Politicians: Diversity is what makes us great!

It’s funny how you try and spin it like she was seeking out an all white neighborhood. People judge neighborhoods by schools, nearby businesses, property values, and stuff like that. I’m not buying your white flight BS in the least. Nice try though. Haha

On real estate sites today they also throw in a crime index ...wink wink
People had a fit cause it was supposedly "racist"
The diversity crowd is the one driving the balkanization these days ...not the honkys
It will not end well ...we've been warning yas for years .
i have nothing agaisnt blacks
irish blah blah blah
you name it
I dont hate joos...... i hate communist joos
i dont hate blacks...... i dont like phony victim hood left wing activist blacks .
i hate when they attach lefttard agendas and claim victim hoods status
View attachment 265635
This is insane
whitey must die and be punished gotta stop ....youre asking for a future shitstorm .
"The gorup first" " Im american last" will not end well for any of us .
And If im gonna be forced into a group? I choose my own! I choose mighty whity ..
I was with you until your last line. How embarrassing.

Why is the truth embarrassing ?
I didnt have a hand in creating todays climate
Well it depends on what “the truth” is. If the truth is you crap your pants everytime a pretty girl talks to you then that’s pretty embarrassing as was your statement about choosing mighty whity
---------------------------------------- it only makes sense to prefer living amongst your own kind Ray .
By “own kind” do you mean your own race? Why in the world would you think that? I’d rather live amongst people whom I share common interests with. Race makes zero difference
------------------- yep , thats what i remember as i grew up with it . Polocks lived in one area , Whops in another , Irish over there and Welsh over there and then the Germans and Russians . The things they did share was they were all civilized by Christianity and Western ways Ray .

Yes, but the point is people are generally happier living with their own kind; at least white people. Diversity was not something that people chose on their own, it was forced upon us. So I don't know how anybody can say forced diversity made us a better country. I think a segregated country was much better.
Speak for yourself Ray. I’m as white as they come and I’ve had roommates from many backgrounds... Sri-lanka, Pakistan, Jewish, German, etc. I value all of them.

Not everybody thinks like you. In fact, I believe your way of thinking is a dying breed.

You do? Then why does white flight still happen in this country? It happened in the area I was born in, in the area I grew up in, and in the area I live in now.

My sister who is very religious recently sold her house here and moved to an all white area. She will never admit to the real reason why, she just makes up all kinds of phony excuses. First she claimed she needed a different house because of the stairs to the bedrooms. She later claimed that she couldn't do yard work or house repairs any longer and needed to be somewhere in a development where that's all taken care of for you.

Until this day she will never admit why she really moved from the house she and her ex-husband designed on their own, built by my father, and the home where she raised her family. Her new house has stairways going to bedrooms upstairs, she still has to do yard work albeit some is taken care of by the homeowners association, and still has to take care of the repairs on the inside of the unit. In fact, I just fixed her toilet a few weeks ago.

She no longer felt safe in her home. That's as close to a real reason that she ever gave me for why she moved. And compared to where she lives now, that house was ten times what this one is. My father built that house with the best quality material, and the best workman ship you could possibly get.
It’s funny how you try and spin it like she was seeking out an all white neighborhood. People judge neighborhoods by schools, nearby businesses, property values, and stuff like that. I’m not buying your white flight BS in the least. Nice try though. Haha


Well WTF do you think makes nice schools, nice shopping centers, and increasing property values.........the kind of wood used to build these things?

The major component that makes a neighborhood are the neighbors. Do you know what would happen if we got rid of fair housing laws and became a segregated society? My property value would double or triple overnight. Yes, with the same school buildings, the same shopping centers (at least the ones that didn't close down yet because of theft and robberies) the same sidewalks and the same streets.

Your argument is the very same used by the left to try and justify disarming society; blame the gun instead of the people.
What do I think makes those things? uhh money, not skin color
Yes, but the point is people are generally happier living with their own kind; at least white people. Diversity was not something that people chose on their own, it was forced upon us. So I don't know how anybody can say forced diversity made us a better country. I think a segregated country was much better.
Speak for yourself Ray. I’m as white as they come and I’ve had roommates from many backgrounds... Sri-lanka, Pakistan, Jewish, German, etc. I value all of them.

