Politicians: Diversity is what makes us great!

They worked out great. Michigan sucked after they left. America shouldn't have let them leave. And Toyota/Honda workers down south should organize.

The corporations won. And they didn't send their jobs to the dirty south where unions don't exist. Why not? Why did they bypass you and go to Mexico? I'd be ok if they moved to Kentucky not Chiwawa.

In rich countries, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, generation by generation

Across Western Europe and North America, the middle class is shrinking. With each new generation, a smaller share of the population find themselves earning middle incomes.

When the Baby Boomers were in their twenties, some 68% were in middle-income households. Only 60% of Millennials can say the same at a similar time in their lives.

middle incomes have increased by just 0.3% per year, on average, over the past decade. That's true in red states too. Unions brought wages up. No unions, no wage increases. NO coincidence.

The gradual hollowing out of the middle class is a complicated story. For example, in the US, the Pew Research Center found that America’s shrinking middle class is the result of some people slipping into lower income classes, but an even larger share of the population rising into the upper classes. However, these figures disguise intergenerational inequality. Research led by Harvard’s Raj Chetty has shown that social mobility is declining, as fewer children earn more than their parents.

Indeed, for each new generation in the OECD’s aggregate average, the middle class is getting smaller, the upper class is stable, and the lower class is expanding.

traditional middle-class jobs are threatened by automation, and it now takes more skills and more earners for a household to make it into the middle class. “The middle class used to be an aspiration. For many generations it meant the assurance of living in a comfortable house and affording a rewarding lifestyle,” the OECD said. “However, there are now signs that this bedrock of our democracies and economic growth is not as stable as in the past.”

Come on Trump MAGA!!!

ALL THIS, and I asked but one, easy question. I'll ask it again since you refused to answer the first time.

"How have those unions worked out for Michigan? Detroit? Flint?"

By the way, the unions did not leave Michigan, Detroit or Flint. The unions are still there, it's the JOBS that left.
So you're blaming unions for the fact that the auto industry isn't what it was?

I wonder why the textile industry in North Carolina all but disappeared....they weren't union

Who else would you blame?

Years ago after I called my mechanic out again, I decided that vehicle was the last American car I'd own. Besides the many charades I put up with delivering to the auto industry, I also understood their work was substandard.

My mechanic told me he seldom works on Japanese vehicles. That's because instead of the Japanese car companies putting their money into labor and benefits, they put the money into quality parts and engineering instead.

I took his advice and bought a Toyota. Never been happier. I had two since then. Neither ever seen a tow truck. Neither ever caused me to be late or miss a day of work. Always dependable and not in constant need of repair or parts.

I plan on buying another car this summer, and if so, it will be another Toyota. Why would I go back to tow trucks, costly repairs, and parts that constantly need to be replaced?
So you're blaming unions for the fact that the auto industry isn't what it was?

I wonder why the textile industry in North Carolina all but disappeared....they weren't union

Why do you refuse to do even a minuscule amount of research before opening your mouth?

The Textile Workers Union of America (TWUA) was an industrial union of textile workers established through the Congress of Industrial Organizations in 1939 and merged with the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of Americato become the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU) in 1976. It waged a decades-long campaign to organize J.P. Stevens and other Southern textile manufacturers that achieved some successes.
So you're blaming unions for the fact that the auto industry isn't what it was?

I wonder why the textile industry in North Carolina all but disappeared....they weren't union

Why do you refuse to do even a minuscule amount of research before opening your mouth?

The Textile Workers Union of America (TWUA) was an industrial union of textile workers established through the Congress of Industrial Organizations in 1939 and merged with the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of Americato become the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU) in 1976. It waged a decades-long campaign to organize J.P. Stevens and other Southern textile manufacturers that achieved some successes.
The barest amount of research (that supports your bullshit) is what you rely on

At the same time, some of America’s most devastating anti-union violence has taken place in the South. As labor historian Bryant Simon points out, while proportionately fewer southerners than northerners joined unions, there is a clear history of Southern craft and industrial unionism, albeit with a dramatically different track record on strikes. “In the South (as opposed to the north), strike after strike in the biggest industries failed, and workers in these areas had trouble setting up permanent, strong unions.”3 This apparent contradiction is reflected in the fact that the South is home to both America’s most unionized state and one of its least unionized states. “The most unionized state in the United States is always West Virginia,” organizer Si Kahn told the GTRC, “and the least organized – the least unionized – state in the United States is always either North Carolina or South Carolina, depending on what day it is.

