Politicians: Diversity is what makes us great!

An unwise person voting is doing a crime against himself

Anyone doing an ability that they don't have are commiting a crime against oneself

The democrats having record low IQs voting are guilty of crime against nature
I gotta back Slade3200 about what he said about decent income supersedes any racial stereotypes. I have had white trash neighbors that I wouldn't leave my garage door open if I were going inside for a few minutes. I have had, co-worker friends AND neighbors that were black, hispanic, Indian, Asian that I would trust them with a house key to put my mail and newspapers inside when on vacation and knowing that they would keep an eye on my house and they could count on me (and did) likewise. Bar-b-ques, taking turns having the kids over sleep overs so mom and dad could have a "date night". They knowing that their kids were safe and vice versa. Cultural differences didn't mean diddly squat. We were just young parents that also leaned on other young parents and often overwhelmed at times with the awesome responsibility.

I look at the climate today compared to just 25 years ago and what is blatantly obvious to me is that while we were busy chasing the legal tender and trying to maintain the middle class lifestyle? We trusted the wrong people and we were ripe for the pickins' with the propaganda of TV......we were too fucking trusting and we never stopped to think that this "debt is money and money is debt" system would ever create the types of disparities between the haves and the have nots. The middle class wasn't being squeezed like it is today..... Detroit and auto manufactures started feeling the squeeze in the 70's. The rest of us got some hints of it in the 80's but the unfair "Fair Trade Agreements" signed in the 90's was the a shot to the gut and in slow, incremental steps decent blue collar jobs going over seas. People that have no economical means to better their lives will do desperate things. It's kinda easy to say to a homeless person begging on the street "Get it together, pal, this is America" when you don't have to worry about being in his/her place. The tint of one's skin doesn't mean diddly squat to me....it's what a person is inside that matters.


Data shows different !!

I can only go by my life's experiences.....it's the only thing I have to go on.

Yes there are indeed some white trash

Look at the prison population some of every race

But just like how voting tells you who are the most wise also the prison population also shows this

All the ways shows that the white race are indeed the most wise !!

The white race is the most brutal . Just look at history and how they ended up ruling everyone by being heartless and bloodthirsty.


Whites has brought the world out of the misery of the Stone Age

Whites helped all other people to lower their high infant mortality rates

Whites with their inventive nature are the only ones that can save the world from a destructive astroid hit

Wake up people
I gotta back Slade3200 about what he said about decent income supersedes any racial stereotypes. I have had white trash neighbors that I wouldn't leave my garage door open if I were going inside for a few minutes. I have had, co-worker friends AND neighbors that were black, hispanic, Indian, Asian that I would trust them with a house key to put my mail and newspapers inside when on vacation and knowing that they would keep an eye on my house and they could count on me (and did) likewise. Bar-b-ques, taking turns having the kids over sleep overs so mom and dad could have a "date night". They knowing that their kids were safe and vice versa. Cultural differences didn't mean diddly squat. We were just young parents that also leaned on other young parents and often overwhelmed at times with the awesome responsibility.

I look at the climate today compared to just 25 years ago and what is blatantly obvious to me is that while we were busy chasing the legal tender and trying to maintain the middle class lifestyle? We trusted the wrong people and we were ripe for the pickins' with the propaganda of TV......we were too fucking trusting and we never stopped to think that this "debt is money and money is debt" system would ever create the types of disparities between the haves and the have nots. The middle class wasn't being squeezed like it is today..... Detroit and auto manufactures started feeling the squeeze in the 70's. The rest of us got some hints of it in the 80's but the unfair "Fair Trade Agreements" signed in the 90's was the a shot to the gut and in slow, incremental steps decent blue collar jobs going over seas. People that have no economical means to better their lives will do desperate things. It's kinda easy to say to a homeless person begging on the street "Get it together, pal, this is America" when you don't have to worry about being in his/her place. The tint of one's skin doesn't mean diddly squat to me....it's what a person is inside that matters.


Data shows different !!

I can only go by my life's experiences.....it's the only thing I have to go on.

Yes there are indeed some white trash

Look at the prison population some of every race

But just like how voting tells you who are the most wise also the prison population also shows this

All the ways shows that the white race are indeed the most wise !!

The white race is the most brutal . Just look at history and how they ended up ruling everyone by being heartless and bloodthirsty.

Painting one and all with the same wide brush.......so I should apply that to ANTIFA and that they represent all leftards???
Diversity is communism at work, divide and conquor, ever hear of it? You better learn it or America is doomed. Historically, the world wanted to be like America, so they come here and then what? They want to change us to be like them, well, here's what I got to say, "Fuck you, in the nose, asshole".