Not everybody thinks like you. In fact, I believe your way of thinking is a dying breed.

You do? Then why does white flight still happen in this country? It happened in the area I was born in, in the area I grew up in, and in the area I live in now.

My sister who is very religious recently sold her house here and moved to an all white area. She will never admit to the real reason why, she just makes up all kinds of phony excuses. First she claimed she needed a different house because of the stairs to the bedrooms. She later claimed that she couldn't do yard work or house repairs any longer and needed to be somewhere in a development where that's all taken care of for you.

Until this day she will never admit why she really moved from the house she and her ex-husband designed on their own, built by my father, and the home where she raised her family. Her new house has stairways going to bedrooms upstairs, she still has to do yard work albeit some is taken care of by the homeowners association, and still has to take care of the repairs on the inside of the unit. In fact, I just fixed her toilet a few weeks ago.

She no longer felt safe in her home. That's as close to a real reason that she ever gave me for why she moved. And compared to where she lives now, that house was ten times what this one is. My father built that house with the best quality material, and the best workman ship you could possibly get.
It’s funny how you try and spin it like she was seeking out an all white neighborhood. People judge neighborhoods by schools, nearby businesses, property values, and stuff like that. I’m not buying your white flight BS in the least. Nice try though. Haha


Well WTF do you think makes nice schools, nice shopping centers, and increasing property values.........the kind of wood used to build these things?

The major component that makes a neighborhood are the neighbors. Do you know what would happen if we got rid of fair housing laws and became a segregated society? My property value would double or triple overnight. Yes, with the same school buildings, the same shopping centers (at least the ones that didn't close down yet because of theft and robberies) the same sidewalks and the same streets.

Your argument is the very same used by the left to try and justify disarming society; blame the gun instead of the people.
What do I think makes those things? uhh money, not skin color

Wrong. One in a row. Care to try again?
Look at our history. We’ve been a diverse place since day one and thrived .

The country may have always had different people in it, but people separated into their own groups and lived with their own. It was really never diversity at all.
Of course it was and is, how in the world can you argue otherwise?

Because whites have always been very exclusive people; even among their own.

When I was a kid back in the 60's, I lived in a Polish section of town. Sure, people could come and shop there or whatever, but don't you dare move there unless you were Polish. The Hungarians had their section, the Slovenians had theirs, the Italians had theirs........

When minorities started to take over the areas, those people left. They gathered to places where the European cultures mixed and just became white areas. When minorities moved there, once again they left.

All those areas are shot now. It's not just because the houses and buildings were older, but the good people are gone. That's the outcome of true diversity. When those groups controlled those areas, they were the safest places in the country.

The same goes on today. When minorities start to move in, whites head for higher grounds. Whites don't want to live with those people and with good reason.

My father grew up in Portchester, NY in a Polish enclave, now it's mostly Peruvian, Ecuadorian, Brazilian, and African American in that neighborhood.

My Polish American uncle a Vietnam Veteran was jumped, and robbed by Black thugs, for walking home in Portchester, NY in the 1980's.

Our area here is now called Slavic Village. While very diverse (and ruined) I remember going to sleep at nights in the summers with the doors wide open; only the screen door closed to keep the bugs out. We used to play outside until dark because parents had no real need for concern about our safety. Neighbors used to gather on their porches on summer nights. Not many had air conditioning at the time, and my grandparents who lived downstairs didn't believe in it. Even though born here, they carried the European culture which was only live with what you absolutely have to have. They did use a fan in front of the screen door however.

My grandfather used to walk to the bar, and take us with him. There we were treated to pop and chips in the corner dining seats while he had conversations in Polish with other patrons. The bar tender always made sure they had warm beer for my grandfather because that's the only way he believed in drinking beer.

Today, you wouldn't even drive down that area without a gun. Places are closed up and the ones that remain open close very early to avoid robberies.