Note I WAS talking about the textile industry in North Carolina...not New England

No doubt there were a lot of problems with unions many of them were run by organized crime to begin with....but the real problem was that we allowed so much cheap stuff to come into America...especially automobiles...but the list goes on and on.

That was what really screwed Ameican workers.

Unions accomplished a lot for American workers...anyone who does not know that is clueless...do a liittle research on the work conditions in the automobile industry before the unions came in...that should be an eye opener for anyone that is anti-union.

Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

You can't reform unions. You either have them or you don't. During the Bush years is when I experienced the most companies leaving our city and state. We lost a lot of customers over the years because of unions, and perhaps that's why I hold them responsible for the decline of our businesses.

In rich countries, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, generation by generation

How come these things are all true in non union states too then? You would think the middle class would be shrinking in blue union states but booming in red right to work states.

I don't know what a non-union state is. I never heard of such a thing.

I think what was meant by that .....'A right to work state'...............
A Right to Work law guarantees that no person can be compelled, as a condition of employment, to join or not to join, or to pay dues to a labor union.
Countries can’t be allowed to pay their workers $2 per day.

When did they stop being a sovereign country? PLEASE explain how this would work.

Well, I do not think anyone is going to declare war on China or any other state that uses slave labor....what could be done is for Western Nations to boycott countries using slave labor or only paying their workers nominal wages...might be difficult to accomplish but it might work.

America definitely needs to cut back on the amount of cheap goods we import...tarriffs are one way to accomplish that.
New census confirms the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, countering an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population. The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations

And when that happens, it will be the end of the great experiment.

If America ever gets to the point where blacks predominate in the federal government....then it will mean absolute disaster.....I can think of a couple of ways to stop that...but too radical to get an objective view from this board.

I keep Trump informed of my radical opinions and a select other few.
We need unions that actually look out for the White Working Class....which is not the case with unions these days and has not been the case for decades....that is one of the big reasons for the shredding of the white middle class...that combined with the government allowing cheap foreign stuff into America...especially automobiles.

I don't think it has anything to do with the unions. From my experiences, some companies replaced (or are in the process of replacing) their mostly white crew with blacks. Why? Because blacks are willing to work for less money.

The cost of living is usually lower where they live, so they can afford not to make as much as the white suburbanites. So the company offers jobs for lower wages that whites won't apply for. The blacks easily get the jobs and eventually whites are replaced.

I don't care if black Americans get the jobs. Better than Mexicans or Chinese. Same way I wish Ford would have moved to Kentucky instead of Mexico. At least in Kentucky Americans are the ones being paid. They may not be wages I would be happy with but they seem to be happy with them.

And Ray, stop crying that you can't pick cotton anymore because farmers hire mexican and blacks who do it better and cheaper. Go do something else.

In fact, I think Mexican truckers will drive circles around you and for much less than you make. And that's good for corporations and shareholders. You're a shareholder too right? You have a 401K? Then you should want the cheap labor. You as a white man can go find work more suite to you. Sorry the cotton gin was invented too.

When did I say anything about picking cotton?

Ask any American driver about foreign drivers and then come back and tell me they run circles around us. These third world morons sneak in here with drivers licenses from Mexico, Canada, or a host of other places and are allowed to run our roads. Unlike Americans who have to be trained and tested before getting a CDL, these people walk right in and granted reciprocity no questions asked. Trust me, they don’t know how to drive because they’ve never had any training. They are a danger to American motorists, and most are too stupid to learn.

Before foreigners got here, we could go back to our trucks to do paperwork, clean our windows and mirrors, look up our next stop, do a host of things while getting loaded or unloaded. Now more and more companies are demanding drivers stay inside because some MF dumb foreigner drove away while the tow motor driver was still unloading the truck. And yes, Americans have gotten seriously injured or killed when some idiot does that. They are so Fn lazy and stupid they won’t get out of the truck to make sure the process is complete, the dock plate is down, and the dock door is closed.

So now we need to spend extra time to do those things all because of dumb foreigners that shouldn’t be here in the first place.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Who is granting reciprocity no questions asked?