English, French, Germans, Irish, Greeks, Asians, Jews, Indians, Arabs. For the most part, all of those nationalities have merged into Americans. As a separate race, Asians are more to themselves and are highly successful. Indians were promised if they gave us their guns, we would take care of them and we know that is an utter failure.

As you know, Julius R. Oppenheimer, an American, is the Father of the Atomic Bomb. That had nothing to do with speaking German. That being the case, I have no clue about what you mean by us would be speaking German were it not for Diversity.
I thought we had to steal scientists from Germany to develop the atomic bomb. No?

After we defeated Germany a lot of their scientists came to America that was after we already had developed the bombed and dropped it on Japan. aka operation paperclip


Over one hundred scientists who had fled from the Nazis contributed immeasurably to the effort. America benefited by being one of the few countries during these dark years before and during World War II that opened its doors to these refugees.

The "Martians," four brilliant scientists who were born in the same neighborhood in Budapest, Hungary, allegedly earned their nickname from Enrico Fermi. A refugee from Italy himself, Fermi quipped that there must have been a spaceship from Mars that landed in Budapest, dropping off the extraordinarily gifted Edward Teller, Eugene Wigner, John von Neumann, and Leo Szilard.

The British mission, led by Sir James Chadwick, also made very important contributions. Well versed in experimental physics, the 20-plus members of the British mission in Los Alamos were instrumental in translating the abstract notions of the theorists into reality.

Well, of course a lot of scientists fled Germany

to escape the Nazis...including Einstein...but when you referred to the 'stolen' scientists I assumed you were referring to 'operation paperclip' when after the defeat of Germany we 'stole' a lot of german scientists from under the noses of the Russians who had their own program to confiscate nazi scientists.
Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program to Bring Nazi Scientists to America — Central Intelligence Agency

I think the Manhattan Project is a great example of how diversity made America great

In just 27 months, America accomplished what other nations thought impossible. How did the United States achieve the remarkable feat of building an atomic bomb when Germany, Italy and Japan failed? Hundreds of physicists, mathematicians, and engineers were needed to design, build, and test the world's first atomic weapon and the Unites States government did everything in its power to lure these individuals to the Manhattan Project.

Over one hundred scientists who had recently fled from the Nazis contributed immeasurably to the effort. America benefited by being one of the few countries during these dark years before and during World War II that opened its doors to these refugees. The "Martians," four brilliant scientists who were born in the same neighborhood in Budapest, Hungary, allegedly earned their nickname from Enrico Fermi. A refugee from Italy himself, Fermi quipped that there must have been a spaceship from Mars that landed in Budapest, dropping off the extraordinarily gifted Edward Teller, Eugene Wigner, John von Neumann, and Leo Szilard. The British mission, led by Sir James Chadwick, also made very important contributions. Well versed in experimental physics, the 20-plus members of the British mission in Los Alamos were instrumental in translating the abstract notions of the theorists into reality.

So immigrants from Germany, Hungary, Italy and England were all involved.

Lets just say if it were up to white American men born in America to build the bomb, we'd probably be speaking German today.
Those brilliant white men really delivered. Thank God for those white men to help us end a terrible war. We reallt owe those white men a debt of gratitude. Open the door to white immigration. We see how well that worked.
An unwise person voting is doing a crime against himself

Anyone doing an ability that they don't have are commiting a crime against oneself

The democrats having record low IQs voting are guilty of crime against nature

Rare to see such insight on dis here boid.

Obviously letting the masses vote is a mistake....our democracy or republic actually is falling apart before our very eyes because toooooo many stoooopids are allowed to vote...not to even mention women....another mistake letting creatures ruled by their emotions to vote. hehheh puhleezzze do not send me any hate mail. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
An unwise person voting is doing a crime against himself

Anyone doing an ability that they don't have are commiting a crime against oneself

The democrats having record low IQs voting are guilty of crime against nature
Yet, people still vote Republican

Low information voters
An unwise person voting is doing a crime against himself

Anyone doing an ability that they don't have are commiting a crime against oneself

The democrats having record low IQs voting are guilty of crime against nature

Rare to see such insight on dis here boid.

Obviously letting the masses vote is a mistake....our democracy or republic actually is falling apart before our very eyes because toooooo many stoooopids are allowed to vote...not to even mention women....another mistake letting creatures ruled by their emotions to vote. hehheh puhleezzze do not send me any hate mail. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

If it were up to me, you would have to take a short and simple test before being allowed to vote. That way we would only have people that had a clue as to what they are voting on.