There was a romance about that neighborhood most people today could never experience. In fact a few times in recent years, I drove over there and parked in front of our old house early Sunday mornings to relive that feeling. Today, nobody is up at that time and I knew it was unlikely I would be a victim of a crime.
Speak for yourself Ray. I’m as white as they come and I’ve had roommates from many backgrounds... Sri-lanka, Pakistan, Jewish, German, etc. I value all of them.

Not everybody thinks like you. In fact, I believe your way of thinking is a dying breed.

You do? Then why does white flight still happen in this country? It happened in the area I was born in, in the area I grew up in, and in the area I live in now.

My sister who is very religious recently sold her house here and moved to an all white area. She will never admit to the real reason why, she just makes up all kinds of phony excuses. First she claimed she needed a different house because of the stairs to the bedrooms. She later claimed that she couldn't do yard work or house repairs any longer and needed to be somewhere in a development where that's all taken care of for you.

Until this day she will never admit why she really moved from the house she and her ex-husband designed on their own, built by my father, and the home where she raised her family. Her new house has stairways going to bedrooms upstairs, she still has to do yard work albeit some is taken care of by the homeowners association, and still has to take care of the repairs on the inside of the unit. In fact, I just fixed her toilet a few weeks ago.

She no longer felt safe in her home. That's as close to a real reason that she ever gave me for why she moved. And compared to where she lives now, that house was ten times what this one is. My father built that house with the best quality material, and the best workman ship you could possibly get.
It’s funny how you try and spin it like she was seeking out an all white neighborhood. People judge neighborhoods by schools, nearby businesses, property values, and stuff like that. I’m not buying your white flight BS in the least. Nice try though. Haha


Well WTF do you think makes nice schools, nice shopping centers, and increasing property values.........the kind of wood used to build these things?

The major component that makes a neighborhood are the neighbors. Do you know what would happen if we got rid of fair housing laws and became a segregated society? My property value would double or triple overnight. Yes, with the same school buildings, the same shopping centers (at least the ones that didn't close down yet because of theft and robberies) the same sidewalks and the same streets.

Your argument is the very same used by the left to try and justify disarming society; blame the gun instead of the people.
What do I think makes those things? uhh money, not skin color

Wrong. One in a row. Care to try again?
No need. I already got it right and there’s no way you can prove otherwise. Money makes desirable areas, money makes better schools, higher paying jobs, more amenities and attractions... not race. this isn’t hard logic to understand, it’s kind of shocking that I need to explain it to you.
Diversity is only a strength if you are bringing in different perspectives to attain a goal or solve a problem. Bringing people from all different cultures just for the sake of political correctness and filling quotas will lead to nothing but constant conflict.

Would a baseball manager bring in a Buddhist monk to be his hitting coach on a baseball team because it's so "diverse"????
You do? Then why does white flight still happen in this country? It happened in the area I was born in, in the area I grew up in, and in the area I live in now.

My sister who is very religious recently sold her house here and moved to an all white area. She will never admit to the real reason why, she just makes up all kinds of phony excuses. First she claimed she needed a different house because of the stairs to the bedrooms. She later claimed that she couldn't do yard work or house repairs any longer and needed to be somewhere in a development where that's all taken care of for you.

Until this day she will never admit why she really moved from the house she and her ex-husband designed on their own, built by my father, and the home where she raised her family. Her new house has stairways going to bedrooms upstairs, she still has to do yard work albeit some is taken care of by the homeowners association, and still has to take care of the repairs on the inside of the unit. In fact, I just fixed her toilet a few weeks ago.

She no longer felt safe in her home. That's as close to a real reason that she ever gave me for why she moved. And compared to where she lives now, that house was ten times what this one is. My father built that house with the best quality material, and the best workman ship you could possibly get.
It’s funny how you try and spin it like she was seeking out an all white neighborhood. People judge neighborhoods by schools, nearby businesses, property values, and stuff like that. I’m not buying your white flight BS in the least. Nice try though. Haha


Well WTF do you think makes nice schools, nice shopping centers, and increasing property values.........the kind of wood used to build these things?