Apparently our government, because there is no way most of these foreigners could have possibly passed our test. We advance our straight truck drivers instead of hiring new tractor-trailer drivers. And while it's been many years since I took my test, I know what our guys have to go through to pass. Trust me, you better know how to drive that vehicle pretty good before you can even think about taking the test.

The ole double standard...used quite often when liberals are in charge.
No reason for diversity in the USA in my opinion . It simply leads to having to deal with foreign ways and foreign thinking . [see 'ilham omar' and 'talib' and their Imported 'somali' electors ] . And then laws , rules and regulations change to accommodate diversity. Many foreigners for example want to modify American Gun Rights and Freedom of Speech in the USA . I see that as a poor trade just to have a 'somali' killer/murderer ' on the Minnesota police force .

You white men don't realize if we had to rely on your little penis' this country would be doomed again

New census confirms the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, countering an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population. The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations

Because minorities as a group are younger than whites, the minority white tipping point comes earlier for younger age groups. As shown in Figure 3, the new census projections indicate that, for youth under 18–the post-millennial population–minorities will outnumber whites in 2020. For those age 18-29–members of the younger labor force and voting age populations–the tipping point will occur in 2027.

Clearly it is the growth of the nation’s youthful minority population–attributable to a combination of past and present immigration and births among younger minority groups–that is keeping the nation from aging even faster than would otherwise be the case.

Figure 4 makes clear how important minority populations will become for the nation’s youth even through 2060. At that point in time, the census projects whites will comprise only 36 percent of the under age 18 population, with Hispanics accounting for 32 percent.

Minorities will be the source of all of the growth in the nation’s youth and working age population, most of the growth in its voters, and much of the growth in its consumers and tax base as far into the future as we can see. Hence, the more rapidly growing, largely white senior population will be increasingly dependent on their contributions to the economy and to government programs such as Medicare and Social Security. This suggests the necessity for continued investments in the nation’s diverse youth and young adults as the population continues to age.

Lots can happen between now and then...I have said it before...I will say it again....If negroes are ever able to grasp control of the Federal Government...America will become like these countries in Africa that have a black government. If Negroes had any sense and it really does not take a lot of sense they should know that White America has taken much better care of them than any of their fellow Negroes would be capable of even if they wanted to...a huge distinguishing characteristic of black politicians....corruption.
and 2045 , aw heck . I predict the USA going to heck before that but if it is 2045 its guys like YOU that will be getting fecked in 2045 rather than a bit sooner like i predict for YOU and yer familias and famblies Sealy .
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.

I am believer in bad cultures, not inherently bad races. Of bad cultures America is currently afflicted with many. Diversity, however, as it pertains to many races living together productively all under the banner of American culture is definitely a great American strength. So long as some meaningful degree of assimilation occurs on the behalf of newly introduced ethnic groups, seems to me there's nothing much to worry about and much benefit to be harvested for our nation as a whole. However, when a radically different culture is dropped point blank among a generationally established and accepted American culture, that's another story indeed and often bad things will result, particularly if said new, hostile culture refuses to assimilate. Additionally, bad domestic cultures exist as well, such as inner city gangsta and narco-terror ones, but in their cases it is more a matter of their refusal to assimilate to the culture of American justice and law. If we could solve the issue of bad cultures seems to me no one would be mentioning race at all in diversification conversations.

Good races do not produce bad cultures....look at any advanced culture and you will see a great people.
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.

Diversity seems to be just the ticket for creating shit holes, increasing crime, bringing about widespread drug abuse and homelessness while wrecking economies. So what's the problem?
Whites have zero problems creating shitholes..

I do not think you have been around Negroes much....I mean of the common variety...and not in some controlled environment like the military, schools or workplaces....to be frank.....I mean like in living in a ghetto. hehheh
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Diversity is great so long as we are all capitalists. It doesn’t work if we are invaded by Islamic radicals or Socialists or both.

I’m still confused by that...tell me how I benefit when my neighbor moves in and cultural barriers stand between us?
You have zero rights to force people to live as you do.

That’s not the point...no steering the thread to fit your twisted bullshit.
Politicians tell us that American society benefits from diversity...Tell me how we benefit as a whole?
Albert Einstein...think about it.....These low lifes you claim should not be here have helped the US in many ways but I will not waste anytime reminding a closed mind what they are...Next time you see a black man thank him for helping to build the US for free...

