And no, immigrants do not tear us apart, they make us great. You’re going to live a very frustrated life with that perspective of yours.

So politicians and Slade3200 tell us that diversity makes us great...Slade, you must have missed this thread...tell us, how do good, real Americans benefit by diversity?
I believe we are all enriched when we learn about and expose ourselves to the variety of cultures, traditions and philosophy’s that have been practiced for centuries from all around the world. It gives us more choices and tools in our belts to carve the path for ourselves that we want to follow. In a sense it makes us more free, more enlightened.

Hold on a minute...if that were true why wouldn’t we all travel and spend time abroad on our own terms to seek this deep enlightenment that YOU have decided makes us better?
imported people tear that USA apart from the inside out . See 'ilham omar' --- talib and her voters and supportersin Minnesota Slade . See the 'import from 'morocco' that is on this board and who is a Gun Control Advocate Slade ,
And no, immigrants do not tear us apart, they make us great. You’re going to live a very frustrated life with that perspective of yours.

So politicians and Slade3200 tell us that diversity makes us great...Slade, you must have missed this thread...tell us, how do good, real Americans benefit by diversity?
I believe we are all enriched when we learn about and expose ourselves to the variety of cultures, traditions and philosophy’s that have been practiced for centuries from all around the world. It gives us more choices and tools in our belts to carve the path for ourselves that we want to follow. In a sense it makes us more free, more enlightened.

Hold on a minute...if that were true why wouldn’t we all travel and spend time abroad on our own terms to seek this deep enlightenment that YOU have decided makes us better?
Many people do exactly that. Look up foreign travel stats if you want to see numbers

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