The major component that makes a neighborhood are the neighbors. Do you know what would happen if we got rid of fair housing laws and became a segregated society? My property value would double or triple overnight. Yes, with the same school buildings, the same shopping centers (at least the ones that didn't close down yet because of theft and robberies) the same sidewalks and the same streets.

Your argument is the very same used by the left to try and justify disarming society; blame the gun instead of the people.
What do I think makes those things? uhh money, not skin color

Wrong. One in a row. Care to try again?
No need. I already got it right and there’s no way you can prove otherwise. Money makes desirable areas, money makes better schools, higher paying jobs, more amenities and attractions... not race. this isn’t hard logic to understand, it’s kind of shocking that I need to explain it to you.

All you are explaining is your theory--not facts.

I just made a post here about the neighborhood I was born into. People there had no money. My parents didn't have any money at the time, neither did my grandparents, and most nobody did in that neighborhood. So if people didn't have money, how was it such a great place to live?

Around here, I have seen places with money that went right down the tubes. My suburb is a prime example of that. Before it went downhill, they built all brand new school buildings; the theory was great schools would save a neighborhood from decline. Boy were those voters hoodwinked.

The lack of money doesn't cause people to rob stores right into closure. The lack of money doesn't cause people to be so noisy you can't even get a full nights rest. The lack of money didn't cause the murders we have here. The lack of money didn't force our church to stop their annual carnival they used to have that was shut down because of gang fights and riots. The lack of money isn't responsible for people throwing so much garbage on the streets, I can't even cut my tree lawn without clearing all the garbage up first.
On real estate sites today they also throw in a crime index ...wink wink
People had a fit cause it was supposedly "racist"
The diversity crowd is the one driving the balkanization these days ...not the honkys
It will not end well ...we've been warning yas for years .
i have nothing agaisnt blacks
irish blah blah blah
you name it
I dont hate joos...... i hate communist joos
i dont hate blacks...... i dont like phony victim hood left wing activist blacks .
i hate when they attach lefttard agendas and claim victim hoods status
View attachment 265635
This is insane
whitey must die and be punished gotta stop ....youre asking for a future shitstorm .
"The gorup first" " Im american last" will not end well for any of us .
And If im gonna be forced into a group? I choose my own! I choose mighty whity ..
I was with you until your last line. How embarrassing.

Why is the truth embarrassing ?
I didnt have a hand in creating todays climate
Well it depends on what “the truth” is. If the truth is you crap your pants everytime a pretty girl talks to you then that’s pretty embarrassing as was your statement about choosing mighty whity
---------------------------------------- it only makes sense to prefer living amongst your own kind Ray .
By “own kind” do you mean your own race? Why in the world would you think that? I’d rather live amongst people whom I share common interests with. Race makes zero difference

Like i said im not the one who is for balkanizing everyone into a left wing hierachy of "allies "......... and enemies...

If im forced im forced its not in my control so im going to make the best choice for me
Look at our history. We’ve been a diverse place since day one and thrived .

The country may have always had different people in it, but people separated into their own groups and lived with their own. It was really never diversity at all.
Of course it was and is, how in the world can you argue otherwise?

Because whites have always been very exclusive people; even among their own.

When I was a kid back in the 60's, I lived in a Polish section of town. Sure, people could come and shop there or whatever, but don't you dare move there unless you were Polish. The Hungarians had their section, the Slovenians had theirs, the Italians had theirs........

When minorities started to take over the areas, those people left. They gathered to places where the European cultures mixed and just became white areas. When minorities moved there, once again they left.

All those areas are shot now. It's not just because the houses and buildings were older, but the good people are gone. That's the outcome of true diversity. When those groups controlled those areas, they were the safest places in the country.

The same goes on today. When minorities start to move in, whites head for higher grounds. Whites don't want to live with those people and with good reason.

My father grew up in Portchester, NY in a Polish enclave, now it's mostly Peruvian, Ecuadorian, Brazilian, and African American in that neighborhood.

My Polish American uncle a Vietnam Veteran was jumped, and robbed by Black thugs, for walking home in Portchester, NY in the 1980's.

