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Politico: Carson lied about admission to West Point.

Making Carson's claim a fabrication.

Everyone who attends West Point gets a "full scholarship." This was pointed out to Carson when he was encouraged to apply. Why is this so difficult to comprehend?
The breaking news is that Carson's campaign says that Politico is lying.
Dr. Carson lied. Which is terrible,

Now had he been dodging sniper fire while looking to stop videos of Muhammad on the internet while protecting Chelsea who was jogging by the WTC when the planes struck, as someone named after Sir Edmund Hillary, knowing that when she turned 6 he would scale Everest, while dead broke with only $4 million in liquid assets, he would be a hero to the dims...

At least you're acknowledge that Carson lied. Which puts you head and shoulders above most here.
So why is it a bad thing if he lied, I am sure you lied at one time(probably all the time since you are liberal) you honor you politicians who lie all the time. Do you hate Ben Carson because he is a person of color? And can use the race card against your ALL WHITE OLD FOGGIES that are running on the dumbocrat ticket?
that's ridiculous. Why would Hillary's parade of lies I've only scratched the surface of in this thread not sell?

One reason is that scandals have expiration dates. In 2008 Romney was painted in a bad light, and he could not get nominated. Four years later, the public had a better view of him. When Reagan was sitting as President the Iran-Contra affair cost him alot of good will with the public. Nowadays, it barely scratches the surface of his public image. In the late 90s the Monica Lewinsky affair had a significant negative impact on President Clinton, even having a palatable effect on Al Gore's public image. Nowadays, hardly anyone cares anymore what he did. Hillary's sniper fire story from 2008 is simply old news. Most people just don't care anymore if she made up the story. The public will forgive, given enough time. Just like nobody talks about Romney putting that dog on the car roof.

Another reason why people don't care is because of poor scandal management by the Republican party. There's been too many instances of making mountains out of molehills. This creates an image of desperation. The Republicans on Capital Hill went so far as to convene a massive investigation for the political purpose of making Hillary Clinton look bad. The public expects politicians to make much ado about nothing, and that results in the public being inherently dismissive when it happens. And that leads to the next point...

The public only wants to see attacks on Republicans.

Which means that the political bias is in the public, and the media is simply selling what the public wants to buy. That is the nature of their business, after all. The media has been providing call kinds of coverage of the Benghazi scandal. The public wants to hear about it. But the reason is because the public never believed the Republicans were telling the truth about it. The more the Republicans pressed the issue and turned out little more than wild extrapolations, the more the scandal worked against the Republicans. You are interpreting public opinion as media bias.

The Republicans need to be smarter with the way they handle potential scandals. When the politicians start jumping up and down, the public will understand that the politicians have their own political motives, and will tend to be dismissive of the politicians' claims. When politicians are reserved about it and allow the scandal to develop without trying to direct it, the public will reach damning conclusions on its own. When the John Edwards affair came out there wasn't much talk by the politicians, and the public ate it up and developed its own condemnation of Edwards. Right now, the Democrats are maintaining their composure towards Carson and once again letting the public come to its own condemnation.

Several weeks ago I watched a few youtube videos, and then did some other reading, into the strategies that lawyers implement in cross examining witnesses in trials for the sake of impeachment. One of the vital themes that was continually present through it all is that you shouldn't tell a jury what to believe, because the jury will most likely disagree with your conclusions because they know you have a biased motive. Instead, you have to allow the jury to put two-and-two together on their own. Everyone wants to feel smart by figuring something out on their own, and everyone will believe their own assessment over the conclusions of a biased party. Republicans need to start doing more of that, and the public will be more inclined embrace the negative images of Democratic candidates that the GOP wants them to see.
Dr. Carson lied. Which is terrible,

Now had he been dodging sniper fire while looking to stop videos of Muhammad on the internet while protecting Chelsea who was jogging by the WTC when the planes struck, as someone named after Sir Edmund Hillary, knowing that when she turned 6 he would scale Everest, while dead broke with only $4 million in liquid assets, he would be a hero to the dims...

