Politico: many Trump detractors plan to vote FOR vote for him in the primaries


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
Haters for Trump

They think Donald Trump’s ideas are “disgusting.” They think he is making a mockery of the American political system and that even he doesn’t take his own candidacy seriously. And that is exactly why they say they plan to vote for him.

Meet Trump’s protest voters...

...Like many sincere Trump supporters, they believe the system is totally screwed up. But instead of viewing Trump as the solution, they view him as the embodiment of the problem. And they say they’re prepared to vote for him to prove it.

“This is the candidate America deserves,” said Jeff DeFlavio, 29, a small-business owner registered as an independent in the nearby town of Lebanon. He said he plans to vote for Trump in the primary, but adds, “His immigration policy is disgusting to me. It’s absolutely revolting … I really don’t want him to become president ever. Ever. He would destroy the world, which is what’s so wonderful about him.”...

...These Trump voters come from both ends of the political spectrum and from nowhere on it. Their motivations differ. But they are united by both antipathy and a lack of regard for the man they say has their vote.

Pollsters don’t know how many of these voters are out there and have doubts about whether they will follow through and choose Trump on primary day. But they say the phenomenon is a real one, and in a hotly contested nominating contest, these protest voters could matter — perhaps nowhere more so than in New Hampshire, where independent voters can cast ballots in the Republican primary and, unlike Iowa, don’t have to caucus for hours to make their point.

On the Dartmouth College campus, a center of both mischief and political activity in the state, the idea has currency. “Voting for Donald Trump would make for great times. It would be great times,” said rising junior Charlie Lundquist, 20. “But it’s all fun and games until he actually gets elected and runs our country into a shithole.”

I am generally not very trusting of articles such as these, because, well, there is just no way to measure and as the article states, pollsters also have no idea how many of these people are out there.

Remember the so-called PUMA's (Party Unity My Ass) who "appeared" after Obama clinched the Democratic nomination in 2008? They claimed there were millions of Hillary supporters who would never vote for Obama. It never happened. It was just a McCain ploy, as we now know.

So, I am skeptical of such stuff.

But one thing I can add is this: as far as Democrats and Independents are concerned, if there are Trump detractors out there who are planning to vote for the man in the hopes that he gets nominated by the GOP only to get crushed on election night, they will have no say in the completely closed primary states. Independents could do this is semi-primary states and Democrats could do this in open primary states OR in states that allow last minute party switches and for that, the best example I know of is: Pennsylvania.

Rush Limbaugh knew this too back in 2008 when he proposed his now infamous "Operation Chaos" in order to keep the fight for the Democratic nomination as tight as possible and one of the states that he focused on the most was Pennsylvania, which allows for almost last-minute switches. The beautiful thing about Pennsylvania is that is publishes some of the most detailed voter registration statistics among all of the states, including weekly party switch-reports, down to D to R, R to D, D to I, I to D, R to I, I to R and so forth. So, were mischief like this to happen, a look at Pennsylvania's stats shortly before the primary could indeed be enlightening.

Either way, this is going to be interesting to watch.

Jesus you're optimistic.

No one knows if Trump will even be there for the primaries.

As for his ideas being disgusting?? Not hardly. He's saying what those polled want to hear despite the Trump haters. Hence his lead in the polls.

But no one knows if it will last or if he will even be around for the primaries.
Jesus you're optimistic.

No one knows if Trump will even be there for the primaries.

As for his ideas being disgusting?? Not hardly. He's saying what those polled want to hear despite the Trump haters. Hence his lead in the polls.

But no one knows if it will last or if he will even be around for the primaries.

Actually, I'm just reporting what is being printed these days. It's called READING.

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