Our area here is now called Slavic Village. While very diverse (and ruined) I remember going to sleep at nights in the summers with the doors wide open; only the screen door closed to keep the bugs out. We used to play outside until dark because parents had no real need for concern about our safety. Neighbors used to gather on their porches on summer nights. Not many had air conditioning at the time, and my grandparents who lived downstairs didn't believe in it. Even though born here, they carried the European culture which was only live with what you absolutely have to have. They did use a fan in front of the screen door however.

My grandfather used to walk to the bar, and take us with him. There we were treated to pop and chips in the corner dining seats while he had conversations in Polish with other patrons. The bar tender always made sure they had warm beer for my grandfather because that's the only way he believed in drinking beer.

Today, you wouldn't even drive down that area without a gun. Places are closed up and the ones that remain open close very early to avoid robberies.

There was a romance about that neighborhood most people today could never experience. In fact a few times in recent years, I drove over there and parked in front of our old house early Sunday mornings to relive that feeling. Today, nobody is up at that time and I knew it was unlikely I would be a victim of a crime.

i had an uncle and a gran pa who did that with us
youd be in the bar at 10 am and theyd start slamming 25 cent glass of beers

Theyd fill ya full of sodas pretzels n chips....breakfast ! being a kid back then we ran that shit off we didnt get fat

The one they would take me too had one of those bowling games ...kinda like an air hockey but youd sprinkle some kind of sand in a can on the top ....and yad slide the heavy puck down the board to knock over the pins ...that game was probably 50 years old when i was playing it....
then they'd start bettin on ya ......:auiqs.jpg:
god i miss them
It’s funny how you try and spin it like she was seeking out an all white neighborhood. People judge neighborhoods by schools, nearby businesses, property values, and stuff like that. I’m not buying your white flight BS in the least. Nice try though. Haha


Well WTF do you think makes nice schools, nice shopping centers, and increasing property values.........the kind of wood used to build these things?

The major component that makes a neighborhood are the neighbors. Do you know what would happen if we got rid of fair housing laws and became a segregated society? My property value would double or triple overnight. Yes, with the same school buildings, the same shopping centers (at least the ones that didn't close down yet because of theft and robberies) the same sidewalks and the same streets.

Your argument is the very same used by the left to try and justify disarming society; blame the gun instead of the people.
What do I think makes those things? uhh money, not skin color

Wrong. One in a row. Care to try again?
No need. I already got it right and there’s no way you can prove otherwise. Money makes desirable areas, money makes better schools, higher paying jobs, more amenities and attractions... not race. this isn’t hard logic to understand, it’s kind of shocking that I need to explain it to you.

All you are explaining is your theory--not facts.

I just made a post here about the neighborhood I was born into. People there had no money. My parents didn't have any money at the time, neither did my grandparents, and most nobody did in that neighborhood. So if people didn't have money, how was it such a great place to live?

Around here, I have seen places with money that went right down the tubes. My suburb is a prime example of that. Before it went downhill, they built all brand new school buildings; the theory was great schools would save a neighborhood from decline. Boy were those voters hoodwinked.

The lack of money doesn't cause people to rob stores right into closure. The lack of money doesn't cause people to be so noisy you can't even get a full nights rest. The lack of money didn't cause the murders we have here. The lack of money didn't force our church to stop their annual carnival they used to have that was shut down because of gang fights and riots. The lack of money isn't responsible for people throwing so much garbage on the streets, I can't even cut my tree lawn without clearing all the garbage up first.
Ray-Your reality and experiences are not correct according to libs and if they were they would be racist. The liberals however are pure in their feelings about what Should be.
I gotta back Slade3200 about what he said about decent income supersedes any racial stereotypes. I have had white trash neighbors that I wouldn't leave my garage door open if I were going inside for a few minutes. I have had, co-worker friends AND neighbors that were black, hispanic, Indian, Asian that I would trust them with a house key to put my mail and newspapers inside when on vacation and knowing that they would keep an eye on my house and they could count on me (and did) likewise. Bar-b-ques, taking turns having the kids over sleep overs so mom and dad could have a "date night". They knowing that their kids were safe and vice versa. Cultural differences didn't mean diddly squat. We were just young parents that also leaned on other young parents and often overwhelmed at times with the awesome responsibility.