At least you're acknowledge that Carson lied. Which puts you head and shoulders above most here.
So why is it a bad thing if he lied, I am sure you lied at one time(probably all the time since you are liberal) you honor you politicians who lie all the time. Do you hate Ben Carson because he is a person of color? And can use the race card against your ALL WHITE OLD FOGGIES that are running on the dumbocrat ticket?

When did I say that "Hillary doesn't lie"? When did Hillary say that she "dodged fire in Afghanistan"?

Just quote each of us respectively.
Are reports of Ben Carson running down the street with his pants on fire true?

While dodging sniper fire?

Oh, that's different though - stolen valor is kewl, as long as there is a (D) after the name.
Stolen Valor is when a person falsely claims to have been in the military or been awarded medals to indicate valor. Don't misuse the term and title of a law to imply it means a civilian making claims about being under a threat of some kind of danger.
Carson, like Cain, is the shield conservatives use against the racist claims.

While they *might* vote for the guy..there is a strong possibility they will not.

LiberalracistssayWHAT?! :lmao:

Obama himself was the one who promised no the 'race card' would not be pulled during his candidacy or during his Presidency...and then HE became the 1st one to do so. Liberals have constantly used the accusation of 'racism' as a shield to deflect from Obama's failed policies and actions and as a weapon to attack and silence his critics!

Damn, just when you think you have seen every bit of hypocrisy you can from the Left...'pop goes the weasel'...up it pops again.

He didn't pull out any race card until after the second election. And that's mainly after republicans were calling him all sorts of names..
Did he lie??

He was introduced to folks from West Point by his ROTC Supervisors," Carson campaign manager Barry Bennett told Politico. "They told him they could help him get an appointment based on his grades and performance in ROTC. He considered it but in the end did not seek admission

Ben Carson Never Applied to West Point, Campaign Says

If he said he was appointed then he did lie. If not. It is what it is.
The basis is , you racist bastard, is that you say Hillary doesn't lie and I pointed out that she lies all the time, like the 1/2 white president does, and you have no problem

And where did I say 'Hillary doesn't lie'? Feel free to quote me.

If you can't, then that's the second quote you've lied about this thread alone.
Rules for radicals is to turn the argument on the person pointing out the issue, when he has to go on the defensive then the issue will be dropped. Nice try but I know all about you and your liberal ways. HILLARY LIED AND PEOPLE DIED. OBAMA LIED AND PEOPLE DIED. Funny when it was said about George Bush, the liberals wanted impeachment, today, not a word. Cant wait till you guys end up like Chris Stephens, and your parents or kids will be wondering why? Such stupid people who vote dumbocrat.

And where did I say 'Hillary doesn't lie'? Where did Hillary say anything about 'dodging fire in Afghanistan'?

Show us. Don't tell us.

Here you go...

Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire - CNN.com

And where is there any mention of her claiming she dodged fire in Afghanistan?
And where did I say 'Hillary doesn't lie'? Feel free to quote me.

If you can't, then that's the second quote you've lied about this thread alone.
Rules for radicals is to turn the argument on the person pointing out the issue, when he has to go on the defensive then the issue will be dropped. Nice try but I know all about you and your liberal ways. HILLARY LIED AND PEOPLE DIED. OBAMA LIED AND PEOPLE DIED. Funny when it was said about George Bush, the liberals wanted impeachment, today, not a word. Cant wait till you guys end up like Chris Stephens, and your parents or kids will be wondering why? Such stupid people who vote dumbocrat.

And where did I say 'Hillary doesn't lie'? Where did Hillary say anything about 'dodging fire in Afghanistan'?

Show us. Don't tell us.

Here you go...

Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire - CNN.com

And where is there any mention of her claiming she dodged fire in Afghanistan?

That's not the claim. The claim offered in this thread was that she made claims about dodging fire in Afghanistan.

Did the poster 'misspeak'. Or did the poster lie?
Are reports of Ben Carson running down the street with his pants on fire true?

While dodging sniper fire?

Oh, that's different though - stolen valor is kewl, as long as there is a (D) after the name.
Stolen Valor is when a person falsely claims to have been in the military or been awarded medals to indicate valor. Don't misuse the term and title of a law to imply it means a civilian making claims about being under a threat of some kind of danger.
They are like a dog with a bone over that story.