If we did that, the Democrats would have a conniption. They heavily rely on the uninformed for their support. It's why they are pushing for criminals, ex-cons, and teenagers to vote. They are running out of stupid people and need more.
Who was the dim bulb chirping “people are concentrated there so it’s a concentration camp”???

Orange juice is the official beverage as it too is concentrated.
Yes an unwise person voting is doing a crime against how he was made

That crime then makes them elect crooks that robs them blind

A corporation makes the best long term profit by putting each person into their ability job ...
So far we’re 63 pages in and nobody has shown us how Americans benefit from the brown folk invasion.
The best someone has come up with is “food recipes”....$100B a year spent and all we get in return are food recipes?

Come on CowboyTed or G.T.
Surely you can prove that we benefit...right?
yeah , food recipes and new spices . Its just silly , my Mom was making Eyetalian and Russian food and 'mex' chili in 1955 that i remember . She used recipe cards and recipe books or ideas from neighbors . Though i woulda lived fine on hamburgers and a bit of Salt and Pepper , White Bread , onions and Garlic . All DIVERSITY does is divide the USA Population against itself .
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Yes there are indeed some white trash

Look at the prison population some of every race

But just like how voting tells you who are the most wise also the prison population also shows this

All the ways shows that the white race are indeed the most wise !!

The white race is the most brutal . Just look at history and how they ended up ruling everyone by being heartless and bloodthirsty.
Nope. Just effective.

Nope. Just evil.

We need to have more of a mocha country so we can survive the hot days due to climate change . White peeps can’t handle the sun!

Yep, we need a society of people who can handle UV rays well... that’s our priority… Since all the nations that can handle UV rays well are thriving and kicking ass
---------------------------------------- and they dance and do indiscriminate slaughter , cannibalism [see 'uganda' and the future of S africa] and play ball games very nicely eh Timmy ??
yeah , food recipes and new spices . Its just silly , my Mom was making Eyetalian and Russian food and 'mex' chili in 1955 that i remember . She used recipe cards and recipe books or ideas from neighbors . Though i woulda lived fine on hamburgers and a bit of Salt and Pepper , White Bread , onions and Garlic . All DIVERSITY does is divide the USA Population against itself .
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.

Diversity is so expensive societies eventually collapse under its weight.

You would think India would be a Utopia if diversity is such an advantage.

Besides, when liberals say diversity they dont really man diversity. They despise different thinking for one. Notice that when one state or community has a different idea they always go all out to crush it and bring it into line.

This is what liberals really mean by diversity..in their own words. THIS is what they call diversity. I didnt write the headline. They did.

All the ways shows that the white race are indeed the most wise !!

The white race is the most brutal . Just look at history and how they ended up ruling everyone by being heartless and bloodthirsty.
Nope. Just effective.

Nope. Just evil.

We need to have more of a mocha country so we can survive the hot days due to climate change . White peeps can’t handle the sun!

Yep, we need a society of people who can handle UV rays well... that’s our priority… Since all the nations that can handle UV rays well are thriving and kicking ass
---------------------------------------- and they dance and do indiscriminate slaughter , cannibalism [see 'uganda' and the future of S africa] and play ball games very nicely eh Timmy ??
------------------------------------- they were also quite good at necklacing their opposition in S africa maybe 15 or so years ago . 'winnie mandela' the 'wife' of 'n. mandela ' took part in the practice 'necklacing' from what i have read Timmy .
The US is probably the most diverse nation on earth. Has been for a very long time.

Do you bigots hate your own country?
It has not really been diverse. The country had been dominated by the descendants of white, Christian, Europeans. We had differences but they were small. Then we had much smaller ethnic groups. They were too small to cause a problem until 1965 when democrats changed the immigration laws.

No we don't hate our own country. That country has already been murdered. We just hate the killers. We still call it the United States of America because we must call the landmass something.
Why is it that only the most successful white nations, who became that way with low levels of diversity, are the ones who are deemed in need of diversity?
Why is it that only the most successful white nations, who became that way with low levels of diversity, are the ones who are deemed in need of diversity?
------------------------------------------ very good question DOTR .
Why is it that only the most successful white nations, who became that way with low levels of diversity, are the ones who are deemed in need of diversity?

The people of diversity are the only ones that need diversity. That's why you never see white people moving into a minority neighborhood. It's always the other way around.

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