I look at the climate today compared to just 25 years ago and what is blatantly obvious to me is that while we were busy chasing the legal tender and trying to maintain the middle class lifestyle? We trusted the wrong people and we were ripe for the pickins' with the propaganda of TV......we were too fucking trusting and we never stopped to think that this "debt is money and money is debt" system would ever create the types of disparities between the haves and the have nots. The middle class wasn't being squeezed like it is today..... Detroit and auto manufactures started feeling the squeeze in the 70's. The rest of us got some hints of it in the 80's but the unfair "Fair Trade Agreements" signed in the 90's was the a shot to the gut and in slow, incremental steps decent blue collar jobs going over seas. People that have no economical means to better their lives will do desperate things. It's kinda easy to say to a homeless person begging on the street "Get it together, pal, this is America" when you don't have to worry about being in his/her place. The tint of one's skin doesn't mean diddly squat to me....it's what a person is inside that matters.

Diversity only helps when placed accordingly with their abilities

When low IQs vote they are not only electing democrat cooks but also helping to destroy the nation
I gotta back Slade3200 about what he said about decent income supersedes any racial stereotypes. I have had white trash neighbors that I wouldn't leave my garage door open if I were going inside for a few minutes. I have had, co-worker friends AND neighbors that were black, hispanic, Indian, Asian that I would trust them with a house key to put my mail and newspapers inside when on vacation and knowing that they would keep an eye on my house and they could count on me (and did) likewise. Bar-b-ques, taking turns having the kids over sleep overs so mom and dad could have a "date night". They knowing that their kids were safe and vice versa. Cultural differences didn't mean diddly squat. We were just young parents that also leaned on other young parents and often overwhelmed at times with the awesome responsibility.

I look at the climate today compared to just 25 years ago and what is blatantly obvious to me is that while we were busy chasing the legal tender and trying to maintain the middle class lifestyle? We trusted the wrong people and we were ripe for the pickins' with the propaganda of TV......we were too fucking trusting and we never stopped to think that this "debt is money and money is debt" system would ever create the types of disparities between the haves and the have nots. The middle class wasn't being squeezed like it is today..... Detroit and auto manufactures started feeling the squeeze in the 70's. The rest of us got some hints of it in the 80's but the unfair "Fair Trade Agreements" signed in the 90's was the a shot to the gut and in slow, incremental steps decent blue collar jobs going over seas. People that have no economical means to better their lives will do desperate things. It's kinda easy to say to a homeless person begging on the street "Get it together, pal, this is America" when you don't have to worry about being in his/her place. The tint of one's skin doesn't mean diddly squat to me....it's what a person is inside that matters.


Data shows different !!
I gotta back Slade3200 about what he said about decent income supersedes any racial stereotypes. I have had white trash neighbors that I wouldn't leave my garage door open if I were going inside for a few minutes. I have had, co-worker friends AND neighbors that were black, hispanic, Indian, Asian that I would trust them with a house key to put my mail and newspapers inside when on vacation and knowing that they would keep an eye on my house and they could count on me (and did) likewise. Bar-b-ques, taking turns having the kids over sleep overs so mom and dad could have a "date night". They knowing that their kids were safe and vice versa. Cultural differences didn't mean diddly squat. We were just young parents that also leaned on other young parents and often overwhelmed at times with the awesome responsibility.

I look at the climate today compared to just 25 years ago and what is blatantly obvious to me is that while we were busy chasing the legal tender and trying to maintain the middle class lifestyle? We trusted the wrong people and we were ripe for the pickins' with the propaganda of TV......we were too fucking trusting and we never stopped to think that this "debt is money and money is debt" system would ever create the types of disparities between the haves and the have nots. The middle class wasn't being squeezed like it is today..... Detroit and auto manufactures started feeling the squeeze in the 70's. The rest of us got some hints of it in the 80's but the unfair "Fair Trade Agreements" signed in the 90's was the a shot to the gut and in slow, incremental steps decent blue collar jobs going over seas. People that have no economical means to better their lives will do desperate things. It's kinda easy to say to a homeless person begging on the street "Get it together, pal, this is America" when you don't have to worry about being in his/her place. The tint of one's skin doesn't mean diddly squat to me....it's what a person is inside that matters.