They also seem to forget that she did go to a very dangerous area and she was warned about Sniper Fire. She's also been subjected to violence in other areas.

That's entire unlike George W. Bush who touted his military service as a plus, but didn't even bother to show up to his post.
very creative sense of truth. Maybe he should right fiction instead of run for the highest office in the land
It's commencing now, some convenient memory loss in the former Carson keister-kissers.

"Ben Carson? Who's he? No, no, I never screamed liberals were racists for instantly recognizing he was an obvious scammer. Must have been someone else you're thinking of. Lying about Hillary or Obama has always worked before to change the topic away from my bad behavior, so let's go with that. See! Look! Over there! Shiny object!"

We should all keep piling on Carson, of course. Other pathologically dishonest raging narcissists need to witness him going down in flames, to discourage them from trying to follow his example. And we should keep piling on the former Carson groupies, to show them there's a price to be paid for race-baiting and covering up lies.

Don't worry, conservatives. You've got a dozen other liars out there who need you to whitewash their lies. And you will. Like good soldiers, you'll keep screaming it's not a lie, it's a plot by the liberal media. Exactly like you all did with Carson, right up until the lies got so big even you couldn't excuse them any more. So don't try to pass of that "see, we conservatives point out lies!" bullshit, not after you've spent months excusing Carson's other lies.
Did he lie??

He was introduced to folks from West Point by his ROTC Supervisors," Carson campaign manager Barry Bennett told Politico. "They told him they could help him get an appointment based on his grades and performance in ROTC. He considered it but in the end did not seek admission

Ben Carson Never Applied to West Point, Campaign Says

If he said he was appointed then he did lie. If not. It is what it is.

He said he was offered a full scholarship to attend.

Westpoint doesn't have 'full scholarships'. And to receive any offer for a free education you must first apply.

Westpoint has no record of Carson ever applying.

Carson lied.
Has there been a time when Obama hasn't lied to the people since taking office.

Which makes Carson's lies somehow okay?

I'm just trying to level the playing field. That's all.

.....by ignoring Carson's overt, calculated lie, and refusing to discuss or even acknowledge it exists?

I think the term you're looking for is 'willful ignorance'.

You're way off base dumshit. Way off base b

Really? You've yet to acknowledge that Carson ever lied. To discuss it. To even mention it.

Sounds like I got it exactly right.

By my very posting here in order to level the playing field is in fact an admission on my part. You see the problem is, dumshits like you are to stupid to figure that out.
Which makes Carson's lies somehow okay?

I'm just trying to level the playing field. That's all.

.....by ignoring Carson's overt, calculated lie, and refusing to discuss or even acknowledge it exists?

I think the term you're looking for is 'willful ignorance'.

You're way off base dumshit. Way off base b

Really? You've yet to acknowledge that Carson ever lied. To discuss it. To even mention it.

Sounds like I got it exactly right.

By my very posting here in order to level the playing field is in fact an admission on my part. You see the problem is, dumshits like you are to stupid to figure that out.

Your very posting here was to try and change the topic. To never acknowledge that Carson ever lied. To refuse to discuss it.

That's willful ignorance. Not 'leveling the playing field'. Even now......you refuse to even mention Carson's name. Let alone admit his lies even exist.
I'm just trying to level the playing field. That's all.

.....by ignoring Carson's overt, calculated lie, and refusing to discuss or even acknowledge it exists?

I think the term you're looking for is 'willful ignorance'.

You're way off base dumshit. Way off base b

Really? You've yet to acknowledge that Carson ever lied. To discuss it. To even mention it.

Sounds like I got it exactly right.

By my very posting here in order to level the playing field is in fact an admission on my part. You see the problem is, dumshits like you are to stupid to figure that out.

Your very posting here was to try and change the topic. To never acknowledge that Carson ever lied. To refuse to discuss it.

That's willful ignorance. Not 'leveling the playing field'. Even now......you refuse to even mention Carson's name. Let alone admit his lies even exist.

Come on dumshit, pimping out the same old crap over & over ain't helping. You're still a dumshit.

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