For free? WTF...we saved him from dying a certain morbid death, fed him, gave him a bed and a roof in exchange for rendered services.
Next you’ll tell me we need 40 million wetbacks for their taco recipes.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaa well said.
Diversity is great so long as we are all capitalists. It doesn’t work if we are invaded by Islamic radicals or Socialists or both.

I’m still confused by that...tell me how I benefit when my neighbor moves in and cultural barriers stand between us?
You have zero rights to force people to live as you do.

That’s not the point...no steering the thread to fit your twisted bullshit.
Politicians tell us that American society benefits from diversity...Tell me how we benefit as a whole?
Albert Einstein...think about it.....These low lifes you claim should not be here have helped the US in many ways but I will not waste anytime reminding a closed mind what they are...Next time you see a black man thank him for helping to build the US for free...

Einstein was a White Jew and nurtured in German culture...school, work place etc.

As a liberal you should know by now that the liberal narrative shouting for more diversity are talking about muslims, africans and mexicans...not white folk from Europe.

Now I will tell you that what is extremely outrageous...under our current immigration law he would not be allowed in....his slot would be taken either by a muslim, african or mexican....that is how it works now boyo. Keep tuned I will edumacate you more and more.hehheh
Diversity is great so long as we are all capitalists. It doesn’t work if we are invaded by Islamic radicals or Socialists or both.

I’m still confused by that...tell me how I benefit when my neighbor moves in and cultural barriers stand between us?
You have zero rights to force people to live as you do.

Lookee here you ozark hill billy....communism is what forces people to all live the same way...aka...in grey drab concrete buildings where families have to share a toilet that too often does not work, wait in bread lines just to see if they have any and by the time you get to the counter it is usually all gone.....more folk have died of starvation under socialism,marxism and communism than under any other politiical system.
No reason for diversity in the USA in my opinion . It simply leads to having to deal with foreign ways and foreign thinking . [see 'ilham omar' and 'talib' and their Imported 'somali' electors ] . And then laws , rules and regulations change to accommodate diversity. Many foreigners for example want to modify American Gun Rights and Freedom of Speech in the USA . I see that as a poor trade just to have a 'somali' killer/murderer ' on the Minnesota police force .
Too late...we are already diverse in this country.
What has been done can be undone...if ya git mah drift dere chump.
New census confirms the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, countering an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population. The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations

And when that happens, it will be the end of the great experiment.

If America ever gets to the point where blacks predominate in the federal government....then it will mean absolute disaster.....I can think of a couple of ways to stop that...but too radical to get an objective view from this board.

I keep Trump informed of my radical opinions and a select other few.

I wouldn't worry about blacks exclusively. If minorities ever followed the anti-white theme of the Democrat party and MSM, we may very well have another civil war.
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.

Diversity seems to be just the ticket for creating shit holes, increasing crime, bringing about widespread drug abuse and homelessness while wrecking economies. So what's the problem?
Whites have zero problems creating shitholes..

Well, I have to hand it to you....you do make a good point there....I am sure anyone living in Stalinist Russia or any Jew living in Nazi Germany would have switched places with any Negroid in some jungle village.
Unions were valuable at one time. The problem with unions is like anything else. They thought they were too big to fail.

So their demands kept getting more expensive and more intrusive on the companies they dominated. It got to the point a business had only two choices: move out of the state or country altogether to get rid of the unions, or join their employees in the unemployment line when they closed up shop.
The answer isn’t to do away with unions. They need reforming. During the great bush recession they were forced to. But when things got better they got profit sharing.

Are unions still as bad as they used to be? I bet not.

It’s like Detroit. You guys think it’s a lot worse than it actually is

You can't reform unions. You either have them or you don't. During the Bush years is when I experienced the most companies leaving our city and state. We lost a lot of customers over the years because of unions, and perhaps that's why I hold them responsible for the decline of our businesses.

In rich countries, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, generation by generation

How come these things are all true in non union states too then? You would think the middle class would be shrinking in blue union states but booming in red right to work states.

I don't know what a non-union state is. I never heard of such a thing.

I think what was meant by that .....'A right to work state'...............
A Right to Work law guarantees that no person can be compelled, as a condition of employment, to join or not to join, or to pay dues to a labor union.

Yes, I am very well aware of that and I'm sure he is too. I just wanted some clarification from him is all.

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