Data shows different !!

I can only go by my life's experiences.....it's the only thing I have to go on.
I gotta back Slade3200 about what he said about decent income supersedes any racial stereotypes. I have had white trash neighbors that I wouldn't leave my garage door open if I were going inside for a few minutes. I have had, co-worker friends AND neighbors that were black, hispanic, Indian, Asian that I would trust them with a house key to put my mail and newspapers inside when on vacation and knowing that they would keep an eye on my house and they could count on me (and did) likewise. Bar-b-ques, taking turns having the kids over sleep overs so mom and dad could have a "date night". They knowing that their kids were safe and vice versa. Cultural differences didn't mean diddly squat. We were just young parents that also leaned on other young parents and often overwhelmed at times with the awesome responsibility.

I look at the climate today compared to just 25 years ago and what is blatantly obvious to me is that while we were busy chasing the legal tender and trying to maintain the middle class lifestyle? We trusted the wrong people and we were ripe for the pickins' with the propaganda of TV......we were too fucking trusting and we never stopped to think that this "debt is money and money is debt" system would ever create the types of disparities between the haves and the have nots. The middle class wasn't being squeezed like it is today..... Detroit and auto manufactures started feeling the squeeze in the 70's. The rest of us got some hints of it in the 80's but the unfair "Fair Trade Agreements" signed in the 90's was the a shot to the gut and in slow, incremental steps decent blue collar jobs going over seas. People that have no economical means to better their lives will do desperate things. It's kinda easy to say to a homeless person begging on the street "Get it together, pal, this is America" when you don't have to worry about being in his/her place. The tint of one's skin doesn't mean diddly squat to me....it's what a person is inside that matters.


Data shows different !!

I can only go by my life's experiences.....it's the only thing I have to go on.

Yes there are indeed some white trash

Look at the prison population some of every race

But just like how voting tells you who are the most wise also the prison population also shows this
I gotta back Slade3200 about what he said about decent income supersedes any racial stereotypes. I have had white trash neighbors that I wouldn't leave my garage door open if I were going inside for a few minutes. I have had, co-worker friends AND neighbors that were black, hispanic, Indian, Asian that I would trust them with a house key to put my mail and newspapers inside when on vacation and knowing that they would keep an eye on my house and they could count on me (and did) likewise. Bar-b-ques, taking turns having the kids over sleep overs so mom and dad could have a "date night". They knowing that their kids were safe and vice versa. Cultural differences didn't mean diddly squat. We were just young parents that also leaned on other young parents and often overwhelmed at times with the awesome responsibility.

I look at the climate today compared to just 25 years ago and what is blatantly obvious to me is that while we were busy chasing the legal tender and trying to maintain the middle class lifestyle? We trusted the wrong people and we were ripe for the pickins' with the propaganda of TV......we were too fucking trusting and we never stopped to think that this "debt is money and money is debt" system would ever create the types of disparities between the haves and the have nots. The middle class wasn't being squeezed like it is today..... Detroit and auto manufactures started feeling the squeeze in the 70's. The rest of us got some hints of it in the 80's but the unfair "Fair Trade Agreements" signed in the 90's was the a shot to the gut and in slow, incremental steps decent blue collar jobs going over seas. People that have no economical means to better their lives will do desperate things. It's kinda easy to say to a homeless person begging on the street "Get it together, pal, this is America" when you don't have to worry about being in his/her place. The tint of one's skin doesn't mean diddly squat to me....it's what a person is inside that matters.


Data shows different !!

I can only go by my life's experiences.....it's the only thing I have to go on.

Yes there are indeed some white trash

Look at the prison population some of every race

But just like how voting tells you who are the most wise also the prison population also shows this

All the ways shows that the white race are indeed the most wise !!
Haha...Slade, only you self manipulated, self proclaimed Feelgooders believe that a group of good, productive people become better when a needy, dependent thirdworlder is thrown into the group.
My personal experience and interactions with immigrants have shown far more eager and hard working individuals than needy dependent third worlders. The propaganda has apparently seeped into your brain

You must be hanging around LEGAL Asian immigrants?
I interact will all kinds of people. Sounds like you keep yourself in a pretty small bubble. Am I right?

Mama always told me to surround myself with good people; she said to stay away from criminals...she warned that if I laced with dogs I’d get their fleas....all shit you LefTies were never taught.
Just as I thought. Stay in your small minded bubble if that’s where you are happy, but don’t be surprised when the world passes you by

In my small minded bubble we like facts, data, real world shit and not personal FEELZ.
“The world passes me by?”
Huh...you honestly believe that diversity is a key element to progression...that’s some funny shit.

Look at our history. We’ve been a diverse place since day one and thrived .

The country may have always had different people in it, but people separated into their own groups and lived with their own. It was really never diversity at all.
------------------- yep , thats what i remember as i grew up with it . Polocks lived in one area , Whops in another , Irish over there and Welsh over there and then the Germans and Russians . The things they did share was they were all civilized by Christianity and Western ways Ray .

Yes, but the point is people are generally happier living with their own kind; at least white people. Diversity was not something that people chose on their own, it was forced upon us. So I don't know how anybody can say forced diversity made us a better country. I think a segregated country was much better.
Speak for yourself Ray. I’m as white as they come and I’ve had roommates from many backgrounds... Sri-lanka, Pakistan, Jewish, German, etc. I value all of them.

Not everybody thinks like you. In fact, I believe your way of thinking is a dying breed.

Yep, “dying breed” yet 30 states and 2,623 counties just elected a President on his ‘no more wetbacks platform’.
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No, you have more than your life experience to go on. You have American history. Indigenes were not allowed by the U.S. government to perform their religious ceremony at the Washington monument, a serious contradiction depending on what real estate the ceremony occurs, post-removal to reservations.
It’s funny how you try and spin it like she was seeking out an all white neighborhood. People judge neighborhoods by schools, nearby businesses, property values, and stuff like that. I’m not buying your white flight BS in the least. Nice try though. Haha


Well WTF do you think makes nice schools, nice shopping centers, and increasing property values.........the kind of wood used to build these things?

The major component that makes a neighborhood are the neighbors. Do you know what would happen if we got rid of fair housing laws and became a segregated society? My property value would double or triple overnight. Yes, with the same school buildings, the same shopping centers (at least the ones that didn't close down yet because of theft and robberies) the same sidewalks and the same streets.

Your argument is the very same used by the left to try and justify disarming society; blame the gun instead of the people.
What do I think makes those things? uhh money, not skin color

Wrong. One in a row. Care to try again?
No need. I already got it right and there’s no way you can prove otherwise. Money makes desirable areas, money makes better schools, higher paying jobs, more amenities and attractions... not race. this isn’t hard logic to understand, it’s kind of shocking that I need to explain it to you.

All you are explaining is your theory--not facts.

I just made a post here about the neighborhood I was born into. People there had no money. My parents didn't have any money at the time, neither did my grandparents, and most nobody did in that neighborhood. So if people didn't have money, how was it such a great place to live?

Around here, I have seen places with money that went right down the tubes. My suburb is a prime example of that. Before it went downhill, they built all brand new school buildings; the theory was great schools would save a neighborhood from decline. Boy were those voters hoodwinked.

The lack of money doesn't cause people to rob stores right into closure. The lack of money doesn't cause people to be so noisy you can't even get a full nights rest. The lack of money didn't cause the murders we have here. The lack of money didn't force our church to stop their annual carnival they used to have that was shut down because of gang fights and riots. The lack of money isn't responsible for people throwing so much garbage on the streets, I can't even cut my tree lawn without clearing all the garbage up first.
While I do agree that you don’t need money to live in a safe desirable area I don’t think race is the determining factor that builds community. There are definitely some areas built around race and heritage. Little Italy, Chinatown, doucheville, etc. some people value that kind of thing and want to live in it. But there are other areas built around common interests that attract a diverse crowd.... Art, music, sports, religion, outdoors etc

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